Film and television started from Yan Jiecheng in the Siheyuan

Chapter 99 Qin Jingru Comes to the Courtyard Again

Chapter 99 Qin Jingru Comes to the Courtyard Again
Yan Bugui also often said that the law of life is to enjoy wealth and wealth, to accumulate wealth first, and to enjoy later.Don't be greedy for other people's money, and don't give your own money to others.I usually do pretty well, and usually some small benefits are offered by others on my own initiative, and I haven't done anything unconscionable.Yan Pugui lost his wits just because he was a fool all his life, so he must be poisonous.

Shazhu also said angrily after Yan Jiecheng left: "Well, if you don't want to drink, I will drink it myself. Boss Yan doesn't want to introduce it, so I don't like it anymore!"

Put the Fenjiu back into the cupboard, took out half a bottle of loose wine that cost [-] cents a catty, and drank it alone.

Don't look at the stupid Zhu boasting that he has no shortage of food and drink. He served as a receptionist in the rolling mill, and he kept a portion of fried dishes for himself first.But I haven't eaten anything good for a long time. It turns out that those "leftovers" can supply Sha Zhu and his younger sister He Yushui, which is not bad.Now that he has to supply the five members of the Jia family, Sha Zhu feels sorry for the widow and the fake son, Bang Jian, and he is usually reluctant to eat a bite, so he obediently stays and gives it to the Jia family.

It's rare for a drink to be served with four dishes today.After drinking it, silly Zhu can't think about anything. If he doesn't get himself drunk every day, how can an old bachelor who doesn't have any entertainment sleep for a night.As for Haitang, it was just a meeting, purely for the sake of sex, the beautiful silly Zhu met one and loved the other, this kind of rejection silly Zhu is used to.What Shazhu can't accept is Zhou Tao and Qin Jingru. After all, they have been on blind dates for ten years. These two women are the only ones who both are interested. Success, dealt a heavy blow to Shazhu.

In the next few times, Shazhu asked Yan Jiecheng to drink together, but Yan Jiecheng made an excuse for not going, and he had to let Shazhu forget Yu Haitang anyway.


When the first snow fell in winter, the work in the factory finally became more leisurely. The people in the support branch of the technical department also returned to the rolling mill, and the workers in the rolling mill no longer had to work two shifts during the day and night.

After Yan Jiecheng got off work, he tightened his cotton coat. It can be said that he came to the Dongzhimen black market in the wind and snow. A little snow could not stop the people who came to buy and sell. On the contrary, Yan Jiecheng found that there were more people than usual when he came here. In the area, luck is not bad, there are fresh mutton sold.In normal times, fat pork must be more fragrant, but eating mutton in this snowy day is much more pleasant than pork, and the whole body is warm after eating.

If it wasn't for the snow that started to fall in the afternoon, mutton would not be available for sale at this time. Yan Xiecheng hurriedly lined up to buy two catties of mutton and two catties of lamb chops. After buying, he went back to the courtyard with satisfaction, and had to prepare dinner at Lao Yan's house. before going back.

Back in the courtyard, Yan Bugui and Yan Xiecheng, who saw the radiant eyes of the mutton, went back to the house together. There was no smell of mutton at the gate.

"Boss, you bought mutton. When it snows, you should eat mutton. It can keep the cold and warm the stomach, nourish the liver and improve eyesight. It is suitable for nourishment. You bought it right." Yan Bugui said with a smile.

"I just thought that after it snowed, it would get colder and colder. I happened to meet something for sale, and I ate to warm myself up. Dad, where is my wife?" Yan Jiecheng said.

"Your daughter-in-law has been back for a while, and she went back to your house to clean up the stove. How about eating hot pot with mutton? You can save this lamb chops for tomorrow. Mommy, don't be too busy, cut up this mutton, and cook hot pot tonight Eat." Yan Bugui said.

"Dad, I thought it would be boiled mutton. Don't keep the lamb chops. There aren't many. If you stew them with radishes, each person can share a bowl of soup." Yan Xiecheng said.

"Boss, life needs calculations. If you eat like this, you can finish it in one meal. According to my idea, you can eat at least two meals. It's easy to eat mutton once." Yan Bugui said.

The third mother also came out of the kitchen, and when she saw the mutton in Yan Jiecheng's hand, she couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear: "This mutton is really good, it looks like it was slaughtered just today, the boss bought it, just listen to the boss, I ate them all today."

"Mom, let me cut the mutton for you." Yan Jiecheng took the job of cutting the mutton slices. Although his cooking skills are still at the intermediate level, his knife skills are much better than the housewife's third mother.

Lao Yan's family is very happy to be able to eat meat at night, and being able to eat meat bought by others makes them even happier.

After dinner, while the family was chatting, Yan Jiecheng heard another interesting news. Qin Jingru came to the courtyard again. After so long, the third mother must not know Qin Jingru anymore.Besides, Qin Jingru is now a shotgun change, with a new padded jacket and small leather shoes, and she can't tell that she is the original rural girl.

However, Qin Jingru was the only relative who came to the courtyard to find Widow Qin. No matter when Jia’s family was in good condition, or now the family’s condition is better, Qin Huairu’s rural relatives could not borrow money, nor did she find her in the courtyard. of.The third mother was just guarding the gate every day. When she prevented strangers from entering the courtyard, she stopped Qin Jingru. After Qin Jingru reminded her, the third mother also remembered the relative of the widow Qin. Impressed.

Qin Jingru didn't come here empty-handed this time. All kinds of agricultural products such as chili, garlic, pumpkin, green onions, mushrooms, and a net bag full of them. If the neighbors of the courtyard house bring this net bag into the door, the three mothers will definitely let something be left behind. After giving it away, the third mother who came to visit relatives will not have this ability.

The point of the three mothers is that Widow Qin's relatives in the countryside are rich, and she didn't fall in love with Shazhu for the blind date, and now she has found a better partner in the city.Every time I come to Widow Qin's house, I bring so many local products.If there is no strength, how can there be so many things to drop by, the three mothers expressed their envy by their real names.

Lao Yan's family has no close relatives, but there are also poor relatives, and the relatives who came to the door did not bring any local specialties. Even if they are so stingy and can calculate, they will inevitably be beaten.Those who come to the city to ask someone to do things are okay, and Yan Bugui is not someone who can’t help out. Those who are short of money and tickets make the old couple feel distressed. To solve it.

Usually, I envy Widow Qin that she can go back to the countryside to bring back all kinds of local specialties, but now, there are some gifts from relatives in the countryside.But the envy of the old couple was broken.

Qin Jingru brought a gift to Jia's house, of course it was not out of kindness to help the widow.It's not like she doesn't know what the life of the widow's family is like.Being polite to others, one must ask for something. Qin Jingru came to Widow Qin's house this time to stay overnight, and brought some gifts so that she could come to Jia's house to eat and live empty-handed.

(End of this chapter)

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