Chapter 700
"Qiao Erqiang, come out with me!"

After finishing Qiao Zuwang, Qiao Yicheng called Qiao Erqiang out.

Qiao Yicheng obviously asked Qiao Erqiang to chat alone, and the others consciously didn't join in the fun, that is, Sanli saw that Qiao Erqiang's legs and feet were inconvenient, moved two chairs over, and then came back directly.

Then I saw Qiao Yicheng, Qiao Erqiang and the two brothers entered the small kitchen of Qiao's house, and closed the kitchen door, which was rare.

"Tell me, Qiao Erqiang, why did you come back all of a sudden, with your luggage, where did your daughter-in-law and son go?"

Even if two people entered the kitchen, but Qiao's house was such a big place, Niu Ye could still vaguely hear the conversation between the two.

"Brother, I'm divorced!"

Qiao Erqiang said in a low voice.

"Divorced!" Qiao Yicheng was obviously surprised, but after thinking about it, he quickly changed his attitude: "It's okay to leave, and I will find you a better one after leaving the big brother. But Qiao Erqiang, you guys What happened again? Before, we persuaded you to divorce, and you would never leave, why did you suddenly divorce now. "

"It was Ma Suqin who insisted on divorcing me."

Qiao Erqiang said in a Shanshan way.

"In the past, Ma Suqin was the one who wanted to divorce you. Didn't you agree? Why did you suddenly agree now?"

"Because I'm with Ma Suqin now, I can only drag them down."

When Qiao Erqiang said it, he was obviously very sad and wronged, and he started to cry.

"What are you talking about? You two are together. You have paid so much for her. How could you drag them down?"

Qiao Yicheng is fighting for Qiao Erqiang. Qiao Erqiang is raising Ma Suqin, the child, and his ex-husband's original family. How can it be called a drag.

"It was because of me that his ex-husband found him this time. If I was still with her, she would never be able to get rid of her ex-husband, and she and her child would never have a stable life."

Qiao Erqiang's voice has never been so wronged before. The time when Qiao Erqiang was similar to this level of grievance can be traced back to when Qiao Erqiang was a child, when the reed chicken raised at home was found and killed by the neighborhood committee.

But Niu Ye probably understood what Qiao Erqiang meant. This time, Qiao Erqiang paid for "love" again, and chose to let go for "love".

Because of Qiao Erqiang's worries about the old Qiao's family, he couldn't disappear so completely like Ma Suqin did.

The ex-husband found Ma Suqin and Qiao Erqiang this time because of news from the Qiao family.

In order to avoid such things from happening in the future, Ma Suqin really wanted to divorce Qiao Erqiang this time, and Qiao Erqiang agreed to Ma Suqin's divorce request.

"It's okay. This will pass. There are quite a lot of divorced people in society now. Only after divorce can you meet better ones."

Qiao Erqiang was about to cry. Although Qiao Yicheng felt that Qiao Erqiang was not worth it for such a woman, he could only comfort Qiao Erqiang.

After all, in the mid-90s, the phenomenon of divorce, because of economic development, more and more people became rich, all kinds of powerful and rich people, including mistresses and mistresses began to increase.

It is not as rare as it was in the past few decades, and divorce is still easier to be accepted than in the previous era.

It's just that in this day and age, when two people get divorced, neighbors, relatives and friends, including everyone who eats melons, always like to distinguish right from wrong.

Qiao Erqiang, who is not at fault in the divorce, has as little impact on the next marriage as possible.

"Brother, I don't want a divorce!"

"Qi Chenggang, you're here, come in and sit down."

When Niu Ye heard that Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Erqiang were chatting lively, Qi Chenggang ran over to Qiao's house. He was quite familiar with him, and walked directly to the door of the main room.After all, both Qi Chenggang and Simei had received their certificates, and Sanli said enthusiastically when she saw someone.

"What are you doing here?"

Simei said with a dark face, her attitude towards Qi Chenggang was considered bad.

"Qi Chenggang, you came here empty-handed again! Since you're here, sit down, why are you still standing there?"

Qiao Zuwang was in a good mood as his cost of living rose sharply, and when he saw Qi Chenggang coming, he also greeted him.

"Simei, I. I will later."

Qi Chenggang was very self-conscious, didn't have the face to sit down, but stood at the door.It was obvious that he came here to save Qiao Simi, but there were too many Qiao family members, and Qi Chenggang hesitated to open his mouth.

