Chapter 718 Seven Seven Works (Big Chapter)
Under the threat of Qiao Yicheng wanting to cut off his living expenses and cut off the relationship between father and son.

Qiao Zuwang secretly went to the Xiang family to do business, and this hidden danger was ruled out.

Qiao Yicheng was able to live his newlywed life without any worries.

Niu Ye didn't do anything else, he just continued to arrange the traditional Chinese medicine for Qiao Yicheng.

Other problems are minor problems, but Qiao Yicheng's waist problem is related to tasks and health. It is a big problem and cannot be ignored.

Qiao Yicheng's instructions to go back to the old house last time also caused some surprises.

After understanding Qiao Yicheng's situation a little bit, Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei finally matured a bit.

If you don't encounter any trivial matters, you will call Qiao Yicheng to solve them.

After Qiao Zuwang was threatened by Qiao Yicheng, he stayed quiet for a while.

Quiet days, after two months, the time has come to June.

"Brother Niu, tomorrow is the first time that Second Brother will bring Sister Qingqing back to Qiao's old house, can you go back together?"

After Niu Ye came home from get off work on Friday, Sanli hurriedly said to Niu Ye.

"I have an operation tomorrow, so I won't go through it."

This kind of activity where Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Zuwang were the protagonists, Niu Ye happened to be working overtime, so he was not going to participate.

The two have slept in the same room for two years, and the current relationship is considered a honeymoon period.

There won't be any surprises, and there won't be any fun to watch.

Qiao Erqiang's ability to bring Song Qingqing back is enough to show that Qiao Zuwang basically agreed to this marriage.

Er Qiang is willing to take the object back, which means that the two have finally reached the point where they are talking about marriage.

Qiao Erqiang was obviously not that willing. Even if Er Qiang liked widows, he obviously didn't like wives as much.

If you really like it, Qiao Erqiang's character will not be moaning, and he will be moaning for more than a year.

"If you don't go, then I will go alone. If you don't go, I can't bring three children by myself."

Although the three children in the family are fairly obedient, it is still a little difficult to take care of the three children alone when they go out.

"Kids stay at home, let parents bring them. It's the first time for people to come to the door, and it's inconvenient to go to so many children."

Ordinary children often go back to their grandpa's house with their mothers. It is because ordinary old people like children. They take their children to visit and spend more time with the old people. Adults and children can be very happy.

But Qiao Zuwang is obviously not a person who likes children, so there is no need for the children to go back with Sanli.


When Niu Ye went to work in the hospital the next day, Sanli went out together.

Normally, Sanli would go back to Qiao's house, so it doesn't matter if it's a little late. Today, Qiao Erqiang wants to bring her partner home.

It's not easy to let Qiao Erqiang be the cook all the time. Qiao Simi's craftsmanship is too ordinary, and she needs to prepare a table of dishes, so Sanli went to help prepare it earlier.

Niu Ye went to the hospital for an operation, had lunch in the hospital cafeteria, and then went home.

Not long after Niu Ye arrived home, Sanli also came back. Seeing Niu Ye, she asked in surprise:
"Why did you come back so early?"

"Today's surgery went well, so I just came back from get off work."

It was a normal rest time, but Niu Ye couldn't bear the favor, so he went to have an extra operation, and after the operation, he came back naturally.

"When did you come back and where did you have lunch?"

"It was a little earlier than you, and I came back from eating in the hospital. Today's second-best partner went back to eating, didn't there be any accidents?" Niu Ye asked, still somewhat curious about the situation of Qiao's family today.

"No surprises, Sister Qingqing is very happy, and Dad is also very enthusiastic."

Niu Ye understood what he meant, and if he came to the door as a partner, he must show that he would be happy.

But Qiao Zuwang was enthusiastic, it must be Song Qingqing who brought many gifts to Qiao Zuwang.

"It's fine as long as it goes well. Does Qiao Erqiang have any plans for their marriage?"

"The second brother sent Sister Qingqing back. I haven't had time to ask him. But there must be a plan. I heard from my father that the second brother has already started looking for a house outside. Dad is quite reluctant to let the second brother move out. .”

It is impossible for Qiao Zuwang to be reluctant to part with Qiao Erqiang, but Niu Ye is not surprised at all if Qiao Zuwang is reluctant to part with Qiao Erqiang's rent.

"The object of the second strong man, doesn't he have a house? Why is Qiao Erqiang still looking for a house to live in?"

Niu Ye remembered that Qiao Erqiang would become a 'winner in life' again this time.

You can live in other people's rooms, sleep with other people's wives, and beat other people's children.

"I don't know very well. I'll ask him later when I have time. Maybe the second brother doesn't want to live in someone else's house." Sanli frowned and thought for a while.

