Chapter 707 Two Years in a Hurry (Big Chapter)
"Your second brother doesn't seem to have a past, and he lives in a daze all day long. When I see him, I will mention it and persuade him that he should take a step down or take a step."

Qiao Yicheng rubbed his eyebrows and said worryingly, Qiao Erqiang couldn't forget that Ma Suqin's performance was quite obvious, to the point where even Qiao Qiqi could see it.

"What about you?" Sanli continued to ask Qiao Yicheng.

"Let's talk about the second strong side first, and then we'll talk after we're done." Qiao Yicheng perfunctory.At this time, Qiao Yicheng was no longer like the head of Qiao's family, but to Sanli he was like a son who didn't want to get married and a mother urging him to get married.

"Second brother, hurry up, and you can't delay here. You are older than second brother, and you have passed the age of [-]. When I help you choose a partner, you can't delay, you must I want to meet people."

Sanli stayed with Niu Ye all the time, and she did learn some ways to handle Qiao Yicheng, that is, just help Qiao Yicheng make a decision directly and forcefully.

After Sanli had talked with Qiao Yicheng, it was naturally her turn to talk to Qiao Erqiang.

It was because of Ma Suqin's conflict that the relationship between Niu Ye and Er Qiang was quite distant.

After that, Qiao Erqiang came to Niu Ye's house much less often, and he was not as proactive as Qiao Yicheng.

Sanli had no choice but to make a call to the restaurant where Er Qiang worked, and asked Er Qiang to send wontons home with the excuse of wanting to eat the little chaos made by Er Qiang.

"Sanli, I brought you the wrapped wontons, and I'll cook them for you now."

Qiao Erqiang is just after the divorce, he tends to be immersed in his own world and ignores the people around him.But in fact, Qiao Erqiang still has deep feelings for Sanli.

Knowing that Sanli wanted to eat the wontons she made, Er Qiang brought some wontons with her after get off work at the restaurant at noon, and soon came to Niu Ye's house.

"Second brother, I'll help you make it together. It's been a long time since I've eaten anything made by you, second brother."

It can't really let Qiao Erqiang work in the kitchen alone, and Sanli will help in the kitchen together.

After Sanli went to school, most of what she ate was the food made by Er Qiang.

Others eat the taste at home, probably the taste of mother's cooking.

In the old Qiao's family, Qiao Yicheng was an exception, and he still had a lot of memories of his mother.A few small ones, the taste of home, can be said to be the meal made by Erqiang.

"Working in a restaurant is busy now, and I don't have so much freedom, so I don't have so much time to cook at home. When I have a rest someday, I can make a good table at home, and you come home to eat."

Qiao Erqiang smiled naively twice and then said.

Cooking a wonton was quite simple, and within a few minutes, the two of them returned to the restaurant with the cooked wonton.

"Well, this wonton is the best made by you second brother. Second brother, how is your work lately?"

Sanli said to Qiao Erqiang while eating wontons.

"It's not bad, the business of the boss's restaurant is not bad."

There are very few restaurants that are operating normally and have bad business.

"Oh, second brother, your job is considered stable now, do you have any idea of ​​starting a family again?"

After talking about work and family, the chat should be in this order.

"This... let's forget about this, I'm fine by myself now."

Qiao Erqiang said with a dull face.

"Second brother, you are not young anymore. You are actually 27, and your ID card is 29. In a few years, it will not be so easy to find a partner. I haven't been to work for a few days, and I have seen it at the blind date corner in the park. It's really not that easy for a man to find a partner after he's over thirty."

The blind date corner in the park started around this time, in the corner of the park.

Especially on weekends, there will be some aunts and a few uncles, holding a personal introduction like a resume, and get together to chat.

These 50-[-]-year-old aunts and uncles will help their children in the park at this time to find suitable blind dates.

The success rate is quite high. When the parents of both parties communicated, they had already understood the basic conditions of the family.

Those who are willing to arrange a blind date meeting, at least there are no obstacles in the families of both parties.

Niu Ye also knew that these people would continue to come to the park to find marriage partners for their grandchildren after 30 or 80 years, when the aunts and uncles were seven or eighty years old.

"Sanli, don't keep urging me. Eldest brother is also single now. He is older than me. If you really have free time, you should worry about elder brother."

