Chapter 736
Because it was the last reunion in Qiao's old house, even Qiao Yicheng drank a lot of wine, and Niu Ye never refused to come, and became a little drunk.

After waking up from the drunkenness, Niu Ye came to the familiar area again, unable to feel time, in the shadow of space.

Various experiences in the world of "Children of Qiao's Family" flashed through Niu Ye's mind like a movie, and then the emotions Niu Ye experienced in the world of "Children of Qiao's Family" were extracted.

Niu Ye didn't expect that when Qiao's family moved out of the old house and the old house was about to be demolished, the world would be over.

There are still some regrets, Qiao Zuwang did not see the miserable life that was manipulated by his children in his later years.

Qiao Erqiang was a gangster all his life, and he was kicked out of the house by his cheap son in his later years. Niu Ye has not yet witnessed it with his own eyes.

Niu Ye agreed not to see how Qiao Simei struggled with Qi scumbag in the second half of her life, and finally resigned to her fate and compromised.

『Congratulations to the host, you have completed the world of "Son of the Qiao Family". 』

"The main task of the world: prevent the Qiao family from becoming extinct.

Tip: One son, 60% completion, two 70%... five 100%. "

"Mission Completion: 80%"

"Mission Reward: Ten Years of World Shuttle Card."

"Story influence: 81%"

"Evaluation: Excellent
"Reward: Gold talent draw once."

Qiao Yicheng had a son, Niu Ye had a son named Qiao, and Qiqi gave birth to another son.

The task was 80% completed without any problems. Besides this ten-year world shuttle card, Niu Ye also had a five-year unused card.

"System, draw a lottery!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the talent: Rejuvenation of the Hand"

The gold-level talent is much more useful than the silver one. Unlike the animal friend who was drawn in the silver lottery last time, except for preventing Niu Ye from being bitten by mosquitoes and training the Qiao family's broken-tailed cat, Little Cotton, he has nothing to do. Find out what's useful.

This time the talent also gave instructions on how to use it, which is really a literal rejuvenation.

For the elderly over the age of [-], Niu Yelai can rejuvenate the old man's body function by ten years.

Each person can only use it once, and Niu Ye can use it once every ten years in the mission world.

One is not scientific at all, and has the ability to become a bit mysterious.

After figuring it out, Niu Ye used the World Shuttle Card (five years) he saved last time to return to the world of Qiao's children.

There are many things that have not been settled temporarily, and it is still too uncomfortable for Niu Ye, who is somewhat obsessive-compulsive.

Even when Niu Ye was in the hospital, he hadn't finished his project on congenital heart disease.

Going to other worlds, Niu Ye doesn't have the conditions for medical research, so it's more convenient to come back and continue.

After coming back and staying for another five years, Niu Ye also did a lot of things, after completing the project.

Niu Ye left his job at the hospital and took over the family company.

The world is so big, in order to let the cow parents have the energy to see it.

Niu Ye's 30 years of living in "Children of Qiao's Family" have brought him back to life three times.

I used it once on my mother and father. The father and mother who have just passed 50 have the physical functions of a [-]-year-old.

If you have money, leisure, and body, if you want to play, traveling around the world is enough.

For the remaining time, Niu Ye kept it. Qiao Zuwang was not worthy of Niu Ye to waste a chance of rejuvenation.

After finishing his personal affairs, besides enjoying life, Niu Ye witnessed the results of Qiao's family with his own eyes.

In the past five years, Qiao Zuwang's life has not been easy.

Although he lived a life without worrying about food and clothing, and had a nanny to serve him, but after he ran out of money, Qiao Zuwang also lost entertainment.

For Qiao Zuwang, the old-age life of going to the park and watching TV without entertainment is also a kind of torture.

Coupled with the unrestrained eating, drinking and gambling when I was young, I always have to pay it back.

After moving to the new home in the compensation building, Qiao Zuwang's body suddenly collapsed.

People have also aged a lot, and going up and down the stairs by themselves has become a problem.

The most I did afterwards was to sit on the balcony and look downstairs.

I hope that some son or daughter will come to see me, so as to bring a little different color to the old people who are only in a daze.

Qiao Yicheng followed Xiang Nannan to live in Linshi. After he was over 40 years old, he was finally willing to let go of his younger siblings and live his own life.

If he wasn't in Nanjing, he wouldn't be able to worry as much about the Qiao family, so he was obviously much more relaxed.

Qiao Erqiang divorced Song Qingqing noisily, and remarried Ma Suqin coldly.

