"Comrade Tiezhu, you are back!"

When the fellow villagers saw Liuzi coming out to support him, they came over in surprise.

It’s just that Liu Zi’s name is a bit off meaning. Although it has the characteristics of the times and can fit in perfectly in the village, it really doesn’t have much momentum.

It's not easy for fellow villagers to stay in He's yard.

Situations like deceiving students to join the group exist everywhere.

In this case, it was obvious that the He family was in the wrong. The neighbors did not have a good relationship with the He family, but they still took the He family's side and even spoke for the He family.

"I and my brother brought you some steamed buns. They are freshly baked and still hot. You can eat them while they are hot. I will go to the house and take out the kettle, and you can drink some hot water too."

After Liu Zi stepped forward, Liu Hongchang, who followed Liu Zi to the center of the crowd, was revealed.

"Liu Hongchang, what are you doing here?" He Wenyuan took two steps back when he saw Liu Hongchang, then became jealous and took two steps forward.

Liu Hongchang tried to deal with He Wenyuan many times, but it still had some effect. When he saw Liu Hongchang, He Wenyuan finally hid out of fear.

"He Wenyuan, it's okay for you to have a bad mind. Are you blind now? Can't you see? I came here to see the fellow villagers. The fellow villagers came from a long way from the village. I am also considered the landlord of this courtyard. I don't want to come. Is it appropriate to express condolences?"

He Wenyuan dared to speak to Liu Hongchang in a questioning manner. Of course, Liu Hongchang was not polite and scolded him directly.

"I'm not blind, and neither is my mother. You, Liu Hongchang, are blind. Your whole family is blind. Liu Hongchang, you abandoned my sister, and you are blind."

Because Yu Qiuhua is blind, He Wenyuan reacted strongly to this word.

Liu Hongchang did not deliberately provoke He Wenyuan this time.

It was because Yu Qiuhua was too disrespectful, He Wenyuan made a scene and Yu Qiuhua didn't show up, that Liu Hongchang habitually ignored her.

"Yes, if I hadn't been blind, of course I wouldn't have chosen to work as a horse for your family. What am I trying to do? Do I want your family to be ungrateful, or do I want each of your families to get into more trouble than the other?"

Liu Hongchang was not sensitive to the blind man, so he rebutted He Wenyuan calmly.

"In this case, how our family is doing has nothing to do with you. Seeing our family like this, you are so proud now that you come back to watch our family's jokes. Are you adding insult to injury?"

He Wenyuan's voice was hysterical, and his eyes looked at Liu Hongchang with resentment.

Maybe he blamed Liu Hongchang for his misfortune.

Liu Hongchang is so rich now, if he is willing to help the He family fill the hole.

Naturally, He Wenyuan himself would not have had so many experiences.

"You're overthinking. Your family doesn't deserve my special visit. I just can't bear to see my fellow villagers being bullied and aggrieved so much, so I came here to help."

If this group of fellow villagers who had lost their cattle were not too innocent, Liu Hongchang would not have come here.

"Fellow fellow villagers, don't look outside. The whole country is one family. We workers and farmers are one family. There is no need to be so polite. Come and get the buns and eat them while they are hot. When you are full and full, you will have more energy to seek justice, right?"

Liu Hongchang did not continue to talk to Wenyuan.

He Wenyuan has obviously reached an extreme state. Liu Hongchang is afraid that if he gets angry again, He Wenyuan will become mentally ill.

So Liu Hongchang appeased these villagers.

When the villagers targeted the He family, they looked quite difficult.

But in essence, these people are still simple and honest, and they are obviously embarrassed to directly accept the goodwill of Liu Hongchang and Liuzi.

Facing the steaming steamed buns, each one is greedy but hard to get started with.

"Brother, thank you. We were robbed by gangsters yesterday, and we have finished eating the dry food we brought from home. We really have no money, and we are really hungry. We can only accept the kindness of brother..." Still the leader of the villagers , stood up bravely and took the bun.

Having brought out so many relatives and friends, one must be responsible.

"Whoever encounters a difficult time, fellow townsman, don't be disappointed. You still have to believe that there are good people in the city."

"Yes, there are still many good people in the world!"

Liu Hongchang had no intention of doing so, but this fellow villager's cooperation was like saying that the He family was not a good person.

"You are good people. You are good people. So many of you will only unite to bully our orphans and widows. Isn't it because we don't have a man in our family? Just wait!"

