"Jianbin, look, are you a little nosy? How do you tell He Wenyuan that she needs to find a school or a job? Look how satisfied she is with the current situation!" Liu Hongchang sneered outside and said to Li Jianbin.

"Wenyuan, why are you still hanging out with these gangsters?" Li Jianbin angrily yelled at He Wenyuan who entered the cafeteria.

In the presence of He Wenhui, Li Jianbin really regarded He Wenyuan as his sister-in-law.

"Hey...how do you talk like this? What do you call a gangster, what do you call a hooligan? Why can't Wen Yuan play with us anymore?"

The leading gangster yelled at Li Jianbin in dissatisfaction.

It can be seen that although these people are hooligans, they don't like to be called hooligans.

I like to be called a fashionable and progressive young man, but no one can call me that.

"How can you talk like this? How dare you come to our second cafeteria to find trouble with anything? You think there is no one in our second cafeteria, right?"

Liu Zi and his eldest sister from the second cafeteria, holding pots, pans, knives, rolling pins and other kitchen utensils, also gathered from the back kitchen. Seeing the gangster's arrogance, they started to fight.

"What's going on in your cafeteria? Each one is more arrogant than the other. No wonder a student like Wenyuan can have a grudge against him. Wenyuan, come here and tell me who you are having a problem with. Why did your brother help you vent your anger today?"

The little gangster was also quite confused. He and his group were obviously dressed as gangsters.

He was not easy to mess with at first glance, but no one in the cafeteria was afraid of him.

Li Jianbin's family is destined to be in Ningzhou, and Li Jianbin cannot be afraid of any gangsters.

Liu Hongchang can do it himself and doesn't take gangsters seriously at all.

Liuzi and the other people in the cafeteria have encountered many problems in the cafeteria, and it is impossible to be fooled by the gangsters.

"It's him!"

Although He Wenyuan didn't speak, he turned around and glared at Liu Hongchang with burning eyes. The gangster leader didn't know the answer yet.

"You guys go and arrest this person, are you the one who bullied us Wen Yuan?" the gangster leader pointed at Liu Hongchang and said contemptuously.

"What are you trying to catch? I'm coming right now, right?"

Liu Hongchang chuckled and walked directly towards the gangster leader.

"Wenyuan, what are you doing? Brother Hongchang is your ex-brother-in-law. How can you lead an outsider to go against Brother Hongchang."

Li Jianbin might not dare to take action, but there was no problem in using his mouth. He took on the role of brother-in-law and taught He Wenyuan a lesson.

"Li Jianbin, who are you? What is your relationship with our family? What identity are you using to talk to me? When will it be your turn to pretend to care about me like this?"

He Wenyuan said to Li Jianbin.

He Wenyuan had just experienced so many changes, and it was the time when he was dissatisfied with the world.

Everything he looked at was wrong, and even He Wenhui and He Wenyuan resented him. How could he possibly give Li Jianbin face?

"Wenyuan, why have you become like this?" Li Jianbin shouted sadly.

In fact, Li Jianbin didn't know He Wenyuan at all. He just liked things like birds of a feather and took it for granted that He Wenyuan and He Wenhui had the same temperament.

"You don't care what I look like. If I encounter trouble, none of you will care about me. Don't care about me now!"

He Wenyuan shouted with a bit of hysteria. After suffering successive blows, He Wenyuan was already a little sick.

These encounters are basically caused by He Wenyuan, but if he looks for the reasons from himself, He Wenyuan is not He Wenyuan.

He became obviously cynical and resentful, thinking that everyone was sorry for him.

"Hey, hey, what's the fun in arguing? Don't you want me to come over?"

Liu Hongchang did not continue to care about He Wenyuan's madness. He looked at the gangster leader's head with two big brains, reminding him to come back to his senses and stop watching the fun.

The gangster's head was buzzing after being slapped by Liu Hongchang, and it took him a few seconds to recover: "Ah... how dare you hit me on the head."

Liu Hongchang gave the gangster another thought: "Why don't you dare to do this? I'm a cook, and I don't know how many beasts like you I have to deal with in a day. Since when have I sent ten or eight of you away?"

"Brothers, fuck him!"

After the gangster leader shouted, the seven or eight people who followed him realized that they wanted to beat Liu Hongchang in a group.

"Brother, don't be afraid, just fuck them, we are here!" Liu Zi walked up to Liu Hongchang with a kitchen knife, obviously wanting to advance and retreat together.

