Chapter 739

"Your sister is similar to you, she is only at home when eating." Li Suhua said in a complaining tone.

It's quite abnormal for Zhou Rong to go out every day.Zhou Rong, because she is pretty, good at studying, and usually quite arrogant, is not easy to get in touch with.

In fact, there are not many friends, and the person with the best relationship is Cai Xiaoguang, the licking dog.

And if it wasn't for Cai Xiaoguang who licks the dog and likes to give unconditionally, the relationship between the two would not be so close.

Zhou Rong often goes out now, and it's impossible to be someone else except Cai Xiaoguang.

With the attitude of a woman towards her dog licking, take the initiative to find a dog licking, and only women need money and effort to lick a dog.

Think about what Cai Xiaoguang can do to help Zhou Rong, that is, to help Zhou Rong go to the countryside in Guizhou and find Feng Huacheng.

After dinner, I took advantage of my old lady Li Suhua's time to clean up the dishes.

Zhou Bingkun asked Zhou Rong: "Zhou Rong, you go out every day these days, why do you go?"

Zhou Rong raised her head, glanced sideways at Zhou Bingkun, and said with a bit of contempt: "I'm in charge, you, when will it be your turn to take care of me in this family."

"I don't care about you, and I don't want to care about you. I just want to tell you that your parents have told you to stay in the city, so you can stay at home. If you dare to go to the countryside secretly, you Let's see if I break your leg or not after I see you next time."

Zhou Rong's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it. These words came from Zhou Bingkun's mouth: "Zhou Bingkun, you dare to talk to me like this. Do you think your wings have grown hard?"

Zhou Bingkun looked at Zhou Rong with a serious face and said: "Dad and brother are gone, I am now the only man in the old Zhou family, and I should have the final say in this family now."

Although Zhou Bingkun's personality has changed a bit, it is not so abrupt.

The old Zhou's family experienced this wave of disintegration. With such a big change in the family, any changes in Zhou Bingkun can be regarded as normal.

Although Zhou Bingkun's previous performance looked like a naughty half-grown child, everyone knew that sometimes it only takes a moment for a man to mature.

"Bingkun, Zhou Rong, what are you two yelling about?" Li Suhua, who was tidying up in the kitchen outside, asked.

"Mom, it's okay. I'll have a chat with my sister." Zhou Bingkun called out to the outside room, looked at Zhou Rong again, and said seriously: "Zhou Rong, let me think clearly about what you want to do. Not joking with you."

After speaking, Zhou Bingkun left the inner room and returned to his own room in the outer room.Of course Zhou Rong stayed, Zhou Rong had been sleeping on the same kang with Li Suhua.

This is a normal phenomenon in the Northeast. Old Zhou's family has a kang, sleeping the old couple and Zhou Rong, which is considered to be a small number of people sleeping.

It is very normal for a family of five, six, seven or eight people to sleep on a big kang three to four meters long.

This can be regarded as the old couple's preference for their daughter. Letting Zhou Rong sleep on the kang is much more comfortable than Zhou Bingyi and Zhou Bingkun sleeping on wooden beds.


After breakfast at home the next day, Zhou Bingkun was called by his wife Li Suhua, and the two came to the street.

There are still quite a lot of people in the sub-district office, and most of the people who come here are from the mountains and the countryside.

After queuing up for a long time, after chatting for a few words, the street gave some educated youth spots in the rural suburbs near Jichun.

The two of them returned home again, and there was a big difference in which country they chose to go to the countryside.

You can't make a hasty decision, you have to be close to home, the conditions of the production team are good, and the villagers are easy to get along with.

Li Suhua was still very concerned about Zhou Bingkun's affairs, and was afraid that Zhou Bingkun, an old bastard, would go to the countryside to suffer.

I wrote down the addresses of several communes and production teams, and went to find someone to find out the real situation.

Li Suhua's best hope is to find an acquaintance in the village to take care of her.

It's just that the old Zhou's family doesn't have any relatives in Jichun, so it's quite troublesome to entrust acquaintances.

What Li Suhua can count on is the neighbors in the optical film, whoever is related.

The better situation is that people on the optical film side are not rich.

Therefore, these educated youths in the optical film basically chose to go to the Corps to earn wages.

It is very tempting for one person to send ten yuan to the family every month, which is enough to feed two people.

In the optical film, even those who have relatives and relationships in the suburban countryside will not choose to send their children there.

Holding this hope, Li Suhua stayed away from home for several days and went out to find someone to inquire about.

Zhou Bingkun still went to see the Zheng family, and then watched a movie.

