Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 958: Being called a hooligan again

Chapter 958: Being called a hooligan again

"Why do you think I came to you? I'm pregnant and the child in my belly is yours. Don't I need to inform you?"

He Wenhui's words sounded logical.

But there is no way that He Wenhui came to Liu Hongchang just to inform Liu Hongchang.

You can tell with your buttocks that He Wenhui definitely wants to use the child to make a fuss.

He just wanted to use the child to lure Liu Hongchang back to the He family and continue to make a big grievance.

All people have inertia and take things that already exist for granted. Only after they are lost do they know how to cherish them.

When something happened to the He family and Yu Qiuhua became blind due to illness, Liu Hongchang took over the He family.

What stands out is a seamless connection, which does not let the He family experience the hardships of life or suffer any hardships in life.

The He family also appreciated Liu Hongchang's hard work and contribution of money and effort.

The great enemy has no clear understanding of how much the He family has contributed to the He family.

Liu Hongchang was the wrongdoer before, just to fill the vacancy in the He family's labor and wages after Yu Qiuhua lost her labor force.

Liu Hongchang is definitely better at work than Yu Qiuhua, and his salary as a cook is definitely more than Yu Qiuhua's temporary job in a garment factory.

The quality of life of the He family has improved compared to when Qiuhua was the head of the family, but it cannot be said to be a qualitative difference.

Only after these two or three months, without Liu Hongchang as the wrongdoer, did the He family realize the differences in life.

"Okay, now that you have informed me, I understand. Have you thought about what to do next?"

Seeing the confusion on He Wenhui's face, who obviously had not thought about Liu Hongchang not taking over, Liu Hongchang continued:

"I won't want this child, can you?
You can't ask for it. Your family lacks everything, but even if you don't lack children, you can't even feed your younger brothers and sisters. How can you possibly raise another child? "

Liu Hongchang was also seriously helping He Wenhui analyze that He Wenhui did not have the basic conditions to have a child.

The He family can't feed the existing children and can't provide them with any quality of life, so how can they possibly raise another child.

"Liu Hongchang, when did you become so ruthless and cold-blooded? Are you still the Liu Hongchang I know?" He Wenhui's expression was complicated, including three parts shock, three parts regret, three parts disappointment, and one part incomprehension.

"Haha, am I ruthless? Is this cold-blooded? If I give birth to this child without any care, if this child is born without parents to take care of him, without enough to eat or without warmth, then that would be true ruthlessness. , truly cold-blooded.”

At least that's what Liu Hongchang thinks. If the conditions are not ripe, it would be better not to have a child at all.

Knowing that the child will be unlucky when he is born, and that the family is a single parent and the family is in a difficult situation, why should he appear kind and give birth to the child and let the child suffer.

"That means I want to give birth to the child, so I am ruthless and cold-blooded?"

He Wenhui is quite stubborn. Sometimes, she likes to go against others. The more she is not allowed to do something, the more she insists on doing it.

Maybe she is pretty and is used to being complimented, but she actually has a pretty bad temper and has her own ideas.

That means you can be softer when facing a few white-eyed wolves from the He family.

When facing other people, he is really not a good-tempered person.

"Just admit it, you like to do ruthless and cold-blooded things even though you seem kind.

It was like this at the beginning. Master Yu had already given He Wenda away, and you insisted on me helping you get him back from the mine.

You said that He Wenda's life in your home was really not as good as that of Chief Xie's home?
Whether it is emotional or material aspects, is your family really comparable to Chief Xie's family?
Do you know how cruel it is to a child to lose these?
If your child lives with you, even if you want to raise a dog, the dog will have nothing to eat! "

The fact that He Wenda gave him away can be traced back to when Liu Hongchang first met He Wenhui.

When Yu Qiuhua became blind, Yu Qiuhua had already clearly realized the loss of her labor force.

The He family simply cannot raise so many children.

So I chose to give away the youngest He Wenda, who was not yet in school and not very sensible.

The other children, even the youngest He Wentao, are close to ten years old.

I just want to give them away because they are already sensible. Most of the children who are so old can’t even remember how to raise them. No one is willing to adopt them at all.

Let’s talk about He Wentao. He wears an angry face all day long. He feels that the world has treated me badly, and no one will like me. I am not welcome.

It happened that the leader of the mine, Section Chief Xie, and the couple, like Liu Yunchang and his wife, were infertile and had no children.

I have the idea of ​​adopting a child and like He Wenda very much.