It's not that Qi Chenggang can't speak, it's just that what Qi Chenggang did is too embarrassing, and he can't talk about his style, especially to Qiao's family.

"Why are you here, you are not welcome here, you go out for me."

Qiao Yicheng heard the movement, came out of the kitchen, and came to the main room. He was not so polite when he saw Qi Chenggang.

The matter of Qiao Erqiang has not been dealt with cleanly, so it is time to deal with Qiao Simei's matter.

"Qi Chenggang, you go back first, I don't want to see you right now."

Qiao Simei also said to Qi Chenggang that except for Qiao Yicheng, no one else knew about this matter, and Qiao Simei didn't say it very bluntly.

People want to save face even in front of their brothers and sisters.

Qiao Simei stubbornly didn't say that she was cheated by Qi Chenggang in front of Qiao Yicheng.

In front of Qiao Zuwang and other brothers and sisters, it is even more difficult to speak.

"Simei, I'll come back tomorrow."

Qi Chenggang obviously felt that everyone in the Qiao family was here, and it was not a good time to talk, so he walked away in despair after saying a word.

"Simei, what's the matter with you, didn't you get your certificate and go to the ends of the earth for your honeymoon? Why did you quarrel? Didn't I tell you to live a good life?"

Sanli didn't know anything, and thought it was an ordinary couple quarreling. Based on the principle of persuading peace and not persuading them to leave, she even complained about her family, Simei.

Niu Ye hurriedly pulled Sanli, and did not let Sanli continue: "Sanli, let them solve their own affairs. You don't know what happened to them."

Although Niu Ye doesn't like Qiao Simi, the brain of love, at the moment, Niu Ye also can't accept Sanli to speak for Qi Chenggang.

"Qiao Simei, come here for me."

After Qi Chenggang left, it happened that Qiao Simei replaced Qiao Erqiang and followed Qiao Yicheng to sit in the small kitchen.

"Qiao Simei, you have identified this person, right? Even so, you still want to marry him?"

Qiao Yicheng was quite helpless in dealing with this matter, no matter whether the two of them lived together in the future, it was too late.

Although it was said that the wedding was not held, Qiao Simi and Qi Chenggang had received their marriage certificate more than a month ago.

"Brother, I don't want to regret it, and I don't want to look back. Since it's been so long, who knows what happened to Chenggang. Maybe he has his own reasons."

With Qiao Simei in love, I can help Qi Chenggang find love back.

"Then you don't want to know, what happened?"

In Qiao Yicheng's words, there was always an anger of hating iron but not steel.

"I don't want to know, brother. I beg you not to ask any more. The person I want to marry has come back, and he also wants to marry me. Isn't that enough?"

"Qiao Simei, you were harmed by those romance novels."

Qiao Yicheng summed it up quite well this time. Qiao Simei was indeed greatly influenced by romance novels.

"No way, if it's really the same as a romance novel, we should have separated long ago."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Brother, it's not easy to meet someone you like. It's even more difficult to marry someone you like. Brother, you know me, I must find someone I like to marry."

"Even if he's already sorry for you?"

"There is no one who does not make mistakes. He has already said that he will not make mistakes again, and I believe him."

"The prodigal son does not change his money when he turns back. How many people can be like this, and there are more people. It is easy to change the country, but the nature is hard to change."

"I believe in him."

"If there is such a day, I will definitely not pity you. I will only send you two words."

It's right that Qiao Yicheng didn't say these two words.

Niu Ye still had expectations for the outcome of Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Simei.

This was Qiao Simi's desperate desire to marry Qi Chenggang, and Qiao Yicheng had always opposed it.

If Qiao Simei really wants to divorce Qi Chenggang now, Qiao Yicheng should go to the inside to persuade the two of them.

It's a done deal, both of them got their marriage certificates, how could they get divorced so easily.

No matter what, the certificates have been obtained, and the two of them will always get along for a while, and try it out after a while.

It's impossible for Qiao Simi to become a second-married person after receiving the certificate for more than a month.

In the 90s, second-married women were really discounted in the marriage market.

After the two of them finished talking, Qiao Yicheng went back to the main room, and after a few minutes, Qiao Simei also went back to the main room.

It could be seen that Qiao Simei had tidied up, but the red and swollen eyes clearly showed that Qiao Simei had just cried.

