"The official didn't make a clear statement. They just told me to do my duty faithfully and stabilize the place after I go back." After a pause, Mr. Hai added: "Supervise the clan."

The clans of the Great Zhou Dynasty, because they did not hold real power, and Jinzhi still lived in the capital, they were already regarded as a relatively peaceful group in the feudal dynasty.

But this time the situation is different after all, the old emperor has no parents.

It is also easy for all clans to give birth to the illusion that everyone has a chance.

They are all descendants of Taizu, Taizong, everyone has a chance, and they are the legal heirs of the country.

"No matter who the crown prince is, it is a great blessing for the community that the officials are willing to establish a crown prince."

Although the old emperor delayed for a long time to establish a reserve.

The procrastinating King Yong and King Yan took the lead in making Bianliang stormy.

But the emperor is willing to choose an heir while he is alive, which is better than the emperor who does not choose an heir until he dies.

"Next, the officials may release news. There will definitely be a lot of turmoil in Bianliang City. In the chaotic situation, you must carefully observe the current situation and focus on stability. You are not as young as the champion and already ranked seventh rank , is already a high-ranking teenager, and I don't want to get lucky..."

Lao Taishan taught Sheng Changbai earnestly, teaching Sheng Changbai various experiences in life and government.

It is still very helpful to Sheng Changbai, and Sheng Hong's experience as an official is more applicable to localities.

After arriving in the capital, Sheng Hong was just dawdling around in the six departments, working through his qualifications, and hadn't really done anything practical.

Moreover, Sheng Hong's exquisite appearance and good friendliness did not apply to Sheng Changbai.

A good old man can guarantee a relatively smooth career in the early stage.

But it is also difficult for a person who does not have his own persistence and self-advocacy to reach a high position.

"Master, Uncle, it's time to eat."

Weng and son-in-law chatted directly until the noon meal, which was the Guining banquet.

Not only the family members of Hai Chaoyun's Xiao family, but also the close relatives of the Hai family in Bianliang basically came to participate.

There are so many people here, one shows how much the Hai family attaches importance to Sheng Changbai, and the other shows that there are many relatives of the aristocratic family.

Seeing that there are dozens of people attending the Guining Banquet of the Hai family, one knows that there is still a long way between the Sheng family and the big clan.

In terms of population alone, the Sheng family is far from being able to compare with the Hai family.

The men of the Hai family basically do not take concubines, and all members of the clan have more than four figures.

The other aristocratic families have a population of several thousand or even tens of thousands of offshoots.

With such a large foundation, it is easy to produce talents in an endless stream.

It is also convenient to control all aspects of a state and a county at a local level.

The sons of the Sheng family's direct line have just passed ten, and the offshoots add up to less than a hundred.

If you want to develop into a big family, you must at least ensure that the clan is rich, the children of the previous generations.


After Gui Ning came back, the entire wedding process was over.The honeymoon is not an oriental tradition.

Sheng Changbai also returned to Yushitai and went to work normally.

Be a good professional troll, one less moth, and less people will be harmed.

After grasping a few typical examples, it can also be a deterrent to others, and it is not completely useless.

As for personal matters, Sheng Changbai has nothing else to do except hiring a tutor for Gu Tingye's daughter, Sister Rong.

Gu Tingye went back to Bianliang and only stayed for ten days.

Apart from looking at his daughter, he didn't do much.

It was a pause for a while, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Father was so angry, after his son was taken away, he became more stable.

It's just that the price of Gu Tingye's growth is too high.

Half a month passed like this, and when Sheng Hong returned home, he arranged a feast to celebrate with the whole family:
"Great joy, the official family really wants to set up a reserve!"

"There are successors to the country, and it is definitely something worth celebrating."

The old lady agreed and said that the old lady, who is usually indifferent to most things, is also thinking about the old emperor's establishment of the crown prince.

Not to mention an old lady who grew up in a noble family and married into an official family, with a high level of political consciousness.

Even ordinary people in Bianjing breathed a sigh of relief that the old emperor finally wanted to establish a crown prince.

"Thank God, the officials have finally made up their minds, and I don't know whether the officials are satisfied with King Yong or King Yan?" Wang Ruofu continued.

"No matter which one it is, it's better than the one that has been pending." Hai Chaoyun finally said.

That's right, the old lady, Wang Ruofu, Hai Chaoyun, the daughters-in-law of the three generations of the Sheng family often get together during this time.

Wang Ruofu asked Hai Chaoyun to stand upright, and it was not enough to show his prestige to Hai Chaoyun, and Sheng Changbai couldn't justify Wang Ruofu's good words.

In desperation, Sheng Changbai used his trump card and entrusted the old lady to take care of Hai Chaoyun.

Wang Ruofu asked Hai Chaoyun to go to Wei Ruixuan, and the old lady asked Wang Ruofu to come to Shou'an Hall.