I finally got my wish, and I can wholeheartedly provide for my elder sister and wife in their 50s.

Contrary to Niu Ye's expectations, Qiao Simei is still single and has not remarried with Qi Chenggang, but the relationship between the two has become distant and close.

When the relationship is good, Qi Chenggang can still live in Qiao's house and live with Qiao Simei.When the relationship is not good, Qiao Simei will kick Qi Chenggang out.

Qiao Simei may be connected, as long as she doesn't marry Qi Chenggang, Qi Chenggang's derailment doesn't count as cuckolding herself.

In short, Qiao Simi is the one who lives the most lively life.

Qiao Qiqi has always been a law-abiding person, and in the past five years, he has lived his life according to his duties, and it is rare for the couple to quarrel.


"Get up, don't sleep, what time is it, I have something to tell you."

Niu Ye felt a burst of cold at first, and then he realized that someone was slapping himself through the quilt.

Niu Ye instinctively pulled the quilt, wrapped himself up a little more tightly, and said, "Why is it so cold today, let me sleep for a while."

"Bingkun, don't go to sleep. Dad will come back later. Seeing that you haven't woken up at this hour, I don't have to deal with you."

He heard a voice that was both unfamiliar and familiar.

Niu Ye's sleepiness disappeared, and he suddenly woke up, realizing that he had entered another world.

"Get up right away."

After opening his eyes, Niu Ye found that he was sleeping in an earth embryo room. Through the small window in the room, he saw the trees outside covered with white snow.

Niu Ye began to sort out the extra information in his mind.

In 1969, in Jichun City, I became Zhou Bingkun on the optical film, and the one who woke Niu Ye up just now was Zhou Bingyi, the boss of the Zhou family. How could Niu Ye not know that he came to the "human world" world.

"Main task: Overturn the life of 'Zhou Bingkun'. 』

In the last world, Niu Ye's plot influence reached more than 80, which is considered excellent.

After traveling through so many worlds, he finally became the "protagonist" once, but Zhou Bingkun, the protagonist, had a life of ill-fated life and lived a bit too miserable.

The advantage of being the protagonist may be that the main tasks of the system are easier to complete, and you have absolute initiative in how you live your life.

Even if the system doesn't release tasks, Niu Ye will not live another life according to Zhou Bingkun's original life trajectory.

It's just to subvert Zhou Bingkun's life, to what extent.

Niu Ye is hard to grasp. Niu Ye hasn't figured out the specifics yet, but there are things that can be changed now.

The style of doing things must be changed first, not to mention "blackening" directly, but the original good guy must be changed.

After sorting out his memory, Niu Ye got up, put on his jacket and trousers, and went out of the back room. A middle-aged woman said to Niu Ye:
"Bingkun, eat your meal first when you get up, and keep it warm on the stove for you."

This is Zhou Bingkun's mother Li Suhua, an ordinary housewife.

"Mom, let me wash up first."

"Then hurry up." Li Suhua urged.The character of a typical northern woman who is in a hurry.

Zhou Bingkun first went to the public toilet outside to take care of his personal hygiene.

I thought it was cold in the room, but after going out for a while, Zhou Bingkun knew that the room was already warm enough.

At first I felt cold in the house, which was caused by the sudden change from the warm spring in the south to the winter in the northeast.

Then I hurried back to the house, scooped out two ladles of water from the water tank in the house, mixed some hot water with the thermos, brushed my teeth, and washed my face.

There was no toilet or running water at home again.

For breakfast, I ate a bowl of stick noodle porridge that was nostalgic enough, and a steamed bun.

The cornmeal is very coarsely ground, and the stick noodle porridge is okay, but who will eat the texture of the steamed bread, who knows.

"Bingkun, come here." After eating, Zhou Bingyi pulled Zhou Bingkun back into the back room where he was sleeping: "There are 61 books in total, and most of them belong to others. Some are from teachers, some are from classmates. , and a few books by Hao Dongmei. Because our family is a worker’s family, it’s safer, so they collected the books and put them in our house.”

Zhou Bingkun flipped through them, and found that most of these books were foreign novels.

In the special period of this decade, basically all of them can be regarded as 'banned books'.

If the old Zhou's house was caught hiding these books, it would not be an exaggeration to copy the old Zhou's house.

"What kind of teacher and classmate are you, knowing that these things are troublesome, you still put this big bag of 'bombs' in our house?"

Not wanting to take over this trouble, Zhou Bingkun pointed to the pine box filled with prohibited books by Zhou Bingyi and complained.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's all knowledge. Why do you think I keep these books at our house? It's just so that you can read more books when you're free. After I'm gone, remember to take care of these books... Look better."

