Chapter 695 One more man (big chapter)
"I haven't had a bite of food since I woke up in the morning. What's the matter if I want to eat something I like?" Qiao Zuwang shrank his head back and muttered.

"Sanli, it's enough for him to order one meat, one vegetarian and one rice, and he won't be able to finish it."

Qiao Zuwang expressed his fear, so Qiao Yicheng didn't chase after him, and turned to Sanli and said.

"Don't be a rogue with me. I've seen a lot of stalkers like you. Do you know that this is illegal and we can call the police?"

Sanli over there continued to call and ordered food for Qiao Zuwang, while Qiao Yicheng had already started talking to her ex-husband.

"If you want to call the police, report it. I've also asked about it. In my situation, it's only natural to see my son. I haven't done anything like smashing, smashing, or looting. It's impossible for the police to arrest me when they come."

Brother Qiaofu had fun talking, and grabbed a handful of melon seeds on the coffee table, and started to nibble:
"When the police came, I just wanted to talk about Qiao Erqiang hiding my son. I haven't heard anything about my son for such a long time. Who knows if Qiao Erqiang kidnapped my son. When the police came, I still wanted to sue Qiao. The second strongest is abducting and trafficking people."

My ex-husband was detained once, and I feel that he has grown a lot. He has learned a lot from other prisoners inside, and he looks like a rascal old fritters.

"Put it down, you put it down for me, why are you still eating? Did you buy the food for you? Is it something you can eat? If you want to solve the problem, just stand up for me, or else I will clean up a rascal like you , I have more rogue methods than you."

Niu Ye was not Qiao Yicheng, he only thought of solving the problem through legal means.

Niu Ye really wanted to deal with rascals like men from the Northeast, but Niu Ye didn't have to do it himself, there were many ways.

Only magic can defeat magic, and the easiest way to deal with rogues is to be more rogue than the opponent.

"If you don't eat it, don't eat it, you southerners are stingy." After putting the melon seeds back on the plate, they also launched a regional attack.

"It's not as generous as you northerners. Not only can you give away your wife, but you can even give away your son."

Niu Ye also said in a weird way, he didn't mean to attack geographically, but just referring to his ex-husband's atmosphere.

"No matter what you say, in fact, it's just second-hand goods that Qiao Erqiang picked up that I don't want."

Even if he can't do it, the second-best ex-husband is quite powerful.

"How ugly is your speech? No matter what, Ma Suqin is your son's mother."

Sanli finished the call to order food, and said dissatisfied after hearing it.

"Stop talking about these useless things. What on earth are you doing to stop harassing the old man?"

This sentence, that sentence was messed up, Qiao Yicheng couldn't stand it and said loudly.

"I made it very clear from the beginning, I want to find Qiao Erqiang and Ma Suqin, and I want my son."

After talking for a while, the problem returned to the original point.

"I've told you many times that we don't know where Qiao Erqiang and Ma Suqin went..." Qiao Yicheng continued to explain.

"Didn't you want to find Qiao Erqiang and Ma Suqin? We really don't know where they went. We only know that he called and the number is from Suzhou. That's all we know. If you want to find someone, go to Suzhou Let's find it."

Going around, going around endlessly, Niu Ye was impatient, and said directly to the man in the northeast.

Qiao Erqiang had already been given a chance. It had been a week, and Qiao Erqiang didn't come back to deal with it himself, so he had to send his ex-husband to Qiao Erqiang.

The man from the Northeast came to him, no matter what happened, Qiao Erqiang deserved it.

"Niu Ye, why are you talking about everything?" Qiao Yicheng complained.

"You can't fool me, can you?" The ex-husband asked in disbelief.

Both of them were not so satisfied with Niu Ye's answer.

"The old man and Qiao Erqiang, there will always be someone who will be harassed. You can choose who is right for you?"

Niu Ye spread his hands and asked Qiao Yicheng. Although Qiao Zuwang was a scumbag father, there was no reason why he should suffer this crime for Qiao Erqiang.

"Why am I fooling you? If you can't find anyone, why don't you continue to come here to be annoying? What's the use of me telling you a piece of fake news." While talking, Niu Ye directly supported his ex-husband, The ex-husband dragged out the door.

"Okay, let's go, all the information we know has been told to you. Don't let me see it in the future, you come here to harass the old man again, or you will be really rude to you. You should know, just you Such a person will cost you a pair of legs, but it won't cost you much money."

After arriving at the gate of the courtyard, Niu Ye lowered his voice and said to his ex-husband.

The principle for his ex-husband is still the same, Niu Ye doesn't care how to toss Qiao Erqiang's family.