In front of the old lady, Wang Ruofu naturally couldn't ask Hai Chaoyun to behave.

Otherwise, they are all daughters-in-law, how Hai Chaoyun serves Wang Ruofu, so Wang Ruofu should serve the old lady.

Don't talk about serving the mother-in-law, that is, let Wang Ruofu sit in the Shou'an Hall, and when he sees the old lady, he will take three points first.

Staying in Shou'an Hall, you can't go beyond the rules. For Wang Ruofu, it is a torture for Wang Ruofu to behave properly.

When Wang Ruofu returned to Wei, he asked Hai Chaoyun to serve him, and the old lady would call him queen.

The matter of Hai Chaoyun setting up rules will almost come to an end.

"Father, it seems that you are in a good mood today, did the official order you to do something?"

Sheng Changbai looked at Sheng Hong who was a little too excited, as if he had gained some benefits, and asked.

"The Qingning Palace has not been inhabited for many years. Since the official family wants to establish a prince, the Qingning Palace naturally needs to be repaired. The official family entrusted me with the task of repairing the Qingning Palace."

Qingning Palace is the Eastern Palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the residence of the Crown Prince, located in the easternmost part of the imperial city, next to the Donghua Gate,

It is of course a beautiful job to repair the palace for the future emperor of the prince.

A very good opportunity to please the prince and show his face in front of the prince.

According to the tradition, after the house was repaired by the prince.

In order to express his gratitude and buy people's hearts, the prince of course wants to reward and promote his courtiers who repaired the palace.

If it weren't for the fact that the old emperor was a kind person, it might be because he used Sheng Hong as a "chicken" to intimidate his officials and treated Sheng Hong badly.

Sheng Hong is now given such an opportunity to sell to Chu Jun.

If it wasn't for Sheng Changbai who became the censor and was in charge of the Ministry of Rites.

Sheng Hong should be transferred to the Ministry of Rites to help organize the canonization ceremony of the crown prince.

The same thing is to do things for the prince and sell well to the prince.

Now because of Sheng Changbai's status, Sheng Hong wanted to avoid suspicion that he was not suitable to go to the Ministry of Rites and still work in the Ministry of Industry, so he arranged such a good job for Sheng Hong.

To be honest, Sheng Hong took advantage of not going to the Ministry of Rites.

The Ministry of Rites, Taichang Temple, and Taichang Liyuan, the three major departments, and so many officials, all have to manage the canonization ceremony for the prince. Sheng Hong is among them, and he is just one person. How can he repair the palace for the prince alone to show his face.

Why does the Great Zhou have so many departments, all of which are in charge of court etiquette.

Of course, it is still the imperial mind of the old Zhao family emperor, that is, the etiquette system without much power. The emperor also needs to manage with multiple departments and divide powers.

It is not afraid to have more people under your command and pay more wages. If you have no money, you can find a way to make money, but you are afraid that the power in the hands of the courtiers will be too great, and there will be a situation of powerful officials.

No matter what, it is a good thing for Sheng Hong to repair the East Palace. No matter which child of the old Zhao family is in power, he has to think of Sheng Hong who has repaired the East Palace.

"Congratulations to father, congratulations to father, the government entrusts father with such a heavy responsibility, which shows the trust in father."

The hypocrisy of the scholar-officials, even if Sheng Changbai congratulated Sheng Hong for his upcoming promotion, it was not easy to give it directly.

"It's still important to get the errands done well."

Sheng Hong waved his hands and said, his words were very steady, but the smile on Sheng Hong's face could not be stopped.

"Bai'er, are you going to watch the canonization etiquette in the near future?" Sheng Hong asked after laughing.

"Yes, the official also sent a message to me."

Sheng Changbai, the censor, is in charge of the Ministry of Rites, so of course it is impossible for him to miss such a big event as the crown prince.

The current old emperor has been in power for more than 40 years, and there are no veterans in the court who have experienced the canonization ceremony.

After all, the time for the founding of the country in the Great Zhou Dynasty is not long after all, and there has not been a few times of establishing a reserve.

Even the only two crown prince canonizations were due to the fact that the Great Zhou Dynasty experienced a long period of troubled times before the founding of the country.

Many of the ceremonial inheritance and classics of the previous dynasty have been lost, and the canonization ceremony is not perfect.

Now that the Great Zhou Dynasty has been in peace for several decades, many ancient books of ancestors have been collected from various places among the people.

Of course, according to the ancient rituals, that is, the Zhou rituals combined with the etiquette of the previous dynasty, the canonization ceremony of the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty should be perfected.

This time it is perfected, and after it becomes a customization, it will be much easier to organize the prince's canonization ceremony in the future.

But the preparations for the grand ceremony of conferring the crown prince this time are very complicated.