Zhou Bingyi straightened his face, and ordered as a big brother.

"You don't need to entrust it to me. It's useless for me to look at it. I am also going to respond to the call and go to the countryside. You should entrust it to my sister."

Zhou Bingkun had a good time, and it was the time when the activities of going to the mountains and going to the countryside reached their climax.

Jichun's rule is that no matter how many children a family has, at most one child can stay in the city.

Not only did the old Zhou family have two children to go to the mountains and the countryside, but Zhou Zhigang, the old father of the Zhou family, had to leave the northeast and go to the southwest because he wanted to support the construction of the third front.

Now is the time when the old Zhou family is about to fall apart.

"She has to go too."

"Then don't keep these books at home. Whether she wants to leave or not, I will definitely go." Zhou Bingkun looked at Zhou Bingyi and said.

Since he wanted to overturn Zhou Bingkun's life, Zhou Bingkun's first thought was to go directly to the mountains and the countryside.

When others go to the countryside, life may be very difficult, but Zhou Bingkun has a small world and a system to sign in, no matter where he goes, he will not worry about food and clothing.

Staying in the city is not good for walking around and not going to work.But when he went to the countryside, Zhou Bingkun didn't have to worry about food and drink, so he didn't have to work at all, and he didn't need to pay a centimeter.

"You're no match for her." Zhou Bingyi said firmly.

"It's not a question of being too stubborn but too stubborn. It's a question of going to the countryside no matter what she chooses."

The more I think about myself, the more suitable I am to go to the countryside, the more certain Zhou Bingkun said.

"She's leaving, and you're leaving too. Are you going to leave Mom alone at home?"

"Then you can stay, and I will go to the regiment for you."

The Construction Corps is considered a good way out for these young people sent to the countryside.

Going to the Corps is much better than going to the countryside to go to the countryside. How you live in the countryside depends on your own wasteland labor and how much output there is in the field.

There is basically no shortage of food to build the Corps, and there is a salary in the Corps.

The old Zhou's family is also well-established, so Zhou Bingyi has the opportunity to go to the Corps.

"I can't. There is no reason for the elder brother to stay at home when younger siblings go to the countryside."

Zhou Bingyi was also firm in his refusal, except for the reason he said.

Of course, there was an unspoken reason, Zhou Bingyi still had to take care of his object, Hao Dongmei.

Although one is going to the Corps and the other is going to the countryside, the distance is close enough, so we can always take care of them a little bit.

"Auntie, you are here."

The two of them hadn't chatted clearly yet, and the voice of Zhou Rong and someone taking care came from outside.

"Zhou Rong, where's your mother?"

After the person came in, Zhou Bingkun looked up and saw that it was the neighbor Qiao's aunt.

"She's in the back room."

After Zhou Rong replied, the aunt of the Qiao family went into another back room to look for Li Suhua.

Aunt Qiao's family went in to chat not long before Li Suhua's voice came out: "Rong'er, Bingkun, you two come here."

The aunt of the neighbor Qiao's family, who is considered an enthusiastic aunt of the neighborhood committee, came to the old Zhou's house to mobilize the Zhou family's children to go to the countryside.

After Qiao's aunt finished explaining the policy, Li Suhua looked at Zhou Rong and Zhou Bingkun and said, "You two have heard it, a family can only keep one child."

"There's no need to argue about this, I'm going to the countryside."

"You're only 17, and you're still a child. I'm your sister, and I'm going to the countryside." Zhou Rong said righteously with a serious face.

"I'm a man, I'll go."

"Men and women are the same, women hold up half the sky."

When Zhou Bingkun said something, Zhou Rong was going to answer something. The fight was too fierce, Zhou Bingyi ran over: "Bingkun is a man, he goes, I will take him to the Corps."

"Mom, I'm going." Zhou Rong acted like a baby to Li Suhua, trying to win Li Suhua's support.

"Otherwise, all three children of the old Zhou's family will go." Zhou Bingkun said flatly, without any result after a few arguments.

"Suhua, there are children from other people's families who are vying to stay. Those who are vying to leave, we only have these three children from your family in this area. Now there is no conclusion. I think you should wait and see. Let the head of the family come back and make a decision."

Seeing the children of the old Zhou family, they are very active in going to the countryside. Even if the aunt of the Qiao family has completed the task of mobilizing the Zhou family, she is ready to go to the next family.

(End of this chapter)

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