As long as the ex-husband doesn't affect the innocent, Niu Ye doesn't care if Qiao Zuwang suffers a little.

It's just that if Qiao Zuwang's life is not going well, it is impossible for the children of the Qiao family to live in peace.

I didn't want Sanli to be so troublesome, and this time it was not Qiao Zuwang's fault, so Niu Ye has been helping to deal with her ex-husband.

"Niu Ye, you told him, if he really finds the second strong man, what do you want the second strong man to do?"

After Niu Ye returned to the house, Qiao Yicheng still frowned and continued to complain.

"I think Niu Ye is right about this matter. Qiao Yicheng, you can't just think about Qiao Erqiang. You don't think about your father and me. You have been followed by such a rascal all the time. What should I do? The meal I just made , I was eaten by him in front of me, is it easy for me!"

Before Niu Ye could speak, Qiao Zuwang started talking, pointing to the mess on the dining table.

Two plates, two bowls, Qiao Zuwang really never treats himself badly.

"Brother, don't talk about this at this time. You should find a way to contact the second brother and tell him that the man may go to Suzhou to find them in the next two days." Several people argued.

"Oh... When he called me, I told him to let him be more careful. "

Qiao Yicheng said with a sigh.

Niu Ye has basically mastered the way to deal with Qiao Yicheng, and Qiao Yicheng is still a person who can distinguish good from bad.

Under reasonable circumstances, Qiao Yicheng made a decision that he couldn't bear to make, so he made it up to him first, and Qiao Yicheng gradually accepted it in desperation.

After that, Qiao Zuwang sat alone on the sofa and watched TV, while the two children played by themselves.

The three adults wanted to tidy up the house, and the house was kept by Qiao Zu for a week.

Everywhere has become very sloppy. Qiao Zuwang is a clean person, but when Qiao Zuwang is clean, he only cleans himself too much.

Qiao Zuwang can only be regarded as a bright performance. He has not done housework for more than 30 years. He lives alone and can imagine what the house looks like.

While tidying up the house, Qiao Zuwang's meal was also brought over. Sanli was very good at Qiao Zuwang's face. In addition to meat and vegetables, he also ordered a chicken soup for Qiao Zuwang, so that Qiao Zuwang had a delicious meal.

"Niu Ye, you have been sent away, so you won't come here again?" After eating, Qiao Zuwang asked while picking his teeth with a toothpick.

"Hugging you is at most just for food and drink, and there is no great benefit. How can it satisfy that man's appetite. Now that he has the news of the top two, he probably won't come to pester you again."

Niu Ye turned to look at Qiao Zuwang and said.

"That's fine, whether you come to look for it or not, he already knows this place, and I don't need to live here anymore, I want to go home."

Qiao Zuwang stood up and said, he was going to go upstairs to get his things and go back to Qiao's old house.

"Dad, how many days are you not staying here?"

Even though Niu Ye was willing for Qiao Zuwang to go back to live in the old house, as a son-in-law, Niu Ye would always try to persuade him to stay with him.

"I can't stop. If I live here, I have to travel so far to play mahjong."

Qiao Zuwang stopped and said.

"You live here, and you still go back to Shamao Lane to play mahjong every day?"

Niu Ye asked in surprise, every day he came back and ran a few kilometers just to play mahjong. Qiao Zuwang's addiction to this card was greater than Niu Ye expected.

"If I don't go back, who am I going to play with? I'm also unfamiliar with the place here?"

Qiao Zuwang asked in a reasonable tone.

"Then I know how that man came here so quickly."

Niu Ye originally thought it was his ex-husband brother, but it was because he had been looking for Niu Ye in the courtyard of Niu Ye's house back then, so he found him so quickly.Now I find that the ex-husband is more likely to follow Qiao Zuwang to find him so quickly.

"If you find it, find it. Find it and deal with it early, otherwise I will never be able to return home."

When Niu Ye said this, Qiao Zuwang also noticed that the person might have been recruited by himself. After a moment of embarrassment, he continued to say that his face was always thick enough.

"Just as long as you're happy." Niu Ye didn't continue to argue with Qiao Zuwang about this, it didn't make any sense.

"Dad, let me help you clean up."

Sanli went upstairs to the guest room and helped Qiao Zuwang pack his luggage.

That is to tidy up Qiao Zuwang's clothes, and then at Niu Ye's house, Qiao Zuwang will take back all the things that Qiao Zuwang likes, food and clothing.

After packing up Qiao Zuwang's luggage, everyone sent Qiao Zuwang to Qiao's old house together.

