"Brother Tong, you're pretty good. You've memorized most of it. I have some fruits, and I'll take them with you when I get there."

Sheng Xiaoqi also performed well, able to memorize several hundred words of the Three Character Classic.

A child who was over three years old in the Great Zhou Dynasty, with this performance, can already brag about a child prodigy in the county.

Then make up some legendary backgrounds for the children, what kind of visions come from the sky when they are born, flowers bloom overnight, and birds come to cast auspiciousness.

Even if there is no miracle, it is always okay for the mother to have a strange dream on the day the child is born.

Find a few fortune tellers to brag about it, pack it up, teach the child to recite some texts and recite a few poems, and then the child can make money as a child prodigy.

The child prodigy You Yang, who is about to become Sheng Changbai's former cousin-in-law, probably followed this path.

"Thank you brother."

After hearing this, Sheng Xiaoqi was overjoyed, and respectfully saluted Sheng Changbai, thanking him.

This child can be said to be as smart as Ming Lan when she was a child, but calmer and more restrained than Ming Lan.

Wei Xiaoniang still learned some lessons, and it can be seen from the child's education that this child is not as reckless and public as Minglan was when she was a child.

Wei Xiaoniang, mother and son have lived together for the past few years because Wang Ruofu is in charge of the house.

Life is definitely better than when Lin Haoshuang was in charge, at least Wang Ruofu will not cheat two mothers and children in various aspects of routine.

But if you want to say how well-off the two mother and son are living, that's not enough.

Although the family has provisions for the necessities of life, such as meat, vegetables, rice, silk, silk, tea, wax, charcoal, etc., for the mother and children.

But the standard of a young lady is not very high, and it is at least ten times different from the standard that Wang Ruofu, a wife, can receive in the public school.

The standard of a concubine is enough to allow Wei Xiaoniang and her son to maintain a well-off level, no more.

The monthly pocket money is not much, and the monthly allowance for two mothers and children is only three to four thousand yuan. This amount is not enough to add a few dishes in the kitchen privately.

Wei Xiaoniang didn't have any money left to buy, only Sheng Changbai could take the fruit cakes in the shop outside as a reward for the children.

Wei Xiaoniang, this is the life of a normal concubine of a wealthy family.

Lin Xishuang's good life is no worse than Wang Ruofu's, all relying on Sheng Hong's eccentricity to give her private property.

Half a month later, Sheng Changbai checked the homework of his younger siblings three more times.

After being supervised, the effect is better, and the progress of the two Lan's studies has improved a lot.

Facts have proved that in this ancient family of officials and eunuchs, the young master and young lady did not study hard.

It has something to do with the fact that the school teacher only dared to hit the hand of the book boy and maid, and it was not good to hit the young master and miss directly.

Only when the pain is on oneself can it really be effective.

"Bo'er, tomorrow you will go to court with your father, and the official will call you for questioning."

It has been a month since Sheng Changbai handed over the book to Sheng Hong, and Sheng Hong only brought news to Sheng Changbai.

"Father, have you read the three-character official family?" Sheng Changbai asked.

"I've read it. The officials appreciate your three-character essay, otherwise they wouldn't be able to summon you."

The next day, Sheng Changbai got up early again, and followed Sheng Hong to attend the pilgrimage.

Going to attend a court meeting, Sheng Changbai sympathized with the little official who went out from a poor family once.

Living on the edge of the outer city, going to the imperial palace to attend court meetings, the commuting time is too long every time.

Sheng Changbai gets up half an hour early every time, and these people at least an hour. It's a bit too hard to be an official.

It is impossible for the emperor to grant a mansion in the inner city of Bianliang if he cannot reach the point of being an important minister of the court.

It's just a matter of commuting to and from the house, and these officials have to find ways to make more money.

After arriving at the palace, a petty official like Sheng Changbai who was not qualified to go to court.

Of course, they were the last in line, after entering the Zichen Palace, Sheng Changbai followed the group to salute the old emperor.

Standing at the end of the team to catch fish, in fact, during this kind of big court, it is really not doing any serious business.

For matters that need to be discussed, the emperor has long held a small meeting with the prime minister to resolve them.

What can be said now is to cooperate and announce the results.

It's almost like listening to the news.

In fact, there are very few accidents in normal court meetings. It will not happen that this minister or that minister suddenly jumps out to report some news.

After all major national events were broadcasted and the old emperor appointed several officials, he called Sheng Changbai.

"Sheng Qing, why did you write a three-character essay?"

"Officials and ministers deeply feel that today's preschool books are obscure and difficult to understand, which is not conducive to the education of preschool children, so they made a three-character essay to promote education."

"Sheng Changbai, secretary of Shan Dali's judging affairs, the provincial school secretary, has a good knowledge of classics and history, and has successfully written books. He was promoted to Secretary Lang."

