Chapter 918 Who can go to war?
Gu Tingye didn't block King Huan's sword in vain. When he got the chance, King Huan really missed Gu Tingye.

The strong recommendation of Gu Tingye was definitely not to make Gu Tingye join the army and die.

Obviously he wanted Gu Tingye to stand up again, gain credit through the war, and make a comeback.

"In our great Zhou Dynasty, there is no one except Gu Tingye. Why do we have to use him as a person to punish sinners?"

Zhao Zongquan sneered a few times and then shouted.

Now he still looks very afraid of Gu Tingye, which is consistent with the move of sending Gu Tingye out.

Of course, there are many people in Da Zhou, directly exceeding [-] million. There is no doubt that it is the most populous country in the world.

But in fact, because Dazhou spent money to buy peace as a national policy, the country has indeed been peaceful for many years.

There has been no major war in recent years, and there are not many generals with war experience in the imperial court.

The British Duke was considered one, but because of Zhao Zongquan's alleged marriage, Zhao Zongquan's brother-in-law killed the British Duke's daughter.

Because it was their own fault, Zhao Zongquan and his wife continued to appease the British father, and continued to show kindness to the British father. They were even more eager than before when the two families were related.

But no matter how good his attitude was on the surface, Zhao Zongquan had lost trust in the British Duke. In fact, Zhao Zongquan had been using high-ranking officials and generous salaries to put the British Duke up high, and he had been quietly reducing his power to the British Duke. He dared to entrust him with important responsibilities.

Some of the old nobles had also experienced war, but since they really had certain abilities, these people really gained importance during the Renzong Dynasty.

If he is not reused, for example, Yuan Wenshao's father, Zhongqin Bo, has been idle all his life and has no chance to perform at all.

By now, these old nobles of Renzong Dynasty, those who should be idle, those who should be idle, have been sorted out by Zhao Zongquan.

It was the practice of the Great Zhou Dynasty that when going out to fight, although civil servants were always in command, at least there must be an experienced general who directly led the troops.

There is no shortage of civil servants in the Zhou Dynasty who can command the expedition. After all, they only play a supervisory role. The most important thing is that the emperor can rest assured, and there are no requirements for ability.

But there are really not many generals who can lead troops.

There is already a civil servant general who does not understand military affairs. If the military attache and deputy general also do not understand military affairs, it is not much different from sending him off.

"Your Majesty, soldiers, this is a major national event, related to the safety of the country and the survival of the country. Please put the country and the country first, and let Gu Tingye do meritorious service and lead the troops to go to war."

Shen Congxing also stood up and recommended Gu Tingye.

It's hard to tell clearly whether Shen Congxing has a good relationship with Gu Tingye or whether he doesn't have the confidence to lead troops on an expedition, so he doesn't recommend himself and insists on recommending Gu Tingye. It's more likely to be a combination of both.

It's okay to help control some forbidden troops, and it's okay to help bully some civilians to cause chaos.

It would be really difficult for the uncle-in-law, who was an ordinary person two years ago, to really lead troops to fight against foreigners.

"Gu Tingye, Gu Tingye, is there no one else besides him? If he is allowed to take control of the court, now he will take people's property and kill people, and I don't know how domineering he will be in the future." Zhao Zongquan angrily rebuked.

The anger is very real. It seems that when it comes to Gu Tingye being demoted, even if Zhao Zongquan and Gu Tingye are acting, the fake show is real and the show tells the truth. Zhao Zongquan's intention to beat Gu Tingye is absolutely real.

"Your Majesty, Gu Tingye is brave and good at fighting. He is also capable of civility and martial arts. He is resourceful and resourceful. He is really the best choice to fight against Xixia."

Geng Jiechuan also stood up and strongly recommended Gu Tingye.

Gu Tingye was sent out, and he avoided suspicion at this time and fully recommended Gu Tingye.

"Do you really think that I am being manipulated by Gu Tingye?" Zhao Zongquan was furious and his face had begun to turn red.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to use my official position to vouch for Gu Tingye."

Duan Chengyong stood up and begged the emperor on his knees.

"Your Majesty, I am also willing to vouch for Gu Tingye." Geng Jiechuan also begged.

This kind of recommendation method is still very tough, and you must insist on following Zhao Zongquan.

Now it seems that the people in the Yuzhou gang are not without their merits.

In addition to attaching importance to the relationship between several people, he is actually quite clear-headed and self-aware. He will not do things beyond his own capabilities and knows who among the few in his group is really capable of fighting.

"Your Majesty, Gu Tingye has committed a heinous crime, so of course we can't take it easy on him. Now is the time for the court to employ people. Let him go on an expedition with the army. It's not about reinstating his official position. It's just that one more person will give him more strength. Even if he is allowed to serve as a Being a small pawn can also allow him to contribute more to Dazhou."