Qiao Yicheng is also single now, which is indeed a perfect excuse for Qiao Erqiang to stay single and avoid being urged to marry.

"Big brother, I'm urging him too, but second brother, you have to hold on tight. And second brother, at this time, you use big brother as an excuse. You were only 20 years old, and you insisted on getting married. Why didn't I want to wait for my elder brother to get married first..."

Sanli turned over old accounts, proving that if Qiao Erqiang wanted to get married, it had nothing to do with whether Qiao Yicheng got married or not, but seeing Qiao Erqiang's face getting darker and darker, she stopped talking.

"Sanli, it's better to let nature take its course." Qiao Erqiang seemed not very interested in the blind date.

"How can this be natural? You spend every day in the back kitchen of a restaurant, so how can you possibly meet the right person. I have already asked someone to introduce you to a blind date. When you have an appointment with someone, you can find time to go Just see and see."

When Qiao Erqiang didn't make a fuss, he was a person with no opinions.

From Qiao Zu to Qiao Simei, everyone can arrange Qiao Erqiang.

"Look at my time. It's not good to delay work."

Qiao Erqiang didn't explicitly agree or object, and replied perfunctorily.

Although Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Erqiang were both strong, neither of them agreed very willingly.

But Sanli is also really interested in the marriage of her two brothers, mobilizing all relationships, friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, to find a suitable blind date for the two of them.

The only elder of the old Qiao family, Qiao Zuwang, didn't care about the marriage of the two brothers, only Sanli could do such things.

Sanli didn't go to work during the first half year of her pregnancy, but she didn't live a leisurely life.

Into the group of aunts who like to introduce people most.

In half a year, Qiao Yicheng arranged four or five blind dates, and Qiao Erqiang arranged three or four blind dates.

The marriage and love market has proved that single dads like Qiao Yicheng who have a good education, a good unit, a good job, and a bright future are more popular than Qiao Erqiang.

The results of the meeting were not very good. The two brothers had a total of blind dates, and the one who met the most was the girl. They met three times, and there was nothing to say.

The blind date arranged for the two brothers didn't stop until she was pregnant with the child and Sanli couldn't move around so easily.

Then Sanli slept a little restlessly and had some insomnia. Niu Ye checked and found that Sanli was angry.

"Sanli, are you angry? You still have two in your stomach, so don't worry about getting angry about Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Erqiang."

Niu Ye also tried his best to help Qiao Yicheng. The ones who helped Qiao Yicheng find him were all girls who fell in love with Qiao Yicheng's conditions and were likely to take the initiative when they were on a blind date.

Those who are looking for Qiao Erqiang are women who are a few years older than Qiao Erqiang, have mature personalities, and look like motherly love.

It has been arranged according to the preferences of the two brothers as much as possible, and neither of them has a successful blind date.

Niu Ye had no choice but to continue arranging blind dates for the two of them.

"Actually, I don't want to be so anxious. It's been so long and there is no result, so I will inevitably get angry."

Because she was still pregnant with her child, Sanli also didn't want to have any health problems.

"You are not as good as Simei. You see, Simei is not in a hurry, and her mentality is much better. At least the attitude of the two of them is much better than before, and they are quite cooperative. Fate will always come sooner or later." will meet."

Niu Ye joked that Qiao Simei's mentality was indeed better.

They also worked hard to help Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Erqiang introduce their partners, and they didn't worry if they didn't succeed.

If Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Erqiang hadn't been together for a long time, they wouldn't have found a partner.

Qiao Simei's view of love does not support blind dates as a way of finding a partner.

When the neighbor helped Qiao Simei introduce someone for a blind date, Qiao Simei went on a blind date, but just took a look and then came back.

After going overboard and talking, Sanli adjusted her mentality and stopped thinking about Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Erqiang's finding a partner.

Within a month, Niu Ye signed in again in the morning, and after the milk powder arrived, the time for Sanli's delivery was confirmed.

When I went to work, I brought Sanli with me to the hospital for delivery.

Just like the last time when San Li gave birth to the eldest, Niu Ye notified Qiao Yicheng, and all the old Qiao's family came.

This time the people were more complete than last time, not just Qiao Qiqi.

