Qingyun: From entering Chaoyang Peak

Chapter 117 Immortal Medicine, Heavenly Book

Chapter 117 Immortal Medicine, Heavenly Book

Three treasures?

Xu Qingteng's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help frowning.

He has worked so hard to come here, not for the three treasures, but to empty out all the opportunities in the Heavenly Emperor's treasury.

However, since Huang Niao said so, Xu Qingteng pondered for a while, then agreed.


Cultivated to the level of Xu Qingteng.

The power of foreign objects has made it difficult to improve Xu Qingteng's strength.

After all, he already has six Nine Heavens Divine Weapons or ancient artifacts, and a few more will not help him very much.

Only the third volume of the Heavenly Book and the legendary immortal medicine are what Xu Qingteng is determined to obtain!
Since the yellow bird promised him to pick three treasures, Xu Qingteng gave up the fight, came to the gate of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, and pushed hard.


The stone door, which had been covered in dust for a long time, opened slowly with a bang.

A ray of dazzling golden light shines through the gap in the stone gate, as if it is a golden holy fairyland inside.

Not long after, the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House was opened, and a huge stone platform was exposed to Xu Qingteng's sight. On the stone platform was an ancient cup, which seemed to be made of wood.

Xu Qingteng strode forward and went straight to the Shitai wooden cup.

In the cup, colorful rays of light bloomed, there was a transparent stone inside, and colorful liquid swayed, emitting a strange aroma, filling the entire hall.

This fragrance is very strong, and I feel refreshed when I smell it.

The mental exhaustion of continuous fighting for days was all gone at once, and the tingling of the meridians from the circulation of the true essence and mana also disappeared.

A group of Qingyun disciples followed Xu Qingteng's figure into the Heavenly Emperor's Treasury, breathing in this strange direction, feeling refreshed all over.

"What kind of aroma is this?"

"It smells so good, could it be the legendary immortal medicine?"

At the same time, under the envious eyes of all Qingyunmen disciples, Xu Qingteng held up the wooden cup and took a small sip.

In an instant, the cold liquid was eaten, and a strange fragrance filled the five senses and six senses. In the next second, the body cells and every particle of life evolved crazily.

"This feeling..."

Xu Qingteng's eyes lit up, and he suddenly drank heavily.

The wooden cup was huge, and when Xu Qingteng gulped it down, it seemed that he was surrounded by colorful fairy light, and his whole body turned into a dazzling light.

The power of physical cultivation, which had been stagnant for a long time, suddenly skyrocketed again.

Suddenly, Xu Qingteng's whole body was shaken, as if he had been sublimated to the extreme, and his life level jumped to an incredible dimension, as if he had comprehended the changes of reality and reality.

Too clear in the middle!
Xu Qingteng didn't expect that the legendary immortality medicine was really effective. In just a short moment, Xu Qingteng's life evolved and entered the middle stage of the body's Taiqing Realm!
It was wonderful.

At the same time, in the huge wooden cup, there was only half of the immortality medicine left. Xu Qingteng thought for a while, and suddenly thought, drops of the immortality medicine with colorful lights flashed across the air like colorful raindrops, falling into every Between the eyebrows of a disciple of Qingyun.

Almost everyone, all enjoyed great fortune!

In an instant, a group of members of the Qingyun sect were surrounded by colorful fairy lights, their life levels skyrocketed, and each one of them transformed to the extreme.


"Yo Yo~~~"

Disciple Qingyun had good fortune, and Xu Qingteng didn't forget the divine beasts Kui Niu and Hu Youyou, and each gave a part of the elixir of immortality to feed to his pets.

Soon, Kui Niu roared excitedly, a pair of pale eyes shone with colorful celestial lights, as if the pupils were shining brightly, and gradually became more energetic.

As for the little fox, after being fed the elixir of immortality, the whole body glowed with colorful light, as if wrapped into a thick cocoon, and the level of life was evolving.

At its tail, it gradually diverges, as if it is going to evolve into a split tail!
"There is still a part left, store it for later use." Xu Qingteng muttered to himself, and wrapped the remaining liquid at the bottom of the cup with the great power of true essence, sealed it and stored it in the space of the Ivy Secret Realm for future use. Or distribute it to Master and others.

Looking at the empty bottom of the cup, Xu Qingteng couldn't help showing regret.

This elixir of immortality is good, but it is too little.

That's not enough points at all!
At this moment, there is only one transparent stone left in the wooden cup, which is the legendary "Heavenly Emperor's Underworld Stone". A strange gem.

It is said that one can see the reincarnation of the Nine Nethers and bring back all the souls scattered in the world.

Bringing people back from the dead!
There is no doubt that this is an extremely rare treasure.

But Xu Qingteng hesitated for a while, and chose to give up this treasure, leaving it at the bottom of the wooden cup, and put the wooden cup back to its original position on the stone platform.

