After returning to the hospital, before Sheng Changbai could talk to Hai Chaoyun about the rent, Hai Chaoyun spoke first:

"Mr. Lang, my aunt from the Kang family came to our house again today to find my mother-in-law."

Aunt Kang was the key subject of supervision that Sheng Changbai had given Hai Chaoyun. As long as this person entered the Sheng family, someone must keep an eye on her.

When the servants can't stand it, Hai Chaoyun needs to take action personally.

We cannot give Wang Ruoyu and Wang Ruofu a chance to be alone.

"What's the reason for her coming here today? Is she here to borrow money from her mother again?"

With the support of Mrs. Wang after coming to Beijing, Wang Ruo and his previously dormant desire to take advantage of the Sheng family quickly revived.

With the support of Mrs. Wang, Sheng Hong and Wang Ruofu cannot be as ruthless as before.

Regardless of their feelings, they couldn't help but Mrs. Wang's nagging, talking about the Wang family's old favors, and trying to repay the favor would still give Wang Ruo and Chenggong some advantages.

What Sheng Changbai can prevent is that he won't help politically, and he can give up some of his wealth.

To buy peace for the time being, thinking about dealing with this family, we still have to wait for the opportunity. When Wang Ruoyu causes a big trouble and exposes his circumstances, he will directly impeach the family, exile him, and send him to Bianliang.

"Exactly, Aunt Kang said that Zhuangzi was hit by floods this year, and the family had no income. Two more common children were going to get married soon. The family could not even prepare basic gifts and dowry." Hai Chaoyun was hard-pressed. replied confidently.

Half of them questioned how the Kang family, which was considered a well-known family 30 years ago, had no money.

The other half probably questioned why the Kang family dared to have so many children since they had no money.

"Sigh... There are indeed more children in this generation of the Kang family. With so many children, not to mention their family, which has already declined, even our family cannot bear such continuous marriages. Did mother pay Aunt Kang again? "

Sheng Hong only married two concubines and gave birth to two concubines, giving him a total of four daughters, which devastated the Sheng family.

Uncle Kang had dozens of concubines and gave birth to [-] or [-] concubine children. Not only according to the marriage standards of official families, but also according to the marriage standards of civilian families, it was a huge expense.

Originally, Aunt Kang sent her daughter to be a concubine and to fill the widower's house. Although it was shameless and had no bottom line, it was actually a worry-free operation that made money without spending any money.

Sheng Changbai was impulsive and exposed Aunt Kang to Mrs. Wang.

After Wang Ruoyu's evil operation was stopped by Mrs. Wang.

The money from the wedding was used by the Sheng and Wang families to fill the hole, and Sheng Changbai had cheated his own family.

"My mother said that we probably won't be able to collect the rent for our farm this year, so she didn't agree to it. During this time, my aunt has come to our house to borrow money three or four times for various reasons."

"This is because I have tasted the sweetness, and I am ready to depend on our family again, and I am ready to come to our house to catch the autumn breeze! After waiting for a while, I will think of a way to solve this problem."

Hearing what Haishi said, Sheng Changbai felt that waiting for the Kang family to take the initiative to make mistakes would be too passive.

We should wait until this disaster is over and then take the initiative to deal with the Kang family.

There is no need to wait any longer, we must find the Kang family's faults and exile them.

Since both the Prince and Sheng families are in the capital, we will arrange for the Kang family to leave the capital.

It just so happened that the Kang family and his wife had never stopped, and they had to be dispatched for official duties.

Sheng Changbai could just go with the flow and find a temporary job in another place to help the Kang family.

"Your Majesty is in a bad mood today and has no court."

"Your Majesty is tired today and has no court."

"Your Majesty is in poor health and there will be no court today."

After arranging the disaster relief, Zhao Zongquan hid in the harem because he was afraid of being criticized and asked by the ministers to issue an edict for committing crimes.

Maybe he is pretending to be sick. Of course, if he is not in a good mood, it is normal even if he is really angry and sick.

The emperor's physical condition has always been true and false, and the courtiers are not really informed about it.

And after the emperor was gone, the court was actually running quite smoothly.

But on this day, when Sheng Changbai was reading files at Yushitai Yamen, he suddenly stopped and heard a sudden drum sound outside.

"What's that noise outside?"

Sheng Changbai asked an old official next to him.

"Censor, listen to this sound, someone is beating the Dengwen drum." The old official replied.

The Dengwen Drum was set up outside Xuande Gate in the imperial city, and inside were the various administrative departments of the imperial court.

After ringing the bell, most of the people in the court could actually hear it.