Even Qiao Zuwang, who didn't care about his wife giving birth, came to the hospital early this time and waited outside the delivery room.

After Qiao Zuwang needed support from his children, his attitude towards them was different from before.

Niu Ye's side is naturally Niu's father, and Niu's mother both arrived. After Sanli's due date approached, Niu's father didn't make any arrangements for him, and needed to go out to work in Nanjing.

Although I have experienced it once, the worry is still the same.

Especially the Qiao family, after Wei Shuying's dystocia was gone.

When it comes time to have a baby, no one is not worried.

"Niu Ye, congratulations, twins, Sanli has made up a good word for you this time, adults and children are safe."

Although he had already had many children, it was the first time for the twins Niu Ye to experience it. When the nurse came out with the baby in his arms, Niu Ye put his heart in his stomach.

"Head Nurse Yan, which one is older?"

Niu Ye knew about twins Niu Ye by himself after seeing the B-ultrasound, but which one was born first, which was older and which was younger, Niu Ye had no way to know in advance.

"Girls are older sisters, boys are younger brothers."

This confirms that the second child of Lao Niu's family is a girl and the third child is a son.

Because the baby is a twin, it is a little smaller when it is born. This is a normal phenomenon and it is not a big problem.

Because it was twins this time, I went home after resting in the hospital for two days.

In any case, the hospital is not as good as home. Even if you live in the high-level ward of the hospital, it is not as comfortable as staying at home.

Two babies are more than twice as difficult to care for than one.

Niu Ye's focus was on taking care of the children again.

When one child cries, the other will follow suit, and the eldest must be taken care of.

Even with the confinement wife's help, Sanli still has a lot to do.

So apart from the child, Sanli couldn't think about other miscellaneous things.

"Sanli, I have a surprise for you. I said that after the baby is born, I will give you a surprise."

Niu Ye took the children's ID card that he had prepared for the child, handed it to Sanli and said.

"Niu Ye, the third child follows my surname Qiao, do parents really have any objections?"

Because the child's household registration was registered in Gangcheng along with Niu Ye and Sanli, so when the child's ID card was obtained, the child was already three months old when Niu Ye got it.

"I told my parents in advance that there is only one child in other people's families. You suffered such a big crime and gave birth to three children for Lao Niu's family. Of course, parents agree to a child with your surname Joe. You want If you really feel sorry, let's continue to work hard and give birth to a grandson or granddaughter for our parents!"

Of course, the process of persuading Niu's father and mother is not as simple as Niu Ye said.

However, under Niu Ye's persuasion, in order to impress Sanli and possibly have more grandchildren, Niu's parents and Niu's mother still accepted that the third child followed Sanli's surname as Qiao.

In order to show that Lao Niu's family does not favor boys over girls, the third child plans to take Sanli's surname, which is the result of the child's decision early in Sanli's belly.

Take care of the children, get busy, even if there is no play, the Spring Festival is also spent in the busyness of taking care of the children.

After the Spring Festival, Niu Ye has more and more things to do.

After the two villas bought by Niu's father were handed over, Niu Ye had another task of watching over the decoration of the villas.

This is also an urgent matter. After there are more children, the house in the community will not be able to live if the confinement wife and nanny are used.

Niu Ye and Sanli can only live in the small courtyard, even though the distance is not far.

Parents and mothers still find it inconvenient to see their grandchildren.

So decorating the villa as soon as possible is a compulsory task given to Niu Ye by Niu's father and mother for the convenience of visiting their grandchildren.

And even without this incident, Niu Ye wouldn't be able to live in the courtyard for too long.

Because of the continuous development of the city, the small courtyard where Niu Ye has been living is also facing the problem of demolition and development.

There is already a plan. The small courtyard where Niu Ye lives is only two or three years away from demolition.

After the child was half a year old, the Niu family's pharmaceutical factory was built.

Sanli also started working and served as the vice president of the pharmaceutical factory.

This is already much longer than when she was the eldest, Sanli just took a maternity leave.

The pharmaceutical factory has just started, and only produces simple consumables such as masks, hand washing clothes, pants, slippers, and protective clothing.

In the medical category, only a few simple medicines and two Chinese patent medicines developed by Niu Ye have been approved for production.

There are not many production lines, and Sanli can still manage it after adapting for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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