Chapter 671 Surprise and Fright

Qiao Erqiang wanted to go out, and the remaining people were no less worried about Qiao Erqiang than they were about Qiao Simei.

"Hey, these are all rare visitors. What day is it today, why are you all back, did you bring something back for you daddy and me?"

Several people sat down and chatted for a long time. Qiao Zuwang hummed a little song, took a teacup, and leisurely returned home from outside.

Qiao Zuwang's life is still very comfortable these days, he has lived for most of his life, no matter how his family is doing, Qiao Zuwang himself is very comfortable.

"Today is a big day. Your little girl is getting married, don't you know?"

Qiao Yicheng treats Qiao Zuwang with eccentricity.Qiao Zuwang was indeed quite irritating. His little girl disappeared for a day without even noticing it.

Except when I want my children to pay for it, I really can't think of my children at other times.

"Simei is getting married." Qiao Zuwang said with a look of surprise. "What about her, she won't tell me if she wants to get married." Qiao Zuwang scanned the room again. "Why is she gone? Let me tell her that she can get married, but I have to give me a share of the dowry. It doesn't need to be too much. It's just the same as when Niu Ye married Sanli."

Qiao Zuwang even asked others to give a bride price, just like Niu Ye, this can't be called much.

Now is the time when the gap between the rich and the poor widens. For Niu Ye's family, there are not many bride price.For ordinary wage-earners, this is not a small sum.

"Dad, don't worry about this. Qiao Simei has gone to the frontier to marry her soldier partner."

It was Sanli who was more concerned about Qiao Zuwang's face, and told Qiao Zuwang about the current situation.

"What kind of girl is this, why are you still in such a rush?"

Qiao Zuwang didn't know what he was regretting, it was a pity for his daughter, or it was a pity that he didn't receive the betrothal gift.

"That's it for today. Let's go back to our respective homes. We all have our own affairs. What's the matter tomorrow? Simei called back, or I called the army to communicate with you. I will talk to you guys again. connect."

Qiao Yicheng was already impatient to listen to Qiao Zuwang's continuation. It was really chilling to see how Qiao Zuwang didn't care about his children.

On the second day, Sanli received a call from Qiao Yicheng.At night, Simei called Qiao Yicheng's house, but she didn't say anything, just said a few words, and reported that she was safe.

Qiao Yicheng called Qi Chenggang's army again, and explained to the army that this was the case for the time being, and Qiao Simei couldn't be bothered too much.

Qiao Yicheng didn't want to chase after Qiao Simei anymore, let alone the others.

Sanli and Erqiang, logically speaking, did not have the ability to travel from north to south.

It is actually possible to catch up with Qiao Simei, but Niu Ye didn't propose, and rushed to Lhasa by plane to intercept Qiao Simei.

Qiao Yicheng's speech still made sense, but with Qiao Simei's character, it was useless even if he really caught up.No one else could stop what Qiao Simi wanted to do.


Qiao Simi's life was much more exciting. Just talking about taking the train, Qiao Simi fell down three times and arrived in Tibet after five days and five nights.

Fortunately, Qiao Simi only experienced some minor problems in long-distance train rides, and did not encounter pickpockets or other bad guys on the train, so she arrived in Lhasa smoothly.

When we arrived in Lhasa, we were still far away from Qi Chenggang's army station.

Qiao Simi took another day in the car before arriving near the army's garrison.

Because of the bus route, this neighborhood is quite a distance away.

For the last distance, there is no public transportation to take.

Qiao Simei wanted to go to the army, the only way was to point to the army to send a car to pick her up.

After Qiao Simei called the army, she waited at the hotel for the army's car to arrive.

Qiao Simi stayed in a hotel run by Tibetans.

For Qiao Simi, a person with social affliction, it must be a problem to get along with the hospitable Tibetans, and they get along very well.

I was warmly received by the Tibetan boss, eating, drinking and chatting, it was very pleasant.

After night, when Qiao Simei was sad, she came.

The first time I went to the plateau, Qiao Simi had severe altitude sickness at night.

And because I didn't adapt to the cold in Tibet at night, I covered all the quilts provided by the hotel, but I still couldn't bear the cold.

In the end, with nothing to do, Qiao Simei put on all the clothes she had brought, and made do for the night.

Although it was still very cold at night, it was enough for Qiao Simei to bear it.

The next morning, Qiao Simi's altitude sickness continued to be severe. It snowed heavily and the vehicles arranged by the army could not pass.

Qiao Simei needs to continue to live in the hotel. Today, Qiao Simei is not so happy living in the hotel.

Not being able to see the Qi Chenggang she wanted to see, and having a strong altitude sickness made Qiao Simei miserable.

So I called Qiao Yicheng and said that I regret it, I want to go home, I will go back tomorrow, I don't want to see Qi Chenggang anymore, I feel uncomfortable, I am in pain.

In short, he called Qiao Yicheng and told him about his grievances during this period.

Consoled by Qiao Yicheng's meal, Qiao Simei insisted on staying in the hotel for another day.

On the third day, Qiao Simi's altitude sickness eased, and she felt that she had survived again, and she forgot about her grievances yesterday.

The idea of ​​marrying Qi Chenggang gained the upper hand again. Because of the snow, the army's vehicles could not pass, so Qiao Simei decided to pack her luggage and set off for the army station on foot.

In the end, Qiao Simei's idea of ​​walking still didn't work out. Just as she was about to leave the hotel and was about to set off on foot, the car from the army to pick up Qiao Simei also arrived.

The army still attached great importance to Qiao Simei's family members who came to visit relatives who traveled thousands of miles away. As soon as the traffic was opened, they sent a car to pick up Qiao Simei.

With the army coming to pick up the people, Qiao Simei finally got to the army smoothly as she wished.

The arrival of Qiao Simei was also warmly received by the instructor of Qi Chenggang's army.They also raised Qiao Simi's salary, and arranged for Qiao Simi to live in a guest house for the family members of cadres.

Qiao Simei was the first young girl in Qi Chenggang's company to come to visit her relatives, which was indeed a surprise to the company instructor.

But Qiao Simei's arrival was really just a shock to Qi Chenggang.

Qi Chenggang was not in the company at first, but was sent out to perform a mission, and was arranged by the leader to return to the station early. After arriving, he got the bad news of Qiao Simei's arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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