"Bai'er, you need fields. Let Liu Tao take you to Zhuangzi outside the city. Let Liu Tao and his father allocate the amount of fields you need."

Wang Ruofu was still very angry with Sheng Changbai, without saying much, he directly handed over his largest farm in the suburbs of Beijing to Sheng Changbai.

The man who manages Zhuangzi is Wang Ruofu's caring mother-in-law, mother-in-law Liu, and the father of Sheng Changbai Shutong Liu Tao's father, Guanshi Liu.

On the second day of Xiumu, Sheng Changbai brought Yanghao, Shuxu, Liu Tao, Xu San, and a group of followers to the farm in the outskirts.

More than 20 miles outside the city, there is a village called Shanggang Village.

In this village, the biggest landlord is Sheng Changbai's old lady, Wang Ruofu.

Mountains, forests, dry fields, and paddy fields add up to dozens of slopes.

The most valuable, it can grow rice, and the paddy field with the highest yield per mu has thousands of mu, and the value of a Zhuangzi alone is tens of thousands of guan.

The fertile land around Bianliang also has a price of one day. If it is passed on, if there is no change of dynasty or war, the value will become higher and higher.

There are hundreds of households in the village, all of whom are tenants and farm laborers of Wang Ruofu.

Since it is a farm, of course it is not a simple crop of wheat, millet, beans, rice, and millet.

Plant silkworms, fruits and vegetables, raise cattle, sheep, pigs, all kinds of poultry, and even fish in ponds.

In fact, in terms of agricultural products, the Sheng family does not need to buy so much.

With its own farm, most of the products are self-sufficient.

The peasant households living in the village are even more self-sufficient in addition to buying a little salt and some daily necessities.

In farmers' households, neither men nor women can be idle. Men are mainly responsible for plowing the fields, while women are mainly responsible for raising silkworms and weaving.

If the food and clothing are settled, and if the children are not provided for education, the biggest expense of the peasant family is the marriage of the children.

Although I only come to Zhuangzi a few times a year for inspections, there is also a courtyard with three entrances in Zhuangzi, which belongs to Wang Ruofu.

Of course, it's not that Wang Ruofu is extravagant to leave this yard empty.

This set of yards has warehouses for storing various agricultural tools and warehouses for storing grain.

Servant house, the place where some servants who sold themselves to the master's house lived.

Of course, a steward at the level of the Liu family has his own house in the village, so he doesn't need to live in a servant's house, and even has servants to take care of him at home.

Sheng Changbai rode a horse for more than an hour to the village, and the journey was full of dust and dust. When he arrived, of course he had to wash up first, change his clothes, and tidy up.

Living in such a decadent feudal family, Sheng Changbai also learned a little bit of corruption.

"Erlang, the countryside is a bit rough, please take care of me."

Mrs. Liu's husband, Manager Liu, served some tea and fruit, and said carefully.

In fact, Wang Ruofu's servants from the Grand Master's Mansion are quite capable and well-mannered.

I have been managing the farm for more than ten years, and the management is very orderly. There have been no mistakes in the accounts of the farm these years, and the property is ten times more than it was ten years ago.

In a feudal society where officials are the standard, it is still very difficult for officials' families to have slaves bullying their masters. The status of masters and servants is not at the same level at all.

The servants who dared to bully the master in the Sheng family were all bought by Lin Haoshuang from outside and trained by himself.

He also listened to Lin Oshuang's orders, saying that these servants are bullying others, it might as well be Lin Oshuang who is bullying others.

"This is already very good. The tea and fruit are no worse than the ones in ordinary shops in the city." After drinking a bowl of tea and eating a few pieces of fruit, Sheng Changbai continued:
"Guard Liu, let's go to the field first and pick a suitable piece of land. I need to plant something."

After Zhuangzi looked around, Sheng Changbai was basically satisfied with the current farming skills.

Whether it is the improvement of the material of farm tools, the invention of various advanced (curved shaft) plows, rakes, hoes, and different styles of waterwheels.

The development of agricultural technology is already at a peak in feudal society.

From the selection and breeding of improved varieties to transplanting, intercropping, and intercropping, the planting techniques have been perfected.

When fertilizing, farmers have also mastered different fertilization methods, base fertilizer, seed fertilizer, and top-dressing fertilization methods.

Weeding, not to mention pest control, is a traditional skill that farmers have mastered long ago.

In terms of climate, in this era, there is still no way to change it.

Floods, droughts, and locust plagues are all unsolvable problems at this time.

Without climbing the technology tree, Sheng Changbai really can't think of any way to significantly increase production except for improved varieties.

The various grains and crops that Sheng Changbai signed may not be all suitable.