A group of etiquette officials have to go through countless classics to sum up a set of canonization etiquette of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Sheng Changbai supervised in the past mainly for the purpose of picking criticism. He didn't need to know what to do was right, he just needed to know how to determine what was wrong, which was in line with his career as a big troll.

In fact, Sheng Changbai didn't have any great credit for doing this.

All kinds of ceremonies, even if they gave Chujun more face, were not proposed by Sheng Changbai. Sheng Changbai didn't have any credit for it, it was just a little hard work.

After the matter is done, the credit may not save Sheng Changbai the next year's time.

"Then you must do your errands with all your heart and do them well. People all over the world will stare at the canonization ceremony of the crown prince." Sheng Hong said encouragingly.

"Yes, the child must work hard."

There are so many servants in Sheng's house, and there are many people with mixed opinions, maybe one of them will spread the family's words.

The Imperial City Secretary of the Great Zhou Dynasty, as the eyes and ears of the emperor, was not as pervasive and powerful as Jin Yiwei and Dongchang of the later generations.

But the Imperial City Division of the Great Zhou Dynasty actually did the same kind of thing as these departments.

So even at home, the attitude towards the emperor must be correct.

Of course, the main thing is that Sheng Changbai should pay attention to what he says. Sheng Hong, who has received a complete scholar-official education and has a complete three views of a scholar-bureaucrat, must be somewhat loyal to the emperor in his bones.

After all, the Sheng family also received a lot of benefits from the old Zhao family.

If it weren't for the emperor of the old Zhao family who promoted the imperial examination comprehensively, the Sheng family really wouldn't have achieved the status it is today.

It was Mrs. Sheng who took advantage of the troubled times and earned a lot of money for his family.

Without the guarantee of official position, the Sheng family is just a piece of fat.

The old Zhao family is really good to the scholars, and it is normal for so many scholars to be loyal to the Zhao family.

Especially in the early days of the founding of the country, the influence of the previous dynasty is still there.

People from poor families have a deeper understanding of the monopoly of official careers by aristocratic families.

The more grateful the poor family scholars are to the old Zhao family, the easier it is to produce famous officials who are willing to work for the Zhao family.

Waiting for the establishment of the dynasty is too long, and the scholars are used to this kind of environment, so they don't have a deep understanding of the situation that the children of the poor family in the previous dynasty have no way out.

It is easy to have their own minds and give birth to more selfish thoughts.

In order for the old emperor to finally establish a heir, all the members of the Sheng family gathered together and had a complete family banquet.

The old Zhao family had an heir to the throne, the Zhao family should have been happy, and the Sheng family was happy to celebrate the festival.

"Sheng Yushi, what do you think of this one?"

"Sheng Yushi, do you think it is better to follow Zhou's rituals or the previous court's rituals?"

"Sheng Yushi, I still think that the records in this book are more true."

"Good, good, all good."

After that, Sheng Changbai followed a group of ceremonial officials to consult various classics and prepare various things for the crown prince ceremony.

The books of the predecessors, after all, were written by the predecessors. Individuals have their own opinions, and what they see is not the same. There are many places, and the records in various classics are different.

It's still quite troublesome, Sheng Changbai is not very interested in which one is more real.

As long as the etiquette conforms to the regulations and there is no transgression, Sheng Changbai has no interest in criticizing.

It doesn't make much sense to operate this matter according to the ancient etiquette, the etiquette of the previous dynasty, and it's not worth Sheng Changbai's wasting too much time.

During this period of time, Sheng Changbai has been pondering that the affairs of the Great Zhou Dynasty have been changed a lot by his own influence.

In order to prevent Gu Tingye from harming his own Sheng Xiaoliu, Sheng Changbai changed the life trajectory of many key figures Gu Tingye.

It's really hard to say, who will have a better chance to be the emperor next, and whether Sheng Changbai should give it a push.

The key point is that Sheng Changbai couldn't decide who would be better and better for him to choose as the emperor.

After all, power can easily change a person. When a person is a clan and an emperor, it can be said that they look completely different.

Although both King Yong and King Yan are somewhat domineering, they also have their own advantages.

The first advantage of King Yong is that he has many sons.

The advantage of having more sons is that they are more tolerant of faults, even if they grow up a few children, it is easy to pick out a decent heir.

According to the average lifespan of the old Zhao family emperor, who was 50 years old, even if King Yong came to power immediately, he would be nearly [-] years old, and it was almost time to train an heir.

If there is a clear heir, Sheng Changbai can be the heir's banquet official and train the future emperor according to his own ideas.

After all, King Yong's ability is mediocre, and being an emperor is mediocre, which is not a shortcoming.

The mediocre emperor is easy to be fooled, and the power of the prime minister is easy to expand.

A person who can be a prime minister always has something extraordinary, and it is impossible to be a mediocre person.

It is not a bad thing to let the prime minister decide and govern the country.

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