Although the old lady is more optimistic about He Hongwen and thinks that He Hongwen is the number one candidate for Ming Lan's husband-in-law.

But Sheng Changbai felt that Li Yu's conditions in all aspects were also good.

It is somewhat unfair to give Li Yu points less simply because the old lady was hurt by the scholars in the imperial examination.

From the Li family's refusal to drop Pinlan, it can be seen that the Li family is a well-behaved family.

It is better to follow the rules than to have no rules, and what I fear most is people who don't follow the rules.

Pinlan is straightforward, carefree, informal and unrestrained personality is very cute.

But it's only my own family that thinks this daughter, this sister is cute.

As an in-law's family, no elder would like to be a housekeeper in the future, and a daughter-in-law who is a husband and a child has this personality.

If Pinlan is not Sheng Yun's biological niece, it is also difficult for Sheng Yun to accept Pinlan's character.

It is impossible to choose Pinlan and marry her own Taisheng.

There is no market for the "Sassy Girlfriend" set in the rich families of Da Zhou.

A well-behaved family also protects the interests of the eldest lady.

The second room of the Sheng family just didn't follow the rules, which is why Sheng Hong made Lin Oshuang into the house with a big belly, which caused Sheng Hong to spoil his concubine and kill his wife.

Wang Ruofu's grievances and grievances in the past 20 years were all caused by the lack of rules of the second wife of the Sheng family.

If there are rules, there are elders and rules, even if a man changes his mind in the future and wants to take a concubine in, the concubine's room will not be able to climb over the head of the eldest lady like Lin Haoshuang.

It is too difficult to expect this man to have three wives and four concubines normally. Men are not lewd and do not take concubines.

Even if a woman can rely on temporary feelings and beauty to attract a man for a while, it is difficult to stop a man's desire forever.

No woman lasts forever, but there are always women.

It is better to let the rules restrain and protect the interests of the woman.

From Sheng Changbai's point of view, the two are not bad in appearance, character, talent, and background. They can be regarded as evenly matched, and they can be regarded as a good match for Minglan.

There is no need to exclude Li Yu directly just because the old lady likes He Hongwen more.

You can give Minglan some autonomy, get in touch with both of them, and choose the one that suits you.

"Miss Six really likes Youyang..." Xu San continued.

When the old lady returned to Youyang, she had to accompany the old lady of the Dafang, help Minglan to see her family, and help the Dafang deter the prodigal family and the rogue clansmen of the third bedroom. There were many things.

But Ming Lan went back to Youyang and nothing happened, and she was only seen by the female relatives for a few times.

When Minglan returned to Youyang this time, her focus was on relaxation.

I had a lot of fun in Youyang, and I found Pinlan, a friend with similar interests, fishing, climbing, hunting, and had a good time in Youyang.

"Xu San, you did a good job on this errand. The old lady and the sixth girl had a safe journey, thanks to you. After waiting, you can go directly to the cashier to receive the reward. I will give you another vacation, and you can also take a good rest. "

"Thank you son, I'm just doing what you're told."

"The old lady and the sixth girl can have a safe journey. It is because you have done your best. Go and receive the reward. By the way, you will also receive the rewards of the others, and distribute them for them. Then let them go home and visit relatives. If there is anything to do Will let them know again.”

Most of Xu San's staff were locals from Xuzhou.Going out with Xu San and escorting the old lady to Youyang and Bianjing this time, she hasn't returned home for half a year or even Chinese New Year, so she should be given some money and a vacation now.

"Liu Tao, nothing happened in Bianliang's house recently, right?" After Xu San left, Sheng Changbai continued to ask Liu Tao.

"I heard from my mother that the family has been relatively peaceful for a while. Lin Xiaoniang hasn't caused any trouble recently, but she has been pestering the lord, wanting the lord to choose a marriage for the fourth girl from a rich family."

After all, growing up together, Liu Tao also knew that Sheng Changbai was most concerned about what happened to Bianliang's family.

Liu Tao's mother is the most trusted mother Liu around Wang Ruofu.

The news Liu Tao got from his mother was also the most accurate news.

It seems that as Mo Lan is getting older, she will soon reach the age of Ji and marry.

Lin Xishuang's vision is no longer just staring at the back house to compete for favor.

If Wang Ruofu took Mo Lan out to see each other, Lin Yeshuang would not offend Wang Ruofu much.

More eyes have already started to stare outside, planning how to make Mo Lan marry high.

"Is the rest of the family okay, how is the father and mother?"