After the award, Sheng Changbai had nothing to do, and there were still a few officials who performed well in office and were awarded by the emperor.

They are all small officials of the seventh, eighth or ninth rank. It is said that this level does not need to be conferred by the emperor himself.

But the emperor's personal appointment proves that the emperor attaches great importance to it, and it is a kind of praise and glory in itself.

Waiting for the last few officials who are going to take office in other places, the "chaoci" bid farewell to the emperor, and today's court meeting ended.

"Bai'er, with the affirmation of the officials and the witness of the court officials, it won't take long for the three-character script to spread all over the world."

After this court visit, Sheng Hong and Sheng Changbai walked together.

"Yes, let father worry."

"From now on, the Meng children in the world should first read the books written by my Sheng family. All the literati will know the name of my Sheng family." Sheng Hong said excitedly.

Matters related to the interests of the family are what Sheng Hong cares about the most, and they are even more important than female sex.

"Father, the Barefoot Doctor's Handbook, how is this book, when will it be printed and promoted?"

The Three Character Classic is important if it is important, and it can improve the learning efficiency of some children. If it is not important, the lack of this book will not affect children's enlightenment.

The Barefoot Doctor's Handbook, this simple medical technique, is more meaningful at this time.

Others write about medical skills in depth, Sheng Changbai writes in a simple way, this book has no similarity, and is even more irreplaceable.

"You have to give the father some time. The purpose of medical books is to cure diseases and save lives. There is no room for carelessness." Sheng Hong was embarrassed before continuing.

For Sheng Hong, this medical book couldn't possibly be compared to the Three Character Classic.

During this time, Sheng Hong was busy with the Three Character Classic, and didn't pay attention to the handbook.

"Healing diseases and saving lives is also an urgent matter. If it is promoted as soon as possible, a few lives may be saved as soon as possible. I also ask my father to supervise this matter more." Sheng Changbai urged.

"I'll have a lot of free time in the future, so I'll urge this matter more." Perhaps because he felt ashamed that Sheng Changbai didn't put his heart into doing things, Sheng Hong hurriedly changed the subject: "Speaking of which, Bai'er, you've been promoted , we will also participate in the Shuo Wang Dynasty in the future, and our family can be regarded as father and son in the same dynasty."

"." Sheng Changbai: "Yes, it's the new moon day, and I will go to court with my father."

Sheng Changbai was not as enthusiastic about going to court as Sheng Hong.

A petty official at the end of his life can go to court, but he is just an ordinary audience and can't express any opinions.

In addition to being able to learn more about the imperial court, what Sheng Changbai could have learned from Sheng Hong, only the respect of status remained.

The harvest of Sheng Changbai's going to court this time is that the rank official was promoted from the lower rank of the eighth rank in Dali to the upper rank of the official eighth rank of Secretary Lang.

Counting carefully, Sheng Changbai has also been promoted three levels in a row.

Although the mission has not changed, he still checks the classics in the Shaowen Museum.

However, Sheng Changbai has been promoted from an ordinary Beijing official to a Beijing court official who can participate in the court, which is a big step forward in his official career.

For feudal dynasties, of course, the closer to the emperor, the more important the position.

The early dynasties of the Great Zhou Dynasty were basically divided into four types: Rishen, Liushen, Shuoshen and Wangshen.

Menxia Shengqilang, Zhongshusheng Living Sheren, Minister of Shangshusheng, Yujiao Zhongcheng and above, that is, attendants and above, are "daily officials", that is, they have to participate in the morning court every day.

Officials of the three provinces and censors, and chief and deputy chiefs of the temple supervisor, that is, above the hundred divisions of the capital, are "six officials", that is, they participate in the early court every day and five days. Sheng Hong is now at this level.

The rest are Sheng Changbai, the lowest-ranking officials of the Beijing Dynasty, who have to participate in the Shuowang Dynasty, the first day of the junior high school, and the fifteenth Dynasty meeting.

This is not a small progress.

After leaving the palace gate, Sheng Changbai rode a horse, and Sheng Hong rode in a carriage to return home.

The Great Zhou court did not have any requirements for official transportation.

Sitting in a sedan chair, riding a horse, or riding a car all depend on the official's preference and physical condition.

After returning home, Wang Ruofu was proud again when he learned that Sheng Changbai had been promoted.

Because he had raised an excellent son, during this period of time Wang Ruofu could be regarded as slightly suppressing Lin Biaoshuang.

"Bai'er, you have been valued by the officials and promoted to an official position just a few months after you took office. This is Jane in the heart of the emperor, and the future is boundless. Let's hold a banquet now, call all relatives and friends over to celebrate right?"

Wang Ruofu's words were not wrong, and Sheng Changbai was quite valued by the old emperor.

But the old emperor is over 50, and his health is not good. He may not be able to live for a few years.

