There is no need to worry about the earl's mansion running out of money, the Yuan family always has a hereditary Earl of Loyalty no matter what.

The salary of the earls of the Great Zhou Dynasty was not too much, but it was not too little.

If the Yuan family really wanted to finish Hualan's dowry, and the earl's salary would take hundreds of years to pay back, they might as well let their eldest nephew inherit the earl's title.

He couldn't write two Yuan characters in one stroke. When Hua Lan gave birth to a boy, it would also be the direct blood of the Yuan family.

If Sheng Changbai's status is high enough, it's not too much to make his nephew take over.

Although Sheng Changbai always felt that the honorary status of generals in the Great Zhou Dynasty was not high, and it was not as valuable as the titles of other dynasties.

But after all, this can be regarded as a golden rice bowl for hundreds of years. If you don't do anything, you will have hundreds of years of wealth.

This is wealth that can be passed on for ten generations, why not give it to the eldest nephew.

It doesn't matter if it's money or not, if you buy a piece of land in the suburbs of Beijing and pass it on, you can guarantee such income.

The important thing is to have a title, and it will never be manipulated by a petty official or a country gentry.

"Erlang, my life at Yuan's house is okay, and your brother-in-law treats me well, so you and your father don't have to worry too much about me."

Hualan comforted Sheng Changbai and said that Yuan Wenshao was okay with Hualan, but that's all.

When mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have conflicts, Yuan Wenshao still takes his mother's side.

After all, this is the Great Zhou Dynasty that ruled the country with filial piety, and it is quite rare for a married woman to forget her mother.

At this time, men still agree with the reason that the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law disagree, and after the two are incompatible, they should divorce their daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law can remarry after she divorces, and she can change it if she wants.But there is only one mother, and it is impossible to change her mother.

"Big sister, this is nothing to worry about. If you are wronged and we can't get ahead, what face do we father and son have to stand in the court?"

After Sheng Changbai entered the court, he definitely couldn't leave with Sheng Hong's all-round temperament.

The situation is different, the goal is different, of course it is not suitable to choose a style of doing things.

"Mistress, Sister Zhuang is here."

Behind the maid, followed by the child's nurse, brought the child over.

After the child and the maid came over, we couldn't continue talking about this issue.

The female envoy of the Sheng family who married Hualan as a dowry was relatively loyal to Hualan.

After all, the parents and brothers of these female envoys still depend on the Sheng family for their livelihood.

But the people the Yuan family arranged for Hualan were still loyal to the Yuan family, so how could we discuss this in front of these people.

After looking at his niece and chatting with Hua Lan for a while, Sheng Changbai left the Earl's Mansion.

Because Earl Zhongqin's mansion was already close to the outer city, it would take a while for Sheng Changbai to ride home, so he had to return early.

The Earl's Mansion of Yuan's family is a little bigger than Sheng's house except for the regulation.

Whether it is geographical location, supporting environment, floor area, or building materials, they are far inferior to Sheng Zhai.

When the country was founded, the great house in the inner city that the Taizu rewarded the first generation of Zhongqin Bo was confiscated by the late emperor when the Yuan family participated in the rebellion.

As far as the Earl's Mansion where the Yuan family lives now, the Yuan family's family can't afford it. The current emperor, when he reversed the case for the Yuan family, looked at the pity of this family and gave it to this family.

It's no wonder that other nobles feel that Uncle Zhongqin is lonely, and they don't take the Yuan family to play.

All the nobles live in the inner city, only the Yuan family is about to live outside the city.

The inside of the second ring is compared to the outside of the fifth ring, and it is right for other honorables to look down on the Yuan family.

Even if the two kings were fighting, the two groups headed by King Yong and King Yan were going to be out of their minds, and no one came to win over Earl Zhongqin's mansion.

He has neither power nor money, and has nothing worth wooing.

After resting for a day, on the third day, Sheng Changbai put on his green official uniform and a long-winged black gauze hat, and came to the Secretary Province in the northwest of the imperial city.

It is also the reason why Sheng Changbai was awarded the green robe by the emperor.

Otherwise, with Sheng Changbai's grade, he only deserves to wear a green robe.

After reporting for duty, he was assigned to the Chongwenyuan Shaowen Hall.

Chongwenyuan is the collective name of the National Library.

Chongwenyuan includes Zhaowen Hall, History Hall, and Jixian Academy, which are called the Three Halls, Secret Pavilion, and Longtu Pavilion, which are called the Two Pavilions.

The Zhaowen Library is in charge of the collection of classics, histories, zi, and collections, as well as revision and collation.

