Chapter 697
Qiao Yicheng's deterrent power to Qiao Zuwang and Qiao Simei is still enough.After Qiao Yicheng spoke, the tense situation between the two of them has indeed eased a lot.

"This time, I think what the old man said makes sense. It's really unreliable for you to find such a person. If you don't have money, you can make it slowly. You don't even have a serious job. You can't get married. Make money to support him."

After the dispute is stopped, it is still necessary to make a judgment on right and wrong, and discuss the reasons.

"Big brother!"

Qiao Simei said to Qiao Yicheng coquettishly, the truth is often too hurtful, Qiao Simei does not want Qiao Yicheng to continue talking.

"It's useless to call you big brother, even if you call me uncle. Your partner is just unreliable. It's useless to think about me alone."

With Qiao Yicheng's support, Qiao Zuwang was even more proud when he spoke.

"I'm looking for a partner by myself. It has nothing to do with someone who can't pass your level. I'll tell you the truth, Qi Chenggang and I are going to get married soon, and you can't stop it even if you want to."

Qiao Simei said to Qiao Zuwang that since Qiao Zuwang didn't care about the children's reasons since they were young, Qiao Zuwang really didn't have much say in their children's marriage.

Ever since Qiao Erqiang refused to listen to Qiao Zuwang and married Ma Suqin, Qiao Zuwang really didn't have much control over the marriages of these children.

The sons and daughters handle their own marriages only if Qiao Zuwang can agree, and give Qiao Zuwang a superficial respect.

If Qiao Zuwang disagrees, it will be considered that there is no such person as Qiao Zuwang.

"Qiao Simei, we've been talking to you for so long, it's all in vain, right?"

Qiao Yicheng frowned and asked Qiao Simei.Worried that there is no good way to get Qiao Simi.

"Don't listen to me, but this time I pass, you will leave this house just like Qiao Erqiang."

Qiao Zuwang's only way to deal with rebellious children is to drive them out of the house.

"Leave and leave!"

Qiao Simei responded happily, turned around after speaking, and was about to go to the back room to pack her things, as if she couldn't wait.

What Qiao Zuwang said was in line with Qiao Liaosimei's wishes.

The Qiao family kicked out Qi Chenggang, and Qiao Simei was worried, and she went out to live with Qi Chenggang for no good reason.

The children of Qiao's family were very flexible about whether to listen to Qiao Zuwang's words or not.

If you don't want to leave, the Qiao family's old house is the home of everyone in the Qiao family, and it's the house left by your mother, so you can stay.

When you want to leave, it is of course that Qiao Zuwang is right. The old house of Qiao's family is Qiao Zuwang's house. Since Qiao Zuwang wants to drive people away, he will not be angry with Qiao Zuwang.

"If you can't talk, don't say it. You let her go. Where do you let her go? Didn't you give her a chance to find her partner?" Qiao Yicheng first scolded Qiao Zuwang, and then Continue to say to Qiao Simei:
"Qiao Simei, stop there. You don't live at home. Where do you want to go? You stay at home obediently."

"I can't stay any longer. Didn't you hear that the old man is going to throw me out too?"

Qiao Zuwang really gave Qiao Simei a good excuse, making Qiao Simei hold on to the words and not let go.

"Qiao Simei, if you really don't want to live at home, you can move to our house for a few days first, and then come back to live after you calm down."

Sanli could almost see that Qiao Simei wanted to move out of Qiao's house and have a free date with Qi Chenggang, so she spoke.

"Qiao Simei, if you really don't want to stay at home, you can go back with your third sister and stay at their house for a few days. Before I find out the reason why Qi Chenggang was fired from the army, you don't want to Let's get in touch again." Qiao Yicheng said about Simei, and then turned to look at Sanli.

"Sanli, don't live apart from her. During this period of time, let her live with you, and help me keep an eye on her."

"Niu Ye, I'm going to trouble you again." Finally, Qiao Yicheng looked at Niu Ye again, and said with a little embarrassment.

"It's not too much trouble for me. My family has a place to live, so I can live anywhere. But I can't do anything about it. You know how busy I am at work. The trouble is Sanli."

Since Sanli invited Qiao Simi to stay at home for a few days, Niu Ye definitely had to agree, but Niu Ye directly shirked the responsibility of watching Qiao Simi.

That's how Qiao Simei's love affair was handled today.

Even if everyone is against it, it can't change Qiao Simei's idea of ​​love brain, so it can only be put on hold temporarily.