"This is the first time I heard the sound of Dengwen drums. Let's go and see what's going on."

Beating the drum is actually a complaint. The emperor may not be aware of whether to preside over the trial, but at least the emperor will definitely ask about the matter.

Sheng Changbai had been in the capital for so many years. This was the first time he heard it, and he was still somewhat curious.

Although he knew that Dazhou's appeal system was quite open and that Denwen's drum could really be beaten, Sheng Changbai had never seen it.

"Censor Sheng, since the Dengwen drum has been beaten, the people from the drum courtyard will definitely pick up the person. If we go there now, I'm afraid we won't see anyone."

"Then send someone out to find out what's going on. What's going on must be reported to heaven."

After Sheng Changbai gave the order, the old official sent a junior official to run out to inquire about the situation. Since the Dengwen drum was really sounded, Sheng Changbai still felt that there was more injustice.

Although the scope of cases accepted by Deng Wengu in Dazhou is very wide, including political gains and losses, public and private interests, military secrets, Chen begging for favors, rectifying grievances and strange methods, changing questions, and correcting names, they are all among them. The matter of grievances is just A small part of it.

However, the Great Zhou Dynasty set up the Dengwen Drum Court to manage the Dengwen Drum, give advice and suggestions, and offer prescriptions. In fact, when you arrive in front of the Dengwen Drum, you will be received by the officials of the Drum Court.

After being screened by the officials of the Drum Academy, they decided whether to present the policy to the emperor and not really beat the Dengwen drum.

When the drums sound, most of them are people who complain to the officials and want to appeal their grievances.

"Something big has happened. Someone is suing Marquis Ningyuan!" After a cup of tea, the clerk came back and replied.

"Gu Tingye, what can he accuse?"

Although Gu Tingye had many black spots, most of them were related to etiquette and style issues, and he didn't say that he would alert others to complain if something happened.

"People outside are going to sue Gu Tingye for occupying the family property, and there is also a woman who is suing Gu Tingye for killing her son."

After hearing what the clerk said, Sheng Changbai realized that Gu Tingye's enemies, the Bai family and Zhu Manniang, had formed a group to seek revenge against Gu Tingye.

Zhao Zongquan's Yuzhou gang has been dealt a blow.

The only one left, Gu Tingye, has not been fucked yet, and of course he will not be spared.

Gu Tingye was left at the end because these people wanted to join forces to make a big deal for Gu Tingye.

It was Gu Tingye who these people wanted to sue, and that was why they violated the procedures.

Although the emperor of the old Zhao family valued scholar-officials, he was also very wary of scholar-officials.

In order to prevent civil servants from having too much power without any restrictions, a complete appeals process has also been developed.Prefecture - Supervisor - Shangshu Bencao - Yushitai - Shangshu Dusheng - Dengwenguyuan - Dengwenjianyuan - Lijianyuan - Invite to drive.

The Bai family and Zhu Manniang skipped many procedures and directly beat the Dengwen drum.

One is to make the noise bigger, and the other is really afraid that the Kaifeng Mansion will not be able to control Gu Tingye.

According to the process, Denwen Drum Court may not accept such an appeal.

But since someone wants to mess with Gu Tingye, most officials regard Zhao Zongquan as their number one loser. This is what most people want to see.

No one will pursue any minor procedural flaws.

Although Sheng Changbai is not sure yet and cannot figure out how many promoters there are, the Queen Mother and the previous salt tax interests must play a leading role.


Someone beat the Denwen drum, and the person who sued was his strongest thug.

Zhao Zongquan was worried about leaving the case to others for trial, and he could not hide in the harem.

Half a month later, the court meeting resumed for the first time.

Zhao Zongquan did participate because of his illness.

From the perspective of Sheng Changbai, an old Chinese medicine doctor, Zhao Zongquan was not faking it. During this period, he was really depressed, angry, and sick.

"I'm tired. The case of Gu Hou will be tried by Princess Han Xiang."

The court affairs were routinely reported. After completing the process, the emperor gave Han Zhang the task of reviewing the case.

Han Zhang is now the emperor's yes man. Let Han Zhang take charge. It is obvious that the emperor favors Gu Tingye.

"Bring everyone here." Han Zhang greeted.

Then I saw Bai Dalang and Zhu Manniang being brought to Funing Hall. Sheng Changbai had seen these two people before.

The former was when Sheng Hong was an official in Yangzhou. At the funeral of Gu Tingye's grandfather, Sheng Changbai met Bai Dalang, who was dressed in mourning clothes. He was Gu Tingye's cheap uncle.