It does not mean that as long as the high-yield varieties are excellent, some seeds obviously have higher requirements on soil, climate and precipitation.

In many places, purely high yield is not as good as drought-resistant, pest-resistant varieties with higher yields.

It is still necessary to adapt to local conditions and choose more suitable seeds.

In the first batch, Sheng Changbai didn't plant too much. All kinds of grains and beans were planted for a few acres, and a total of one hundred acres was planted.

There were no crops in the Zhou Dynasty, Sheng Changbai only planted a few acres of peanuts.

It's a pity that Sheng Changbai didn't get it from the system, corn, sweet potatoes, and potatoes that Sheng Changbai wanted most.

But it’s okay to introduce a peanut. Peanuts are not only delicious in any way, but also suitable for planting in a wide range of areas. It can be said that they can be planted within the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The value is also high enough, and it is also a high-yield oil crop.

Except for the peanut field, Sheng Changbai needs to take care of it. All kinds of other crops are already planted in the farm.

That is to say, after taking two days off and staying in Zhuangzi for three days, Sheng Changbai was busy with the first wave of farming.

"Congratulations to my father, congratulations to my father, every step of the way, you will rise to the top, and you will enter the value center, just around the corner!"

After the end of the summer broadcast, Sheng Hong's term as Shangshutai will also end. During the merit evaluation, because Sheng Hong hasn't done much in the past three years, he has never made any mistakes.

If no one was there, it might have been rated as 'Medium', but with someone behind Sheng Hong and a little bit of Wang family lingering, he got another 'Excellent'.

He was transferred to be a doctor of Chaofeng (official of the fifth rank) and a doctor of the Ministry of Industry (dispatched of the sixth rank).

Although the Ministry of Industry is engaged in engineering, it has lost the dignity of literati, and the imperial court has no major projects, and there is no money to be made.

Apart from the promotion of rank, Sheng Hong's power has not improved much.

But at last, he has entered the fifth rank, can wear a scarlet robe, and entered the ranks of the real middle and high-level officials of the Great Zhou.

With Sheng Hong's ability, the background of the son-in-law of the Wang family, and the connections he has made over the years, it is not impossible for Sheng Hong to enter the official department, the household department, these popular departments with real power, and find a job.

But in order to avoid the rivalry between the two kings, and avoid the front and hide the clumsiness, of course Sheng Hong would not fight for any conspicuous position of real power.

Sheng Changbai still recognized Sheng Hong's operation, and it was just one word - steady.

The Sheng family is a noble family of civil servants, and they will reach a high position sooner or later if they walk step by step.

It's not those honorable generals who can't win the war against the Liao Kingdom, nor can they defeat Xixia, and even Tubo, which is in civil strife, can't win.

Every time a battle is fought, there are more defeats than victories. If you want to rely on military merits to be promoted, increase officials, and confer titles, there is no hope at all.

I can't see the future, so I try to covet what I can do from the dragon.

A group of military generals, instead of thinking about how to strengthen the army and train troops to win battles, they only think about how to make political speculation and make progress by climbing the dragon and the phoenix.

Count on these people to talk about conquering Yanyun Sixteen States.

"Low-key, let's talk about these things at home, it's better not to say them outside."

Sheng Hong Gu Zuo said without showing any emotion, but the unstoppable smile on his face proved Sheng Hong's happiness.

It is impossible for a literati not to want to be a prime minister.

In terms of rank, Sheng Hong was not far from the prime minister.

As long as the emperor is willing, third-rank and fourth-rank officials in the Great Zhou Dynasty will be dispatched to participate in political affairs and become deputy prime ministers everywhere.

But looking at some of Sheng Hong's official resumes, we know that Sheng Hong was not trained as a prime minister.

If he can't become the emperor's favorite and let the emperor make an exception, Sheng Hong can't see any signs of becoming a value center at present.

After the Sheng family has a happy event, of course it is still a tradition.

For those who are close to each other, having a family gathering together is considered a celebration.

After switching from Shangshutai to the Ministry of Industry, Sheng Hong didn't change much.

He was assigned a job of repairing the Cleaning Department, which was the most worry-free job in the Ministry of Industry, and it was also very leisurely.

Just continue to help Sheng Changbai, how to present the Three Character Classic to the officials.

"Changbai, I received a letter from Youyang. Changwu is going to Beijing and will arrive in two days. Take time to pick up Changwu."

Sheng Hong is not busy at work, he is more and more lazy and skips work, and he leaves the office earlier than Sheng Changbai all day long. As soon as Sheng Changbai arrived home, he was arranged by Sheng Hong who arrived home early.

The work of the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty is really not the most leisurely, only more leisurely.

"Father, Uncle is determined to let Changwu take part in the martial arts?"

