"Since the biological parents are the parents of the descendants, Renzong can be the same emperor as King Shu."

Seeing the anger of the ministers, Han Zhang shamelessly recognized Renzong and asked Renzong and King Xianshu to be Zhao Zongquan's father together. This was a step forward.

The original plan was that Zhao Zongquan recognized his biological father as the emperor, so the Queen Mother was naturally not Zhao Zongquan's mother.

If she is not the emperor's mother, the Queen Mother is not qualified to be the Queen Mother, let alone listen to politics behind the curtain.

"In the government's rites and decrees, it is said that the person who is the latter is his or her parents, that is, the descendant's son will be called the parent when he is born. According to the etiquette and law, I must explain the matter and write it down so that people can understand it. Now I want to talk about the person who is the latter. If you are not called your parents, how can you write a document? This is the government deceiving people all over the world, saying that they are ignorant of literature and science."

Qi Heng, the boss of the Admonition Yuan, and his immediate superior stood up and refuted Han Zhang.

Saying that the etiquette is recorded in this way is just to facilitate the understanding of the people. It does not mean that the etiquette is recorded in this way, which means that the heir can recognize his biological parents.

"There are no two days in the sky, there are no two kings in the country, and there are no two lords in the family. How can a country have two fathers? What is the intention of Prime Minister Han to do this? Where do you want to put the first emperor and the first king of Shu? The same respect for Renzong, the first king of Shu The king's examination for the emperor's examination not only caused the loss of the two unifications of the country, but also caused the loss of his two fathers, Renzong and Xianshu."

Sheng Changbai also stood up and retorted to Han Zhang.

"Emperors Xuan and Guangwu of the Han Dynasty both called their father Huang Kao. Why can't Your Majesty respect King Shu as Huang Kao?"

Han Zhang cited the examples of Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xun Liu, who had become ill, and Emperor Guangwu of Liu Xiu as evidence.

These two are also examples of small sects becoming heirs to large sects and inheriting the throne.

Han Zhang is worthy of being the emperor's licking dog. Even if I give examples, they are all wise kings of the Han Dynasty.

To be honest, comparing Zhao Zongquan with these two emperors is a complete insult to both people.

To be honest, Zhao Zongquan is not worthy of carrying shoes for these two people.

"Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty is the grandson of Emperor Zhao, and Emperor Guangwu is the ancestor of Emperor Ping, so his father's appearance can be called Huang Kao. However, some people still argue that he is not so, saying that he is a small sect and merges with the larger sect. Today, your Majesty is not only Kao Renzong, but also If we examine King Shu Anyi, his failure cannot be compared to that of Xuan and Guangwu of the Han Dynasty."

The top leader of Taichang Liyuan also stood up and explained that everyone else inherited the throne from his grandfather.

Therefore, these two emperors can call their father Huang Dad. You, Zhao Zongquan, inherited the throne of Renzong only after calling him Renzong Dad. You are different from others who inherited the throne of your grandfather.

"After Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty succeeded Emperor Zhao, he adopted his grandson as his ancestor, so he respected his father as Huang Kao, but did not dare to respect his ancestor as Huang Zu Kao, because he and Zhao Mu had the same origin. Guangwu raised a commoner, killed Wang Mang, and risked his own arrows to conquer the world. , is called Zhongxing, but in fact, it is not too much to start a business. Although it is not too much to build seven temples on its own, it is a great loss to be called Huang Kao. Your Majesty is now the son of Renzong to inherit the great cause. How can it be the same..."

Someone was already criticizing Han Zhang, and Sheng Changbai targeted the emperor.

What achievements did Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Guangwu have? They all recognized others as their grandfathers in order to have a legitimate name and inherit their status.

He didn't want to cause trouble. He respected his biological grandfather as the emperor's grandfather.

You, Zhao Zongquan, are not as good as Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty in opening up new territories, and you are even worse than the great mage Liu Xiu who started his own business.

Others have built their own empires and do not violate the rules of etiquette.

No matter how good you are, Zhao Zongquan, you dare to do things that neither of these two people dare to do.

After Zhao Zongquan took the throne, he has been busy fighting for power.

After fighting for power from the Queen Mother, he bribed the prime minister and fought for power from the scholar-bureaucrats.

Sheng Changbai was completely disappointed with Zhao Zongquan because he could only fight for power but not do practical things.

He didn't give Zhao Zongquan any face and just started to spray.

When criticizing Zhao Zongquan, Sheng Changbai also fully considered his own risks.

The Zhou Dynasty treated its scholar-bureaucrats favorably, and even if they criticized the emperor wildly, it would be impossible for them to risk their lives or be imprisoned.

The most that can be done is to be demoted and kicked to the next level.
Because he was just criticizing the emperor and performing his duties as censor. There was no actual reason for his mistake. In fact, the possibility of being demoted was not very high.

Besides, even if he is demoted, it is not a big problem. Even if his salary is reduced, Sheng Changbai will not rely on this to support his family.

According to the national conditions of the Zhou Dynasty, being demoted was not a big problem.

