Chapter 7 Songhexuan

Songhexuan is an independent courtyard.

There are many small independent courtyards like this on Chaoyang Peak, all of which are where Chaoyang Peak disciples live.

However, Songhexuan is a bit special, it occupies a very large area, it is close to Chaoyang Hall, and it is a building belonging to the core area.The small courtyard has white walls and gray tiles, timeless and elegant.In the courtyard, the green pines are bent, the green cypresses are gloomy, the flowing water flows under the steps, and the beautiful mountains are surrounded behind the walled courtyard. Xu Qingteng fell in love with it at a glance when looking at the top of the mountain covered by clouds in the morning and the sun hanging on the forest tops in the evening.

"What a place of good fortune."

Regardless of past and present lives, when was Xu Qingteng lucky enough to live in such an independent courtyard?I couldn't help but smile and beam with joy.

"It's as long as the younger brother likes it." Chu Yuhong said with a smile, "Master arranged you here because he obviously values ​​you very much. The 'Cuiyunxuan' is next door for my brother. If there is any need for the younger brother in the future, please feel free to let me know." You can come to me. The road to cultivation is long, and we brothers and sisters must support each other."

"Senior brother is right, you will have to bother senior brother in the future." Xu Qingteng nodded with a smile.

The two talked and laughed happily.

Not long after, Shang Zhengliang walked into Songhe Pavilion, carrying a bundle in his hand, and seeing Chu Yuhong and Xu Qingteng sitting under the gazebo having a happy conversation, he couldn't help smiling with satisfaction.

"Master." Chu Yuhong and Xu Qingteng hurriedly saluted.

"It seems that you have a good chat." Shang Zhengliang laughed, and handed the burden to Xu Qingteng, "From now on, I will personally teach you how to practice. Here is a set of clothes. I know you like blue, so I chose a pair of clothes. A set of blue Taoist robes, all made of high-quality materials. There is also a copy of "Strange Tales of Gods and Demons", which will teach you how to read and write for the teacher. In addition, there is this thousand-year-old spiritual wood sword..."

Suddenly, Shang Zhengliang grabbed a wooden sword and said with a smile, "New disciples must learn a set of swordsmanship called "Qingyun Swordsmanship", which is the basic skill that my Qingyunmen disciples must practice. A millennium spiritual wood sword, see if it is suitable for you..."

"Thank you, Master." Xu Qingteng said gratefully.

This millennium spiritual wood sword is about three feet six inches long and one inch six inches wide. The whole body is brownish purple, with fine texture on the surface, shining black and shiny.

After starting, the center of gravity fell heavily.

Xu Qingteng needs a lot of strength to swing it.

"There are many spiritual woods in the mountains behind my Chaoyang Peak. There are hundreds of years of spiritual wood and thousand-year spiritual woods everywhere. Swords made from this kind of spiritual materials will be relatively heavy." Shang Zhengliang explained with a smile, "But with this kind of sword Practicing "Qingyun Swordsmanship", the basic skills will be particularly solid, and in the future, the swordsmanship will be more fluent."

"Junior brother, don't underestimate this spirit wood sword." Chu Yuhong emphasized, "It has been refined by magic sacrifices. It can destroy gold and cut jade, and cut iron like mud. It is extremely sharp."

Xu Qingteng was brilliant and cherished this millennium spiritual wood sword even more. She couldn't help but swiped a few sword flowers in front of Shang Zhengliang and Chu Yuhong in the gazebo.


Shang Zhengliang and Chu Yuhong were taken aback.

Because Xu Qingteng was very fast, holding the heavy millennium spiritual wood sword, although a little clumsy, but the posture of holding the sword, the movement of swinging the sword, and the coordination of steps are all smooth and smooth, like a swordsman who is proficient in swordsmanship.But he is clearly just getting started and hasn't practiced swords yet.

"Is this also Su Hui's ability?" Shang Zhengliang was surprised.

"Little junior brother is really talented. He can practice decently just after getting started. His future sword skills will definitely be unpredictable." Chu Yuhong said with envy and emotion.

Xu Qingteng did not shy away from finding a treasure, and practiced a set of "Tai Chi Sword" outside the pavilion in front of Shang Zhengliang and Chu Yuhong.