He Wenyuan put down his harsh words and ran out of the yard.

"Fellow, don't choke, drink some water, drink some water."

Although Liuzi's home doesn't have many water tanks, people these days always bring their own kettles when they go out.

In addition to drinking it now, fellow villagers can also put it in a kettle for later use.

"Fellow, you can't do this. The He family has no food or water. How can you insist on living here?"

After these fellows each ate two steamed buns and sat down for a while, Liu Hongchang took the leading fellow to the side and said.

Since Liu Hongchang came here on his own, there was no need for Liuzi to tell the fellow villagers the way.

Generally speaking, if you want to collect debts, these fellow villagers should live and eat in He's family.

However, four members of the He family live in one room, and the fellow villagers cannot squeeze in.

As for food, the He family didn't have much.

The He family is old, weak, sick and disabled, and they can only buy ten kilograms of food at a time.

Even the He family's stock of a scoop of noodles and a scoop of rice is not enough to feed these people.

"Brother, are you also helping the He family to persuade us?"

After listening to Liu Hongchang's words, the leading villagers immediately felt that the steamed buns no longer tasted good.

"How is that possible? Look at the He family's attitude towards me. Can I be on the same side as them? I'm here to help you. You..."

Let these people move the battlefield and save He Wenyuan from having to worry about some gangsters coming over.

As a good-looking girl, He Wenyuan is quite comfortable in the gangster group.

Even Liu Hongchang doesn't know how many gangsters He Wenyuan can summon now.

"Okay, after they finish eating, I will take them to school."

"When you go back, be careful. Go to school and ask for clarification. Now that you have money, those gangsters may still keep an eye on you."

Going to school makes a lot of noise, and it actually counts as fishing.

No matter whether the group of people who robbed the money were instigated by He Wenyuan, or whether they were the little tiger guys who cared about He Wenyuan the most.

More than a thousand dollars is much more tempting than yesterday's one hundred dollars.

Such a large amount of money is enough for a gangster to waste for a long time. When the profit is large enough, the capitalists don't care about the risk, let alone the gangster.

Going directly to identify the Little Tigers and his gang without taking these people was also in this era. If no one could be arrested at that time, this kind of case would be very final.

If He Wenyuan's instigation is involved again, it will inevitably be another nonsense to help him get his money back.

It's better to come and get everyone involved and let this group of people suffer a heavy blow.

"Brother, do you think the fellow villagers can get the money?"

After the arrangements were made, Liu Hongchang and Liu Zi returned to the cafeteria.

It's okay for two people to run out for a while, but there is still work to be done.

Especially when Yao Guofa wants to say goodbye to his master and apprentice again, he shouldn't be too casual.

"No problem, the school can still provide the money, so don't worry about going to see the fun."    "I'm not, I don't have it, I'm just a little worried."

After being exposed by Liu Hongchang, Liu Zi panicked and denied it.

"It's the same thing if you don't go and see it. Is there anything you, the sixth son, want to ask about that you don't understand clearly?"

Liu Hongchang still praised him. Although his apprentice was a little more curious, the effect was usually quite positive.

"Da Liu, that college student cadre from the agency is here to see you again."

After getting busy at noon, the cafeteria waiter Sister Wang said to Liu Hongchangtong with a strange expression.

Everyone in the cafeteria was quite curious about the fact that Liu Hongchang picked up a college boy.

These people somewhat do not understand this matter.

Why does a college student, the proud intellectual man of this era, call a cook brother all the time?

"Brother, do you have any food that can be cooked quickly? Give me some for two mouths?"

"What's going on? The food in your office cafeteria is not delicious, and you come all the way to eat here with us?" Liu Hongchang started teasing.

The fact of this era is that highly skilled cooks will not work in government agencies.

Liu Hongchang has never tasted it, and he knows that the craftsmanship is not that high.

"No, I was in such a hurry that I didn't bother to eat in the office."

"You're an intern. What tasks has your leader assigned to you? It's so urgent. If you want to hurry up, can I order some dumplings for you?"

"Okay, you can eat anything. I'll go back after eating some. I have to go back to work in the afternoon. The boss didn't send me out. I came here to give Wenhui money."

"Okay, Jianbin, do you really want money from your family?"

Li Jianbin was able to get [-] yuan from home. Liu Hongchang was so surprised that he forgot to tell the chef to order the dumplings first.

