Chapter 840
"It's okay, what kind of bow does the elder brother-in-law use, I let them get the bow?"

Sheng Changbai has practiced bow and arrow for a few months. He shoots a fixed target, and within sixty steps, he can hit seven or eight out of ten, and he is ready to shoot.

Because of his sharp ears and eyesight and excellent eyesight, Sheng Changbai is very talented in this respect.

"Erlang, I used to use a bow with one stone and five buckets."

Used to using one stone and five bucket bows, Yuan Wenshao is also a man of courage.

The standard soldiers of the Forbidden Army of the Great Zhou Dynasty were considered elite soldiers who could use the Nine-Double Bow.

The Forbidden Army is the most elite army in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

Yuan Wenshao is a bit braver than the elite, and he is worthy of his background in martial arts, having no worries about food and clothing, and his experience of practicing martial arts since childhood.

If the bow and horse skills are good, Yuan Wenshao will have a chance to pass the martial arts exam if he doesn't go to Yinfeng. If he wins a martial arts exam, he can also be a low-level military officer.

The Great Zhou Dynasty lost the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun and lost the horse breeding land in the north.

War horses were scarce, and cavalry could not be developed, so they could only focus on developing bow soldiers. More than half of the imperial army were bowmen, and the most important thing in Dazhou was archery.

Archers are not crispy skins in the game. Archers have always been the strongest and most elite group of soldiers in the army.

If you can't hold a hard bow, bows and arrows don't have the range and lethality.

The two of them competed in rifle shooting, Sheng Changbai scored [-] out of [-], and Yuan Wenshao's grades were not bad, and he was on par with Sheng Changbai.

Not comparing the rate of fire, nor comparing the arrows, but the accuracy alone, Sheng Changbai still took advantage of it.

But the same results for one major in writing and martial arts in the other can mean that Yuan Wenshao lost.

Yuan Wenshao is an adult in his 20s, and Sheng Changbai is a 12-year-old boy. This achievement is shameful enough.

"Unfortunately, my home is not a school ground, so I can't practice riding and shooting." Yuan Wenshao said regretfully.

"If there is a chance, we can go hunting together in the future, and compare who can catch more prey."

Riding and shooting is a bit more difficult for Sheng Changbai now.

Foot shooting and riding shooting use different longbows, and both can be regarded as two events.

Sheng Changbai has not practiced riding and shooting, and has not advanced to this level. Of course, he is not comparable to Yuan Wenshao.

After the arrow match, Sheng Changbai started chatting with Yuan Wenshao, and did not do anything unnecessary.

Sheng Changbai just hinted at Yuan Wenshao's disarming power today.

My brother-in-law has the ability to beat him up. If you threaten him, just understand it in your heart, and it's not suitable to say it out.

After Hualan got married, the Sheng family lived a low-key life in Bianliang City.

The current situation in the court is very chaotic, because the emperor is old, his health is not good, and his parents and children have died.

Honorable ministers spend their whole day admonishing the emperor, adopting the imperial family, and establishing a reserve as soon as possible.

The old emperor lost his own son, and he was unhappy. How would he want to pick up a cheap son, and argued with the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty all day long.

The position of the crown prince has always been pending, and it has been a long time since it can be determined.

In the feudal dynasty, the country has no heirs, and the people are indeed panicked, and the country is in turmoil.

The civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty lost their mood and dealt with the country's business.

Undercurrents are surging throughout the city of Tokyo. The honorable ministers and even the harem are divided into two waves, the two princes Yongwang and Yanwang, who are the most promising princes, fighting openly and secretly, and the undercurrent is raging.

Sheng Hong was such a cautious person, of course he would not be rash.

I don't want to participate in any seizure of the heir apparent, or some kind of meritorious service from the dragon.

A sixth-rank petty official without real power is of little value to the two princes.

Therefore, the Sheng family guarded the door and reduced social interaction. Except for the old ladies Sheng, Sheng Hong, and Wang Ruofu's old friends, they didn't go out with others much. The Sheng family lived peacefully in the capital for two years.

It was another golden autumn, and Sheng Changbai was already fourteen. After more than two years of study, he felt that his classics and essays had reached a certain level, so he was preparing to take the state examination.

Preparing for the first scientific examination, the state examination of the Great Zhou Dynasty, also called the Fajie Examination, is actually to strive for a qualification to participate in the provincial examination of the Ministry of Rites.

There are too many people who want to take the Jinshi exam, and the state exam is a screening.

To pass the exam is to raise people, and the meaning of raising people is actually not very great.

Compared with the Ming and Qing Dynasties of later generations, the Juren of the Great Zhou Dynasty was much less affordable in terms of benefits.