"Liuzi, what do you want to do? Stay back. Master is here. If you need to take action, don't let your blood be splashed all over you."

Liu Hongchang pushed Liu Zi to the back first.

Liuzi is a decent person, but he is not good at fighting.

This kind of novice is really useless in fighting with a kitchen knife.

People with little experience are really not suitable to deal with such a threatening guy.

The bloody lesson is right in front of him. If He Wentao had some experience, he would not send away the big yellow hair with one knife.

"You just have to endure the beating. If you dare to resist, who gave you the courage?"

Then Liu Hongchang picked up a chair and sat on the gangster's head.

The chair fell apart in response. In fact, it was not because of the poor quality of the chair, but because Liu Hongchang deliberately used a little more force.

The stools of this era are made of real materials, real solid wood, and are quite strong.

This time he was more aggressive because Liu Hongchang was tired of it, and He Wenyuan led waves of gangsters to cause trouble for him endlessly and wanted to provide some deterrence.

After the chairs fall apart, it is actually more convenient to grab the legs of the chairs and fight.

There were only seven or eight people, one person with two sticks, and they all lay down and cried for their father and mother.

It didn't even take Liu Hongchang a minute to knock these people down.

"Don't hit me, I'm a woman." When Liu Hongchang hit the last one, the other person raised his hands and begged for mercy.

"You are a damn woman, hanging out with a gangster, how can you be a good person? Why don't I beat you?"

Having said that, Liu Hongchang still stopped and gave him a chance to explain.

"Brother, I am really a good person and have never done anything bad, right?"

"What the hell, are you going to tell me that you smoke, drink and fight, but you're still a good girl?"

"Yeah." The little girl nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Brother, you can't do it. A gentleman talks but doesn't do it!" After the fight started, Li Jianbin didn't bother to argue with He Wenyuan and started to persuade him from a distance.

"Jianbin, what did you say?" Liu Hongchang did not reply to his little sister, but turned to look at Li Jianbin.

"I said don't do anything, don't fight." Li Jianbin said in a daze.

"Okay, no more fighting." After replying, Liu Hongchang looked at Liu Zi: "Liu Zi, go get some hemp rope and tie these up."

"Okay, I'll get the rope."

This was in the cafeteria, and there were many people. Liu Hongchang did the beatings, but he didn't have to do the cleaning and cleaning things himself.

The main force has always received some preferential treatment, just like the chef Liu Hongchang, who is the head chef, is only responsible for cooking and does not have to worry about other things.The six sons cooperated with the elder sisters and aunts and began to tie up the little gangster.

Liu Hongchang moved a good chair and sat down. He hooked his hand at the little girl and said, "Come over here. It's you, the good girl you think you are. Come over here. Do you want to be beaten?"

"Yeah." The little girl shook her head firmly.

"Then I'll give you a chance. You go and give He Wenyuan a good beating. Even if you swing the stick at me just now, it's over. I'll let you go and pretend it never happened."

Although it was pitiful that He Wenyuan was played by a gangster, this was not the reason why He Wenyuan could trouble Liu Hongchang.

Liu Hongchang dealt with He Wenyuan, a woman who could not do anything hard no matter what. She just happened to be a ready-made little girl.

He is also considered a thug among women, so it is very appropriate to attack He Wenyuan.

"Whether you want to go or not, I will let you tie you up like them." Seeing that the little girl was indifferent, Liu Hongchang continued.

"Brother, these people have been tied up, what should we do next?" Liuzi asked after tying up the people.

"Wait for now and deal with them later."

Liu Zi and the eldest sister and aunt were very professional. They not only tied up the people, but also stuffed a rag into each person's mouth in order to prevent them from cursing.

That is to say, the canteen has this condition. It is really difficult to find so many rags in ordinary stores.

"He Wenyuan, don't blame me. I don't want to be beaten. It was you who was responsible for what happened today, and you should be responsible for the consequences."

The little sister slowly moved towards He Wenyuan, her mouth was polite, but her hands were very harsh. She grabbed He Wenyuan's hair and started to slap it.

"You hit me!"

He Wenyuan didn't have a weak character. He was very angry at this moment. He grabbed the little girl with his backhand and started to fight back.

The little sister had rich experience in marrying, and He Wenyuan was tall. The two of them were equally matched, and they started to fight.

When women fight, even professional little girls actually use the same tricks.

He grabbed his hair, pulled his clothes, kicked him, cursed, scratched and scratched.