After waiting for another half a month, Niu Ye learned about the specific situation from Sanli.

Qiao Erqiang inherited the legacy of his ex-husband this time, but not completely.

Only the daughter-in-law and children were inherited, not the house.

However, Qiao Erqiang is a person who has no pursuit of things outside his body.

Among the members of the Qiao family, Qiao Erqiang may be the one who cares the least about money.

Qiao Erqiang spent the most money on food.

I don't covet other people's houses, and I have the idea of ​​taking a house with every wife I marry.

It will not affect the marriage of Qiao Erqiang and Song Qingqing, and proceed step by step.

In fact, there is no complicated process to prepare for. In this era, family reorganization is mostly not as ostentatious as later generations.

The main preparation time is spent on renting and furnishing the house.

Optimistic about a good day, Qiao Erqiang and Song Qingqing went to get their certificates.

Afterwards, the restaurant was booked, and the two families had a meal, and Qiao Erqiang was considered married.

Even if it was a simple wedding, Qiao Erqiang's second wedding was more grand than the first.

At least Song Qingqing's parents and Qiao Zuwang participated in the wine setting this time.

Witnessed by parents and blessings from brothers and sisters, it looks like a married couple.

Niu Ye and Sanli's wedding present to Qiao Erqiang this time was a complete set of kitchen supplies.

From the gas stove to all kinds of pots and pans, they are all things Qiao Erqiang likes.

The other brothers and sisters also had their own opinions about Qiao Erqiang's new marriage.

In the past two years, Qiao Erqiang has also saved tens of thousands of dollars.

This is not easy, half of Qiao Erqiang's monthly salary, including living expenses and rent, is basically handed over to Qiao Zuwang.

When renting a house, the landlord brought some furniture, and Qiao Erqiang bought a TV, refrigerator, washing machine, everything that should be there, and the house was furnished like a home.

Qiao Erqiang's work is over here, and Qiao Qiqi's affairs have also made some progress.

The object of Qiqi, after graduation, was admitted to a school to be a teacher, and a teacher who graduated from a normal school is a teacher, and the major is very suitable.

After the girl's job is stable, she hopes that Qiao Qiqi will also find a more stable job.

So after Niu Ye trusted someone, he arranged for Qiao Qiqi to join a state-owned enterprise, Panda Electronics.

In this era, Panda Electronics is already very brilliant, and Panda TV is also a well-known brand.

Qiao Qiqi was arranged to enter Panda Electronics because Qiao Qiqi originally studied electronics.

The other is, of course, that in Niu Ye's memory, Panda Electronics is not only profitable now, but also develops very well in the next few years.

Qiqi's character, she went to a state-owned enterprise to do technical work.

He must be better than Qiao Qiqi to enter various administrative units, and he has a bright future in administrative work.

Taking advantage of the age when academic qualifications were still considered precious, Qiqi was arranged, and there was basically no need to worry about Qiqi in terms of work.

"Qiqi, are you still used to working at work?"

After Qi Qi got to work, the old Qiao's family naturally wanted to celebrate.

From the beginning of Qiao Yicheng to the end of Qiao Qiqi, the children of Qiao's family have this process.

"Fortunately, the leader took good care of me."

Qi Qi nodded and said.Qiqi already had a diploma in adult education, and Niu Ye had to trust someone, not only to find a suitable position, but also to protect Qiqi's character from being bullied at work.

"It's fine if you can adapt. You have to work steadily in the unit. Don't be afraid of hardship when you first enter the unit..."

Qiao Yicheng spoke in a paternalistic and educational tone.

"Brother, I know."

"It's great. It's not easy after so many years. My five children are finally working and earning money!"

After Qiao Zuwang poured himself a glass of wine, he said with a smile.

"Why have you stayed up for so many years? You mean you stayed up all night to trouble yourself, did you stay up for so many years!"

Qiao Yicheng, who was smiling very gently today, turned cold when he heard Qiao Zuwang's words, and said after taking a look.

Qiao Yicheng knew Qiao Zuwang well, he knew why Qiao Zuwang was in such a good mood today, and he asked to participate in the celebration.

"Why didn't I stay up? Didn't I just stay up when I was working in the factory?" Qiao Zuwang refused to accept Qiao Yiyi. After being stubborn for a while, he continued to look at Qiqi with a smile: "Qiqi Qi, you will start earning money and receiving wages in the future, you have to learn from your older brothers and sisters, and after the wages are paid, I will pay your parents a living allowance."

"(Dad) Dad, what are you talking about? Why do you still ask Qi Qi to pay?"

Sanli was dissatisfied, so she yelled at Qiao Zuwang, and Simei expressed her opinion directly.

