Qingyun: From entering Chaoyang Peak

Chapter 66 The Flowers Bloom 36

Chapter 66 The Flowers Bloom 36

Xu Qingteng's body transformed, and a ray of golden immortality lingered all over her body. The three essences gathered together, almost reaching the limit of the Jade Clear Realm, rushing into the void above her head.


Suddenly, thousands of lights bloomed in the void above Xu Qingteng's head.

Xu Qingteng's spirit, energy, and spirit gathered together, and the air mechanism rolled and rose, forming a mist, and suddenly condensed into three lotus flowers, which burst into bloom.

One is "Lead Flower", one is "Silver Flower", and the other is "Golden Flower".

This is the Three Flowers of Heaven, Earth and Man.

The three flowers gather together, and 36 flowers bloom, blooming thousands of lights.

On each lotus flower platform, there is a vague figure sitting cross-legged, which seems to be illusory and real.

The face is not clear, but vaguely similar to that of 'Xu Qingteng'.

One is a teenager, representing the past.

One is middle-aged, representing the present.

One is old age, representing the future.

The three figures sat cross-legged on the 36th-grade lotus platform, meditating with their eyes closed and meditating.

Xu Qingteng was dumbfounded.

"Level 36 Lotus Terrace?" Xu Qingteng gasped.

This was something Xu Qingteng never expected.

According to Qingyunmen's records, flowers blooming at the ninth rank are already the qualifications of saints, such as "Master Daoxuan" and "Wan Jianyi", there is already a slight chance of entering the Taiqing Realm.

Twelve grades of flowers bloom, that is the record of Patriarch Qingye.

Represents the limit of practitioners.

But Flower Blooms rank 36, I'll go, how high the talent and aptitude is, and where the future potential can go, it will scare people to death.

Xu Qingteng was shocked, but immediately turned into surprise!
no doubt.

The more petals on the lotus platform, the higher his talent, the deeper his background, and the further he can go in the future.

Not to mention.

On the three lotus platforms, there were three figures sitting cross-legged.

Suspected of his past, present, and future.

This vision is frightening to say the least.

Above the vast sky, dark clouds rolled like ink, and bright thunder and lightning suddenly appeared, the scene was very scary.

Xu Qingteng sat cross-legged, her body smudged with nine colors.

In the void above the head, three flowers gather on the top, and the chest and abdomen are full of five qi.

The first level of the Shangqing Realm, called "Purple Mansion Realm", is to open up the Taoist upper dantian - the Shenzang Niwan Palace, and then build a "Purple Mansion" with the power of three flowers.

In this way, 'Purple Mansion' and 'Huang Ting' are facing each other far away.

It represents the balance of yin and yang.

However, after Xu Qingteng comprehended the Tai Chi Sword Intent, he had already opened up the upper dantian, and could use the power of the divine consciousness in the upper dantian, and transform it into the realm of swordsmanship.

This is why the field of kendo is so powerful.

So for Xu Qingteng, this hurdle has already been completed.

At this moment, Xu Qingteng's eyebrows were continuously devouring the power of the three flowers, causing the nine-colored air in the depths of Niwan Palace to vibrate and violently churn.

The aura of nine colors blended with the power of the three flowers, as if a wonderful change had taken place.

Surprisingly full of vitality.

A wisp of purple bloomed, as if the majesty had opened up, and the world was born.

Not long after, the entire Niwan Palace was full of purple, as if it had returned to the primordial chaos, and primordial purple energy could be seen everywhere, full of strong vitality.

In the space surrounded by purple air, whether it is the "Thunder God" with the dragon head or Xu Qingteng's kendo domain, all of them have undergone changes and regained their vitality. fill the entire space.

There is only that ray of willpower full of killing.

It seems that because of the change in the dantian of the Zifu, the will to kill was washed away, and the aura of 'resentment', 'despair', 'sadness' and 'anger' was actually reduced, and it became a little purer. In the dantian of the Zifu, Shiny, not so "evil and awe-inspiring", people will fall into the devil's way just by looking at it.

"I have finally broken through the Shangqing Realm!"

I don't know how long it took, Xu Qingteng opened his eyes, and felt that the space between the eyebrows was filled with a strong purple air, and the transformation had been completed, and he couldn't help but feel agitated.

Shangqingjing, the mainstay of Qingyunmen.

Almost every Qingyunmen disciple will lose his mentality because of the three levels of practice: "Destroying Objects Realm", "Shangqing Realm" and "Taiqing Realm".

Xu Qingteng was no exception.

This seems to be an obsession.

Although before this, Xu Qingteng was invincible at the same level and could leapfrog to fight. He had killed several masters at the upper Qing level and became famous overseas.

Even more unexpectedly, walking on the way of the gods can exert supernatural powers and taboo powers.

But Xu Qingteng couldn't help but feel joy from the bottom of his heart when he really stepped into the Shangqing Realm, as if he had accomplished another goal and stepped into another world.

"The Zifu is completed, and the next step is to concentrate the mind. It is necessary to gather the power of the three souls and seven souls of the whole body according to the concept of "Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao."

"When the power of the three souls and seven souls is gathered, you can build a god of Tai Chi Xuanqing."

"This is the big checkpoint of Shangqingjing."

"Master Shang Zhengliang, who has practiced Taoism for more than three hundred years, is stuck at this step. He does not have enough power of the three souls and seven souls to forge the Taiji Xuanqing Yin God."