Sheng Changbai asked, otherwise Changwu wouldn't have come to Bianjing.

How comfortable it is to be a local tyrant in Youyang, but in Bianliang, where there are so many high-ranking dignitaries, a local tyrant like Dafang can only become a mediocre fish.

"Uncle Wei, you mentioned it to me in the letter, asking me to help Changwu find a better martial arts master so that Changwu can participate in next year's martial arts." Sheng Hong replied.

"Okay, two days later, I'll go to the pier to pick up Changwu."

The adult male in the family, he and Sheng Hong, and Sheng Hong went to find a master for Changwu.

Another elder, it was convenient for Sheng Changbai to pick him up.


"Changwu, I haven't seen you for a few months, and you have grown stronger again. During this time, you have been training hard, haven't you?"

Watching the excitement at the pier for a long time, those who entered Beijing and those who left Beijing were still a scene of joys and sorrows.

Transportation was inconvenient in ancient times, unlike modern times, where it is easy to go.

When these people met, many of them really reunited after a long absence.

The people who parted, after parting, may really never see each other again.

Everyone's feelings are very sincere. For Sheng Changbai, watching this fireworks is more interesting than going to Goulan Washe and watching a play.

Affected by the atmosphere here, Sheng Changbai was very happy when he saw Changwu.

"Brother Bo, I've been at home during this time, and I've practiced a lot. When you have free time, let's practice again."

Changwu saw that Sheng Changbai was also very enthusiastic, not the flattering enthusiasm of officials.

It is the enthusiasm of joy after seeing the brothers for real.

"Changwu, don't just stand around at the bow of the ship, come and greet me quickly, and unload the cargo first."

The two didn't say a few words before they heard shouts to Changwu coming from the cabin.

"Brother Song, have you come to Bianjing too?" Sheng Changbai recognized Chang Song's voice.

"It was the first time I traveled far away, and my father and elder brother were worried about me, so my elder brother came with me, and it happened that I could also go to Bianliang to do business."

Chang Wu explained with a bit of embarrassment.

When I was a teenager, I felt like an adult, and adults thought I was a child. Sheng Changbai could somewhat understand.

When Sheng Changbai returned to Youyang alone, it was because there was really no one else in his family who could send him off, or else he had shown a mature and steady performance for more than ten years, it was impossible for Sheng Changbai to return to Youyang alone.

In this ancient law and order, it is difficult for people to feel at ease about a 15-year-old boy going out alone.

"I'll go with you, first meet Brother Song."

When Changsong and Changwu came to Beijing this time, they filled several boats.

Of course, these things can't all be sent to the second bedroom. Sheng Changbai just returned from Youyang with two shipments of goods, and it hasn't been a few months.

No matter how much money the big family had, they couldn't bear to be given away like this.

After arranging the goods and the big house's buddies and attendants, Sheng Changbai brought Changsong and Changwu back to Sheng's house.

After chatting a little along the way, Sheng Changbai also figured out all the missions of Changsong's visit to Bianjing this time.

Changsong came to Bianliang this time to solve all worries for Changwu.

To create the best martial arts conditions for Changwu, apart from entrusting the second room and helping to find a master.

Changsong will also buy a house for Changwu in Bianliang.

Since Changsong is taking the path of martial arts, he must enter the Forbidden Army to develop.

In addition to guarding the border, the forbidden army is permanently stationed in the capital.

Changwu will also be stationed in Bianjing in the future, which makes it necessary to buy a house.

The first room is not short of money, so there is no need for Changwu to live in the second room.

In order to facilitate contact with Changwu, in Bianjing City, Dafang will also set up several shops.

Dafang's business center of gravity will also shift a lot towards Bianjing in the future.

The plan of strong stems and weak branches set by the Great Zhou Dynasty was very successful. Throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty, people with ideals, ambitions, and abilities all gathered in Tokyo in the end.

In terms of locality, it is true that there is no big prospect.

The local upper limit is too low, and the country gentry and local tyrants are the limit. If the authorities want to clean up, it can be said to be at any time.

"Calm and introverted, shrewd and capable, Brother Song really got your father's true biography, and your father can be regarded as a successor."

The first thing is to meet the elders. After the big house came, the old lady could only be happy, and there was no way she didn't want to see people.

After seeing Changsong, Mrs. Sheng was full of praise.

The old lady Sheng and Dafang are still very affectionate.

At the time when the eldest and second-bedroom grandpas were obsessed with concubines, doting on concubines and destroying their wives.

The old lady of the first room and the old lady of the second room have formed a deep friendship.

"He is majestic and heroic. Brother Wu has grown up now and is promising. Having two promising grandchildren like you is enough for my old sister to be happy."

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