Being an official in the feudal dynasty and never experiencing demotion in your life can be said to be an incomplete official career.

Going to a local place to settle down for a period of time and accumulate some qualifications will not affect Sheng Changbai's future too much.

According to the old Zhao emperor, his lifespan was usually only fifty.

Zhao Zongquan, who was already in his thirties, had been emperor for many years.

Even though Zhao Zongquan was able to work until he was fifty and worked for more than ten years, Sheng Changbai was only in his 30s.

It does not affect Sheng Changbai's entry into the central government and his position as chief minister at all. It is more important to protect the rights of scholar-bureaucrats now.

Otherwise, becoming prime minister would be like Han Zhang and become the emperor's puppet, which would be completely meaningless.

"Stop arguing. Since this matter is unclear, let's put it aside for the time being and wait until the late Emperor is auspicious."

After all, it was the feudal dynasty that ruled the world. In the court, the emperor had more initiative.

Looking at their own side, the group of losers headed by Han Zhang were sprayed so hard that they couldn't even lift their heads.

The emperor began to pull his weight and resorted to dragging his feet.

Originally, the discussion on this matter has been very clear. It is not in line with etiquette and should not be done.

We cannot call King Xianshu Emperor Kao and give Zhao Zongquan's biological father the title of honor.

If according to the tradition in the court, the discussion was about other matters, with the proportion of opposition among the ministers, this matter would be passed directly.

But this matter was Zhao Zongquan's selfish intention, and Zhao Zongquan did not want this matter to end.

I also left a little tail, hoping to wait for the old emperor to know more about it, after the second anniversary.

Anyone who understands what Zhao Zongquan means is clear.

The longer he sat on the throne, the more stable Zhao Zongquan's position became and the greater the power in his hands.

Zhao Zongquan hoped that he would have more power in one year.

Use the power in your hands to push forward this matter forcefully.

Although the controversy over Xian Shu Wang's imperial examination was temporarily suppressed, it was not over yet.

At best, this battle can be regarded as winning the first half, and there is still a second half to fight.


Although the matter was put on hold, it was just that there was no argument in the court.

In fact, all parties are still making preparations privately, and Sheng Changbai has no time to spare.

While he is busy collecting various information about Han Zhang, he still has to find a way to get rid of Han Zhang. Everything must start from studying Han Zhang's life.

Judging from Han Zhang's past experience, in the decades before he became prime minister, Han Zhang had nothing to say about his conduct and behavior.

He looks like a standard scholar-bureaucrat, and his political achievements were good when he was a local official.

After doing well in the local area, he was transferred to Bianliang as an admonishment officer.

When he was an admonisher, he achieved great results.

With only one memorial, the four big bosses in the court at that time, the two prime ministers Wang and Chen, and the two counselors and political officials (deputy prime ministers) Han Shi, were arrested and driven home.

Since then, he has become famous in one fell swoop, and the reputation of "the four prime ministers have been wiped out by a piece of paper" has spread all over the world. He has gained a reputation for being upright, daring to speak out, and upright.

What Sheng Changbai is doing now, Han Zhang had done it 30 years ago.

What Sheng Changbai played with was all leftover from Han Zhang's play.

After impeaching four prime ministers, Han Zhang became famous and became a key cultivation target of the imperial court.

Next, Han Zhang became a diplomat and went to the Liao Kingdom.Being able to do diplomacy and represent the country when traveling is enough to illustrate the value of this position.

Especially in situations like the Great Zhou Dynasty, where the neighbor's national strength is stronger than one's own.

The responsibility of the position of diplomatic envoy is even heavier.

Therefore, the mission to the Liao Kingdom during the Zhou Dynasty had a deeper meaning.

As long as the candidates selected by the imperial court to send envoys to the Liao Kingdom, they would be reused by the imperial court after returning.

After returning from the Liao Kingdom, Han Zhang became the pacifier of Yi and Li, and then he was transferred to the pacifier of Shaanxi, becoming a territorial envoy.

Then Han Zhang went to war with Xixia in the northwest.

Han Zhang worked in the northwest for five years, and his record was repeated defeats and defeats.

Xixia was beaten into a state of embarrassment and suffered several heavy defeats.

Still relying on the superior national power of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It dragged down Xixia's economy and waited until Xixia became tired of war.

The two countries had just signed an armistice agreement, and the result of the agreement was that the Zhou Dynasty still followed the old tradition of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the Great Zhou Dynasty spent money to buy peace.

Giving Xixia a gift every year, no matter how you say it, is just giving money.

Open a market, facilitate trade, and transport supplies to Xixia.

Han Zhang fought the war like this, causing heavy losses to Dazhou, losing troops and generals, and the economy was on the verge of collapse.

The reason why no one criticized him was that what Han Zhang did was in the interests of the emperor and scholar-bureaucrats.

Han Zhang's greatest achievement in the northwest was the successful suppression of the Wu Xun Group of generals.

For generals, Han Zhang can kill with just one word.

He killed wherever he went in the northwest, successfully attacking the arrogance and domineering style of the generals.

