Chapter 712 Shamao Alley God of War (big chapter)
Niu Ye came out of Simei's ward, and when he was about to go downstairs, he saw Qi Chenggang, who was hiding at the end of the corridor, secretly making a phone call.

Looking at Fu's sneaky look, he knew that what he said on the phone would not be something above board.

But Niu Ye didn't bother Qi Chenggang's thoughts, and chose to ignore it.

I went down the inpatient building, went to the entrance of the hospital, bought a fruit basket, and went to Wei Shufang's ward.

"Second Aunt, Uncle Ma, Cousin, Cousin, you are all here."

After Niu Ye opened the door and came in, there were quite a lot of people inside, but he didn't see Qiao Erqiang, and the two just diverged.

"Ah, let's come over and bring some breakfast to Mom and Uncle Ma." Qi Weimin pointed to the insulated lunch box on the table and said. "The soup my mother is drinking was brought by Er Qiang." Pointing again, Wei Shufang continued to drink the soup.

"Well, the Erqiang soup is pretty good. Second aunt can drink more." Niu Ye first said to Qi Weimin.

"Second Aunt, your physical condition is not bad. After a few days of recuperation, you can arrange surgery when your condition recovers."

After that, Niu Ye came to the bedside, briefly looked at Wei Shufang and gave Wei Shufang a physical examination, and then said to Wei Shufang.

"Niu Ye, I'm sorry to trouble you. I have arranged a ward and the doctor, but I have to come here every day to help my mother check up."

Qi Weimin can say that when he meets people other than Qiao Yicheng, he speaks very kindly.

"It's nothing, I did everything according to Sanli's instructions. You and your mother have done so many things for the Qiao family, so I'll repay you for Sanli."

Niu Ye couldn't take the credit either, so he said politely to Qi Weimin.

It's not easy for Qi Weimin, the boss of the Qi family, to do it.

Because of Wei Shufang's insistence on marrying the old horse at the beginning, Qi Weimin just gave up the house and savings of the Qi family.

Only then did Qi Weiyi and Qi Xiaoya reluctantly agree, and Wei Shufang remarried.

Now that Wei Shufang is ill, it can be said that Qi Weiyi and Qi Xiaoya basically ignore Wei Shufang.

Not to mention visiting Wei Shufang, but calling to say hello, both brothers and sisters thought it was a waste of time.I don't even want to come to the hospital to serve.

What he kept silent was that Wei Shufang was married to Lao Ma, so the responsibility of taking care of Wei Shufang should be borne by Lao Ma.

The responsibility of taking care of Wei Shufang falls on Qi Weimin, the son.

Fortunately, this old man, Lao Ma, is quite benevolent, and his physical condition is not bad, so he can share some of the work of taking care of Wei Shufang.

"They are all relatives, and our family has spare capacity, so we should take care of it. I heard that Simei gave birth, right? I haven't had time to see her yet. How is she doing?"

Besides Qiao Qiqi who he brought up, Qi Weimin, the child of the Qiao family, cared most about Qiao Simei.

"Simei's situation is not bad. Although the expected delivery date is more than ten days earlier, the mother and daughter are safe and all indicators are normal. This is already the best result."

"Then wait for a while, Xingyu and I will go to see Simei."

"Okay, Simei lives in 305 downstairs, you know that? I'm going to work here too, I won't be busy, I'll come and see you."

"Well, Er Qiang told us about it."

"Brother Niu, I brought you food."

Near noon, Sanli also came to the hospital.

"What is this? Isn't this a confinement meal?"

Niu Ye opened the lunch box and saw that Sanli had brought a hen soup.

"The eldest brother and the second brother both brought rice for Simei. She couldn't eat it, so I brought you my stewed chicken soup. This is an old hen soup prepared for confinement. It is more nutritious than ordinary soup .”

Because of her young age, Qiao Simi can be said to have always enjoyed the favor of her three older brothers and sisters.

Ever since Qiao Simi gave birth, all three of them came to deliver meals, so it was obvious.

Qiao Simei didn't stay in the hospital for long, because she was born more than ten days earlier, and she needed to observe the child's condition more for peace of mind, so she stayed for an extra day.

On the third day after giving birth, Qiao Simei was taken back to Qiao's old house by Qi Chenggang.

After Qiao Simei went back, she had nothing to do with Niu Ye.

It is Sanli who has more things to do, buying clothes, milk powder, and toys for Simei's daughter Qi Qiaoqiao, and taking care of Qiao Simei who is in confinement.

Old Qiao's family didn't have any female elders, and Sanli had to teach Qiao Simi how to take care of babies and how to be a good mother.

Sanli didn't have that much free time, so she taught Simei for two days, allowing Qiao Simei, a novice mother, to master some basic skills.

I have taught a lot of necessary skills, but it still can't solve the fundamental problem. Qiao Simi, a woman who has just given birth, needs more rest during confinement.