"Mother, the officials value it, let's not be arrogant, we should keep a low profile. This time we won't hold a banquet. It hasn't been long since the last time we held a banquet at home."

Every time there is a happy event at home, Sheng Changbai will persuade Wang Ruofu again.

Wang Ruofu likes to put on a big banquet, and the Sheng family really can't satisfy it.

"Bai'er's promotion this time, I won't hold a tail banquet. I was promoted a while ago, and I just called everyone over. This time, it's fine to call Brother Song and Brother Feng over to celebrate. From now on Make it up for Boer."

It wasn't just Sheng Changbai, Sheng Hong also felt that his family had gotten a little too much limelight during this time.

In a short period of time, the father and son have been promoted one after another, which is still a bit eye-catching.

"What kind of tailgating banquet is that for you? Just call a few colleagues. Sheng Hong, since I married you, I have been laughed at by those girls in the boudoir. Now that the Sheng family has finally improved, I want to feel proud." Is it that difficult?"

"Father, mother, you talk, I will go to the ancestral hall and tell the ancestors the news."

Every time Wang Ruofu was not allowed to do a big job, Wang Ruofu became anxious.

The more promising Sheng Changbai is, the more confident Wang Ruofu will be, and his temper is also good.

It's a flamboyant character, and if Wang Ruofu keeps a low profile, it's going against his nature.

Sheng Changbai looked at the situation and felt that Wang Ruofu's anger would always be vented.

He simply sold Sheng Hong and left Sheng Hong to Wang Ruofu to vent.

The two of them quarreled and it didn't make much difference, because of the Wang family's reasons, Sheng Hong had to give way to Wang Ruofu to some extent.

Sheng Hong himself was wronged, so he just went to Lin Xishuang and Lin Xiaoniang for comfort.

It's been an old practice for more than ten years, so it's okay to ask Sheng Hong to go to Lin Xiaoshuang one more time.

Even the young Lin Biaoshuang could not be fascinated by Sheng Hong, and the 30-year-old Lin Biaoshuang should not be fascinated by Sheng Hong.

No matter how much he was fascinated by women, Sheng Hong also had a bottom line that could not violate the interests of the Sheng family.

After confirming the Sheng family's principle of continuing to keep a low profile, Sheng Changbai didn't bother with other things after the Barefoot Doctor Manual was published.

Wang Ruofu couldn't compete with Sheng Hong, so he couldn't hold more banquets at home.

So I can only participate in other people's homes, banquets held more, and show my face more.

However, the frequency of banquets in the civil servant circle is far less than that in the noble circle.

After all, there are quite a few poor families in the civil official group, and the women in the back house come from all over the world, and they are not so familiar with each other.

Unlike the Xungui, who have established the country for decades, everyone lives in Bianjing, three or four generations, married to each other, and they are connected with each other. They are not relatives, or close relatives. No matter what, they will greet each other and hold large-scale events.

For the family members of civil servants, the number of banquets held was small and not so ostentatious. If Wang Ruofu attended a little, it wouldn't hurt anything.

Sheng Hong helped Sheng Changbai to do a good job in promoting the two books.

I communicated with Uncle Zhongqin twice more, reminding Uncle Zhongqin to restrain Mrs. Zhongqin.

After fighting for a period of time for Hualan, a more relaxed environment.

Then he settled down again, and Sheng Hong didn't need to be corrupt. He cleaned up the officials and the yamen, and he worked step by step. He only had to supervise the projects and accounts occasionally, and Sheng Hong didn't have much to do.

Changsong went to Beijing for two months, and after helping Changwu deal with all the matters, he also went south by boat and returned to Youyang.

Dafang Haofu is not bad at anything, and Sheng Changbai really had nothing to show when he gave away Changsong.

I could only make a few jars of medicinal wine, and let Changsong take them back.

I hope this cousin, after returning to Youyang, can open up branches and leaves for Dafang as soon as possible.

The two have been in touch for so long, and Sheng Changbai also had a pulse for the Changsong. At least from the pulse, Changsong is fine.

It was so difficult for Chang Song to have a child, Sheng Changbai didn't figure out the specific reason, so he just made up for it first.

Changwu, who stayed in Bianliang, moved out after the house he bought in Dafang was basically repaired.

In terms of details, you can live in it and slowly repair it.

The bigger the house, the more effort it will take to build it, rare stones, flowers and plants can be added slowly.

In addition to the entourage and servant girls brought over from Youyang, they also hired more than a dozen servants and wives.

There are more than 20 people serving Changwu, so there is no need to worry about Changwu's life.

The time soon came to the autumn harvest, and Sheng Changbai still came to Zhuangzi.

It's time to verify how the seed yield is. By visual inspection, most of the crops are still harvested.

"Guard Liu, I will take away this batch of harvest. For the tenants, you can ask them if they need money or food, and you can just give them money and food." (End of this chapter)

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