Seeing Zhao Zongquan's face getting redder and redder, Shen Congxing followed behind and said.

It was a big step back. He did not continue to ask Gu Tingye to lead the army, but only asked Gu Tingye to accompany the army.

The words were very tactful, but the meaning of recommending Gu Tingye and sending Gu Tingye to the expedition was still very clear.

"Okay...Okay...then let him serve as a pawn." Zhao Zongquan said with an angry look.

Shen Congxing might have said that casually just to help Gu Tingye get a chance.

After all, Gu Tingye still has the position of deputy regimental training envoy and is at the eighth rank, so he can still be a grassroots officer.

Maybe he didn't expect that Zhao Zongquan would just go with the flow and make Gu Tingye a leading soldier.

"His Majesty…"

King Huan was unwilling now and kept talking. It was obvious that he wanted to fight for Gu Tingye again.

"Don't talk about Gu Tingye anymore. The court is not run by him alone. He alone has nothing to do with the overall situation. Who can lead the troops on the expedition is the main topic today." Zhao Zongquan interrupted King Huan.

Now that Gu Tingye has become the leading soldier, the topic has returned to the original point, who can lead the army in the expedition.

When this question was mentioned, it was embarrassing again. There were many people in the court, but no one answered for a long time.

Silence... As long as Zhao Zongquan wants to do something, he can easily silence all the civil and military officials of the Zhou Dynasty.

There was complete silence, and no one dared to take the initiative to ask for help.

Han Zhang's repeated defeats 20 years ago not only gave Xixia confidence in playing.

It also showed that the civil and military officials of the Zhou Dynasty were afraid of Xixia. Otherwise, they would not be so supportive. The Zhou Dynasty spent money every year to buy peace.

"Is there no one in the entire dynasty who dares to fight against Xixia?"

Zhao Zongquan may have been really anxious, so he stood up and scolded the courtiers.

Although the martial arts of the Great Zhou Dynasty was not strong, it was not so cowardly. Xixia had already invaded and no one dared to fight back.

Except for those who dare to fight, especially the generals who dare to fight, they are all outside the border.

The remaining people who dared to fight were suppressed by Zhao Zongquan.

We have just finished suppressing people, and now we have to let people take the initiative to work for Zhao Zongquan and the Zhao family.

There is obviously no such mean person in the court now.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Han has resisted Xixia in the northwest for many years, and has many years of experience in fighting with Xixia. If Mr. Han can lead an army on an expedition, he will be able to capture and succeed with ease."

No one answered, which made the emperor too embarrassed. The privy councilor stepped forward and recommended Han Zhang.

Above the imperial court, the person with the most experience fighting Xixia soldiers was undoubtedly Han Zhang.

Although they are all failures, they are also experiences. We still have to believe that Han Zhang can learn from failures.

First of all, Han Zhang has already surpassed others in terms of knowing himself and the enemy.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Zongquan obviously suspected that he was being ridiculed. "Not to mention that Mr. Han is already old, there is no reason in the world for the imperial court to send a prime minister to go to war just after a foreign tribe has invaded the border and there has not been a large-scale war."

Sheng Changbai also felt that the Privy Councilor was somewhat mocking Zhao Zongquan.The general meaning should be that since the emperor you only trust one person more than Han Zhang.

If you have something to do now, let Han Zhang go on the expedition for you.

Counting the number of people in the Manchaotang, there are indeed few people who are more suitable than Han Zhang.

As a result of decades of continuous suppression of military generals, Han Zhang is actually quite a deterrent to military generals.

To sum up, Han Zhang is a very impressive person in the Zhou army, which is actually rare.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to lead troops to fight against Xixia."

In the end, in order to prevent Zhao Zongquan from being too embarrassed, King Huan stepped forward to rescue Zhao Zongquan.

"Then I will allocate an army of [-] to you and set off today!" Zhao Zongquan replied.

After all, he is his eldest son. Even if he is afraid of him, Zhao Zongquan still has a lot of trust in King Huan.

Since it was King Huan who led the army on the expedition, it would not be the same as in the past.

There is no need to follow the tradition of the Zhou Dynasty and send a civil servant to supervise and restrict the generals who go on the expedition.

Allowing King Huan to have great autonomy in leading the troops, with just one point, it was a big advantage for the generals of the Zhou Dynasty.

Moreover, King Huan was not a man who knew nothing about military affairs. When King Yan forced the palace, he led troops to quell the rebellion. King Huan participated in it.

Then when there was civil unrest in the south, it was King Huan who took the lead and put an end to the rebellion.

