Chapter 69 New Life Race
"Blood essence and blood..."

Xu Qingteng's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help thinking deeply.

The ancient wilderness survivors like the Long Bo giant were all born from the blood of the ancient gods. The ancient gods can be called their creators, and a single thought can destroy the entire clan.

The death of the ancient thunder god did great harm to the Long Bo giant family.

In the body of the giant Long Bo, the blood of Thunder God has become thinner from generation to generation. Up to now, there are less than a few hundred people in the tribe who can understand the power of the law of thunder.

It became extremely difficult for the clansmen to conceive children.

If thousands of years pass, it is estimated that the Long Bo giant will become extinct.

Therefore, the Lord Long Bo urgently needs to be loyal to a new god, to obtain his protection, to bestow the blood essence and blood, so that the giant Long Bo can be reborn.

More than [-] years ago, Master Qingye went to sea, and Lord Longbo fell in love with him, thinking that with his innate supernatural powers, he would definitely be able to defeat Kui Niu, obtain the relics inherited from the ancient Thunder God, walk on the way of the gods, and condense the law runes , giving birth to blood essence and blood, thus protecting the Long Bo giant family.

Lord Longbo thought very well.

But he had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't realize that Master Qingye actually looked down on Thunder God's Legacy.

Daoist Qingye landed on the island, easily suppressed Kui Niu, and was qualified to seize the relics inherited by the Thunder God, but he did not act rashly. With his high-level cultivation at that time, he had already gathered his soul and stepped into the Taiqing Realm, just like the ancient Thunder God Inheriting the relics would not be able to enter the eyes of Master Aoba.

At that time, he was holding the Zhuxian sword, and his combat power was the best in the world!

Ancient Thor?

Heh, he wanted to revive the God of Thunder, to see whether it was the power of the Immortal Dao, or the tyrannical Dao of the Divine Dao.

Just like that, the illusion of Lord Long Bo was shattered.

Afterwards, Master Qingye left a message stating that Tianlei Island had inherited treasures. Many Qingyun sect disciples had gone to sea, trying to cross Lei Ze and reach Tianlei Island.

But unfortunately, in the past 2000 years, Lord Longbo has never met such an unrivaled arrogance like Master Qingye.

Until Xu Qingteng entered the sea.

When he walked out of Lei Ze with a strong body of three hundred feet, filled with the majesty of the gods, Lord Longbo felt blessed and knew that the opportunity had come.

Sure enough, Xu Qingteng successfully defeated Kui Niu, seized the relics inherited from the ancient Thunder God, inherited the will of the ancient Thunder God, and rode Kui Niu out of the island.

That being the case, what are you waiting for, why don't you hurry up and climb?
If you miss this village, there will be no such store.

"The whole family is attached..." Xu Qingteng's eyes were fixed, and he glanced at the Lord Longbo and all the servants of the Longbo Kingdom.

Really dozed off to send pillows.

Originally, Xu Qingteng wanted to subdue the giant Long Bo.

Unexpectedly, before Xu Qingteng could make a move, Lord Long Bo led his people to surrender, and he used the power of the whole clan to attach himself to Xu Qingteng, hoping to bestow a drop of blood.

"Do you want to agree?" Xu Qingteng pondered.

The way of the gods, the power of the blood of the law of cultivation, it is not easy to condense a drop of blood essence and blood, it needs to consume a lot of vitality.

If Xu Qingteng has the strength of the ancient god of thunder, then this matter should not be too easy.

The physical body is tyrannical, and it can be condensed casually.

But now, Xu Qingteng only has the cultivation base of the Shangqing Realm, which is worthy of stepping into the Yin God Realm, and barely has the qualifications to condense the blood essence, so Xu Qingteng is considering this matter.

But soon, he was moved.

Xu Qingteng also wanted to see what kind of race his blood would create.

Xu Qingteng's eyes flashed, and her heart was excited.

"What kind of feeling would it be like to be the Creator?" Xu Qingteng thought with some expectation, then smiled and readily agreed.

"Okay, yes." Xu Qingteng nodded.

All of a sudden, the Lord Long Bo and all the subordinates of Long Bo were all excited and happy, and they all buzzed and praised 'my lord is generous and great'.

The style of painting changes too fast.

A group of Longbo giants changed their beliefs in the blink of an eye, and began to call Xu Qingteng 'my lord', seeming to forget the ancient Thunder God.

It seems that the demise of Thor's blood has indeed had a great impact on the giant Longbo.

"Faith is not pure."

"A faithful believer will also switch to other gods after the fall of the Creator."

"Perhaps, when the ancient Thunder God fell, it was time to destroy the giant Longbo."

Although he was the loyal master of Giant Long Bo, Xu Qingteng still felt uncomfortable when he saw the excited expression of Giant Long Bo.

"If the race I created is like this, it must be destroyed before I fall."

Xu Qingteng thought selfishly.

Next, Xu Qingteng said that he can only condense a drop of blood essence at present, and cannot transform the entire Long Bo giant family, so it is necessary to decide who to transform.


Soon, Lord Longbo proposed a candidate.

"Return to my lord."

"Uno is my most beloved child. He is only [-] years old so far. He is very talented and savvy. He is the best candidate to inherit the throne of King Long."

"I hope that you can give him the blood essence."

Prince Uno was stunned.

To be honest, he was still immersed in the shock of the loyalty of the entire clan of the Longbo Kingdom.

what happened?
I just want Xu Qingteng to help me make love, let me take a look at the outside world, why in the blink of an eye, the Longbo Kingdom will be dominated by Xu Qingteng?

