Chapter 940 Leave if you don’t want to

"It's not that good. You have to pay for my medical expenses. You have to compensate me for all kinds of losses. No matter what, it's impossible. I'll be covered with a basket by you, and I'll be beaten for nothing!"

Liu Hongchang said impatiently, he was in a bad mood now and felt aggrieved no matter how he thought about it.

Today's experience was aggrieved. After accepting the memory, the experience in the past period was even more aggrieved.

"That's your Wenyuan. He said that there were gangsters in the courtyard and asked us to catch the gangsters. That's why we went to catch the gangsters who beat people. We were there to help. We were brave enough to do justice..."

Erqing's mother, a middle-aged woman, shouted dissatisfied.

This middle-aged woman looks very powerful, but in fact she is just an ordinary "little citizen" in the city in the 80s.

In this era, because materials are not abundant, it is a common characteristic of these women to be greedy for petty gains.

The entire family was sent to the hospital because of Liu Hongchang's sex, and they had to pay for each other's medical bills. Suffering such a big loss was almost like killing the woman.

"What is bravery? Being brave means beating people indiscriminately. If this is regarded as being brave, you should not show up in the courtyard. Otherwise, if I see you once, I will be brave for you once."

He Wenyuan was mainly responsible for the beating of Liu Hongchang, but none of the people in the courtyard were clean. It made no sense to beat someone without seeing them clearly.

"I don't care, this matter is all because of your family. It was your family that asked people to arrest the gangsters, and it was your family that injured us. Your family should pay for the medical expenses of us people." Erqing's mother refused. He said unkindly.

"That's right, what happened tonight is all because of your family. Of course, your family should bear the loss."

"That's right, Hong Chang, the doctor said that our old Zhao will be hospitalized this time. Not only will he spend a lot of medical expenses, but he will also have to miss work to earn money. Your family must compensate for this."

The other family members of those who were beaten heard the noise and came over to find him. After understanding what was going on, they also became unhappy in various ways.

"He Wenyuan called you, what does it have to do with me if you go to He Wenyuan? It's true that you beat me, and you have to pay for my medical expenses." Liu Hongchang replied:
"I don't have so much time to waste with you. You can stay in the hospital tonight. The hospital has not reserved a bed for me. I have to go home and sleep. Who has so much time to waste with you."

After finishing speaking, Liu Hongchang turned and left.

Those who could beat him were all beaten to the hospital bed by Liu Hongchang.

Of course, among the old, weak, sick and disabled, no one dared to stop Liu Hongchang.

Speaking of which, the He family was indeed quite cold towards Liu Hongchang.

In other families, no matter what the relationship is, family members accompany the patient to the hospital.

Only Liu Hongchang went to the hospital alone after being beaten by a group.

Liu Hongchang returned to the courtyard where the He family lived.

Although Liu He and Liu got married, it was Liu Hongchang who moved into the He family yard and lived with the He family.

Liu Hongchang looked like a door-to-door son-in-law.

But in fact, the house Liu Hongchang lives in now has nothing to do with the He family.

I spent a lot of effort and went through all the procedures to build an additional house in the courtyard where the He family lived.

The house belongs to Liu Hongchang himself and has nothing to do with the He family. In fact, it is not dependent on anyone else.

"Hong Chang, you are back. Is everyone in the courtyard okay?"

After entering her cabin, He Wenhui raised her head and asked.

When Liu Hongchang left, He Wenhui was washing her hair in the bathroom. When he came back, He Wenhui was still playing with her hair.

Although it is the twelfth lunar month of winter and the Chinese New Year is about to come, the weather is quite cold and there is no hair dryer, but washing, drying, and combing one hair for more than an hour is too much.

Her husband's status in He Wenhui's heart was probably not as high as that of her hair.

"It's okay. Didn't I come back well? What can happen?" Liu Hongchang sat down and replied casually.

"Where are the other people in the courtyard?" He Wenhui continued to ask.

"They are fine. They are all lying well in the hospital. They will be back after staying for a while." Liu Hongchang returned.

"It's good that nothing serious happened." After being thankful, He Wenhui stood up from the dressing table, pointed at Liu Hongchang, and started to accuse:
"You said you did too. If we make such a scene today, we will be embarrassed in front of the neighbors. What's so good about me washing my hair, and you still want to peek at me?"

"Shut up, what do you mean by peeping? You are my wife, let me see if you are peeping. If you want me to follow you into the bathroom to wash your hair, do I still have to watch from outside?"

After hearing that He Wenhui was just accusing him and not caring whether he was beaten or not, Liu Hongchang also became furious.

"You want to take a peek and get caught as a gangster, and you still blame me?"

