Chapter 643 Scaling Up
"Simei, Uncle Qiao can do it, and he also knows that being a person can't be too selfish."

After listening to Qiao Simei's narration, Niu Ye said to Qiao Simei that every time he heard Qiao Zuwang's talk, don't be too selfish, Niu Ye wanted to laugh.

"Brother Niu, my dad is your future father-in-law, so be serious."

"Okay, I'm serious. You asked me to come to the restaurant today. This is what you want to talk about. You just want to talk about Brother Ni's marriage, which is considered to have passed at your Qiao's house. I heard the same thing from your sister."

"It's not just this. I asked you to come here today to tell you that I'm not going to work in this restaurant anymore."

"Qiao Simei, do you want to raise your salary?"

"It's not about the salary, I just don't want to work in this small restaurant. I want to go to a big hotel, the Huamei Hotel, our newly opened foreign-related restaurant. You know, I have already applied for a job, and I want to work there."

Qiao Simei lowered her head and said embarrassedly, although this girl is not good at studying, she is really smart. Before talking about this kind of thing, she knew to talk about Qiao Zuwang first to make Niu Ye feel better.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, you can go if you want. After you left, I just sold out the restaurant here. I was still in trouble. After graduation, I didn't come to school often, so I didn't care about it. By the way, whether the restaurant should be opened or not. You just helped me make a choice."

Qiao Simei didn't need the restaurant job, which just made Niu Ye less worried.

"Brother Niu, you really don't want to open a restaurant, didn't you just buy the shop?"

"Of course I really don't want to open it. I'm going to work soon. The hospital is so busy, I can't take care of it. Of course I don't want to open it. My parents have such a big factory, and my family is not bad. The small restaurant earns this little money. It doesn’t matter if you buy the shop, and I can still collect the rent if it’s sold out, so you really don’t have to worry about it.”

Niu Ye sincerely persuaded Qiao Simei that it's good that Qiao Simei left and has been working for Niu Ye. As the boss, Niu Ye is more or less responsible to Qiao Simei.

Now that Qiao Simei wanted to leave by herself, no matter what she went out to do, it had nothing to do with Niu Ye.

"Then I'm relieved." Qiao Simei said with a smile.

The business of the restaurant is not bad, and it is quite easy to sell it.

As soon as the news about Niu Ye was released, Lao Zhang, the chef of the restaurant, showed his intention to take over.

If an acquaintance wanted to take over, it would be easier. The fee was easy to negotiate, and Lao Zhang didn't have enough capital, so Niu Ye also agreed to install it in installments.

The restaurant changed its owner, Qiao Simi at the front desk was replaced by Lao Zhang's wife, and everything else remained the same.

There is no delay in business hours.No delay, Niu Ye can continue to use the restaurant as a canteen in the future.

Niu Ye is also a person who is about to marry a wife. If someone cooks, there is no need for a cafeteria.

Even if you eat in the canteen, you should eat in the canteen of the People's Hospital.

"Qiao Yicheng, you are quite free. You still have time to teach Qiao Simei English. How are your preparations for your marriage going?"

At Qiao's house, Niu Ye asked after meeting Qiao Yicheng who was teaching English to Qiao Simei again.

"I've already rented the house, and there's nothing else to prepare, and we don't plan to make a big deal. It's enough for the two families to have a meal together."

"How did you learn the same as Qiao Erqiang? He is in a special situation. You can't learn from him. After all, it is a marriage, and there is still a sense of ceremony. You should go through the process that should be followed. If you don't have enough money , I have it here, and I will give it to you first. After the restaurant is transferred out, the money is still in my hand, and it is useless."

Niu Ye's thinking was very simple. Anyway, Qiao Yicheng couldn't save any money in his hands. It would be better to let Qiao Yicheng spend the money himself if he gave it to others.

"Niu Ye, it's really unnecessary. There is nothing to spend on my wedding, just the money for two tables of banquets." What Qiao Yicheng didn't say was that the bride price for Ye Xiaolang's family was not a small sum.

"Qiao Yicheng, you are already a social person, and you can't still be the same as you were in school. You are an exception. Your marriage is such a big deal, your classmates, your colleagues, and our neighbors in Shamao Lane, please don't ask me. Is it plausible? Just talking about your colleagues, even if you don’t invite everyone from the TV station, you must invite colleagues from the news department, leaders. You are still so withdrawn, how will you get along with people in the future when you are in the unit.”

Although what Niu Ye said was true.Qiao Yicheng's money can't be kept, so it's better to maintain the relationship with classmates and colleagues.

Even if Qiao Yicheng didn't have that much ambition, but with a good relationship, at least he could work more comfortably.

"Niu Ye..."

"Let's not talk about it, you will borrow it from me, and it will be okay in the future."

With Niu Ye's strong support, Qiao Yicheng's wedding scale expanded a lot.

Expanded from two tables to ten tables, and invited too many people. Qiao Yicheng's classmates and colleagues are basically successful people in society, and their grades are not too bad. They chose a three-star hotel to hold the wedding.

On the day of Qiao Yicheng's wedding, Niu Ye also came to the hotel early.

"Qi Weimin, you are here so early." Seeing Qi Weimin, Niu Ye greeted enthusiastically.

"Yes, come here early and see if there is anything I can help." Qi Weimin said with a forced smile.

Qi Weimin has had a rough time recently. He was originally a graduate student, which is a good thing.

And in school, he met Chang Xingyu again smoothly.

The two people who had a crush on each other were both graduate students at Nantah University.

The relationship went smoothly, and the relationship developed smoothly to talk about marriage. Before that, it was very good, but that was the previous two years.

The current situation is that Qi Weimin was planning to get married soon.

But the news that he wants to get married has not been revealed at home.

Wei Shufang, the old lady of the Qi family, first gave the children of the Qi family a surprise.

Wei Shufang is getting married too, and an old bachelor who often goes to the small shop to accompany her.

Qi Zhiqiang had only been gone for a few years, and Wei Shufang, who was trying to marry Qi Zhiqiang, was looking for life and death.

He completely forgot about Qi Zhiqiang, and found his true love again. He has never been married in his life, an old boy who is well educated and polite.

Qi Weimin is a kind child, even if he is unhappy, he reluctantly accepts the fact that his old mother has developed a twilight love.

But Qiao Weiyi and Qi Xiaoya couldn't accept it.

Although he was not filial, he couldn't accept it. Just a few years after his father, his mother found a stepdad for him.

The main thing is that in this era, the remarriage of the elderly is not so recognized.

The elderly will be ridiculed for being old and unruly, and the children will be ashamed along with them.

Qi Weiyi directly drove the old horse who was going to propose marriage out of the Qi family, and even more directly stated that if Wei Shufang insisted on remarrying, he would not return to the Qi family.

(End of this chapter)

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