"Brother Qiao, I haven't seen you for a while. Did you go on a trip? Yicheng, Sanli, Niu Ye, you are all back. Your father just came back, and you followed him. The children and son-in-law of the Qiao family all Filial piety."

As soon as Qiao Zuwang came back, he was warmly welcomed by Aunt Wu.During the days when Qiao Zu was not around, Aunt Wu, a widow, was quite lonely without one person to bicker.

"Who are you, why are you in my house?"

As soon as he reached the door of Qiao's old house, a young guy jumped out with a washbasin in his hand, which shocked Qiao Zuwang, who was leading the walk.

"You are Uncle Qiao, right? I'm Qi Chenggang."

As Niu Ye expected, the young man was Qi Chenggang.Seeing that the young man was wearing a military uniform, he was not short, and he was quite handsome, so Niu Ye guessed that it was him.

After hearing this, Qiao Zuwang pushed Qi Chenggang away, went into the courtyard, and shouted: "Qiao Simei, Qiao Simei, come here."

Qiao Zuwang still knew the name Qi Chenggang, and lived with Qiao Simei every day, so he almost got tired of hearing the name.

Qiao Yicheng, Niu Ye, and Sanli also followed into the courtyard with their children. Qi Chenggang was carrying a washbasin and toiletries, obviously going to the bathroom to take a bath.Seeing that so many people came back from the Qiao family, it was not suitable for them to go out, so they followed them.

"Dad, you're back!"

After Qiao Simei came out of the room, she saw Qiao Zuwang and said with a smile in surprise.

"Qiao Simei, don't make me playful, I've only been away from home for a few days, and you just brought a man back."

Qiao Zuwang pointed at Qi Chenggang and said while suppressing his anger.

Qiao Zuwang still needs to lose face, especially if he can lose face, but his sons and daughters can't lose face.

Knowing that there is no privacy in the yard, the voice is not let go, otherwise the neighbors in the neighborhood should know that Qiao Simei brought a man home.

"Dad, if you have anything to say, let's go in and talk."

Sanli said to Qiao Zuwang.A man came out of Qiao's house and went to the bathroom to take a bath with all kinds of toiletries. No matter how you look at it, this is not normal.

"Hmph." Qiao Zu glared at Qiao Simi, snorted, and took the lead into the room.

In the house, Qiao Zuwang sat on the sofa. Qiao Yicheng didn't want to be so close to Qiao Zuwang, so he moved a stool and sat down. Niu Ye and Sanli followed Qiao Zuwang to sit on the sofa.

After sitting down, all four of them looked at Qiao Simei with gloomy faces.

As for Qiao Simei and Qi Chenggang, they could only stand facing the four of them, waiting to be interrogated.

"Qiao Simei, tell me what's going on." Qiao Yicheng asked, looking at Qiao Simei with a cold and dark face.

"What are you doing? Isn't it my partner who came to look for me? This is my partner Qi Chenggang. You have all heard of it?"

Qiao Simei was still careless and said nonchalantly.

"When did this man come to our house?"

Qiao Zuwang pointed to Qi Chenggang and asked.

"You came here this morning, what are you doing?" Qiao Simei replied.

"Qiqi, Qiao Qiqi!" Qiao Zuwang didn't quite believe it, and called out to Qiqi, obviously wanting to confirm it with Qiao Qiqi.

"Stop yelling, Qi Qi has gone out and is not at home, or he would have come out long ago when you came back."

Qiao Simei said, Qiao Qiqi is actually quite busy on weekends. He wants to go on a date with his little girlfriend, and take advantage of the weekend when Qi Weimin returns to Nanjing to reunite with Qi Weimin. My second aunt Wei Shufang.

"Then let's just say that he just came to our house today. Tell me, why does he still take a bath in our house?"

"Qi Chenggang just came back by car, so he came to our house to look for me. He just had something to eat, and he was full of dust. I asked him to take a bath, what's wrong?"

Qiao Simi said as a matter of course.

"Qiao Simei, you are a young girl living at home, and a young guy who left our house went to the bathhouse to take a bath. It looks like you are living in our house. If you are seen by neighbors, you will lose your reputation!"

The world is changing too fast, and anything can happen. Qiao Yicheng is now on the same side as Qiao Zuwang.

"Simei, what you did is really inappropriate." Sanli also glared at Simei, then looked at Qi Chenggang:
"Qi Chenggang, right? He has been serving as a soldier in Tibet for so many years. It's hard to come back to visit relatives. I've seen Simei too. Go back to your own home. Your family must miss you very much. Let you Brother Niu Ye will take you back, I drove here today, it's very convenient to take you there."

(End of this chapter)

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