The next time is to wait for the soldiers and horses from Qin Feng Road to support them.

The supporting soldiers and horses surrounded Dingxi City, so Sheng Changbai's troops could continue to expand outward.

The Xixia soldiers in Huizhou who have become trapped beasts are not worth Sheng Changbai's further delay. When they can no longer support them, these people will naturally surrender.

The Zhou Dynasty and even the Han people were always tolerant towards foreign countries, which was also beneficial.

When nothing can be done, these people don't mind surrendering to Zhou.

The memorandum of invitation was sent to Bianliang, waiting for the emperor's feedback, and he awarded the various tribes in Huizhou and Lanzhou.

At the same time, he arranged for the heirs of these foreign countries to go to Bianliang to pay homage to the emperor.

Although some foreign countries don't care so much about their heirs, they can still serve as hostages to some extent.

Along with these foreign leaders, he gathered the young men of the tribe and continued to march into Xixia.

Taking away the young and strong people of these Fanbang tribes, there will be no instability factors in the two states.

Sheng Changbai's tent was also moved from Huizhou to the edge of the Yellow River in Lanzhou.

"Commander Sheng, the enemy is heavily guarded. The entire north bank of the Yellow River is full of enemy patrols. It is really difficult to cross."

At this time, those who wanted to cross the Yellow River and attack the two states of Xingling and Xixia encountered difficulties. The Yellow River was difficult to cross.

The only way to cross the river is to rely on boats and pontoons.

When there are not many ships, the most realistic method is to build a pontoon.

This method is not easy to cross the river when the other side is sufficiently alert.

"Don't be reckless first. Send people to explore upstream and downstream to find out if there is any other place suitable for building a bridge to cross the river." Sheng Changbai ordered.

In fact, it is not impossible or meaningful for Sheng Changbai and Xixia Bing to face each other across the river.

As long as Sheng Changbai and Chen Bing are here, the soldiers and horses from Xixia Xingling and Lingzhou cannot be transferred away. Sheng Changbai needs to be guarded at all times, which can be regarded as containing many Xixia soldiers and horses.

This situation is still beneficial for Gu Tingye to attack Hengshan with his troops.

"Although the Yellow River is long, there are only so many places suitable for crossing the river. The Xixia soldiers will not be unwary."

This is a crossing of the Yellow River with 10,000+ soldiers and horses. Not a few people can cross the Yellow River no matter what. The requirements for the terrain are obviously much higher.

"It doesn't matter, our army is taking the initiative, and there is also fighting in the Hengshan section. The Xixia soldiers are limited, and it is impossible to do everything. Waiting for opportunities, you will always find Xixia's defensive weaknesses. Arrange people to cross the river at various crossings, and sneak these first Let’s talk about it later, Western thief.”

Sheng Changbai decided to have a stalemate with these people first, and it would be best to wait until the opportunity came.

There is no chance that after the Xixia soldiers on the other side are exhausted, the difficulty of the attack can be reduced.

"Shengshuai, Gu Shuai's side has captured Lawu City. The progress in the direction of Hengshan has been quite smooth during this period. Xixia organized an army of 10,000+ to stop the attack, but Gu Shuai also killed them." The messenger came from the direction of Hengshan. , reporting on Sheng Changbaihui.

Sheng Changbai was in a stalemate for the time being and there was no fighting.

It was just a small-scale confrontation between some patrolling cavalry on both sides.

But on Gu Tingye's side, the fight was quite lively during this period, with the support of Sheng Changbai.

Gu Tingye finally successfully captured Lawu City before the Xixia army fully assembled and rushed to support.

But after taking it down, we must also consider the issue of defense.

So after the destruction, Gu Tingye needed to build again in Lawu City to face the defense of Xixia.

Because of the critical geographical location of Lawu City, Xixia organized an army of 10,000+ to recapture Lawu City.

But the good thing is that even if the Xixia soldiers are fierce, they still have a stronghold to defend in the Zhou Dynasty.

The advantage of the Xixia cavalry was not fully utilized, and Gu Tingye was still holding off the Xixia soldiers for the time being.

But even if they can defend the city, Sheng Changbai has helped eliminate tens of thousands of soldiers and horses and restrained tens of thousands of Xixia soldiers and horses.

In the direction of Hengshan, Xixia mobilized the whole country, but only gathered less than 20 troops.

But with these soldiers and horses, the Great Zhou Dynasty also lost its ability to fight in the field.

If the infantry wants to fight the cavalry in the field, it only needs twice the number, which is far from enough.

"Gu Shuai, he wants me to cross the river as soon as possible?" Sheng Changbai asked.

"Yes, Gu Shuai hopes that Shuai Sheng can cross the Yellow River as soon as possible, threaten Xingling, and force the Xixia soldiers to return for reinforcements. The envoys of the Liao Kingdom have repeatedly criticized us for our good military conduct, leaving us with the Great Zhou Dynasty Time is running out.”