Taking the route of sustainable development is the code of conduct for Xu Qingteng to compete for opportunities.

This Tiandi Mingshi is matched with the Jianmu wine cup and placed on the stone platform. After many years, under the tempering of Tongtian Jianmu, it can be brewed into an 'immortal medicine'.

For Xu Qingteng, this is much more useful than the simple Heavenly Emperor Mingshi.

After Xu Qingteng, it is entirely possible to use the Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor as an opportunity like Tianlei Island, and leave it to the disciples of Qingyunmen to fight for it.

Just like Patriarch Qingye treats himself.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingteng smiled slightly, left the wooden cup on the stone platform, strode towards the apse, and found that there was a bright and strange light blooming in the apse.

There are many Nine Heavens Divine Weapons and ancient artifacts stored there.

Look around.

There are no less than a hundred pieces, which is worthy of being the treasure house of the emperor of heaven, the collection of the emperor of heaven in ancient times.


At this time, the divine beast Kui Niu, which had completed its transformation, suddenly sensed something, and looked into the apse with eyes as black as ink.

Among the countless divine lights, there is a pale skin drum, which looks ancient and clumsy.

"Twilight Drum!"

Xu Qingteng's mind was moved, and he immediately reached out to grab the pale skin drum, put it in the Qingteng secret space, and let Kui Niu rub the drum affectionately.

Got the second treasure.

But for the third treasure, Xu Qingteng searched all over the apse, but couldn't find where it was.

"what is that!?"

He was still a disciple of Qingyunmen, driving the sword light to shuttle in the main hall, looking straight up at the dome, his whole head shook, and he fell into a daze.

On the dome of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, a bright golden light bloomed, smudged with cloud seals and thunder patterns, revealing the grand artistic conception of the way of heaven.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs!"

After the first Qingyun disciple fell into an epiphany, the bright golden light above the dome condensed golden runes one by one, and the sound of singing came faintly.

This is better than the first volume of "Book of Heaven" by Dripping Xuedong.

When the chanting sound came, all Qingyun's disciples were shocked immediately, and they automatically had the mystery of the scriptures of "The Third Volume of the Way of Heaven" flowing in their hearts.

The rich Dao rhyme flows, and countless whimsical ideas emerge.

Cultivation level mana skyrocketed!

Standing in the main hall, Xu Qingteng was also looking up at the dome, with a look of surprise on his face, and golden runes flashing in his eyes, falling into an epiphany.

Xu Qingteng finally found "Book from Heaven Volume Three".

Time passed by quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a rumbling aftermath of the battle outside the gate of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, which alarmed all Qingyun's disciples in the main hall.



A group of Qingyun disciples, who were hiding in the treasure house of the Heavenly Emperor, could feel the terrifying aura. A huge black water snake was fighting with the divine beast, the yellow bird.

What shocked disciple Qing Yun even more was that the gate of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House was slowly closing.


Xu Qingteng roared, and his body exploded suddenly, turning into countless life particles, engulfing a group of Qingyun sect members, and rushed out of the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house.

Not long after coming out of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, the gate of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House was suddenly closed.

next second.

The Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House burst into brilliant golden light, and suddenly disappeared into nothingness.

Completely disappeared.

The Treasure House of the Heavenly Emperor has long been refined into a supreme artifact by the ancient Heavenly Emperor. After comprehending the changes of the virtual and the real, it can escape into the void, and people can never find it again.


Seeing the disappearance of the Heavenly Emperor's Treasure House, the Black Water Profound Snake raised its head and roared angrily, but the divine beast, the yellow bird, was not used to it at all. With its sharp claws and beaks, it grabbed the Black Water Profound Snake's body fiercely, leaving countless bloodstains in a short while, one by one The pitch-black snake scales fell down.

The blood was green and stinky, falling on the Tongtian Jianmu, bubbling continuously, as if even the iron-hard Tongtian Jianmu had melted and corroded.

Destroyed the holy wonderland of Tianwaitian.


The divine beast, the yellow bird, spread its wings and flew high, as if it was about to kill the black water snake.

The Black Water Snake was covered with cuts and bruises, and was very angry, but the Heavenly Emperor's treasure house was closed and fled into the void, and the elixir of immortality could not be drunk, so he wanted to turn around and run away.

But at this moment, it noticed the Qingyunmen.

As a member of the Qingyun sect, he had just refined the elixir of immortality not long ago, and the strong and strange fragrance on his body had not dissipated.

And there are quite a few people who haven't completely refined the immortal medicine, and the medicinal power of the immortal medicine remains on their bodies, constantly attracting the black water mysterious snake.


Soon, the Blackwater Profound Snake rushed over and opened its bloody mouth, trying to devour the Qingyunmen.


Suddenly, Xu Qingteng's angry roar came from the sky and the earth, and countless life particles condensed into a giant, exuding a terrifying aura, as if the ancient emperor was reborn, punching the head of the black water snake.