"Well, you need to come out a little. Wen Hui needs it urgently, so I will send it over first." Li Jianbin said with a strange expression.

"That's not the case. Can't you, a cadre family like you, not be able to afford it?"

"I found other reasons to get some out of home, and asked friends to get some together." Li Jianbin replied awkwardly.

This can be regarded as a flexible time, and I got some tricks out of the house.

For Li Jianbin, who has always been obedient to his mother, daring to fool her is already considered progress.

With Liu Hongchang's encouragement, this child definitely has the potential to become a rebellious child.

Hearing that Li Jianbin's money came from an unconventional way, and that Li Jianbin did not get it out of his home just for the sake of helping He Wenhui, Liu Hongchang put it away and was surprised: "Did you send the money to He Wenhui?"

"Just sent it over."

"Running away was in vain. Their family matter has been settled."

"Ah, have I been busy in vain?"

Li Jianbin was obviously a little disappointed that his attentiveness and dedication had no effect.

"The hard work will definitely not be in vain. After you contribute, their family will definitely live a better life."

Based on Liu Hongchang's understanding of the He family, since this money was given to the He family, the He family must be able to use it.

Although the He family is not good at making money, they are all good at spending money.

"How did Wen Hui solve this problem? She didn't tell me just now."

Li Jianbin didn't mind where the He family spent their money.

He was even more concerned that He Wenhui didn't tell him anything.

"She may not know yet. Let's wait until tomorrow. There should be definite news by tomorrow."

Things were not certain, so Liu Hongchang gave up the situation first.

"Bang bang bang!"

At around seven o'clock the next morning, while Liu Hongchang was doing morning exercises at home, he heard someone knocking on his door.

"Liuzi, why did you come here so early in the morning?"

"Brother, the police came to the yard last night and arrested He Wenyuan." Liu Zi said with excitement.

Judging from how anxious Liuzi was, if things hadn't happened too late yesterday, Liuzi might have come over in the middle of the night yesterday.

"That's it. As for you running over here early in the morning, won't we meet in the cafeteria after two o'clock?"

"I can't wait any longer, brother. He Wenyuan has been arrested. Does that mean that the group of people who robbed my fellow villagers were really instigated by He Wenyuan?"

"It's almost like ten. Now that you're here, you can eat here. After breakfast, you can go to the workshop."

Liuzi and his wife Xiaoyan both work in the cafeteria. Of course, they work at the same time as Liu Hongchang, two o'clock later than ordinary people.

So at around seven o'clock in the morning, when most families have breakfast, Liu Zi must have eaten.

Before going to work every day, it was Liuzi's job as the director of the stationery factory to go over to the workshop and have a look.

"I'm not going to eat. I want to go to the police station and find out what's going on."

"You came all this way just to inform me?"

"Well, don't I want my brother to be happy too?"

Liuzi's thoughts are relatively simple, and his original intention is so simple.

"Do you know which police station arrested the person? Just be prepared to ask. Come over for dinner first. You knew the news half a day earlier and half a day later. What's the difference?"

Liu Hongchang was not as anxious as Liu Zi, as long as he knew that the He family was having a hard time.

There is not much difference in the specific situation, whether you know it earlier or you know it later.

"Liuzi, you can eat at home, the food is ready."

Yang Maixiang in the kitchen also shouted.

"Okay, sister-in-law, I'll eat here."

The six sons looked down on He Wenhui because of the He family, but they still respected Yang Maixiang, who only helped Liu Hongchang in all aspects.

"Brother, it's a good thing that you stepped back from the brink early, otherwise you would still be with He Wenhui. How much trouble will you have to deal with and how many butts will you have to help them deal with? Their children have already told them that the police station is opened for their family, and they take turns Go in."

After replying to Yang Maixiang, Liu Zi whispered thankfully to Liu Hongchang.

"This can be regarded as a way for his children to reduce the burden on the family!" Liu Hongchang is more optimistic and is willing to think for the best in everything.

If one more child in the He family eats steamed buns, it will reduce He Wenhui's burden greatly.

It's not a loss for He Wenyuan to get in, even though He Wenyuan was expelled from school and became a member of society.

But this girl entered the society and did not help the family make money.

When I was in school, I was willing to play the flute for others to earn money from my talent.

But after becoming a little girl who gave up on herself and became a "status" person in the world, she could no longer make money by performing arts.

He spends all day wandering around in the streets, unable to keep his mouth shut, and is also a parasite of He Wenhui.

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