The battle situation on Gu Tingye's side was obviously more stalemate.

Sheng Changbai was in a stalemate because he didn't want to attack by force and pay an excessive price.

Gu Tingye was in a stalemate and had no choice but to defend passively.

"Okay, I see."

"General Shang, the commander-in-chief requires us to cross the river as soon as possible and fight the Western bandits as soon as possible."

After seeing off the messenger, Sheng Changbai called the deputy governor Shang to discuss matters.

"Then force the crossing." Vice Du Guan Shang replied.

"Okay, let the soldiers have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow at Yin time, the army will be divided into three groups, one true and two false, to forcefully cross the river." Sheng Changbai arranged.

If you can't wait for a good opportunity, you can only choose to confront the Xixia soldiers head-on this time.

It's time to face the enemy head-on. If you want to destroy Xixia, you must face it head-on.

It was three or four o'clock in the morning on the second day, when I should have been sleeping the deepest.

On the Great Zhou side, on the bank of the Yellow River, they were separated by more than ten miles, and soldiers and horses of three miles crossed the river at the same time.

Light fewer torches and operate in the dark. Even though there are lights on the other side,

But it was only when they got closer that the Xixia soldiers discovered the Zhou army.

Only after the sentries stationed on the river bank discovered that Da Zhou had crossed the river could they warn the army. The army gathered and it took time to distinguish the true and false routes of Da Zhou's troops.

With this time difference, Da Zhou's soldiers and horses could successfully cross the river, thus achieving Sheng Changbai's goal.


When Sheng Changbai's Chinese army arrived at the north bank of the river, the sky had already begun to light up.

Xixia gathered together, and the soldiers and horses that came to stop the attack were less than two miles away from the Zhou army.

The Xixia soldiers were still vigilant and assembled quite quickly.

The quality of the individual soldiers was not bad, and there was no chance for Sheng Changbai to cross the river quietly and attack the camp.

On Sheng Changbai's side, the Han army, with the main army in the middle, formed in the center, and the additional troops were divided into two wings.

"Cum...and cum..."

When the Xixia soldiers were a hundred steps away, Sheng Changbai shot an arrow first.

When the two armies met, bows and arrows served first.

Although the soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou Dynasty are basically infantry, the main military service of the Great Zhou Dynasty is archers.

Tens of thousands of arrows were shot out, and after several waves, at least thousands of people were killed and wounded.

The effect of the arrow rain was not ideal, not many were killed, mainly serious Xixia soldiers, and the popularity of armor was very high.

Except Xixia's own smelting level is good and it has its own production capacity.

Among them, Da Zhou also contributed a large part.

In the past, Xixia and Dazhou fought and won many battles, and they actually plundered a lot of weapons and armor.

As long as the Xixia soldiers participated in the plunder of the Zhou Dynasty, all of them were rich and well-equipped.

Cavalry and archery are also a special skill of Xixia soldiers, and it is impossible not to fight back.

However, Da Zhou set up a formation and had his own shields for defense, and the arrows fired by the Xixia soldiers were not very effective.

After several waves of arrows were fired from both sides, neither side was satisfied with the result.Then these party cavalrymen bypassed the Zhou army formation without finishing shooting arrows.

Choosing to charge head-on to meet Zhou's battle formation, the next step was a real hand-to-hand fight.

"beat the drum (beat the drum)."

"Kill the Western thief."


Although it was a temporary position, Da Zhou also dug temporary trenches and set up resisting horses and party cavalry. It was just a one-time charge, and of course it could not break through Da Zhou's defense.

But when they get close, the party soldiers can already throw short spears, short spears, and short axes.

These things are much more lethal than arrows.

Of course the soldiers on Dazhou's side responded in kind.

Suddenly, many people fell down in the battle formations of both sides.

Sheng Changbai looked around and saw that the casualties on both sides began to rise sharply.

At this time, the battlefield became a millstone of flesh and blood.

The role that Sheng Changbai can play personally is already very limited.

In addition to being able to kill some enemy soldiers with his shooting skills, the commander-in-chief also came to the front line in person and played a role in calming people's hearts.

"Commander Sheng, the casualties on both wings are too great, and they can no longer withstand it." After fighting for a while, Deputy Chief Shang shouted.

Sheng Changbai looked around the two wings and found that these extra soldiers could no longer withstand the party soldiers and were beginning to show signs of retreat.

That is to say, the Great Zhou Dynasty was fighting a last-ditch battle with no way to retreat, so these soldiers did not run away.

The main difference is that the Fan soldiers are not trained enough, and their weapons and equipment are far different from those of the Xixia soldiers.

Don't blame Xixia and Dazhou for looking down on these soldiers. It is true that these people have the worst fighting ability.

Especially during large-scale battles, the gap obviously widens.

"There are no more troops to support them. Capture the thief first. Capture the king first. I'll charge their tent and follow me."