The fighting power of the two people was about the same, and soon they rolled to the ground. One moment, one was riding on the other, and another moment, the other was riding on the other, and they were in a stalemate.

"Brother Hongchang, how can you do this? Wen Yuan is Wen Hui's sister."

Li Jianbin, who was stunned just now, now reacted and wanted to break up the fight again.

"What's wrong with He Wenhui? Don't He Wenhui's sisters need to be held responsible if they cause trouble? When did He Wenhui's family have such great privileges? Did you, Li Jianbin, give it to them? Then why does He Wentao still live in it?"

Li Jianbin has very little experience.

Fortunately, he came directly to the agency. If he really wanted to be assigned according to the ordinary allocation, he would go to the grassroots level. This kid would really not be able to get along.

It’s really difficult to maintain one’s self in this era and look like one doesn’t understand the lower class society at all.

"Oh... Wenyuan, girl, please stop fighting."

Seeing that Liu Hongchang was indifferent and others in the cafeteria were only watching the excitement, Li Jianbin could only run over and start the fight himself.

"Hey, don't hit me, you caught me."

"Oh, it's all bleeding, can you stop?"

"Please, please stop fighting, okay?"

Li Jianbin was inexperienced and didn't know how to start a fight. The two women had already started fighting. When Li Jianbin tried to start a fight, it was like Li Jianbin was being tickled by two women.

After a lot of effort, the two of them were finally separated, and there were a lot of blood marks on their faces.

"Can I leave?" After they separated, the little girl asked Liu Hongchang cautiously.

"Okay, let's go."

After watching the fun, He Wenyuan was taken care of, and Liu Hongchang was satisfied and waved his hand to let the little girl leave.

"Liu Hongchang, you are such a bastard!" Seeing Liu Hongchang smiling happily, He Wenyuan felt aggrieved, cursed and ran out.

"Brother, He Wenyuan ran away too."

"Run, just run."

"What to do with the rest of these people?"

"Tie them to the door of the cafeteria, get them a pen and cardboard, put a sign on them saying they are playing hooligans, and tell others not to treat the cafeteria as a dish and dare to go to the cafeteria to cause trouble if they are just individuals."

To find a truck to pull these people, Liu Hongchang was too lazy to borrow a truck at the expense of favors.

Stringing people together and walking around in a circle was a bit tiring, and Liu Hongchang didn't want to do it.

But it's simple and easy to tie these people at the entrance of the cafeteria, so there's no problem.

What Liu Hongchang wanted to do was not to let people in the city know that these people were hooligans.

I just want to tell some unscrupulous people that Liu Hongchang is not someone to be trifled with, nor is the Second Canteen.

Don't be a little gangster who dares to cause trouble for Liu Hongchang.

"Brother, I know this, I'll do it." Liuzi said excitedly.

Parading in the streets is still quite popular now because of the poor public security in the past few years.

All kinds of petty thefts, indiscriminate relations between men and women, and big mistakes are all suitable for this kind of punishment. This aspect is a mental blow.

Regarding He Wenyuan and Dahuang Mao, fortunately He Wenyuan said that he was unwilling, otherwise the parade could be arranged.

"Brother, is it inappropriate for you to do this?"

"What's inappropriate? They came to our second canteen to cause trouble. Can't our second canteen handle it? Jianbin, don't think our unit is small. We are also a state-owned unit."

The second canteen suffers because the unit is too small and does not have its own security guard.

It is quite inconvenient for state-owned units in this era not to have their own security guards.

If it were not for the establishment of security guards, it would gradually be abolished.

Liu Hongchang wanted Yao Guofa to apply for a position from above, and Liu Hongchang would work part-time by himself.

"Brother, even if these people made mistakes, you can just send them to the police station."

"Jianbin, please go back first. As you have seen, we have many things going on here and we really can't care about you. We don't need to discuss the He family's affairs. You have also seen what happened to He Wenyuan. Another time , Big brother will help you catch the wind again."

Li Jianbin is a bit rigid and bookish, far less flexible than his mother, and it is quite worrying to watch.

"Then I'll go to the clothing factory and inform Wenhui about Wenyuan's situation?"

"If you want to go, go ahead, go ahead." Liu Hongchang waved his hand and replied.

Wenhui was visited every day during work hours. When she went out to chat, the workshop director also deducted He Wenhui's salary, which had nothing to do with Liu Hongchang.

(End of this chapter)

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