I have no idea how to deal with Zheng Juan's matter, and Zhou Bingkun is not in a hurry.

I just went to find out more about the situation of Zheng Juan's first marriage partner, Tu Zhiqiang, who lives in the street behind the old Zhou's house.

In Zhou Bingkun's memory, there is still Tu Zhiqiang, who lives in front and back streets, and the two of them are in the same elementary school and junior high school.

But Zhou Bingkun didn't know much about Tu Zhiqiang's experience after dropping out of school.

After inquiring more in the past few days, I learned more about Tu Zhiqiang.

Tu Zhiqiang's mother died early, and has been living with his father.

After classes were suspended, Tu Zhiqiang followed a group of unemployed youths and formed a gang of hooligans.

He hangs out all day and doesn't stay at home, that's why Zhou Bingkun hasn't seen Tu Zhiqiang much in recent years.

Tu Zhiqiang's father was busy trying to marry another surname, so he didn't care about Tu Zhiqiang, and was very happy to see Tu Zhiqiang not coming home.

Now that Tu Zhiqiang and Zheng Juan haven't been in contact, there is no chance for Zhou Bingkun to interfere.

We can only wait for time. Zhou Bingkun is in the suburban countryside when he goes to the countryside. If he wants to come back, he will always find a chance to come back.

The optical film itself is on the edge of Jichun, and the distance is really not far. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the optical film also belonged to the suburban countryside.

It took a week for Li Suhua to choose the ideal village for Zhou Bingkun to go to the countryside: "Bingkun, Mom has already asked you about it. The Liushugou Commune, which is [-] kilometers away from us, is the most suitable for all conditions."

"Okay, then I'll go to the street now and go through the formalities, so as not to be late and have any accidents."

A production team accepts a lot of educated youths, Li Suhua is not easy, pick one who is suitable in all aspects, and if it can be settled, it should be settled as early as possible, so as not to leave late and there will be no quota.

Because the optical film is poor, many educated youths choose to go to the Corps.

But in other places in Jichun, people with better family conditions will also be more willing to let their children go to the countryside near Jichun.

"Rong, Bingkun and I will go to the street. You are reading at home, so don't go out." Li Suhua instructed Zhou Rong, and the two went out.

Li Suhua brought Zhou Bingkun to the street again, and registered Zhou Bingkun.

When Zhou Bingyi signed up to join the Corps, Zhou Bingyi handled it himself.

It could be seen that Li Suhua still regarded Zhou Bingkun as a child in his heart.

Except for the queuing time for this registration, which was as long as last time, everything else went smoothly. We just waited for enough people to register, waited for the notification, and set off to Liushugou together.

"Bingkun, let's go back. Mom will help you pack up your things. After you pack up, you'll see what you're missing. You can buy it in the city. When you go to the countryside, it won't be so convenient if you want to buy anything. "

On the way back, Li Suhua chattered non-stop, all kinds of worries.

Zhou Bingkun who heard it had the illusion that Li Suhua was among the three children at home, and he was the most partial to him.

When the two returned home, they saw that the door of the house was closed, but this is not surprising. In order to keep warm in the cold weather in the northeast, it is normal to close the door

After entering the house, the two of them went to the back room. This room has a stove and a kang, and it is the warmest place in the house.

Seeing that Zhou Rong was not in the room, Li Suhua shouted: "Ronger, Ronger, Zhou Rong."

When no one responded, Li Suhua started looking for someone all over the room.

The old Zhou’s house is such a big place, the kitchen, the outhouse where Zhou Bingkun lives now, and Li Suhua’s own back room, it only takes a few seconds to search through it, “It’s gone, Zhou Rong’s things are gone.”

The first time, Li Suhua didn't pay attention, but when he looked for the second time, Li Suhua noticed that Kang Zhou Rong's bedding was gone.

After helping Li Suhua to sit down on the kang, Zhou Bingkun said, "Mom, don't worry, I'll help you find it."

The bedding is gone, it is certain that Zhou Rong has run away, what Zhou Bingkun is looking for is the letter left by Zhou Rong, the explanation to Li Suhua.

After searching around, I found Zhou Rong's letter on the photo frame hanging on the wall.

The letter was inserted in the photo frame of the family portrait of five members of the old Zhou family.

Li Suhua has to look at this photo N times every day, so I'm not afraid that I won't notice it.

"Dear mother, I have gone to the countryside, to Guizhou, please forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye.Cai Xiaoguang will send me on the train, don't worry, I will write to you often after arriving in Guizhou.Bingkun, you stayed in the city and helped me and my brother take care of my mother.Don't be angry with my sister, when you grow up and mature, you will understand my sister's choice. 』

"What did you write in your sister's letter, read it to your mother, Bingkun."

