Chapter 946

"Hong Chang, Master Yu and his family are not a bottomless pit. Wen Hui has joined the work now, and Wen Yuan will be old enough to stand up in a few years.

I didn’t subsidize all Dunzi’s hard work money to their family.I just saw that their family was in trouble, and I tried to help them as much as I could. "

Gao Junling argued with the He family.

There is no doubt that Gao Junling is a good person, and he is even somewhat of a saint.

"Even in a few years, when He Wenyuan is old enough to work, will she be able to find a job? How much money will he earn after finding a job? Will the money he earns be enough to support herself? The two little ones thought It will take many years to be independent."

First of all, the He family is a bottomless pit. Within ten or eight years, there will be no hope or future. There is nothing to argue about. This kind of family situation is difficult for anyone who sees it.

"Even if you don't use a lot of money from your hard work, it's not easy for you to earn a little bit by working hard in a garment factory, so why should you give it to their family!

You and Dunzi are both from the countryside. Your parents, brothers and sisters who are still living in the countryside, who don't need this money more than their family, why do you have to help this family? "

Liu Hongchang went on to say that Gao Junling was not really well-off and had a large family of relatives in the countryside who all needed help from the couple.

Even if you want to help someone, your blood relatives can't help. There should be some separation between the close and the distant.

"Hong Chang, when I first joined the garment factory, Master Yu was very kind to me. They are all good people. How can you say they are white-eyed wolves!"

Gao Junling was very angry when she heard Liu Hongchang say that the He family was a white-eyed family.

Yu Qiuhua's previous performance may have been okay, but Gao Junling should never have given the whole family a good person card.

"After I met He Wenhui, I didn't do anything in their family. I contributed both money and effort. I was good enough to them. How did their family treat me? They took what I had and used what I had, and in the end they cheated me. I, isn’t this a white-eyed wolf family?”

Rather than believing that birds of a feather flock together and people flock together, Liu Hongchang still prefers to speak with facts.

Gao Junling first worked with Yu Qiuhua, and then with He Wenhui.

There is nothing about the He family that Gao Junling doesn't know.

It can be said that Gao Junling has seen all these things.

"Those things were done by Wen Yuan and Wen Tao. They are still children and are not sensible. How can you, an adult, care about children."

Words like 'children are young and ignorant' are used to excuse children. It was from this era that families began to pamper their children, and this was passed down to later generations.

"The child is not sensible, and the adults in the family are also not sensible. Those two little brats tricked me time and time again. No matter it was He Wenhui or He Wenhui's mother, how did they do it? They didn't even say a harsh word to either of them. , indulging two little brats over and over again, isn’t this a family of white-eyed wolves?”

The white-eyed wolf in this family is definitely not a bad person who learned it later. It should be said that he has been lax in discipline since he was a child. His mistakes are not punished and he is indulged in bad habits.

"Liu Hongchang, is Liu Hongchang here?" Before the two of them finished speaking, someone called Liu Hongchang again outside the second canteen.

"What day is it today? There are still people coming." Liu Hongchang muttered to himself, and then said to Gao Junling:
"Sister Junling, wait a moment, let me see what's going on outside."

"If you have something to do, just be busy. It's time for me to go back to work." Gao Junling also stood up, with some indescribable intentions of running away.

"No, sister Junling, we haven't finished talking yet. Wait until I finish dealing with the outside, and then we can continue chatting. We must make this conversation clear today."

Liu Hongchang didn't want to let Gao Junling go.

"No, no, I really have to go back to work."

Gao Junling was a woman, and it was difficult for Liu Hongchang to stop her. When Liu Hongchang left, Gao Junling followed, and the two of them left the canteen together.

When I looked outside the cafeteria, it was Erqing's mother: "Liu Hongchang, go back and take a look. Your house is on fire!"

Hearing that something serious had happened, Gao Junling, who had taken two steps away, came back again.

"No, how did you know that my house was on fire... Erqing's mother, is that the cabin you mentioned?"

Liu Hongchang originally wanted to question it, but halfway through, he realized that what Erqing's mother was talking about was definitely not the old Liu family's house, but the cabin in the He family's yard.

"Of course it's your illegal building, otherwise what else could it be."