Xu Qingteng's eyes were bright, and he clenched his fists suddenly, showing a confident expression.

"However, for me, this step is much easier."

"I'm naturally mentally strong."

"Now, after layers of epiphany, I don't know how many times or tens of thousands of times more than ordinary people."

"not to mention--"

Xu Qingteng's eyes are calm and deep, and there is a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he is comprehending the mysteries of the nature of the world with the mentality of an observer.

"My ice heart melted, and I gradually realized the meaning of 'the best is like water'."

"Once the mentality of 'the best is like water' is successfully cultivated."

"Gathering the power of the three souls and seven souls in the whole body, it will be a matter of course, and the breakthrough will happen naturally."

"This step is simply too easy."

Xu Qingteng thought about it, and suddenly sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and made a formula, while silently reciting the "Meditation Jue", to realize the superior state of mind of "the best kindness is like water", while concentrating on the chains of laws in the void, carefully comprehending the mysterious talismans above Wen, practicing the law of heaven and earth.

Gradually, time flies, forgetting the passage of time.

I do not know how long it has been.

Maybe a few months, maybe a year or so.

On this day, Xu Qingteng was meditating cross-legged above the nine heavens, when he suddenly opened his eyes, two beams of bright green divine light illuminated the void, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, with a natural expression.

"The highest kindness is like water..."

Xu Qingteng smiled and spoke lightly.

At this time, his temperament was indifferent, as if he was detached.

Towering and swaying, insignificant and mysterious.

A pair of dark and deep pupils turned dark green and mysterious at some point, like a bottomless lake, clear and pure, free from dust.

Finally, Xu Qingteng's icy heart melted and entered the realm of 'the best kindness is like water'.

"Yin God Realm, prepare to break through!"

At this moment, in the space between Xu Qingteng's eyebrows, the sky is full of purple air, and there is a group of gorgeous colored light condensed into a human form, which is the power of three souls and seven souls condensed by Xu Qingteng's cultivation.

The power of these three souls and seven souls is like a rainbow, blooming with brilliant colors.

The condensed human form vaguely looks like Xu Qingteng.

But not fixed.

It was like a cloud of mist that could be blown away at any time.

Suddenly, with a thought in Xu Qingteng's mind, Tai Chi's true energy circulated, strands of power from the three souls and seven souls continued to grow, were drawn out, and poured into the center of the eyebrows continuously.

The human form that was brilliantly colored suddenly swelled and became larger.

Not long after, he turned into a gigantic giant, with a height of billions of feet, like Pangu, standing upright, trying to open up a new world.

"It's the limit."

I don't know how long he has been practicing, Xu Qingteng suddenly realized something, and felt a hint of perfection.

So with a thought, the majestic purple air in the space of Niwan Palace suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames, engulfing the colorful light giant, and began to refine his soul.

"Chi Chi Chi ~~~"

The colorful light giant was burned in the sea of ​​purple flames, the power of three souls and seven souls was injected with vitality, the body continued to shrink, and was compressed and solidified step by step, and the facial features gradually became clear, as if to reshape the human form.

This step seems simple, but it is extremely dangerous.

Burn the soul and refine the soul!

One step away, he will be seriously injured and fall!

But Xu Qingteng's eyes were calm and deep, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he was actually indifferent, as if he knew nothing about the danger, and his mood was peaceful, and there was no wave in the ancient well.

It seems to be joyful for every subtle change in the soul training.

This is 'the best is like water'.

Not to mention burning the soul and refining the soul, even if the world is destroyed, Xu Qingteng will not change his face.

This is the superior state of mind of Taoism.

I don't know how long it took, the colorful light giant in Niwan Palace gradually lost its brilliant light, and turned into a colorful cocoon, which was wrapped in a sea of ​​purple flames like an eggshell.

"Puff." "Puff."

A strong heartbeat came from the cocoon, shaking the entire Zifu space.

Silent, silent.

It was as if space and time stood still.

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was a moment, maybe it was hundreds of millions of years, suddenly 'Xu Qingteng' opened his eyes and looked at his hands and feet in surprise.

"This is where?"

Xu Qingteng looked around and found that he was in a gorgeous colorful space, as if he was inside a colorful eggshell, and couldn't help but want to break the eggshell to see the world outside.

He thought so, and he did.

Like a newborn baby, full of anger, he smashed the colored eggshell with one punch.


Xu Qingteng was surprised.

Outside the colorful eggshell, there is actually a purple sea of ​​flames.

"A very familiar sight."

Xu Qingteng muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a torrent of memories flooded into Xu Qingteng's mind.

His black and white, pure and clear eyes gradually became astonished, dazed, and calm, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth habitually.

"I succeeded."

Xu Qingteng sighed.

"This feeling really seems to be born again."

"As expected of life evolution."

Xu Qingteng feels her 'new body' freshly, as if the whole world has changed.

It's a life-changing experience.

It seems to have changed from a carbon-based life form to a fresh life form.

He is a thought, a thinking perception, a tiny particle, no matter how you describe it, it has surpassed the three-dimensional creature of "human being".

"The third stage of the Shangqing Realm, the Yin God Realm!"

Suddenly, Xu Qingteng smiled at the corner of his mouth, and his whole body exploded with a bang, filling the entire Zifu space, and then drilled out of the Niwan Palace between the eyebrows, covering every flesh and blood cell in the body.

It was as if the soul and body had reunited.

(End of this chapter)

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