Then Han Zhang had a record of repeated defeats and successfully suppressed Wu Xun.

He successfully entered the Privy Council and became the Deputy Privy Envoy.

The Privy Council is the highest military institution in the Zhou Dynasty, equivalent to the Ministry of National Defense, and is responsible for the organization, dispatch and command of the national army.

The privy envoy is the number one, known as the military minister, and Han Zhang is the deputy envoy and the military number two.

He had already become a high-level official in the country, and then Han Zhang just wanted to carry out political reforms in the Great Zhou Dynasty. He made a big fuss, but ended up in vain.

When the reform failed, Han Zhang left Bianliang again and hid outside.

Han Zhang went to Hebei and Hedong and guarded northern Xinjiang for ten years.

Because Han Zhang had to pay protection fees to the Liao State in the anniversary year, it actually didn't make much sense for Han Zhang to guard northern Xinjiang.

The significance of Han Zhang's ten years in northern Xinjiang was mainly to suppress military generals.

Han Zhang is still the same as before. He just kills and kills generals. If he is afraid of killing others directly, the army and generals will naturally be as honest as cats.

Because the suppression of military generals was very successful, Renzong transferred Han Zhang back to Bianliang as a privy envoy.

This time I am the number one, Minister of Defense, and continue to suppress the military.

After working for two years and achieving good results, Han Qi was immediately appointed prime minister by Renzong.

After becoming prime minister, Han Zhang changed.

Han Zhang used to do things according to the standards of a scholar-official.

After becoming prime minister, Han Zhang became less and less like a scholar-official.

Doing various things is mostly for your own selfishness, and you are also seeking the private interests of your own family.

I don’t know if he has been corrupted by power, or if he has reached the peak of human status and no longer needs to pretend, his true nature has been exposed.

Even forcing the old emperor to establish a heir apparent was the result of Han Zhang's desire to support him from the dragon.

After all, as long as the emperor agrees to establish the throne, no matter who takes the throne, he must pay tribute to Han Zhang.

Of course, Han Zhang cannot be completely denied. This person has been recognized by the emperor and civil servants before.

He still made contributions to the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrat group. Han Zhang's greatest achievement in his life was to suppress the warriors.

The army of the Great Zhou Dynasty was not an army of the people. Military discipline was strict and no one committed any crime.

Zhou's Xiang army, frontier army, and even the Forbidden Army were all filled with a large group of ruffians.

Arrogant and unreasonable behavior, arrogance and domineering, lack of military discipline and wanton behavior are common occurrences.

After Zhao Zongquan succeeded to the throne, he first needed to pay more than 1000 million yuan in rewards (protection fees) to the imperial army.

Otherwise, the Forbidden Army would mutiny. It can be seen that the military generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty did have a practical need to suppress and suppress.

This is the result of Han Zhang's continuous suppression of Xiao for 20 years. If he had not suppressed him, the Wuren Group could have become even more arrogant.

The Zhou Dynasty did not value civility over military affairs and continued to suppress military men.

Before foreign invasion, the Zhao family would no longer be able to secure the throne.

To find fault with Han Zhang, we can only look for it after Han Zhang became prime minister.

The Han family's wanton land annexation in their hometown of Xiangzhou is a problem.

However, the Zhou Dynasty did not restrain land annexation. Even if the Han family made some excessive moves during the land annexation, it could not shake Han Zhang, who the emperor was determined to protect.

Then there is Han Zhang, who promotes his son wantonly.

He arranged for his five sons to enter the imperial court, and their positions were all quite high.

In addition to being the eldest son, Han Zhang can be regarded as a middle-aged man and a qualified official.

The other sons can be regarded as people who live in the corpse position.

This problem is considered serious, but for this kind of thing, ordinary prime ministers can be dismissed, but it is difficult to dismiss Han Zhang who has become shameless.

If you want to remove Han Zhang, you still have to destroy the relationship between Zhao Zongquan and Han Zhang.

Sheng Changbai was thinking about how to criticize bad people.

Gu Tingye ran to the Sheng family to find Sheng Changbai, hoping to instigate rebellion against Sheng Changbai.

It's not just those from the Huangbo faction like Sheng Changbai who are taking action, thinking about how to deal with the people from the Huangkao faction.

People from the Huangkao faction are also taking action, contacting people privately, promising various benefits, and attracting people to their side.

"Zecheng, why are you so confused? The officials want to appoint King Xianshu as the emperor. This is a sign of your majesty's filial piety. Your majesty wants to be a most filial person. We, the courtiers, must support him."

Gu Tingye is a proper imperial examination sect. This is a power struggle between civil servants and the emperor.

It has nothing to do with Gu Tingye, a noble military commander.

The conflict between the two parties did not affect Gu Tingye's interests at all.

In this case, of course Gu Tingye stood with the emperor, curried favor and supported the emperor.

"Since the official family has inherited the late emperor, the late emperor and the queen mother are the official parents of the official family. Whether the official family is filial or unfilial, you should know best, Zhong Huai."

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