Yu Qiuhua signed an adoption agreement and gave He Wenda to Section Chief Xie.

Originally this was a good thing, the best of all three.

The He family has reduced a huge burden and a huge amount of pressure.

He Wenda can also escape from the fire pit of the He family and have a better starting point in life with a pair of parents with better conditions.

After all, Section Chief Xie is the leader of the coal mine. The meaning of mine leader and mine leader will never change. The word "Qian Duo" is plastered on his face.

Even in the most difficult times, the mines are far richer than ordinary units.

Section Chief Xie and his wife can also avoid becoming a destitute family and have a child.

Everything was fine originally, but He Wenhui had to think about the flesh and blood ties and act emotionally.

I begged Liu Hongchang to snatch the child back. Liu Hongchang also received a good beating before he snatched the child back from the mine.

Then He Wenda returned to the He family and followed the He family into dire straits.

He Wenda was originally a child who was greedy for pleasure. Originally, he was eating, drinking and playing at Xie Ke's house. He was so happy that he didn't miss Shu and was so happy.

If the child has to be taken back, I can't say how happy he is now. He will regret it even more when he grows up. He will have to eat chaffy vegetables at He's house.

"Liu Hongchang, you are really a bastard!"

The matter of bringing He Wenda back not only satisfied He Wenhui's selfish interests.

For all parties, everyone loses. What was almost a win-win situation has now turned into a lose-lose situation.

Maybe He Wenhui regrets it now. As soon as Liu Hongchang said it, He Wenhui broke her guard.

After scolding Liu Hongchang, he ran away in the direction of the garment factory crying.

"He Wenhui, why are you running? We have to go to the hospital!"

How could Liu Hongchang let He Wenhui run away? He was asked to run for five seconds first, but he caught up with He Wenhui within 100 meters and held him down by pressing his shoulders.

"Don't touch me. If anyone wants to go to the hospital with you, you bastard and gangster, let me go!"

He Wenhui was still like this. She reacted strongly when someone touched her, refused to touch her, and shouted excitedly.

As soon as He Wenhui shouted, the passers-by around him all looked over.

Some older ladies from the garment factory gathered around He Wenhui when they saw He Wenhui wearing the factory uniform.

"What are you doing? You dare to act like a hooligan for most of the day!"

"Here comes someone, someone is bullying our female factory workers!"

"If you dare to act like a hooligan, beat him to death!"

A group of women of different ages were ready to attack Liu Hongchang.

It is also determined by the nature of the work in the garment factory. There are more female workers than male workers.

People in this era are still more enthusiastic, not so indifferent, and they are really willing to take action when they see uneven roads.

Seeing that it is a co-worker from his own unit, he will not just sit idly by.

A group of women, big and small, are really forgiving.

In this era, women also worked. It is not considered that people do not have the strength of abdominal muscles, and their fighting ability cannot be underestimated.

"Isn't this Fat Chang Liu from the Second Canteen?"

"Sister, it's me. This is He Wenhui. I'm not trying to be a hooligan. I have something to tell her." Fortunately, Liu Hongchang still has some reputation in the garment factory.

During that time, I went to the door of the clothing factory every day and licked He Wenhui in vain. Someone recognized Liu Hongchang.

There was no real conflict, but Liu Hongchang still let go of He Wenhui.

The two sisters of the He family share the same routine and like to call people hooligans.

Liu Hongchang really couldn't bear this kind of thing, and he was worried about this.

It doesn't matter if you shout in the past two years, even if you are caught and beaten, the gangster will be sentenced in another two years.

"He Wenhui, why did you run away? We have to go to the hospital sooner or later. It is better to go early than to go late. It will be better for you to go early."

Liu Hongchang stopped in front of He Wenhui and said kindly, he still wanted to settle this matter as soon as possible.

"I'm not going to the hospital. Get out of my way. It's time for me to go back to work."

After saying that, He Wenhui spared Liu Hongchang.

"He Wenhui, let me tell you, if I ask you to go now and you don't go, when you want to go, I won't care about this matter. Don't regret it then!" Liu Hongchang threatened He Wenhui's back.

Calling Liu Hongchang like this is to express his attitude.

Tell He Wenhui that she will not be manipulated.

Whether He Wenhui planned this matter proactively or did it instinctively.

He Wenhui's purpose was obviously to try to get hold of Liu Hongchang through this child, and wanted Liu Hongchang to go back and become the scapegoat.

Liu Hongchang also made it clear to He Wenhui that he would not be taken advantage of again.