There are quite a few people living in Old Qiao's house, Qiao Zuwang, Qiao Erqiang, Qiao Qiqi, and Qi Chenggang, but from old to young, no one was able to take care of confinement.

Sanli contacted Qiao Simi again, and someone could take care of Qiao Simi and the child.

Qiao Simi's childbirth is basically the past.

Wei Shufang adjusted her physical condition for a few days and underwent an operation.

I stayed in the hospital for a few more days and recovered well, so I went home to recuperate.

After more than a week, after sending Wei Shufang out of the hospital, Niu Ye finally returned to normal.

After Qiao Simei gave birth, there were still some changes. Qiao Yicheng and Qiao Sanli, the two people who moved out of Qiao's house, began to change again when they returned to Qiao's old house.

When Sanli went back alone, Niu Ye didn't need to follow her.

But when Sanli wanted to take the three children to play together, Niu Ye couldn't do it if she didn't follow her.

Qi Qiaoqiao's full moon, Qiao Simei didn't plan to make a big deal, but it was necessary for his family to set up a table for the children to celebrate.

Qi Chenggang and Qiao Simei, neither of them has the skills to cook a table.

So Qiao Simi's daughter's full moon wine was set in the restaurant.

This time it was quite decent, and I chose a long-established Nanjing restaurant with a high level of quality.

Niu Ye was asked by Sanli to take the children to participate in the full moon wine.

Because Niu Ye and Qi Chenggang really had nothing to say, Niu Ye was stuck in time and went to the restaurant.

After arriving, as soon as he opened the door of the private room, Niu Ye saw that Qiao Yicheng was beating Qi Chenggang.

"Qi Chenggang."

Qiao Yicheng roared angrily, and threw a big bag on Qi Chenggang's face.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

Qi Chenggang was also very angry after being dumped by a big rival. Although Qi Chenggang didn't fight back because Qiao Yicheng was his brother-in-law, Qi Chenggang also clenched his fists and questioned Qiao Yicheng as if he was ready to explode at any time.

"Qiao Yicheng, what are you messing around with?"

Qiao Zuwang scolded, finally had the opportunity to teach Qiao Yicheng a lesson, and Qiao Zuwang naturally would not miss it.

And Qiao Zu didn't want to, Qiao Yicheng interrupted his dinner.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Qiao Simei walked briskly and stood in front of Qi Chenggang, avoiding the continued conflict between the two, and asked Qiao Yicheng.

"Big brother (big brother)." The rest, Qiao Erqiang, Qiqi, and Sanli were very surprised, and they all called Qiao Yicheng.

"What do I mean, don't you know what I mean? Don't you know what you have done?"

Qiao Yicheng didn't pay attention to the others, and pushed away Qiao Simei who was standing in front of him, and threw another big bib on Qi Chenggang's left cheek, and now he was more balanced and symmetrical, with a slap on both sides of the face.

After Qiao Yicheng's slap, everyone except Qiao Zuwang couldn't sit still, and they all gathered around the scene of the conflict.

"What did I do, brother, don't go too far."

After this slap, Qi Chenggang couldn't hold back any longer, and was about to rush to Qiao Yicheng to make a move, and Qi Chenggang, whether he was his brother-in-law or not, couldn't care less.

"Qi Chenggang, what do you want to do? You still want to fight Qiao Yicheng!"

Niu Ye was watching, so he definitely couldn't watch Qiao Yicheng suffer.

The strength of Qi Chenggang and Qiao Yicheng is really not at the same level.

Qi Chenggang was half a head taller than Qiao Yicheng, because he had been exercising as a soldier, and he also exercised regularly after he came back, so his figure was much bigger than Qiao Yicheng.

He has trained in fighting for several years and has more experience than Qiao Yicheng.

So Niu Ye didn't let Qi Chenggang get close to Qiao Yicheng's body. Before Qi Chenggang could reach Qiao Yicheng's side, Niu Ye pushed Qi Chenggang hard, pushing Qi Chenggang against the wall before stopping.

"Qi Chenggang, I'm going too far or you are going too far. Simei just gave birth to you, and your old problems relapsed. When you're with a woman on the street, just hug and kiss me, Qi Chenggang, are you still Do you want to face? It was all captured by the TV camera, and you still don’t want to admit it, do you want me to bring the video to you so that you can give up? "

Qiao Yicheng walked up to Qi Chenggang, pointed to Qi Chenggang's nose and said.

After being pointed out by Qiao Yicheng, Qi Chenggang lost his anger, and let go of his clenched fists. He squatted down on the ground, hugged his head, and acted like an ostrich without saying a word.

"Are you still a person! Simei takes care of your children at home, and you go out to find other women, who are you worthy of?"

While talking, Qiao Yicheng kicked Qi Chenggang twice again.