On Niu Ye's side, Qiao Zuwang was sent back, and Qiao Simi was also brought back, which was a one-for-one exchange.

Sanli washed, dried, folded and put away Qiao Zuwang's clothes.

Then I helped Simei to pack the luggage.

"Dad, after Simei left, only you will cook Qiqi's meals. It's not too much trouble. Let him buy food outside in the morning, let him eat in the school cafeteria at noon, and you will give him food in the evening. Make a meal, so that he doesn't have to eat outside all the time, and it may not be clean."

After helping Simei to pack up, after coming out of the back room, Sanli said to Qiao Zuwang.

"I don't have time for this. It's been such a long time. I can finally play mahjong and live my own life. I don't have time to be an old mother at home and cook for him. Sanli, otherwise you will give up Qiqi Take it away."

Qiao Zuwang took it for granted that the principle of not caring about the children and only caring about his own enjoyment has been maintained very well for so many years, and he has not changed his original intention.

"Then when Qiqi comes back, I'll ask him. If he wants to, I'll take him away too."

Qiao Zuwang didn't want to cook for Qiqi, and Sanli couldn't force it either.

I could go back after packing up, but in order to wait for Qi Qi to come back, I waited for more than an hour.

Qiao Qiqi's personality is much gentler, and she is better at speaking than the other four children of Qiao's family.

There is nothing against going to live in Niu Ye's house for a while.

The child who was raised under the fence and looked at by people's faces is obviously not that tempered, not as stubborn as the others.

This is interesting, one was sent back and two were taken away, which meant that Qiao Zuwang, Qiao Simi, and Qiao Qiqi switched places to live.

There are three members of Niu Ye's family, the nanny, Simei, and Qiqi. The house in the community obviously cannot accommodate so many people.

So Niu Ye moved back to live in the courtyard.After they all lived here, their lives are relatively peaceful. They are all people who need to go to work and school. They don't have so much free time, and they don't have much trouble in normal times.

But the hidden danger is Qiao Simei's love brain, Qi Chenggang is back, Qiao Simei obviously won't stay peaceful forever.

Under Sanli's key supervision, Qiao Simi was stable for a week.

"Brother Niu, Simei left another letter and left!" Sanli said with a dark face.

Only a week later, Niu Ye and Sanli came back from get off work, and when it was time for dinner, Simei didn't come home.

The person didn't come back, and no one responded to the paging. A phone call was made to the Huamei Hotel where Simei worked, and they learned that Qiao Simei had taken a long vacation.

After Sanli searched for Simei's guest room upstairs, she took another letter and said to Niu Ye.

This scene seems familiar to Niu Ye, it can only be said that he is very familiar, and it is not just this time.

"Sanli, don't be in a hurry, bring the letter here and let me have a look."

Niu Ye had somewhat expected Qiao Simei's departure, and after hearing about it, he was not panicked.

She took Qiao Simei's letter from Sanli's hand and prepared to read it first. It has been more than a year since Qiao Simei wrote a letter last time, just to judge whether Qiao Simei's writing level has improved.

The letter left this time is obviously a little longer than the last time, but apart from some love-minded speeches, I can't see any progress, and the content is not very focused.

To sum it up, in one sentence, Qiao Simi and Qi Chenggang had to go to get their certificates, and then they arranged a trip to the ends of the earth for themselves.

"Brother told me to watch Dian Simei more, but now that she's gone, I don't know how to tell him?" Sanli said worriedly and blamed herself.

"Don't worry, she doesn't blame you for this matter. It's not like he doesn't understand what Simei looks like. Qiao Simei has made a good decision and what he wants to do, even if Qiao Yicheng looks at it personally, he can't stop him Stay. Besides, you can pay enough attention to her in normal time, you can’t watch Qiao Simei go to work, you can’t leave her every step of the way.”

After comforting Sanli, Niu Ye took out the phone and called Qiao Yicheng.

Qiao Yicheng also came to Niu Ye's house after receiving a call after working overtime at the TV station and hearing the news.

"What's the matter, why did Qiao Simei leave another letter and run away?"

After walking over in a hurry, no one sat down, and Qiao Yicheng asked anxiously.

"Look at the letter, and you'll know what's going on."

Sanli felt ashamed of Qiao Yicheng's trust, she lowered her head and didn't want to speak, Niu Ye took the letter written by Qiao Simei and threw it into Qiao Yicheng's arms.

"Qiao Simei is so anxious, so afraid that she won't be able to get married!"