Sheng Changbai shouted loudly, put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and raised the spear in his hand.

He led his own soldiers beside him and rushed towards the handsome flag of the Xixia soldiers.

"I'm with Marshal Sheng." Deputy Du Guan Shang said through gritted teeth.

"You stay and command the troops. I have more than a hundred horses and that's enough."

The people guarding Sheng Changbai, the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army, can all be said to be elite.

The addition of more than a hundred fresh troops was quite effective.

Sheng Changbai was proud of his brute strength and took the lead in the charge. Soon he was not far from the enemy's commander's tent.


He put down his spear, bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot at the enemy general's flag.

Sheng Changbai's archery skills, which he had practiced hard for many years, were still effective. The enemy's commander's flag fell down at the sound, and Sheng Changbai shot the flagpole off.

"The thief will be dead. Surrender without killing him."

"The thief is dead. Surrender without killing him!" Sheng Changbai shouted, followed by a group of his own guards who shouted in unison.

Then the Zhou soldiers who heard the sound shouted in unison, and soon the entire battlefield was filled with shouts.

Sheng Changbai only shot down the enemy's commander's flag, but the enemy general was not dead. Sheng Changbai shouted at this time mainly to disrupt the morale of the Xixia soldiers.

Of course, Sheng Changbai wasn't just shouting randomly. On the battlefield, toppling the commander's flag and killing the commander had the same effect.

On the battlefield, soldiers cannot always see their commander. They can only judge where the commander is and whether he is alive based on the commander's flag.

Both the handsome flag and the coach are under the heavy protection of the army, and usually the result is the same. Under normal circumstances, the handsome flag will fall only if the coach dies.

People are in the flag, but the flag is down and people die.

Just shouting is definitely useless, but the party soldiers can't see their own flag, so they have to believe that the commander is dead. The party soldiers are still demoralized. At first, only the soldiers with old friends retreated and ran away.

Then the deserters began to join together, and then it became a matter of party soldiers fighting to escape, and it turned into a rout.

"Chase, don't let a traitor escape."

"Kill the thieves in exchange for rewards!"

Seeing the defeat of the Xixia troops, Sheng Changbai certainly would not give up the opportunity to expand the results.

Although the number of cavalry in Dazhou was not large, the Fan soldiers still had many horses.

Sheng Changbai kept urging these soldiers to hunt down the party members.

The two-wing soldiers who had been unable to hold on just now regained their energy and their morale was high.

One by one they howled and chased after them.

Sheng Changbai saw more and more clearly that these untrained soldiers could only fight against the odds.

When faced with a disadvantage, these people's performance was not even as good as that of Dashu Goyu.

"Arrange the troops to continue crossing the river and clean the battlefield..."

After he deceived the soldiers and went out to pursue Xixia and was defeated, Sheng Changbai stayed behind to make arrangements for his funeral.

The battle didn't last long, and it wasn't even noon when the battle ended. But just looking at the shore, there were more than tens of thousands of corpses from both sides.

Cleaning the battlefield and treating the wounded are definitely indispensable.

With so many corpses, they must be disposed of.

Otherwise, a plague would easily occur, and the corpses from the Zhou Dynasty would be collected and buried.

After all, we have just crossed the Yellow River and are not far from Qinzhou.

Many of the soldiers here are from the Western Army, local warriors from the northwest, and their homes are not far from here.

If possible, the Han people would not be willing to die in a foreign land in order to return to their roots.

The heads of the party members were cut off and salted with lime. These were evidence of killing the enemy.

There is a high possibility that it will be sent back to Bianliang and verified by the emperor himself.

The body was simply burned.

Then the most left on the battlefield were horse corpses.

After the death of the horse, especially the death of the enemy war horse, you can eat meat. Although horse meat is not delicious, these soldiers who do not have the freedom to eat meat will not dislike horse meat as not being as delicious as mutton at all.

"What a great victory. This time we defeated the Xixia rebels head-on. This is an unprecedented victory.

Marshal Sheng is really good at both civil and military skills. Wen Neng was the best in high school in the palace test, and Wu Neng killed generals and captured the flag in front of the formation. We have been together for several years. I really didn’t know that Marshal Sheng had the courage to be unstoppable..."

In this battle, Sheng Changbai defeated Deputy Governor Xiang.

Originally, Xiang Deputy Governor was only convinced by Sheng Changbai's identity and background, but now he is convinced by Sheng Changbai's force.

"There is no need to boast too much. The enemy general is not a famous general and deserves nothing."

Sheng Changbai was reviewing himself, but he was still affected by the blood on the battlefield. Today, his brain got hot and he went straight to the battle.

This kind of thing is not what a coach should do.

If something happened to Sheng Changbai, the Qinzhou Army would have had a different outcome than the Xixia Army today.

Without their coach, the Qinzhou Army would suffer a rout.

If there is only a pontoon bridge as a way of retreat, it is very likely that they will suffer a massacre.

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