I asked some more about the family, and knew that the situation at home was considered stable and harmonious.

After Sheng Changbai received the food, clothing and letters from the two of them from the capital, the questioning ended.

Then of course Sheng Changbai checked the letter from his home this time.

Sheng Changbai received a lot of letters this time, after all, it has been a year.

There is a thank you letter from the old lady, there is a letter from Sheng Hong and Wang Ruofu who cares about her daily, there is a rare letter sent by Changfeng, there is a letter written by Rulan copiously, and there is also a letter of thanks from Minglan. .

In addition to some thanks, exhortations, and thoughts that must be there every time.

Among the letters from home, there is one point worthy of attention.

The situation in the capital became more tense, and the old emperor hadn't shown up much for a while.

For nearly a month, the old emperor showed his face during the New Year's ceremony.

Since he was young, the emperor has been considered diligent, but now he doesn't go to court very much.

The old emperor did this, except for a few prime ministers and deputy prime ministers, no one else could see the emperor.

In the city of Bianliang, rumors are flying, and people are panicking.

Everyone has their own guesses about the old emperor's unusual behavior.

There are two versions with a relatively high degree of acceptance.

One is to say that the old emperor was severely persecuted by the ministers during this period of time.

The reason why the old emperor didn't show up and hold court meetings was to avoid the persecution of his officials.

One way of saying is that the old emperor's health is no longer good, and his time is numbered.

Already seriously ill, the body has not allowed the old emperor to listen to court.

No matter which of the above situations occurs, it is not a good thing.

As soon as the old emperor did something, the court was in turmoil, and the high officials in the court had no intention of doing business.

Traveling from Sheng Changbai, every once in a while, the court will experience this kind of thing.

And each time the troubles became more serious, and the turmoil lasted longer.

It is also the average age of the population in this era is not long, since the old emperor was nearly 50 years old.

Everyone lost confidence in the emperor's body.

The old emperor also liked to tremble and show a weak look.

It makes people feel that it will happen at any time, and everyone will be confused by the emperor.

The old emperor came here this time, probably because he wanted to test King Yong and King Yan.

The old emperor did this without showing his face, and Bianjing became the stage for King Yong and King Yan.

With the emperor in charge, King Yong and King Yan fought bloodily.

The emperor wants to go back to the harem to watch a play, and King Yong and King Yan can beat out the brains of dogs.

In short, the current situation in Bianliang is one word - chaos.

Sheng Changbai was right to apply for the release, otherwise it would be a waste of time in Bianliang, and nothing could be done.

If you don't participate in the conflict between the two parties, you must be careful not to be affected by Chiyu all day long.


The matter in Bianliang is quite far from Xuzhou. After all, King Yong and King Yan are not legitimate princes, and their tentacles are not so long.

Apart from paying attention to the situation in the court, Sheng Changbai paid more attention to it.

In addition to paying more attention to the news from the direction of Bianliang, he was still busy with the things he was supposed to do.

Still continue to build river canals, last winter mainly dredged part of the river.

After the next year, the main purpose is to build water canals to facilitate the irrigation of the cultivated land. First, let these people, whether they are big gentry or ordinary self-cultivating farmers, get some benefits.

I will be more willing and work harder until this winter.

After the weather got warmer, Sheng Changbai also started to plant potatoes.

There is only five catties of potatoes in total, and there is no need to go to Zhuangzi to plant them specially.

Sheng Changbai shoveled a piece of the garden in the house, enough to plant these few catties of potatoes.

Although the yield of potatoes is quite high, it is just such a little foundation.

That is, two seasons can be planted in a year, and it will take two or three years to promote the scale.

Sheng Changbai is not yet twenty, young enough, has time, can afford to wait, and is not in a hurry.

It took Sheng Changbai a year to take office in Xuzhou, and he basically straightened out all the things in Xuzhou City.

It is the most convenient period of work, and the future work is to supervise and let Xuzhou City develop step by step according to its own plan.

After stabilizing, Xuzhou has entered a stage of farming with peace of mind and accumulating strength.

Sheng Chang originally thought that he could work in Xuzhou with peace of mind for a period of time.

I just didn't expect that just after June, Sheng Changbai paid two additional layers of summer tax to the court.

The summer tax in Xuzhou can be paid twice more, [-]% is due to the improved seeds, and [-]% is due to the construction of water conservancy canals.

Xuzhou's agriculture has not yet reached its peak, even if it is simply to build canals, waterwheels, and open up wasteland in Xuzhou, there is still a lot of potential to be discovered.