The latter, Zhu Manniang, was the person Sheng Changbai met when Gu Tingye and Zhu Manniang had just returned to Beijing from the academy and were in their honeymoon period.

"You are such a ruthless, ruthless person. You killed your own son, how can you still have the dignity to live in this world..."

In front of Zhao Zongquan, the Queen Mother, and all the civil and military officials, Zhu Manniang grabbed Gu Tingye and screamed with a sharp voice and a ferocious expression.

Gu Tingye is now one of the most powerful people in the world and has millions of assets. These are things that Zhu Manniang has at her fingertips.

It was Gu Tingye who was so angry that his father was kicked out by the Gu family, so he insisted on pretending to be depressed and made Mannia give up on Gu Tingye.

After learning Gu Tingye's true net worth, he got married to Xianyu.Mannia couldn't stand this stimulation in her heart, and couldn't accept that she had given up so much power and wealth on her own initiative.

Zhu Manniang gave up on her own initiative, a man whose wealth and power were at the pinnacle of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Overwhelmed with regret, Zhu Manniang not only deeply resented Gu Tingye, but also had mental problems of her own, which were often symptoms of mental illness.

An actor, now in court, looked completely fearless when facing these people in the center of power in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Be presumptuous, kneel down and reply." After Zhu Manniang finished going crazy, Han Zhang finally remembered to scold Zhu Manniang.

"You supported Brother Chang and caused him to die of illness. You can hurt me, so why do you want to curse your own child..." Gu Tingye asked Mannia angrily.

"He killed my brother, snatched me into his house, and forced me to have two children. He snatched my daughter and kicked me out. If I didn't want to, he killed our son..."

When a woman becomes ruthless, she really has nothing to do without a man. Zhu Manniang directly charged Gu Tingye with the crime of torturing his own children.

"You crazy woman..."

"A tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds. How could there be such a cruel person in the world, killing his son alive in front of me..." Zhu Manniang continued to scream sharply.

"How could I be so cruel, how could I do something like killing my son..."

Compared with Zhu Manniang's madness, Gu Tingye's helpless explanation seemed very weak.

Zhu Manniang's crazy mental state makes people believe that this woman may have actually experienced her son being killed in front of her eyes.

"You are such a vicious person. There is nothing you can't do. Is there anyone in the house who doesn't know that you made your father angry to death?"

As soon as Gu Tingye finished speaking, Xiao Qin slowly walked into the hall and answered.

It was only after he finished speaking and walked closer that he began to salute the emperor and the queen mother.

The timing of coming in was perfect, as if it had been rehearsed.

This was obviously coordinated and arranged, so that Xiao Qin could wait outside the palace, and then let people in at this critical moment to kill Gu Tingye.

Although the Queen Mother was outside the palace walls, she no longer had any rights.

But she can still control the palace. After all, the eunuchs and maids actually care more about the Queen Mother.

The eunuchs and internal officials in the palace initially looked down upon Zhao Zongquan, a young man in the clan, to succeed to the throne.

These people even wanted a young emperor to succeed to the throne, a queen mother to hold the curtain, and a woman to control the court. Of course, she had to rely on the eunuchs, so that the eunuchs could have greater power.

"I'm not mad at my father. I just had some quarrels with my father at the beginning..."

"Your Majesty, Mr. Han, Gu Tingye, he roared and argued at the old Marquis. The old Marquis was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot..."

"My father was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot..."

"Why not? This matter was witnessed by Ting Yu and Rong with our own eyes."

The testimonies given by Xiao Qin are also amazing. One has died and the other has gone to become a nun.

"Then find someone to confront him on the spot."

Gu Tingye replied that although Gu Tingye's attitude was quite confident, he didn't know what the monk Rong Feiyan's attitude would be towards Gu Tingye and whether he would step on her if he came to find his abandoned ex-wife.

"Your Majesty, Grand Master, I am closer to the Marquis Gu whom I raised than my own son. I didn't expect that he would be so angry with his father that he died. I am so ashamed of myself..."

"Nonsense, confusing right and wrong." Gu Tingye angrily rebuked.

"You kill your father and your son. It turns out that you always like to kill your own father and son." Mannia concluded to Gu Tingye.

"You crazy woman, it was you who killed Brother Chang..."

"It was you who killed Brother Chang. He is buried underground now. I want to trade one life with you."

Mannia looked excited and rushed towards Gu Tingye.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please call the doctor quickly!"

Here Mannia and Gu Tingye were struggling together. The internal official on the steps had already shouted, and Zhao Zongquan fainted from anger.

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