Liu Hongchang also had a big quarrel with Erqing's mother because of the construction of a house in He's yard.

Even though Liu Hongchang had complete procedures for building a house, Erqing's mother still said it was an illegal construction.

"How did it catch fire? Is it still burning? Is the fire under control?"

Because there was nothing about Liu Hongchang in the house, Liu Hongchang was not very panicked.

"I'm telling you Liu Hongchang, you really have to thank us. If we hadn't seen your house on fire and helped you put it out, your house would be gone."

Even if the two people have grudges, Erqing's mother never forgets to take credit and tries to take advantage.

The greed for petty advantages has been deeply rooted in Erqing's mother's bones.

"It won't be a problem to thank you. Come to our second cafeteria anytime, I'll treat you and set a nice table for you. Just wait until I go in and talk. I'll go back and take a look now."

Liu Hongchang responded, these neighbors cannot be said to be very bad people.

If you are angry with Liu Hongchang, you can cheat Liu Hongchang or beat him up. Erqing's mother can do it.

But when they saw Liu Hongchang's house on fire, these neighbors did not ignore it, so they had a bottom line.

"Hong Chang, I'll go take a look with you." The matter was so serious that Gao Junling was too embarrassed to leave.

"Okay, let's go together."

After going back to inform Yao Guofa that he was going out, Liu Hongchang also asked Liu Zi to join him.

If anything happens, there is an errand boy nearby.

Liu Hongchang was carrying Gao Junling on his bicycle, and Liuzi was carrying Erqing's mother on his bicycle.

Calling Liuzi to ride an extra bicycle and take Erqing's mother back is also one aspect.

Otherwise, even if the [-]-meter large bar can carry two people easily, it would be inappropriate for Gao Junling, Erqing's mother, and Liu Hongchang to sit on the horizontal bar of a bicycle.

"Brother, this fever is severe enough. Fortunately, you are not in the room."

The one who spoke was Liuzi. The master-disciple relationship between the two of them was a bit casual, and they were not so fussy about their titles.

Whether you call him brother, master, or just old Liu, Liu Hongchang can answer it.

"It's a good thing I'm not in the house. If I were in the house, how could this house be burned down like this?"

This house has a brick-wood structure, that is, some bricks are used in part of the walls. The other floors and roofs are all made of wood. Of course, a layer of tiles is laid on the roof to prevent rain leakage.

It can be said that the house is completely integrated into the architectural style of the courtyard during the Republic of China, and is not obtrusive at all.

Now there are traces of fire on the floor, wooden doors, wooden windows, as well as the Eight Immortals table, desk, bookshelf in the house, and the side next to the courtyard. Although it has not been completely burned, the wood has been burned. , but they are all completely dark, so it can be said that they are no longer available.

After taking a look, the house was still in good condition, with only a bed and roof.

"Liuzi, go to the police station and report a case."

"Hey, I'll go right away. Brother, the fire has been put out, why do you still need to call the police?" Liuzi asked after answering. "Can you have a snack? As someone who plays with fire all day long, can't you see that someone set the fire deliberately?"

Even if you have never seen a fire, you should be able to judge that the fire in the wooden house was entirely man-made.

Liu Hongchang no longer lives here, and He Wenhui also moved back to Hejiawu. No one lives in the house, and without any fire source, there is no way the house could catch on fire for no reason.

"Hong Chang, do you need to call the police over for this matter?" Erqing's mother asked with a worried look on her face.

It’s not necessarily because of a guilty conscience, it could just be the instinct not to cause trouble.

People who are going about their daily lives don't like to bother the police when nothing happens.

"Erqing's mother, this is not a trivial matter. Murder and arson are always serious crimes. You discovered that the house was on fire. If you hadn't discovered it, wouldn't the entire yard have been burned down?
If it spreads, not only our yard, but also nearby yards will be in danger of being affected.With such a dangerous person around, how can we not catch him?"

This is not entirely Liu Hongchang's scaremongering. This area belongs to the old city.

Regardless of whether the houses were built before or after liberation, the architectural style was brick and wood structure, and wood was often used.

Once a fire breaks out, it can easily spread if it cannot be controlled.