Sheng Changbai managed Xuzhou well for the imperial court, thinking that he could stay out at ease and avoid the chaotic period of imperial power alternation.

Unexpectedly, he was "backstabbed" by Bianliang, which disrupted his plan.

Sheng Changbai received the order from the imperial court, asking Sheng Changbai to return to Beijing to report on his duties, and he was appointed.

Moreover, the reminder time is very urgent, and this position is not considered a necessary permanent position.

This position was originally set up to supervise and check and balance the Zhizhou.

Without the general judgment, it will not affect the operation of the state government at all.

Sheng Changbai didn't have to wait for Xintong to take office, so he had to return to Bianliang as soon as possible.

Not much time was left for Sheng Changbai to deal with the funeral.

There is not much work to be handed over, and Sheng Changbai has nothing to do at hand.

It is to leave his own water conservancy planning for Xuzhou to Huang Zhizhou.

It would be best if Huang Zhizhou was willing to continue construction according to Sheng Changbai's plan.

If you don't want to bother, it's not a big problem. Sheng Changbai worked with tens of thousands of servants for several months last year.

It's not in vain. In the absence of particularly abnormal weather, heavy rain, or floods, it is enough to ensure that Xuzhou will not be troubled by floods for 20 years.

20 years is enough for Sheng Changbai to climb to a high position and have influence to allow this plan to continue.

For Sheng Changbai to leave his post and return to Bianjing, there are not too many personal affairs that need to be dealt with.

Sheng Changbai took office alone, without dragging his family along.

He didn't buy a big house in Xuzhou, and lived directly in the government office without selling the big house.

Although a few shops have been bought in Xuzhou City, it is not necessary to sell them.

If the price is not suitable, the shop will be entrusted to the management of the big house, and it will be sold off slowly in the future, which is not a big problem.

Sheng Changbai bought a farm last year in order to promote fine varieties.

This year, I am optimistic about Xuzhou's agricultural potential after no floods, and bought two more farms.

These dozens of hectares of land have been purchased one after another, which can be regarded as fixed assets.

Farming is not so competitive, and it was an investment that could be held for a long time in a feudal society.

After Sheng Changbai's governance, Xuzhou is not worried about flooding, and Xuzhou's fertile land has become a high-quality asset.

After all, Sheng Changbai has been in power in Xuzhou for more than a year, and he is still an official. Of course, he can cover dozens of hectares of land, so he doesn't attract people's attention.

Just leave a few reassuring stewards to help take care of it.

It is easier to deal with the dozens of servants Sheng Changbai hired in Xuzhou, just tear up the contract and let the servants be free.

Sheng Changbai hired servants to sign short contracts.

With so many people, they lost more than 100 pennies, which was just a drizzle for Sheng Changbai.

The overall situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty was that complete selling into slavery was not supported, but long-term contracts for decades could be signed.

This kind of family has been with the master's family for several generations, and those who sign decades-long contracts are servants.

Ordinary people would not be willing to raise too many servants.

The servants who support the world have to take care of the servants' birth, old age, sickness and death, weddings and funerals.

Even the livelihood of the servants and children needs the help of the master.

The cost is much higher than simply hiring people.

In feudal society, family planning was not emphasized, and if there was no disease or disaster, the population multiplied very quickly.

Every generation the population doubles geometrically.

For the purpose of cultivating confidantes, big households will not train too many servants.

The last thing is to bid farewell to the officials, squires, wealthy businessmen, and big households in Xuzhou.

Sheng Changbai has been in Xuzhou for more than a year, and he is quite happy getting along with all parties.

Of course, it was also because the unhappy people with Sheng Changbai were sent out by Sheng Changbai.

This time when Sheng Changbai returned to Bianliang, although he didn't say what position he would hold, there was a high probability that he would be promoted.

For the farewell banquet, the practice banquet will naturally be attended by more people.

After spending five days, Sheng Changbai hurriedly dealt with various things in Xuzhou, and took the servant who came to Xuzhou with him last year, and boarded the official ship back to Bianliang.

Sheng Changbai left Xuzhou at this time, with a bit of regret, that is, he was somewhat sorry for Dafang.

The workshop invested by Dafang in Xuzhou was not long after it was built and put into operation, and Sheng Changbai left Xuzhou.

Although Huang Zhizhou knew the relationship between Dafang and Sheng Changbai, he would take care of Dafang.

But when others help, it is not as convenient as when Sheng Changbai took office in Xuzhou.

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