This scene happened so quickly that Prince Uno did not recover.

Wait for him to recover.

Lord Longbo had already suggested reforming him.


"Reform me?"

Prince Uno was startled, and stared at his father with wide-eyed eyes. Why do you want to find me for everything? I don't want to be reformed. I just want to go out for a while. Father, you can't trick me!

Unfortunately, he couldn't refuse Lord Long Bo's will.

Soon, the whole clan of Long Bo giants agreed and decided to take the lead in transforming Prince Uno to become Xu Qingteng's "creation" and believe in Xu Qingteng as the creator.


With a thought in Xu Qingteng's mind, his whole body was astonishing.

Suddenly, a fist-sized drop of blood essence bursting with purple-gold light condensed from Xu Qingteng's body, suspended in mid-air, and burst into thousands of light.

Too gorgeous, too beautiful.

Like a round of purple-golden sun, haloing the sky.

This drop of blood is crystal clear, and runes of laws emerge one after another, full of the aura of the great way.

All the giants of Longbo were dazzled.

A huge urge surged from the depths of the giant Long Bo's flesh, like a mad obsession, which could not help affecting his reason and wanted to swallow this drop of blood.

"Quick, devour and refine it!"

At this moment, Xu Qingteng's complexion was pale, and he couldn't help frowning, and shouted loudly with Lord Long Bo, reminding Prince Uno to devour and refine it quickly.

The majestic voice, like thunder, rumbled through the world.

A group of Long Bo giants suddenly regained their senses and looked at Prince Uno enviously, swallowing the 'blood essence and blood' into their stomachs for refining.

Visible to the naked eye, a layer of bright golden real fire burned from Prince Uno's body. The terrifying high temperature rose, and bright flames erupted, as if he had turned into a sun god.

"Crack~" "Crack~"

In addition, the body of Prince Uno is surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the law of the heaven and earth avenue is strong, permeating Prince Uno's whole body, as if he has fallen into an epiphany.

This power is too powerful!

As if washing the marrow and cutting the pulse, Prince Uno was reborn.


All of a sudden, Prince Uno raised his head and roared, his body was burly and strong, with blue veins bursting out suddenly, twisting and twisting like a green dragon, spreading across the skin of his body.

His burly body suddenly swelled up.

35 feet!

Ninety feet!
140 eight feet!
In the end, under the shocking gazes of all the giants of Long Bo, Prince Uno has a burly body, and he looks like the sky and the earth, stretching between the sky and the earth, with a height of six hundred feet.

His body shone like a fairy, with thunder and lightning around his body, and a bright phantom of the sun appeared behind him, like a totem.


On his forehead, a pair of purple dragon horns, like sharp swords, pierced into the sky.

Golden swirls.

A ray of golden radiant real fire of the sun, and a ray of jet-black world-destroying thunder, entwined with each other, swallowing divine light, almost tearing apart the void.

"Is this the original Long Bo giant?"

All the giants of Long Bo, including the Lord Long Bo, looked at Prince Uno whose body and appearance had changed drastically, and couldn't help being shocked in their pupils, and shocked in their hearts.

Think of the stone murals left by our ancestors in ancient times.

Back then, the ancient Thunder God created the 'Longbo Giants', and those first-generation Longbo giants were all thousands of feet tall, like giants holding up the sky, surrounding the Thunder God.

It is a pity that with the passage of time, generations of bloodlines perish.

Now, all the giants of Long Bo, women and children are only seven or eight or ten feet long, and they can't even gather the power of thunder and lightning. It's really sad.

Fortunately, the giant Longbo ushered in a new hope again!

At this moment, a group of Long Bo giants, with eyes full of surprise and excitement, looked up at the towering giant, whose burly and muscular body made them intoxicated.

"It's huge!"

A group of Longbo giants spoke enviously.


"strong power!"

Prince Uno has a strong body, with a height of [-] feet, like a giant holding up the sky, surrounded by the real fire of the sun and the thunder of the nine heavens, straddling the sky and the earth.

He clenched his fists, feeling the surging force coming from his body.

The sky and the earth are clearly reflected in his eyes, the chains of the law of thunder that are as black as ink, and the chains of the law of fire with golden flames, sealing off the entire void.

The cage of heaven and earth, the chain of laws!
In just a few breaths, Prince Uno's body mutated, his strength soared, and he became a new life race, born of essence and blood adhering to Xu Qingteng's law.

"This feeling……"

Suddenly, Prince Uno's pupils shrank.

Not far away, there was a sense of closeness like blood, and he couldn't help but let him go to Rumu, as if a child saw his parents, it was a sense of closeness in blood.

That was Xu Qingteng's direction.

As for Lord Long Bo, his father.

At this moment, in his perception, there is no sense of blood closeness, as if he is a stranger he has never known.

And in fact.

Apart from emotional memories, there is no longer any similarity between him and Lord Longbo's blood.

Moreover, this kind of emotional memory is gradually expanding with the influence of Xu Qingteng's blood, making it naturally close to and in awe of Xu Qingteng, and indifferent to everyone.

"Father God..."

Suddenly, Prince Uno knelt down on one knee and bowed slowly to Xu Qingteng.

The expression is solemn and sacred.

Like a pilgrim, a child, offering loyalty and admiration to his greatest Father God.

That sincere voice, like thunder, resounded through the whole world.

All the giants of Longbo were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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