Of course, in order to attract attention, Liu Hongchang deliberately took it seriously.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of large courtyard houses several families and dozens of families. Due to the large population, there will always be some people, the elderly, children, and women staying in the courtyard to detect fires in time. Under normal circumstances, The worst won't happen.

"Hong Chang, can I help you clean up the house?" Gao Junling said after Liu Zi left and looked at the mess in the house.

"Sister Junling, don't rush to clean up now. Wait for the police to come and take a look at the scene. Maybe you can find some clues."

Although countless people have come into this house and it has been lightly watered, it has been severely damaged.

But leaving a scene behind is better than completely destroying it.

"Then I'll go see my master."

Gao Junling added that she wanted to see Yu Qiuhua.

"Go." Liu Hongchang waved his hand and said.

When they arrived at the He family yard, it was impossible not to let Gao Junling see Yu Qiuhua. The two of them were masters and apprentices, so they always had a sense of dignity.

Even if Gao Junling could know the He family clearly, she should still be polite.

Not to mention that Gao Junling still doesn't understand clearly the attributes of the white-eyed wolf of the He family.

Gao Junling entered He's house, and Liu Hongchang started chatting with the neighbors in the courtyard.

The main thing is that Liu Hongchang expressed his concern for these people's injuries.

Although Liu Hongchang was not responsible for the beating, in the final analysis, these people and their families were injured by Liu Hongchang.

Those who suffered flesh injuries and bloody heads were basically fine.

One of the three people who were hospitalized before has almost recovered.

Erqing's fractured bones were a little more serious, but some of his actions remained unchanged.

But after all, Erqing is still a young man with a strong body and a strong recovery ability, and his wounds can actually heal quite quickly.

At most, there are only ten or eight days left before the children can go to school.

About ten minutes later, Liu Zi called the police and came back, followed by four or five police officers.

Compared to the usual police dispatches, which only happen one or two times, this time there was a lot of momentum.

This may be because all the people in the police station who have no tasks have come over.

Someone deliberately set fire to a house in the old city. There is no doubt that this is a major case that the police station has not experienced in several years.

"Who is the owner of this house?" Other policemen went to inspect the scene, leaving a middle-aged policeman to ask.

"Comrade police, this is my house." Liu Hongchang replied.

"Have you had any grudges with anyone recently?"

"That...that's too much." Liu Hongchang said after recalling it.

Although Liu Hongchang was a bit rude and unscrupulous in nature, it would not be wrong to say that he had an enmity with someone.

But since he met He Wenhui, Liu Hongchang only offended people because of He Wenhui and the He family.

Because of He Wenhui, the He family made many enemies.

It may seem like the matter has been resolved, but it's all someone else's fault, and others may not really be convinced.

Knowing He Wenhui for half a year has offended more people than Liu Hongchang's 25 years of life combined.

"It seems that there are quite a few people who have grievances with you. Why, are you an unemployed young man who just came back from the countryside?" the middle-aged policeman asked.

No wonder the policeman thought so, except for some gangsters on the street.

In other words, the educated youth who have just returned from the countryside cannot find a job in the city and can only stay on the streets, causing trouble and fighting, passing the boring time and making many grievances.

Liu Hongchang is already 26, and his face is clearly past the age of a gangster, which is quite consistent with the age of an educated youth who has returned to the city.

"No, I have a job, in the second state-owned canteen." Although the canteen is not big, it is famous enough that there can be no one in Ningzhou who does not know Liu Hongchang's work unit.

The Second Canteen is not a background, Liu Hongchang's report highlights a reality.

"Are you a chef?"


"How come you, a cook, have offended so many people? Can you first tell me who you have offended recently?"

"It's because I'm obsessed and confused. Recently, I have offended these people." The colleague who spoke, Liu Hongchang, circled his fingers to include all these people in the courtyard.

"What kind of popularity do you have? All the neighbors in the courtyard have grudges against you, and you have offended them all?"

The police comrades were also quite speechless. It was quite rare for someone to offend all his neighbors.

"It's not my fault..."

Liu Hongchang explained again how he beat up his neighbors.

"Since this is a misunderstanding, they should not burn your house down because of this. Have you offended anyone recently?"

"Yes, the eldest daughter of this family and I divorced yesterday?"

Liu Hongchang pointed to the He family's house and said.

(End of this chapter)

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