Shang Zhengliang and Chu Yuhong were stunned to see the elegant posture, graceful and unrestrained, light and soft, continuous, the sound of the sword light clanging, and the sword intent being both firm and soft.

"Master, the younger brother doesn't seem to be playing." Chu Yuhong's eyes widened. "He is practicing a set of unpredictable sword skills."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Shang Zhengliang, and said doubtfully, "Master, did you teach this?"

Shang Zhengliang shook his head.

"Qingteng, this child, seems to have activated Su Hui's ability and awakened the memory of his previous life." Shang Zhengliang said with envy and emotion, "This is all the ability in his memory."

Speaking of this, Shang Zhengliang stroked his long beard and reminded, "In addition to this set of sword skills, he also told me three secret formulas comparable to "Qing Xin Mantra", which will be announced tomorrow. You can find Tong Bingshi After you learn it, you must concentrate on practicing, maybe you can go further."

"Yes, I understand." Chu Yuhong took a deep breath, a layer of shock flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Xu Qingteng's gaze, becoming more and more amazed and admiring.

After practicing a set of "Tai Chi Sword", Xu Qingteng was still unsatisfied, and said to Shang Zhengliang excitedly, "Master, this spirit wood sword is very good, and my disciple likes it very much."

"It's fine if you like it." Shang Zhengliang said with a smile, and then picked up the "Strange Tales of Gods and Demons", "It's not early, I will teach you to read first..."

"Yes, Master." Xu Qingteng nodded, walked into the gazebo, sat opposite Shang Zhengliang, and listened carefully to Shang Zhengliang's explanation of "Strange Tales of Gods and Demons".

Chu Yuhong sat upright beside him, occasionally echoing a few words, and inserting a passage of anecdotes, the three master and apprentice chatted and laughed, and talked happily.

However, Xu Qingteng's talent is extraordinary, his thinking and insights are amazing, and he can never forget and draw inferences from one instance, which amazes Shang Zhengliang and Chu Yuhong even more.

Just like that, the sunlight flickered outside the window, and the shadows of flowers in the banquet moved forward.

Sunset on the west mountain, sunset on the west.

Shang Zhengliang closed "Strange Stories of Gods and Demons" and said with emotion, "You are gifted and intelligent, and you have the ability to remember with a photograph. It is too easy for you to read and write. If you have any problems in the future, you can go to collect scriptures by yourself." Go read the books, and you can also ask your uncle Danyangzi for advice. He is a man of profound knowledge, as long as you sincerely ask for advice, he will not be stingy in teaching. Of course, you can also ask me and other uncles and uncles. I stayed in Chaoyang Peak for a few years and watched you grow up. So, Qingteng, you have to work hard and don't let Master down."

"Yes, Master." Xu Qingteng said solemnly.

In the next second, Shang Zhengliang patted Xu Qingteng's head, then said goodbye to Chu Yuhong and left.The shadow of the mountain was sinking, the shadow of the willows was gradually disappearing, and Songhexuan suddenly fell silent, looking very deserted.Xu Qingteng went into the kitchen to light up the stove, fetched a few barrels of stream water, and began to boil water for cooking.

Although Qingyun Sect is a sect of cultivators, cultivators also have to eat.

Every once in a while, someone from Qingyunmen will go down the mountain to Heyang City to buy supplies.Therefore, there is no shortage of living supplies in Songhexuan.

After steaming a pot of rice and briefly frying a few dishes, Xu Qingteng started to gobble it up.

After eating and drinking.

Xu Qingteng stood in the courtyard and began to perform horse stances and pile exercises.

For Kung Fu, you have to practice in winter, three nines, and summer in summer.

Can't relax for a moment.

In just four or five days, Xu Qingteng's "Taijiquan Zhuanggong" has entered the classroom, and gradually there are signs that the method of exercise has been refined into the bone and used in life.

Once this step is completed, he will enter the realm of perfection.

At that time, his "Tai Chi Chuan Gong" has basically been practiced, and his body will undergo a change, giving birth to an inner strength, and he will start the next stage of training.

From the breakthrough of pile skills to fist and sword.


(End of this chapter)

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