Chapter 97 Family Conflict
After getting married for a long time, all kinds of conflicts emerged. Yan Bugui and the third mother had to think about the big family of the old Yan family, and the first thing Yu Li thought of was her own small family.

Yu Li is dissatisfied with what Yan Xiecheng bought back for the young couple, and Yan Bugui wants to have the right to speak about the distribution.Yan Bugui and Sanma are still not satisfied that they do not have all the financial rights of the old Yan family.

Although no direct conflict has erupted yet, it will be a matter of time before the conflict erupts if they live in the same courtyard.

Yan Jiecheng is not a person who is good at dealing with family problems.Never encountered such a thing in my previous life.Without experience, the only advantage is that you have enough understanding of the personalities of both parties.We haven't lived together for a long time, and the conflicts can still be suppressed.

But to be honest, none of the children of the three uncles in the courtyard is really good.

The great master Yi Zhonghai is in his own hands, even the life of his "godson" Shazhu.Don't allow Silly Zhu to deviate from the life trajectory he arranged for a little bit, and he won't even let him out of the capital for the rest of his life.Silly Zhu used his life to become the way the uncle wanted him to live, and he was a puppet all his life.

Either the son of the second uncle's family is spoiled by heaven, or he is living in dire straits, not to mention those who are being played for fun, even if he is spoiled, he can't bear this kind of violent drama every day at home.

The family of the third uncle will never be able to do without a word of calculation, a good embryo of the family's financial work.There is no family affection left in the calculating family.It's easy to understand, but when I first started working and my parents had to settle the child support with me, I felt very complicated.Most people have a heart, I will be happy as much as I want to give you.If you want to be counted a little bit, it's very unresponsive, but you don't want to give it.

Of course, the elderly have problems, and the children have a lot of problems. Sha Zhu can also be said to be self-inflicted, and he is happy to be arranged for his life, which is also his favorite life.

The biggest problem for the children of the second uncle's family and the third uncle's family is that no one is willing to support the elderly.It's understandable not to want to serve them personally, but if you don't want to pay the money, it means that you are not a good person.

If Yan Jiecheng hadn't been able to look at the problems of the old Yan family from the perspective of an outsider.Every time she faced Yan Bugui's calculations, she would not be so indifferent, but Yu Li couldn't understand Yan Bugui's actions.In Lao Yan's house, it is the best choice to move out and live separately.


On the weekend, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li had breakfast, the two sat and chatted, waiting to go out for a good meal at noon, and then went shopping when they first heard a loud voice called brother-in-law, and then saw Yu Haitang pushed the bicycle and Yu Peng came over.My sister-in-law's two long legs are no problem riding this men's bicycle, they are almost taller than Sha Zhu.

"Brother-in-law, you won't come to our house this week, Yu Peng and I will come to see you." Yu Haitang said.

"Sister, brother-in-law, I'm here to play with you, can you bring me something to eat? I haven't eaten meat for a week!" Yu Peng also said.

After Lao Yu's family was beaten by the autumn wind, it seemed that he was living a more serious life.If Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li didn't go, no one would buy meat at Lao Yu's house.But this is also a normal situation. If you don't go to the black market, the family's ration will only be half a catty at a time, and you will eat two meals a month.Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li were also guests in the past, and they would bring gifts. Old Yu's family wanted to keep the meat tickets as entertainment when the two of them went. If the two of them didn't go, Yu Peng would be greedy.

"You two haven't been here for a while. We are going to Wangfujing today. We will take you out to eat at noon, and then we will go shopping together in the afternoon." Yu Li said.

Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li were busy getting some peanuts, melon seeds, candies, and tea for them.

"Sister, what are you going to buy? I'm a poor man now, I can't buy anything." Yu Haitang said.

"We're going to buy some cloth, you and I can go and have a look, it's cold, it's time to make clothes. My belly can also get bigger, and I can't wear the clothes I used to wear. If you really like it, sister will replace your brother-in-law. The master buys cloth and makes one for you."

"Sister, you don't need to make clothes for me. You are the ones who need cloth tickets. There are not enough. If you really want to buy something for me, just buy something else." Yu Haitang said.

"I'll go shopping with my sister later, as long as what you like is not expensive, I will buy it for you." Yu Li said.

"Yu Peng, eat peanuts and melon seeds. If you can't finish eating, you can just pretend to leave. You are welcome at your brother-in-law's house." Yan Jiecheng could only chat with Yu Peng.

"Brother-in-law, I like to come to you. When I come to your house, you can eat peanuts and melon seeds." Yu Peng said.

The two sisters chatted and didn't talk to Yu Peng very much. This cheap brother-in-law was similar to the one he picked up, and the two sisters didn't talk about it.Usually at Lao Yu's house, anyone who wants to be bullied can bully him.In Lao Yu's family, the actual status is the highest, and the superficial status is the lowest.But I am very happy to eat and drink alone, if it is not cold, I should have soda.

Yan Jiecheng read the outdated newspaper, Yu Li and Yu Haitang chatted, Yu Peng only cared about eating and drinking, and the four of them waited until it was almost noon before going out.

"You two go on your bike first, and I will walk there with your elder sister." Yan Jiecheng instructed the two of them.

The four of them had just walked out of the courtyard when they met Shazhu, the LSP of the courtyard who had come back from nowhere. When they saw Yu Haitang, their eyes were straightened, and the halazi was about to flow out again.

"Xie Cheng, Yu Li, you guys are going out, these two are" Silly Zhu said.

"Didn't you meet me once when I got married, my sister-in-law and brother-in-law, don't look, my sister-in-law is still a child, she is still a student, put away your halazi, let's go." Yan Jiecheng said.

When Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li got married, maybe the widow Qin was there, and Sha Zhu was so focused on the widow that he didn't pay attention to Yu Haitang, or the two of them were far away and didn't see clearly.Today, a face-to-face stupid Zhu looked at Yu Haitang and was dumbfounded, and LSP was moved again.

Ah bah, a soon to be 30-year-old man is eyeing a teenage kid.

"Haitang, you should be careful when you meet this person. This is He Yushui's elder brother, who is in the middle of the third year. He gets mixed up with a pretty widow every day. He doesn't want to marry a daughter-in-law. He can't walk when he sees a pretty girl. "Yan Jiecheng said, get a vaccination first.

"This is He Yushui's brother, or else he looks like Yushui's father." Yu Haitang said.

Yan Jiecheng said with a smile: "Almost, elder brothers are like fathers, and there are no elders in their family."

(End of this chapter)

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