Although Gu Tingye took the leading position among them.

But after all, King Huan also experienced the baptism of two wars, and his experience was better than that of many people.

King Huan led troops to the northwest, and Gu Tingye was in the northwest. Even Zhao Zongquan said that Gu Tingye could only be the leading soldier.

But in fact, it was impossible for King Huan to use Gu Tingye as a leading soldier.

Even without the title of lieutenant general, there will still be the fact that he is a lieutenant general. At least he can serve as a staff officer and make suggestions.

It is still the original combination of King Huan and Gu Tingye, the original old partner.

A full amount of 50 elite Forbidden Forces was allocated, known as [-].

This configuration, this time the Xixia border, even if the emperor is not lying about the military situation.

It is a real war situation, and it is enough to really compete with Xixia.

Judging from this response alone, we can indeed tell whether the news is true or false.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians were directly mobilized, and all aspects were truly prepared for war.

After seeing off the imperial troops who were marching to the northwest, the city of Bianliang finally settled down.

Because there was a war on the border, according to the tradition of the Zhou Dynasty.

The palace immediately began to cut back on food and clothing and stopped all kinds of banquet activities.

The purpose was naturally to show a money-saving attitude and the royal family's determination to support the border war.

It doesn't matter whether ordinary people follow the trend or not, but officials like Sheng Changbai who receive royal salaries still have to keep up with the royal family.

Since the emperor, the boss, no longer holds banquets, it is natural that it is not suitable for officials and officials to have large banquets.

You must also show your attitude to prevent the emperor from being petty and wearing small shoes.

Sheng Changbai's son's full moon banquet, I wanted to invite many relatives and friends to celebrate together, but it was no longer appropriate.

At the last full-moon banquet for the child, only the four Lans who were married off from the Sheng family, and Mrs. Changwu from the eldest family, took... and only Minglan took her son-in-law home.

Yuan Wenshao and Sheng Changwu, who had just been lucky, were both caught in the war.

It cannot be said to be unfortunate. For generals, war is both a crisis and an opportunity.

Both of them have no capable elders, so they want to rise up, obtain a high position, make a wife, shadow a son, and shine the lintel of their family.

The only thing you can rely on is your own ability.

It’s not common to expect luck from heaven. You’ve already been hit by a pie twice, and you can’t be hit by a pie forever.

Only shining military achievements are the hard currency for a general to rise to the top.

Yuan Wenshao was born in a distinguished family. Since he was a child, he wanted to make great achievements on the battlefield and restore the Yuan family's decline.

Some of them were happy to hear the battle and had no objection to going to the battlefield.

This young man Sheng Changwu is also young enough, more or less a middle school student.

There are many impulsive and passionate thoughts, such as learning literary and martial arts, selling into the emperor's family, eliminating foreign races, returning our country, beheading generals and killing enemies, and honoring our ancestors.

There is no fear of going to the battlefield.

But just because there is no problem for men, it does not mean that there is no problem for the women in the family.

This time the Forbidden Army wants to fight Xixia, not suppress the chaos and disaster victims everywhere in the country.

It's not about bullying the originally defenseless people in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

This is a battle against Xixia cavalry who are brave and good at fighting, skilled in bow and horse, and well-equipped. It is really going to kill people.

Even for low-level officers, the possibility of casualties is still high.

Changwu's wife was originally the daughter of a military attache, and her mentality was pretty good.

His father had been a soldier all his life, and he had adapted to the days when someone in his family was serving in the army since he was a child.

Although I am worried and scared, I have been living like this since I was a child and I am still stable.

But Hualan was different. He was born into a civil servant family.

The biggest disaster that I have considered since childhood was that my father was demoted.

No family member is mentally prepared to go to the battlefield and encounter life-threatening danger.

After Yuan Wenshao left, most of Hua Lan's soul was taken away.

The whole day is full of frowns, fear, and worry.

Hualan is strong even if she doesn't shed tears.

Even today, when she came to attend her eldest nephew's full moon ceremony, Hua Lan forced a smile on such a festive day.

"Sister, you don't have to worry too much. King Huan has brought [-] elite soldiers of the Forbidden Army to set off this time. In addition to the already elite hundreds of thousands of elite Western troops, he will be unbeatable against the Xixia rebels and win consecutive battles. "

Seeing Hua Lan continue to be like this, making her sick with worry, Sheng Changbai still wanted to feel relieved.

An army of hundreds of thousands, supported by several times the number of civilian soldiers, fought against Xixia, a country with a population of only 300 million.

Even if Xixia has a nomadic structure and all the people are soldiers, they can't send many people to invade the Zhou Dynasty. Based on the comparison of military strength alone, the Zhou Dynasty still has the advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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