"Niu Ye, Sanli, how long has it been since you went to the vegetable market to buy a la carte? It's the first time that our family got together so well. We had a reunion dinner together at night. I'll go home and pick up Jiu'er. Come here. As for those of you who just came back, please pack your luggage. Simei, your second brother is handicapped, so please help pack his things."

After Qiao Yicheng returned to the main room, he began to make arrangements. Although many things happened at Old Qiao's house today.

But this time, after all, Qiao Erqiang has been away for more than half a year, and Simei has been out for more than a month, so a reunion is still necessary.

"Okay, Boss Joe, we'll see you off, and then we'll go shopping together."

Although a lot of people came back, after all the calculations, Niu Ye and Sanli were the ones who were suitable for grocery shopping.

Under Sanli's signal, Niu Ye said to Qiao Yicheng.

Qiao Yicheng is an adult, although there is no need to pick him up.But Sanli obviously chatted with Qiao Yicheng, Erqiang, and Simei for so long, and was curious about what they talked about, and wanted to take the opportunity to find out.

On the way to pick up Jiu'er together, Qiao Yicheng explained to the two of them what happened to Qiao Erqiang in detail.

Regarding Qiao Simei's matter, Qiao Yicheng didn't say too much to Sanli, but only said that Qi Chenggang made some mistakes.Even Qi Chenggang had a problem with his style, and he couldn't say it.

After picking up the children and buying vegetables, Qiao Yicheng, Sanli, and Niu Ye were the main cooks.

Although Qiao Erqiang, the cook of the Qiao family, is back, his important arms and hands are fine, but his legs and feet are not convenient after all.

Although Niu Ye didn't mind Qiao Erqiang coming to cook, it was clear that Qiao Yicheng and Sanli could not agree to Qiao Erqiang coming to cook.

The atmosphere of the meal this time is not bad, Qiao Zuwang is happy, no one will make trouble during the meal, Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei are in a bad mood, even if they eat less, it will not affect others.

"Second brother, what is your plan when you come back this time? Do you want to find a job, or continue to open a restaurant?"

After eating, Sanli asked Qiao Erqiang.Knowing that Qiao Erqiang will not leave again, there will naturally be more problems.

"Ah, I want to rest for a while." Qiao Erqiang said absent-mindedly, probably still thinking about Ma Suqin and cheap son.

"Well, I need to rest for a while, and let my body recover first."

Sanli looked at Er Qiang's injured leg and said.I didn't even mention opening a restaurant again, so I need to prepare first.

Qiao Erqiang was not only physically injured, but this time it was obvious that his heart was also injured.

When a body is injured, it takes time to recover, three months, no matter what.

But for Qiao Erqiang to recover from this heartache, he doesn't know how long it will take.

"Simei, after you have obtained the certificate, is it true that the wedding is not going to be held? At least our family, the second aunt's family, and Qi Chenggang's family should be invited to have a meal together, right?"

After talking about Qiao Erqiang, it was naturally Qiao Simei's turn.

"Third sister, we really don't hold a wedding anymore, we have obtained the certificate for more than a month."

Qiao Simi had made up her mind not to hold any ceremony.

"Then how to live after marriage, have you all thought about it? Qi Chenggang doesn't even have a job, how will you survive in the future? Where do you live after marriage? Do you live alone, or live with Qi Chenggang's parents, I remember Their house is not big, is there a place for you to live?"

At this time, Sanli completely put herself into the role of being a mother in the Qiao family.

"Sister, we haven't thought about it that much. We will always solve these things step by step. Chenggang can drive, which is quite popular. It shouldn't be difficult to find a job. Chenggang and his family are small. We definitely can't live in their house. If not, we'll just make do with our house for a while."

"No, I don't agree, Qiao Simei, you are married, not a door-to-door son-in-law, what's the matter with living in Qiao's house with a man! Besides, our house is such a big place, the second strong, Qi Qi also You have to live, there is no place for you to live."

Hearing Simei's words, Qiao Zuwang refused decisively.

"Brother Niu, can you let us live in your old house for a while?"

After Qiao Zuwang refused, Qiao Simei didn't bother, and turned to Niu Ye.With such a quick response, Niu Ye could not help but suspect that Qiao Simei had already set his sights on Niu Ye's old house.

"Simei, according to the saying, our old house has always been empty, so it's not impossible to let you live for a while. But you also know that my parents are relatively old-fashioned and old-fashioned. They definitely don't agree. If there is a problem with character , live in our old house, so."

(End of this chapter)

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