He Wenhui has a weak personality, but when faced with Liu Hongchang, a licking dog, she has a very strong temper and is completely spoiled.

"Who are you calling a gangster? I can't sleep, I can't even look around. What else can I do with you as my wife, just raise that family of white-eyed wolves for you? You call me a gangster, right? I'll let you See what a real gangster is.”

After finishing speaking, Liu Hongchang picked up He Wenhui and threw her on the bed.

I have to say that it is really rare that after being married for several months, my wife is still a young girl.

"Ah Liu Hongchang, you are such a stinky rascal."

Early the next morning, Liu Hongchang was awakened by a scream, and then he was hit with a pillow.

"He Wenhui, why are you so crazy? I am your man, why am I sleeping with you?"

Liu Hongchang snatched the pillow from He Wenhui's hand, and then yelled in the same way.

I was really afraid that He Wenhui, who was going crazy, wouldn't be able to hear me when I lowered my voice. Anyway, most of the neighbors in this hospital were staying in the hospital yesterday, so they weren't afraid of being heard by louder voices.

"Who wants to sleep with you, you stinky gangster, stinking gangster, stinking gangster!" He Wenhui cried hysterically with disheveled hair.

"You're not allowed to sleep, right? Then what's the use of me marrying you as my wife? I get up early in the cafeteria every day and work hard to make money, and spend all the money in your family. After I get home, I serve their family. "Young man, am I a bitch because I was born to like to work, so am I born to be a great injustice?"

"You said you wouldn't touch me if I didn't want you to."

Faced with Liu Hongchang's questioning, He Wenhui stopped being crazy.

"That's what I told you when we got married. How long have we been married and you still don't let me touch it? Am I marrying you just for decoration?" Liu Hongchang continued to question.

"You said I'll wait for what I want." After being unreasonable, He Wenhui would only grasp Liu Hongchang's previous promises.

"Let me ask you one last question now, are you, my wife, willing to do what you should do and sleep with your man?"

"You stinking scoundrel, you won't even want to beat me to death."

He Wenhui said angrily. It was obvious that He Wenhui, a quasi-college student who had been admitted to college but did not go to college, looked down on Liu Hongchang, the cook, deep down.

In this era, the status gap between college students and cooks is indeed huge.

But He Wenhui was not able to go to college. To put it bluntly, He Wenhui was just an ordinary high school student.

While high school students are no longer rare in the city, they are really not as good as Liu Hongchang, a cook in a state-owned canteen.

I don’t know why He Wenhui is so arrogant and has the right to look down on him.

"Since you don't want to, then I have changed my mind. Let's divorce. Let's make it clear that I don't want you anymore. I kicked you."

After saying that, Liu Hongchang didn't want to stay at home anymore, so he put on his clothes and left directly.

After sleeping with He Wenhui, forget about the obsession with this body. After sleeping with others, there will be nothing left to miss.

"What did you say?" He Wenhui said in disbelief.

It is a bit unacceptable for a licking dog to suddenly stop licking himself.

"I said I want to divorce you and don't want you anymore." Liu Hongchang said firmly. "Ah...ah..."

After Liu Hongchang went out, the sound of He Wenhui crying could be heard in the room.

I don’t know if this crying is Bai Lianhua’s way of asking for mercy from the licking dog, or she is crying bitterly that her family has lost the meal ticket of the wrongdoer.

After going out, Liu Hongchang discovered something embarrassing.

The canteen has paid out the New Year's benefits and is on annual leave, so there is no need to work.

I actually had nowhere to go for a while.

After wandering outside for two times, Liu Hongchang had no choice but to return home when he finally had no way to go.

Going back to Lao Liu's house where his mother is, is not going back to the He family yard.

Thinking of such an adult, it is not easy to go back empty-handed.

With only more than three yuan on his body and no bills to buy anything, Liu Hongchang turned to the system again.

The things he encountered yesterday, one after another, made Liu Hongchang forget about signing in to the system.

One less day of signing in, when the net worth is more than three yuan, can be said to be a huge loss.

The original person is really worthless, the ultimate dog licker, and his salary was just paid before the New Year holiday.

Liu Hongchang handed him over to He Wenhui and raised him as a white-eyed wolf for the He family.

He was in rags and rags, and he still wanted to buy new clothes for the white-eyed wolf of the He family.

"System check-in!"

"Congratulations to the host for getting: one yuan in cash and two pounds of apples."

Although two kilograms of apples are not much, in this era, winter fruits are still scarce, so they are still affordable.