There is no preferential treatment for exemption from land tax. Juren has no family background, and only enjoys the privilege of exempting himself from military service and personal money.

If you have passed the state examination many times, but have not passed the provincial examination, you may also be granted the same background as a Jinshi by the imperial court, and you will be mixed up with a minor officer for one or two terms, but this is not a good prospect, and there is no future.

There are not many preferential treatments from the imperial court, and the people still recognize the gold content of Juren.

Every move that can pass the state test can be said to be a potential stock.

Can get the respect of some villagers.

"The dynasty is Tian Shelang, and the evening ascends the Tianzitang" refers to the scholars of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Another point to mention is that the states of the Great Zhou Dynasty had tried it, and it was only a one-time provincial test qualification.

If I passed the Juren examination in August this year, I can only take the provincial examination in the spring of next year.

If you don't take part or you fail to pass the Jinshi test, if you want to take the next provincial test, you have to continue to take the state test first.

"Changbai, I heard from Mr. Zhuang that you have improved a lot in the past two years. You want to give it a try. Even if you fail this subject, you have gained experience."

Wanting to take the state test, Sheng Changbai still approached Sheng Hong first.

With the qualifications to participate in the 'Bietou Examination', Sheng Changbai didn't need to compete with ordinary scholars to grab other people's places.

Sheng Hong is still an official, and Sheng Changbai's family is of course innocent.The family is not a merchant, and it can be said that Sheng Changbai's family background basically does not need a political review.

Sheng Changbai had never committed any crimes, was not in mourning, and was not disabled. Sheng Hong arranged for someone to guaranty Sheng Changbai, and he successfully obtained the qualification for the exam.

Hold the test admission ticket with name, age, place of origin, and appearance.

After being sent off by Wang Ruofu, Sheng Changbai walked into the examination room.

To be honest, the Sheng family didn't pay much attention to the state test that Sheng Changbai took.

No one would think that Sheng Changbai, who has been studying for ten years and has a photographic memory, will fail the admission probability, which is more than one-third, or even half of the 'other test'.

After entering the examination room, when the examination time is up, you will see the examination questions and hang them on the hall.

Candidates can go back to their seats to take the exam after writing down the questions.

It is also humane, if there are candidates who do not understand the question, they can even ask the examiner.

Of course, the topic was not written in cursive, so it was not so difficult to read. Sheng Changbai didn't find the examination room he was in, and some people didn't understand the situation of the topic.

After the reform of the imperial examination and the abolition of poetry and prose, there are only three exams left, namely classics and righteousness, trial theory, and trial policy, that is, three exams.

To put it simply, this exam requires candidates to write three short essays.

The meaning of the scriptures is that the questioner intercepts a sentence from the Confucian scriptures and asks the examinees to explain the meaning contained in it.

Trial theory is similar to propositional composition, which requires candidates to comment on a certain allusion or a certain historical figure recorded in classics and history.

The test strategy is similar to the "Shen Lun" in today's civil service examination. Generally, the examiner asks specific questions about current affairs and asks the candidates to express their opinions, so it is also called "policy question", and the candidates' answers are called "countermeasures".

The countermeasures are usually thousands of characters, but there are also countermeasures written in tens of thousands of words.

Since policy and theory are both argumentative styles, they are also called "policy theory".

'Don't try' has no difficulty for Sheng Changbai, no surprises.

Sheng Changbai has obtained the status of Juren and is qualified to take the provincial examination next year.

After passing the exam, Sheng Changbai's family status improved a bit.

Sheng Changbai has the qualifications to withdraw money from the accountant at home and out.

Sheng Changbai can withdraw money of tens or hundreds of taels at will.

There is a system to sign in, a monthly report, and a subsidy from Wang Ruofu.

Sheng Changbai is not that short of money, but having the right to freely dispose of money means that Sheng Changbai has begun to be regarded as an adult and has the right to speak.

A child is more expensive than a mother, and a mother is more valuable than a child. This is mutual.

The more promising Sheng Changbai is, the more Sheng Hong needs to be more polite to Wang Ruofu.

But Sheng Changbai didn't change his schedule. Where he spent his money, he still bought some ancient books on contemporary literature, and occasionally went to various restaurants to eat and drink.

Most of the time is spent studying hard.

"Changbai, next year's Chunwei, do you want to give it a try?"

It was another time when Sheng Hong was resting at home, after the daily quiz and homework, Sheng Hong opened his mouth to ask.

"Father, the officials of our Great Zhou Dynasty have loved 'child prodigies' since the Taizu. If the child can become a scholar in high school in one fell swoop and prosper the family at a young age, it will not be difficult."

Sheng Hong has no lofty ideals, and the prosperity of the Sheng family is Sheng Hong's greatest pursuit.