"Qiqi, your unit is good. The whole Nanjing knows that your unit has good benefits and good treatment. You are like your brother and sister. Pay me 300 yuan. No, you should be like your elder brother. Pay me [-] yuan. ..."

Qiao Zuwang ignored Sanlisimei and continued to talk to Qiqi.

"Qiao Zuwang, where is your face? Qiqi has been in charge since he was a child, have you ever taken care of him? How dare you ask him for money."

Excited, Qiao Yicheng patted the table.Qiao Yicheng felt that he owed Qiqi for not taking care of Qiqi for so many years, so he couldn't tolerate it even more, Qiao Zuwang squeezed Qiqi.

"Why didn't I care about it? Even though Qiqi was taken away by your second aunt for adoption, I also gave your second aunt Qiqi's living expenses."

Qiao Zuwang also patted the table, and said to Qiao Yicheng that he couldn't lose his momentum.

"Apart from the living expenses, what else do you care about Qiqi? How many years have you paid for the living expenses? After graduating from Qiao Weimin University and starting to make money, have you paid Qiqi's living expenses?"

"Qiqi has been living at your second aunt's house, so how can I take care of him? Money is also what your second aunt's house doesn't want.

Qiao Zu rolled his eyes and said sophistry.

Wei Shufang is not a very generous person, how could she not have money.

It's entirely because Qiao Zuwang knew that after Qi Weimin made money, he would make up for Qiqi's living expenses from Wei Shufang's side, and he would no longer give the Qi family and Qiqi's living expenses.

Afterwards, the top two, four beauties, one tenth, and three beauties started to make money one after another. Qiao Zuwang didn't care about Qiqi's expenses at all.

Counting the time, before the age of ten, Qiao Zuwang gave Qiqi a few yuan a month for living expenses, which was almost seven or seven. After the age of ten, Qiao Zuwang never cared about Qiqi's affairs.

"When Qiqi was at Second Aunt's house, you couldn't control him. It's been ten years since Qiqi moved back. Have you ever cared about him?"

"Qiao Yicheng, what do you mean, that Qiqi is not my son, he doesn't need to support me when I grow old, does he?"

"Yes, that's what I meant. You didn't raise him as a child, so why did he raise you?"

What Qiao Yicheng said was in line with his philosophy of not giving or not taking.

He thought that Qiao Zuwang didn't pay much to Qiao Qiqi, and of course he shouldn't ask Qiqi too much.

"Brother, I am willing to pay my father's living expenses."

When two people quarreled with you and me, Qiqi finally interjected.

Qiao Qiqi has followed Qi Weimin for so many years, and it's not that he has gained nothing. He has learned all of Qiao Weimin's kindness and generosity.

"Qiao Yicheng, look at Qiqi, this is my son like Qiao Zuwang."

Hearing Qiqi's words, Qiao Zuwang was happy, and said with an old face.

"Qiqi, you don't need to give him living expenses. You are going to start a family soon, so save the money you earn for when you start a family."

Qiao Qiqi said to Qiqi, even Qiqi would listen to what Qiao Yicheng said.

"Dad, you are not short of living expenses now, why do you insist on Qiqi paying you. If you need something, tell me, and I will make it up for you." Sanli said helplessly to Qiao Zuwang.

"Dad, your living expenses are not enough, you tell us. Let's forget about Xiao Qi."

Qiao Simei also didn't think that Qiao Zuwang should ask Qi Qi for living expenses.

"Dad..." Qiao Erqiang obviously wanted to say something.

"Dad, what kind of dad, I'm not your dad, you are dad, okay? I've worked so hard for so many years, and I've brought up all my children..."

Qiao Zuwang didn't dare to bully No. [-] Qiang even if he didn't dare to bully others. All his anger was directed at Qiao No. [-] Qiang who was the easiest to bully.

Then Qiao Zuwang started again, his old performance.

"Qiao Zu hopes that you don't need to talk about it. Don't you feel bad about raising Qi Qi? The four of us give you living expenses, which is what we should do. Don't think about Qi Qi's side."

This time, Qiao Yicheng was very tough and wanted to protect Qiqi.

"Brother." Qi Qi called out to Qiao Yicheng in embarrassment.

Niu Ye understood Qiqi's embarrassment. Everyone else paid Qiao Zuwang's living expenses, but Qiqi didn't. It was a bit embarrassing to say it in person.

Seeing the scene, Niu Ye was a little stiff, knocked on the table twice, and said, "You guys are all finished, then I'll interject. Qiqi was indeed brought up by her second aunt, so now that Qiqi is capable, the second Auntie must be filial."

(End of this chapter)

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