"Son, why are you back?" Wang Cuilan, Liu Hongchang's biological mother who was cleaning the yard as soon as she walked out of the old Liu family's courtyard, rang out in surprise. She couldn't hide her sincere surprise.

Liu Hongchang's father died young, and it was Wang Cuilan, a woman, who raised the two brothers Liu Yunchang and Liu Hongchang.

In previous eras, a woman could raise two sons alone.

Wang Cuilan is really capable in one aspect, and in another aspect, the Liu family has a good foundation. They are a well-off family to begin with.

It can be distinguished from the fact that ordinary families live in a large courtyard, and the Liu family lives in a separate large courtyard.

The entire house, except for the south room facing the street, which is used as a shop, does not belong to the Liu family.

It can be said that the Liu family also lives in a courtyard house.

There are three rooms in the north, the middle one is the main house of the family, the one in the east is occupied by Wang Cuilan, and the one in the west is originally occupied by Liu Hongchang.

The second room in the east room is occupied by Liu Hongchang's married eldest brother and sister-in-law.

The second room in the west room is the kitchen of the home.

To be honest, living in Lao Liu's house is much more comfortable in every aspect than the two wooden houses Liu Hongchang built in He's yard.

Wang Cuilan is very good to Liu Hongchang, and it can be said that she is very partial to Liu Hongchang.

But Liu Hongchang treated Wang Cuilan, no matter how big or small, calling her by her first name. He showed no respect verbally, and in his heart he did not have much status as his own mother.

He is far less filial to his own mother than to He Wenhui's mother.

He even had to sever ties with his own mother in order to marry He Wenhui.

Liu Hongchang was originally obsessed with sex and didn't think anything of it.

But now Liu Hongchang has a normal view and feels very ashamed of his previous unfilial behavior.

Now that I see people, I feel a little ashamed.

"Isn't it almost the Chinese New Year? I can't let you spend it alone, so I will come back to accompany you." Liu Hongchang said with a haha.

"Stop joking with Mom. Mom is happy enough if you can say this. Should you go back there to celebrate the New Year or go back there to celebrate the New Year? How can that family be separated from you?"

Wang Cuilan is also a person with a big heart.

Before the two got married, Wang Cuilan firmly disagreed.

But after Liu Hongchang and He Wenhui got married, they thought that it would not be easy for their older young son to find a wife, so he just wanted his younger son to be happy.

He also accepted He Wenhui, as well as the He family, a blind mother and three oil bottles.

"I really won't go back. I will spend this New Year at home. When the New Year is over, I will divorce He Wenhui."

Seeing Wang Cuilan's disbelief, Liu Hongchang simply told the truth.

It's not that Liu Hongchang doesn't want to break up with the He family as soon as possible, it's because he really can't.

In this era, if you want to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce, you must first go to your work unit to issue a divorce certificate.

When his unit is on holiday, Liu Hongchang can go to the director's home and ask the director to issue a certificate.

However, the Civil Affairs Bureau has already gone on annual leave and it is impossible to open the door to handle the matter for Liu Hongchang alone.

"Aren't you two in good company? The first two even came back together to give away New Year's goods. Why are you suddenly getting divorced?" After hearing this, Wang Cuilan was filled with doubts.

What Wang Cuilan said about two people sending New Year gifts together is actually not accurate.

After the company distributed the New Year's benefits, Liu Hongchang went back to Lao Liu's house alone to deliver the New Year's goods.

He Wenhui just waited at the door of Liu's house. A daughter-in-law would not go in even when she arrived at the door of her husband's house.

It shows how much they don’t recognize Liu Hongchang and the Liu family.

"Mom, please don't ask anymore. If you can't live with it, you can't come here. If you can't live with it, what else can you do without divorce?"

Liu Hongchang couldn't say anything about his wife's refusal to sleep with him, even to his own mother.

This is also Liu Hongchang's usual attitude. He just doesn't say things he doesn't want to say.

Wang Cuilan did not delve into it or ask for details.

"It's okay to get divorced. Otherwise, with the burden of that family, when will you be able to live a simple life? When you get divorced, and mom asks someone to introduce you, I don't believe that my son can't be found. I found a wife I like."

Regarding Liu Hongchang's desire for divorce, Wang Cuilan did not persuade her at all and had no regrets.

Facts show that Wang Cuilan is still really unhappy with He Wenhui, her daughter-in-law.

It was also because of Liu Hongchang's attitude that He Wenhui accepted it before.

With the conditions of the He family, it would be impossible for normal people to take a fancy to them.

We are still in an era of lack of food and clothing. No family would be willing to marry a daughter-in-law, and there would be five more mouths in the family.

After all, no matter how wealthy a family is, they are not that rich.

(End of this chapter)

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