"As a father, I want you to be stable. Wait for three years, improve your studies, and then try again, and strive to win the championship in one fell swoop."

Sheng Changbai didn't even expect that Sheng Hong had such great ambitions and wanted Sheng Changbai to be a champion.

It is only from the point of view of the scriptures and the article that Sheng Changbai has surpassed Sheng Hong's level, so Sheng Hong would have such an idea.

The ranking of Jinshi in the examination is also very important. Half of the future of Xinke Jinshi can be said to be doomed when the ranking is determined in the palace examination.

A good ranking means that more resources will be invested in training.

The better the ranking, the higher the starting point to embark on an official career, and the faster the promotion speed will be.

Those who can break the rules, after all, are still a minority.

"But Bai Er, what you think is not unreasonable. Next spring, my father agrees with you to give it a try. If you fail, you will be in the next subject three years later. You will not be as good as the weak crown, and you will also be a young Jinshi."

Sheng Hong finally expressed his support to Sheng Changbai.

Sheng Hong helped Sheng Changbai make a decision, and after participating in the next year's Chunwei, the Sheng family became a little quieter.

Sheng Hong and Wang Ruofu have experienced a lot of strict management of the house, especially around Sheng Changbai's yard, they must keep quiet.

Recently in the family, there are many disciplines who like to talk, make noise, drink, play with money, maids, mothers-in-law, and servants.

The atmosphere in Sheng's courtyard finally got better.

The servants of the Sheng family in the past really didn't have the rules of servants from big families.

It's not just servants, the Sheng family has no rules from wives and concubines to servants.

It has only been decades since the Sheng family made a fortune, and the family has fallen once, so it is far from being a noble.

It is also to create a good learning environment for Sheng Changbai, so that the home can be cleaner.

Although the house is quite quiet, Bianliang in Tokyo is much more lively.

Students from neighboring provinces and cities, as well as from all over the world, set off early and came to Tokyo.

Tens of thousands of candidates poured into the capital, making the huge city of Bianjing a bit lively.

When you come to Bianliang, the first thing you do is set up a stall to sell goods.

Sell ​​out the special products you brought from your hometown and from various places along the way.

Only then can we have money to go to inns and hotels.

Because there was no tax-free preferential treatment for large-scale juren in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, juzi in the Great Zhou Dynasty were generally relatively poor.

It is not easy for an ordinary farming and studying middle-class family to have hundreds of acres of land to support a scholar.

In ancient times, the cost of education investment will only be higher than in modern times.

In a modern society where education is popularized, education investment is not a small expense, so it is ancient times.

An ordinary Analects of Confucius, Mencius's Anthology, will be several hundred to several thousand texts.

If you want to read something clearly, you don’t need to spend money on any of them.

Supporting a full-time scholar is enough to bring the upper class of a village back into poverty.

Although with papermaking and printing, education can be spread to the homes of ordinary people.

But most of the well-to-do families have reached their economic limit to support a scholar.

After reading a certain score, candidates go to the state to take the state test, food, clothing, housing and transportation are an expense.

Fortunately, I was able to win, and I came to Bianliang to take the provincial examination, and traveled thousands of miles all the way, which was a lot of money.

Candidates who are farther away from Bianliang have passed the state test since autumn.

It is necessary to set off early and rush to the capital as soon as possible, and wait until the end of the provincial examination in February next year.

For half a year, it is all about food, clothing, housing, transportation, and going out. It costs at least a hundred yuan a day, and for half a year, it needs at least dozens of dollars.

These out-of-town candidates will basically be reminded by their teachers, and they will all learn to bring a batch of special products from various places to Beijing.

If you earn a little money, you can survive in Bianjing.

With such a large number of students pouring in, how could the prices of inns, inns, and hotels in Tokyo not go up.

Not to mention hotels, the consumption of brothels and cottages is much higher than usual.

The Great Zhou Dynasty also had a lot of candidates. They went to Beijing many times to rush for the exam, but they failed to pass the Jinshi exam.

But he went through the business route from his hometown to Bianliang, and made a fortune by doing business.

After solving the place to live, it's not over for these out-of-town candidates.

I also need to actively look for connections and connections, and participate in some literary and poetry clubs, hoping to make a name for myself.

Articles are too long to circulate, but poems are usually not long and easy to circulate.

It is also a literary event where foreign students come to Beijing for cultural exchanges and excellent poems are frequently produced.

In addition, it is necessary to inquire hard, who are the chief examiners and assistant examiners of this Ministry of Rites Provincial Examination.

Who are they who are qualified to be the chief examiner of this provincial examination, and understand the examiner's experience, opinions, and preferences.

(End of this chapter)

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