After Qiao Yicheng looked over, he threw the letter on the table in anger and said.

"Brother, I missed her." Sanli raised her head and said to Qiao Yicheng.

"Sanli, it's not your fault. Simei has been like this since she was a child. It's useless for any of us to stop what we want to do."

Qiao Simei ran away again. Although Qiao Yicheng was angry, it was impossible to vent his anger on his favorite sister, Sanli, and said to Sanli with a gentle attitude.

"Brother, what should we do now on Simei's side?"

Regarding the matter of the Qiao family, Qiao Yicheng's consolation was indeed more effective than Niu Ye's consolation, Sanli asked after she regained her composure.

"What else can we do? He married himself. We can't control it even if we want to. I don't care. The person she chooses will have a good or bad life in the future. She will bear it herself. She wants to be in Just outside, anyway, she didn't go out alone this time."

Qiao Simei played this game first and then played, and Qiao Yicheng could only pinch his nose to recognize it.

"Then let's eat. Because of this matter, Sanli doesn't have the heart to eat. Boss Qiao, you just got off work and you haven't eaten yet. We just have something to eat together." Niu Ye said.

Qiao Yicheng's trip to Niu Ye's house this time was not of much use, the main thing was to comfort Qiao Simei who blamed himself.

As for Qiao Simi's matter, the deal was done. The two even got their marriage certificates.

Even if the Qiao family doesn't like Qi Chenggang, they can only accept this marriage.

Not to mention whether Qiao Simei is willing to divorce Qi Chenggang or not. In the current situation, Qiao's family members themselves cannot agree to the divorce.

In the middle of the 90s, divorce was still serious and a shameful thing. No one hoped that Qiao Simei would go for divorce as soon as she got married, and she would become a divorced woman at a young age.

Within a few days, not only the Qiao family, but even Qi Weimin, who was out of town, also knew that Qiao Simei was married.

Although Qiao Simei left, Qiao Qiqi continued to live in Niu Ye's house.

Qiao Qiqi is much more worry-free than Qiao Simi, no matter what aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation, Qiao Qiqi is not picky.

If Qiao Qiqi's grades were not required, Qiao Qiqi would have nothing to worry about.

Niu Ye was also sure that if the girl didn't take the initiative, even if she lent Qiao Qiqi three guts, Qiao Qiqi wouldn't dare to have a fight with her own girl.

Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei, the people who could cause trouble, were not in Nanjing, but Niu Ye felt that the recent days were quite comfortable.

It doesn't matter every now and then, something will happen, and Sanli's mood will not change from good to bad because of Qiao's family's affairs.

When Qiao Simi was out and traveling for nearly a month, Niu Ye got the news of Qiao Simi again. Qiao Simi wrote a letter to Sanli and sent a postcard back.

After nearly a month of no news, Qiao Simei finally came to the news. Of course, Sanli wanted to go back to Qiao's old house to show Qiao Zu, and Qiao Yicheng would report.

After making the phone call, she knew that Qiao Simei had not just written to Sanli alone.

Qiao Zuwang and Qiao Yicheng also received letters and postcards from Simei.

"Qiqi, here's a letter from your third sister."

Niu Ye took Sanli and Qiqi went back to Qiao's house, Qiao Zuwang took out a letter and handed it to Qiqi.

Except for Qiao Erqiang who couldn't be reached, all Qiao's family members received a letter from Qiao Simei.

And Qiao Erqiang may not have received Simei's letter. Sanli can't contact Qiao Erqiang, but Qiao Simei and Qiao Erqiang have the best relationship, and they understand Qiao Erqiang's view of love the most. It is not certain that Er Qiang will send a letter.

"So, Simei sent us letters to different addresses, but the content of the letters is the same. They are all a paragraph, and a blank postcard."

After reading each other's letters from Qiao Simei, Qiao Yicheng said.

"Brother, the content of the letter is also the same, only the postcard is different. Do we want to do what Simei asked?" Sanli replied.

The content of Qiao Simei’s letter is also very simple, it is a simple greeting, and then the recipients are asked to write a paragraph of blessings for Qiao Simei’s marriage and send it to Qiao Simei, otherwise Qiao Simei I will not go back to Nanjing.

"Formalism, petty bourgeoisie romance, it's all nonsense, if you don't come back and drag it down, I won't participate in this activity."

Qiao Zuwang first expressed that he was not used to Qiao Simei, and it coincided with Niu Ye's inner thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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