Chapter 650
"Heh, heh heh, after all, the gift money is used less, and it will eventually be spent." Qiao Zuwang said with an embarrassed smile.

"Uncle Qiao, since you still have money now, you are still the same as before, can't you just eat, drink and have fun? What do you want to mess around with?"

"I'm also starting a company, so how can I be fooling around. I used to live in the same courtyard. If your father can start a factory, I can't start a company." Qiao Zuwang was still not convinced when he said that Qiao Zuwang was messing around.

"It's different. My dad is serious about business, and you want to be able to make money in the world."

"What's the difference? Other people can make a fortune, but you and I can do the same. Do you look down on your Uncle Joe and think I'm not as good as your father?"

Qiao Zuwang's shamelessness is really thick, and Qiao Erqiang has found the root cause of his shamelessness.

It must be Qiao Yicheng's inheritance, and the subtle influence of ordinary times.

Niu Dad and Qiao Zuwang, one went up and the other went down, two extremes in the yard. Qiao Zuwang was also kind enough to compare himself with Niu Dad.

"I don't mean that. Uncle Qiao, let's talk about your company. How much money has it raised?"

"There are already seven or eight companies near our courtyard. The number of places is really limited. If you don't raise funds, Niu Ye, you won't have a chance."

Qiao Zuwang was proud of mentioning this, and he was eloquent when he talked about it, and he still loves his fund-raising business very much.

"Uncle Qiao, so many people have raised funds, so they must have raised a lot of money, right?"

"Small sum, small sum." Qiao Zu complacently made an eight.

It definitely can't be [-], and the people around the yard don't have the strength.

8000 yuan, an average of 1000 yuan for a family, it is considered that the courtyard has spent part of the family's wealth over the years, and first tested the water.

Niu Ye wanted to know the wisdom of these small citizens, and tried to use some money first to see if he could get the promised return after raising funds.

After getting the promised return, the next step must be to invest all the family assets, and if it is too much, you may need to borrow money to invest.

Liars think the same way, and this is how they lead people into the trap step by step.

"Uncle Qiao, take it easy, this is really not a small sum."

Niu Ye also habitually said casually, never thought it would be possible, and persuaded Qiao Zuwang.

After learning about Qiao Zuwang's fundraising situation here, Niu Ye was waiting to meet Qiao Yicheng.

Qiao Yicheng is busy with work. After getting married, he has to maintain his small family. In fact, he doesn't go back to Qiao's house that often.

Niu Ye and Qiao Yicheng did not meet at Qiao's house either.It was Niu Ye who asked Qiao Yicheng out because the marriage between Niu Ye and Sanli was coming up.

There are some details that always need to be discussed. For example, the restaurant should always be settled first. It is still necessary to ask symbolically how many guests the Qiao family will invite.

After the 90s, these fortune tellers, such as Mr. Yin Yang, have recovered a lot.

Although most people no longer believe in feudal superstitions.

But in these days of weddings and funerals, most of them still have to find someone to look at them, mostly just for auspiciousness.

The good days for getting married are those fortune tellers who are optimistic about them. There are only three or five good days in a month.

Therefore, when the good day is expected, it is easy to get together for the wedding, and everything must be booked in advance.

"Qiao Yicheng, why have you lost so much weight?"

I haven't seen Qiao Yicheng for more than half a month, and I can see that Qiao Yicheng has lost a lot of weight. His body, which was not fat before, has obviously lost a lot of weight, and it is almost a bamboo pole.

"I've lost weight recently."

Qiao Yicheng married Ye Xiaolang home, and he was a little tired after the first two months.

The consumption of newlyweds is relatively large, which is one aspect.

Another thing is that the eating habits of the two are different. Even if Qiao Yicheng cooks most of the meals, in order to take care of Ye Xiaolang's habits, the food is not so delicious.

Qiao Yicheng and Ye Xiaolang, who live together, are not so harmonious.

It is common for two people to quarrel, and life is not going well, which must also have an impact.

Usually at home, I have to do too much housework and work too hard. It must be on the one hand. Marrying a woman like Ye Xiaolang who looks glamorous on the surface but is sloppy in life is the fate.

In the end, there may be another reason why Qiao Yicheng is under pressure to pay back the money. In order to publish more news, earn more bonuses, and accept too many interviews.

"Qiao Yicheng, when you have time, you should come to the hospital to see us. Your body really needs to be checked, and you should make up for it."

This time Niu Ye was really not joking, he really felt that Qiao Yicheng's health was failing and needed treatment.

"I'm fine. Our unit also organizes a physical examination every year, and I just had it this year."

In this regard, Qiao Yicheng was obviously not as good as Qiao Zuwang. Qiao Zuwang went to the hospital by himself and asked Niu Ye to find someone to help him with the physical examination.

"Qiao Yicheng, I'm a doctor. You have to believe me. Either there's nothing wrong with a person, or there's nothing wrong with his body. A weak body can be considered a disease."

Niu Ye also said to Qiao Yicheng very seriously, how could this child create the third generation of Qiao's family with such a hypocrisy.

"It's just this period of time for me. I've worked too hard. After finishing this period, just take it easy." Qiao Yicheng said bravely.

"Come on, stretch out your hand first, and I'll give you a pulse."

Right on the dining table in the restaurant, Niu Ye gave Qiao Yicheng a pulse.

"Okay, I know what's going on with you. There is really nothing wrong with you. You are indeed tired and weak. I will prescribe some traditional Chinese medicine for you. You can take it first and see. The best thing is to go to the hospital system Check it out."

Niu Ye took out the pen and notebook from his bag, and was about to prescribe two warming prescriptions for Qiao Yicheng first.

"Niu Ye, didn't you study Western medicine? When did you learn Chinese medicine?"

Qiao Yicheng's sensitivity as a reporter was enough.

"..." Niu Ye: "When did I say that I only study Chinese medicine? When I read medical books, you were still at home every day, taking care of the children of Er Qiang and the others. I have been studying Chinese medicine for so many years." , It’s just that I didn’t tell you specifically. It’s still okay to prescribe a few warming and tonic medicines for you, so don’t worry, it won’t ruin you!”

"Okay, I believe you. Niu Ye, let's talk about business. When you got married, there were still some people in our family, mainly my second aunt and her family, Sanli's classmates, and your colleagues. You can discuss this with Sanli yourself..."

"Here, you grab the medicine according to this prescription, and take it for a week before you talk." Niu Ye tore off the written prescription and handed it to Qiao Yicheng. "Forget it, I'll grab the medicine and give you the medicine directly."

(End of this chapter)

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