The History Museum is an institution that supervises the history of the country.

Jixian Academy is responsible for collecting and collating classics.

The Secret Pavilion is a place where the royal family collects and cherishes ancient books, calligraphy and paintings.

Longtu Pavilion is a memorial hall dedicated to the collection of Emperor Taizong's imperial books, anthologies, and his classics, pictures, and imperial objects.

Hearing this name, one knows that Chongwenyuan is the highest official academic institution of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it is a place where big shots gather.

The Zhaowen Museum and the History Museum were jointly managed by the prime minister of the dynasty, Mr. Han Daxiang.

The other editors are all courtiers, and the direct management and review must be performed by officials above the capital.

The level of Jixian Academy is slightly lower, and the hosts are all officials with extremely high degrees such as bachelors, bachelors, Zhiyuan, and school management.

Of course, there are not many high-ranking officials who actually do things. These pavilion positions are more of a post for the big bosses. Adding an official is a kind of honorary title.

The well-known Bao Zheng has always held the position of a direct bachelor of Longtu Pavilion.

Although Sheng Changbai is only from the eighth rank now, the rank is not high.

It is also the lowest level of proofreading, not editing.

But being able to work in the pavilion, Sheng Changbai can already be called a "celebrity in the literary world".

As soon as he joined the job, Sheng Changbai was assigned a job, which was to review a piece of Hanshu.

To be honest, this job in the library is far less leisurely than Sheng Changbai thought.

Because before the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Central Plains experienced nearly a hundred years of turbulent times.

All kinds of classics and historical books were scattered and severely damaged.

When the Great Zhou Dynasty was first established, the collection of books in the National Library only totaled more than 1 volumes.

On this scale, it is not even as good as the collection of books in a family's private library in the prosperous age.

So after the Great Zhou was established, rescuing lost books and classics became an important task.

This is obviously a long-term project. It has been collected for decades since the founding of the country, and it is still in a peak period of collection.

A group of officials in Jixianyuan was set up to collect various classics.

This group of people is responsible for searching, copying, printing, and various ancient books.

These books are collected in the National Library, so it doesn't mean that they don't need to be taken care of.

It was the turn of Sheng Changbai and the school bookkeepers to collate the books.

Before the Great Zhou Dynasty, there was not even printing, and all books were copied by hand.

After being copied one by one, it is inevitable that some good and bad people will be mixed in, and there will inevitably be many fallacies in the classics.

It is not so important for ordinary books to be wrong, but for important classics and historical books, the meaning of a word is completely changed.

In addition to checking this, you also need to check your thinking.

If something is not in the interests of those in power, it should be deleted as well.

What Sheng Changbai is doing now is the most basic work, and there is no need to test the ideas in the classics, whether it is suitable or not.

Just check for typos, more words and less words, and add some simple punctuation marks to the book for easy reading.

Collating typos, all typos are painted in orpiment.

Other characters or more characters are circled with orpiment.

If there is a missing word, add it next to the word.

If the line spacing is dense, use cinnabar to draw a circle, and then mark clearly on the upper and lower empty paper.

All points are judged from the side.

If there are names, place names, etc. that need to be subdivided, they should be separated by adding a thin dot in the middle, which is a comma.

Of course, if you want to proofread these books, Sheng Changbai can't simply correct them according to his own memory.

For example, there are quite a few versions of the Later Han Dynasty, so Sheng Changbai needs to find out all the versions.

Carefully consider word by word, check all kinds of information, and make changes only after there is sufficient evidence and basis.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, school books were also very rigorous.

Of course, the rigorousness is because Sheng Changbai is not a boss. If he is a boss, Sheng Changbai can check some classics according to his own wishes.

It is even possible to make a sparse commentary on the scriptures and commentaries of the imperial examinations.

During the inspection, it is inevitable that you can bring some of your own private goods.

Those classics and historical books handed down from ancient times have no punctuation marks.

When it is not easy to change the original text, you can completely change the sentences.

The breadth and depth of Chinese is just between each character. Different sentences and sentences have two completely opposite meanings.

As long as during the imperial examination, the examiner agrees with which aspect of the explanation, which statement is "excellent learning".

If you want to do something big, it is still very important to strive for a little status in the academic circle.

Now Sheng Changbai is in the highest academic and most authoritative place in Dazhou.

It's not good to waste such good conditions. After the work stabilizes, Sheng Changbai is going to write a book by himself.

Of course, the purpose of writing a book is to disseminate some modern ideas. If I want to do something in the future, it will be easier to make some reforms.