A shocking scene happened.

The huge head of the black water snake was blown off by Xu Qingteng's punch, and the smelly blood flew all over the sky and splashed all over the ground.

The huge body of the black water snake slammed heavily on Tongtian Jianmu's canopy.

On the neck, there was a bloody blur.


But what's interesting is that the Blackwater Profound Snake didn't just die. Instead, it twisted its body, and the blood-smeared neck was soon intertwined with flesh and blood, and a head extended again.

This time, the Black Water Profound Snake turned around and fled, along the huge trunk of Tongtian Jianmu, at an extremely fast speed, and fled straight down.

"Where to escape!"

Xu Qingteng roared angrily, engulfed a group of Qingyun sect members, and flew down along Tongtian Jianmu.

After a while, it flew out of the sky.


In the golden sky, the divine beast, the yellow bird, flapped its wings, but did not chase it down. Instead, it stayed in Tianwaitian, perched on the canopy of Tongtian Jianmu, silently watching Xu Qingteng and the others and the black water snake go away. , and waited again.

This is the task entrusted to it by the ancient emperor of heaven.

Until it transcends reincarnation, or its life disappears, it will guard the treasure house of the Emperor of Heaven until eternity.

One day after another.

The speed of the black water mysterious snake is very fast, like a black light, it dives straight down along the huge trunk of the sky-reaching construction tree.

However, Xu Qingteng was faster than him.

In the sixth heaven, he stopped the Blackwater Profound Snake and turned into a giant again, hitting the Blackwater Profound Snake viciously with one punch after another, as if he was about to smash it to death.

"Last time, you were allowed to escape because of Wuqinghai's protection. Don't try to escape this time!" Xu Qingteng waved his fist fiercely.


The black water black snake raised its head and neighed. It was covered with cuts and bruises, but soon fell into serious injuries. Pieces of snake scales fell off, and its venom spread all over the world.


In the end, the black water snake exploded.

The huge body exploded with a bang, turning into a sea of ​​black snakes all over the sky. Small black snakes twisted their bodies, and sprinkled the ground like rain.

Xu Qingteng grabbed countless little black snakes with a big hand, and fought with the life particles, killing all the primordial spirits contained in the little black snakes, and condensed them into one body again.

Not long after, a huge black water snake reappeared, but its momentum was sluggish, a little sluggish, and it lost a bit of agility.

The black water snake is worthy of being one of the ancient monsters!

Sure enough, it is very powerful.

Even with Xu Qingteng's current cultivation and combat power, he couldn't keep it completely. He could only force it to explode its body and spirit, turning into a sea of ​​snakes and fleeing.

This time, the Blackwater Profound Snake was really hit hard.

Even if he fled back to the Heartless Sea to recuperate, it would take tens of thousands of years to recover slowly.

And Xu Qingteng was even bigger, directly killing the remaining primordial spirit of the Blackwater Profound Snake, condensing all the flesh and blood into one body, refining a clone of the Blackwater Profound Snake.

Whether it is refining treasures or refining methods, all have miraculous effects.

Even if it's useless to Xu Qingteng.

It can also greatly increase the background of Chaoyang Peak and Qingyunmen.

It can be said to accomplish several things in one fell swoop!
As for the disciples and elders of the Qingyun sect, they also gained a lot.

Following Xu Qingteng to pick up leaks, he picked up a lot of black water mysterious snake scales, and at this moment he also caught a lot of black water mysterious snakes, and prepared to refine the magic weapon and spirit beast.

This time, following Xu Qingteng out was a stroke of luck.

There are many blessings and opportunities along the way.

The experience background has increased a lot, and if you go back to retreat for a while, you will be able to make continuous breakthroughs in your cultivation base and usher in a big leap.

"No wonder Chaoyang Peak has changed so much!"

Qing Yun's disciples with other veins said with admiration and admiration at the same time.

"With the protection of a real person like Xu Shouzuo, and countless opportunities and blessings, even a pig can cultivate to heaven!"

At this moment, under Tongtian Jianmu, there was suddenly a bright Buddha light, and the sound of Sanskrit singing came from the air, and lotus seats flew straight up.

""Da Fan Prajna"!"

"The monks from Tianyin Temple have arrived!"

Soon, a group of members of the Qingyun Sect became alert and looked down vigilantly.

In the sixth heaven, among the branches of the Tongtian Jianmu towering above the sky and the earth, golden Buddha lights flew over. If you look carefully, they are actually lotus Buddha seats.

There are figures standing or sitting, flying on the lotus Buddha seat, with a solemn and holy posture, just like a Buddha and Bodhisattva descending into the world, which is admirable.

But in fact, the members of Qingyun Sect didn't have a good opinion of this group of hypocritical monks.

(End of this chapter)

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