Today, Qiao Yicheng's combat prowess is beyond the charts. If he can always perform like this, he can completely seal Qiao Yicheng as the God of War in Shamao Lane.

"Brother, don't say any more, can you save some face for me!" Qiao Simei didn't want to, and tears came down as she spoke.He couldn't tell whether it was because of his own sadness, or because he felt sorry for Qi Chenggang, and hugged Qiao Yicheng who was beating someone: "Brother, don't beat me up anymore, Cheng Gang will change it, he already knows his mistake."

"Qi Chenggang, do you dare to feel sorry for Simei and treat us as no one at Old Qiao's house?"

It's just that Qiao Simei was able to stop Qiao Yicheng, and there was Qiao Erqiang standing beside him. After understanding what was going on, Qiao Erqiang, who was standing by the side to stop Qiao Yicheng, took advantage of his close proximity to Qi Chenggang, He kicked Qi Chenggang's head.

"Brother Niuye."

Qiao Qiqi called Niu Ye, who was also eager to try.

This child did not go to so many martial arts cram schools in vain, but he has cultivated some courage, and already has the idea of ​​​​taking the initiative to hit someone.

Niu Ye was giving Qiqi a wink, and when he could go up and fight, Qiao Simei ran over and hugged Qiao Erqiang again, "Second brother, stop beating him, do you want to kill him?" Qiao Simei turned her head again Looking at Qi Chenggang: "Are you a fool, why are you staying here if you don't leave!"

After being reminded by Qiao Simei, Qi Chenggang remembered and slipped away. After being let go, Qiao Yicheng punched him twice, then stood up and walked towards the door.

Niu Ye didn't want to stand up for Qiao Simei, and was unwilling to let Qi Chenggang run away like this, so he pushed Qi Qi behind.

What Qiqi practiced most was boxing and Sanda. Without clamoring, she punched Qi Chenggang in the face with a straight punch.

He hit the red heart, and punched Qi Chenggang on the nose. The three brothers took turns to hit, and finally made Qi Chenggang see the red.

Qi Chenggang immediately had a nosebleed, and his nose was sore and sore from the beating.

It also made Qi Chenggang slow down, and given the opportunity, let the three brothers of the Qiao family kick a few more times by themselves before letting Qi Chenggang run out.

Qi Chenggang's embarrassment this time was quite embarrassing, but because the three brothers of the Qiao family were weaker than each other, Qi Chenggang didn't suffer much damage.

It's not very harmful, but extremely insulting. It just describes the three brothers of the Qiao family beating someone.

"Hit him, beat him to death, dare to bully my daughter."

After the people left, Qiao Zuwang, who was tough on the outside and soft on the inside, patted the table and shouted.

It's just that everyone in the room knew what Qiao Zuwang was like, and no one paid attention to Qiao Zuwang's clamor.

Qiao Zuwang yelled a few words, but no one responded. He felt bored, so he stopped and continued to sit and drink tea.

"Brother, what is going on?"

Waiting for Qiao Yicheng to get angry, pick up a stool, and after sitting down, Sanli asked Qiao Yicheng the truth.

"Let Qiao Simei tell you by herself."

"Brother, he will change this time." Qiao Simei said still crying.

"I will change it this time. Has he changed it? He just won't change it after repeated admonitions. Qiao Simei, tell me honestly, this time you gave birth prematurely, is it because you know that there are people outside Qi Chenggang, so you are angry?"

Qiao Yicheng is not stupid. Hearing that Qiao Simei kept explaining for Qi Chenggang, he knew that Qiao Simei knew that Qi Chenggang had cheated again.

"Brother, is it meaningful for you to say this at this time?"

"Qiao Simei, you already knew, then you should know that Qi Chenggang hasn't changed. Yesterday, Qi Chenggang was photographed with other women. He is a dog who can't change and eats shit. If it wasn't for me If my colleague photographed it and I happen to see it, how long do you want to keep this from us?"

Hearing Qiao Yicheng's words, Niu Ye was probably sure that Qi Chenggang's date with his lover might have been the background board of some news.

Niu Ye originally thought that if he didn't expose Qi Chenggang, he could keep this matter a secret for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Qi Chenggang was so unscrupulous that he almost made the news as a background.

"Brother, Cheng Gang said he would change it, and this time he will definitely change it."

Qiao Simi kept muttering and repeating this sentence as if she had been stimulated and became stupid.

Probably this was really Qi Chenggang's guarantee, and Qiao Simi took it as the lifeline of her marriage.

"Qiao Simei, Qi Chenggang is a person who is naturally restless. I advise you to leave yourself a way out. Don't be foolish and plunge into this whirlpool. If you can't get out, you will drown yourself in the end."

Qiao Yicheng was also very helpless. It could be seen how much Qiao Simei couldn't do without Qi Chenggang.

(End of this chapter)

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