"This is nothing, Liuzi. I'll teach you to be a good man. You must control yourself."

After returning to the Second Canteen, Liu Hongchang had no intention of continuing to work. This matter still had some impact on Liu Hongchang.

Sitting in the back, he taught Liu Zi how to cook and taught him.

"Brother, what happened?"

"You, a child, don't have to worry about adult matters."

It's not easy to talk about this matter. It was just a once-in-a-lifetime experience, but it also left myself with future troubles.

To some extent, I have tricked myself.

Although Liu Hongchang will definitely not be manipulated by He Wenhui.

But this matter is somewhat of a trouble.

It's not worth it to go through such trouble just once.

But if you think about it again, if you get married once and get divorced, it will be even worse if you are still the first brother.

In short, the marriage between Liu Hongchang and He Wenhui was a loss from the beginning.

From the moment Liu Hongchang and He Wenhui received their certificates, it was destined to be a loss-making transaction.

There is only the difference between a small loss and a blood loss, there is no possibility of taking advantage.

"Then you still tell me." Liu Hongchang started to be unreasonable, and Liu Zi also started to mutter.

"I'm telling you from experience, isn't it? I've stepped on this trap once, and I don't want you to do it again."

"It's my ex-sister-in-law. What's the matter with you?"

"He Wenhui is He Wenhui. She is an ex-sister-in-law. Why are we so close? I have nothing to do with her anymore."

The child was also confused and saw Liu Hongchang and He Wenhui getting together.

I don’t know how to persuade her, I just know that He Wenhui is pretty and would like to find a partner like this to grow her face.

With a complete appearance association, there is also the possibility of being a dog licker.

"Okay, let's call her He Wenhui. Does she come to see you for something?"

"I told you not to ask, so don't ask. Concentrate on cooking. If you don't cook well and there are complaints from customers, do you believe that Lao Yao can let you not touch the spatula for a month?"

The disciple is still obedient, which is much easier to dismiss than He Wenhui or others.

"Liuzi, let's go. It's time to get off work."

"Brother, let's get off work so early."

"The dishes have been served to the customers. It's none of our business. Why stay here if you don't want to leave?"

After fishing all afternoon, in the evening, when the dishes ordered by the first wave of customers were served, Liu Hongchang ordered Liu Zi to leave.

The management of a unit like the Second Canteen is really not strict.

As long as it does not delay work or the normal business of the canteen, it is actually normal for employees to arrive late and leave early.

With these dozen of people living together day and night, Yao Guofa couldn't manage them strictly.

Always be considerate of human nature.

If you are not polite, no one will pay attention to some of Yao Guofa's personal matters.

In the unit, Liu Hongchang is not alone in working and fishing. This is the atmosphere in various units in recent years.

What was originally one person's work was assigned to two people.

Then two people combined cannot do the same job as one person.

It’s time again when big pot rice doesn’t taste good.

Among the employees in the canteen, Liu Hongchang is actually not the most serious person.

The one who was most powerful at catching fish was actually Lao Qin, because of his seniority and seniority.

There is no way to make money anymore, and there is no room for salary increase. I just wait to work for a few years and retire. I can be lazy if I can, and I can't do things if I can't do them.

After Liu Hongchang abandoned the He family, he actually had less trouble in the Second Canteen.

Many people are old at the top and young at the bottom.

The working hours in the canteen are different from those in ordinary units. These people have some free time and may sneak back home.

"Brother, are we going to your house today?"

The two of them returned to the backyard of the cafeteria and rode their bicycles, Liuzi asked.

After all, Liu Hongchang has been away for a week. It is necessary to ask whether he should keep things the same as before he left.

"Yes, finish the furniture as soon as possible and save some free time so that we can start making money."

Liu Hongchang still arranged things according to his own plan.

Especially the matter of making money cannot be delayed.

Money was already tight, and there were many gaps in Liu Hongchang's plan to improve his quality of life.

He Wenhui's pregnancy happened again, and it was inevitable to lose money.

On He Wenhui's side, Liu Hongchang was not ready to talk to him for the time being, so he left He Wenhui alone.

The Supreme Being was in a hurry, and it was easy for He Wenhui to misunderstand.

The more Liu Hongchang pays attention to this matter, the more He Wenhui will believe that the child in his belly can manipulate Liu Hongchang.

Pregnancy time is easy to calculate. It only lasts for one night. It’s not even four months from a year ago to now. There is still plenty of time to deal with this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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