The matter of school books is not an urgent matter, just do it slowly.

Sheng Changbai is not planning to dawdle, the school book itself is quite meaningful.

If it weren't for the Great Zhou Dynasty, the officials would have been unswervingly proofreading, printing, and disseminating books.

It is impossible for the imperial examination to be so prosperous, nor will there be so many talents emerging from the poor.

Although the poor family of the Great Zhou Dynasty was not so "cold".

In any case, the upper class among the common people should at least be able to afford and borrow official textbooks printed by the imperial court with exquisite workmanship and the fewest mistakes.

Many sons of ordinary people who have no money are reading textbooks pirated by the people, and various manuscripts have been passed down to N hands.

I don't know how many mistakes and omissions there will be, and the teaching materials are all wrong.

How could it be possible to lay a good foundation.

In the primary (county school, state school) education where dictation is the most important, with the wrong version of textbooks, no matter how hard these people study, it is impossible for these people to pass the exam.

Those people from government schools can't get in, and the easiest way to get a famous teacher is directly blocked by these people themselves.

Other roads are definitely more difficult than entering the official school.

Most of the poor families come from offshoots of aristocratic families, rich merchants, and large and small landlords in the countryside.

However, the official career in the Great Zhou Dynasty was not completely monopolized by the aristocratic family like the previous dynasties.

This is already considered a great improvement, and the promotion channel for civilians has really opened up.

The Sheng family is also from a humble family, but it is hard to say that the Sheng family is just ordinary civilians.

When the dynasty changed, Mrs. Sheng also earned a huge family business.

In Sheng Changbai's generation, all three generations were Jinshi, and the Sheng family became a family of officials and eunuchs.

If there is a slight mistake, the inheritance of Jinshi in the examination is cut off, and two generations are cut off, the Sheng family can be said to be a humble family again.

The poor family stood up, and there was still a long way to go before the civilians could stand up.

It is still very difficult for common people to get ahead. Ordinary common people simply cannot afford the cost of going to school.

It is still necessary to work hard to make money first, so that there is a possibility of a poor family giving birth to a precious child.

The Great Zhou Dynasty gave preferential treatment to scholars, but they had to be Jinshi to enjoy most of the preferential treatment.

The county schools, state schools, and even the Tai School cannot enroll too many students, and even if they do, they cannot give students too much subsidies.

It is not certain that there will be a definite return for supporting a person to study, and studying for 20 years, or even 40 to [-] years, which is something that a commoner family can bear.

How many "well-off" families, after several generations of accumulation, have moved towards a well-off life.

After supporting a scholar, it is easy for the family to return to extreme poverty.

On the first day of work, Sheng Changbai thought about a lot of things.

After initially thinking about my career plan, I will spend a few years in Shao Wenguan first.

During this period of time, the main task is to study governance and become famous in the literary world.

Then apply for a foreign release, and take one or two terms in the local area, such as the general judge, the prefect, the prefect, or the army.

Then you can go back to Bianliang and develop in the center.

This has almost set a ten-year plan. After this period of time passes, we can look at the situation and plan for the next ten years.

The time of cranky thinking passed quickly, Sheng Changbai found out the books he needed.

After reading a few pages of the book, it was time to go to the office.

After leaving the palace gate, Sheng Changbai didn't wait for Sheng Hong and went home together.

With a few colleagues I just met, I rushed to Fanlou.

On the first day of taking office, for the convenience of work in the future, he invited his colleagues to eat and drink, which Sheng Changbai could accept.

This can be regarded as a necessary communication between colleagues, which will happen in any era.

Occasionally, Sheng Changbai has no objection, which is equivalent to going to a KTV in Hyundai.

But most of the officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty were either occasional or daily routine activities.

After get off work, gather a bunch of people to eat, drink and hold various banquets in the brothel Chu Pavilion.

This has already formed a social atmosphere. Sheng Changbai is a private treat and spends his own money.

Most of those people ate and drank with public funds, using the money from the court to find an oiran for themselves, this is too much no matter how you look at it.

Just look at the extravagant and lustful scenes of these court officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It can't be seen at all that the Great Zhou Dynasty is now surrounded by enemies and besieged on all sides.

It can only be said that the life of officials in feudal society is really too decadent.

For several years, Sheng Changbai couldn't adapt to such a life.

It was very reasonable for the Great Zhou Dynasty to nationalize high-end brothels like Fanlou.

Otherwise, the court finally collected some taxes, and the officials would waste it in the brothel.

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