Li Suhua became anxious when Zhou Bingkun saw it by himself.

"I'll read it to you... I'll read it to you verbatim, that's all."

Zhou Bingkun handed the belief to Li Suhua after rehearsing it. Although Li Suhua could not read, at this time, for Li Suhua, reading words was equivalent to reading people.

"Is your sister stupid? How dare she go to such a far place alone." With the letter in her hand, Li Suhua burst into tears as she spoke.

"Let's just leave, those who want to leave can't stay if they want to."

Zhou Bingkun thought that Zhou Rong might not have left Jichun yet.

It took Li Suhua and Zhou Bingkun more than two hours to go to the street.

Zhou Rong packed up her things, contacted Cai Xiaoguang, went to the train station, got on the train, how could things be done so quickly.

Now there is a high probability that Zhou Rong was arranged by Cai Xiaoguang to live in a hotel or guest house, and then she was waiting to take the train to Guizhou.

Zhou Rong just saw that Zhou Bingkun's going to the countryside was about to be completed, so she wanted to be a step ahead of Zhou Bingkun and take the lead.

There is only one Zhou Bingkun left in the old Zhou's family, and Zhou Bingkun has no reason to go to the countryside, so he can only stay in the city.

Zhou Bingkun's warning to Zhou Rong was obviously useless.

A Zhou Rong is more selfish and selfish than Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei combined.

The warning was useless, Zhou Rong ran away, and Zhou Bingkun was not Qiao Yicheng, so naturally he would not look for someone.

After making this choice, Zhou Rong can just bear the hardships in the future, and if he wants to die, don't bother others.

For his own comfort, Zhou Bingkun could of course choose to continue going to the countryside, but he really couldn't be as selfish and ruthless as Zhou Rong.

I can only go to the street to cancel my registration and re-plan the future.


"Mom, can you stop crying, or I'll take you out for a walk." Faced with Zhou Bingkun's relief, Li Suhua still just shook his head. "Why don't you go talk to Aunt Joe?"

After Zhou Rong left, Li Suhua shed tears all day long at home.

"Bingkun, I feel bad. You said that your sister went to such a far place, can the road be safe, and can she have enough food when she arrives..."

Li Suhua was angry at first, and then she was concerned about Zhou Rong.

When Zhou Zhigang and Zhou Bingyi left, Li Suhua was prepared, and it was better to bear it.

Zhou Rong left so suddenly, so far away, and the conditions of the place she went to were so poor, Li Suhua couldn't stop worrying.

"Mom, I don't know if Zhou Rong is full or not, but you're always annoying me, and my stomach is growling from hunger."

Zhou Bingkun said everything, but nothing worked.I can only find something for Li Suhua to do to distract my old lady.

"Why don't you make some corn porridge yourself, Mom really isn't in the mood to cook."

"How many days have I been eating corn porridge, I really can't eat it anymore."

After Zhou Rong left, most of Li Suhua's energy was gone. She didn't think about eating or drinking, didn't feel hungry and didn't cook properly.

Since the past few days, the food at home has also plummeted. The meat tickets, tofu tickets, rice, white noodles and other fine grains that were originally stored at home.

After a Spring Festival, and on the eve of going their separate ways, taking advantage of the fact that my family is all around, I was exhausted.

Zhou Bingkun said this not because he was greedy, but because he wanted Li Suhua to eat more and add more nutrition.

Seeing Li Suhua was about to break his eyes from crying.

Zhou Bingkun could only try to help Li Suhua prevent it from the aspect of supplementing nutrition and vitamins.

"Then change your taste yourself, eat some sweet potatoes, potatoes, and throw them in the stove to bake."

"You'd better give me some money. I'll go to the black market tomorrow to buy some meat, eggs, or dried tofu. I'm still a child, and I need to grow up and supplement my nutrition."

Zhou Bingkun is no match for Zhou Rong when it comes to acting like a baby to his old mother.

Although under Zhou Bingkun's enlightenment and prevention, Li Suhua survived the most difficult period of time.

The eyes were not damaged by crying, and Li Suhua's eyes showed no signs of keratitis.

But it didn't matter. When Zhou Bingkun wrote to Zhou Zhigang and Zhou Bingyi, he told them all the reasons and consequences of Zhou Rong's departure. Because Zhou Rong left, Li Suhua cried out his eyes.

Let the two of you have a good understanding of what kind of person your good daughter and sister are.

(End of this chapter)

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