Chapter 140 Destroyer Temple Lord
"Hall Master!" The burly and strong man saluted respectfully.

"Go." A soft voice sounded, as if the drizzle moistened everything.

"Yes." The burly man turned into a stream of light, and immediately left the seventh floor. A light curtain appeared at the stairs of the seventh floor and then disappeared, as if closing the passage.

The blue figure finally turned around.

His temples are slightly white, his complexion is light red, and his eyes are vast and deep purple. His hands are very different from those on Earth, and his fingers seem to be connected by webs.

His height is not outstanding, and it is not considered tall on the earth, but in front of him, Shi Yan feels extremely small, as if facing an endless void.

"Shi Yan." The soft voice brought Shi Yan back to his senses.

Shi Yan couldn't help being shocked, his current will was no longer what it used to be, even if he was crowned immortal, it would be difficult to easily influence him, but he just glanced at Mie Shen Palace Master, and it was as if he had fallen asleep!
For the great eternal beings standing at the pinnacle of the universe, just the endless years of tempering and the gestation and influence of the origin of the universe will make their will reach an incredible level.

Even if Shi Yan is talented enough to suppress an era, there is still a huge gap in front of this long-famous peak existence.

The Mie Shen Temple Master gave Shi Yan the feeling that he was much stronger than the Nine Swords Venerable he had seen before!
Although it can't reach the level of the overlord of the universe, it should be much stronger than ordinary high-ranking lords.

"I have seen the Palace Master!" Shi Yan saluted respectfully.

"The will is really strong." Mie Shen Temple Master nodded slightly, that voice seemed to resound directly from Shi Yan's will, and the whole world was talking.

"You are the well-deserved number one in this genius battle, and you are even the strongest one since the billions of epochs, but it also means that the risk you have to take in the future countless epochs is also the biggest among the countless geniuses since the hundreds of millions of epochs!"

Shi Yan listened seriously, without interrupting.

"The cultivation task on Planet Visca is the most difficult one. They are all comparable to the desperate level. It is only because they do not go deep into the world, leaving a lot of room, which prevents the death rate from reaching the desperate level."

"But the secret behind him is absolutely comparable to the desperate level!"

Shi Yan also deeply believed that if he hadn't cultivated his mind to a certain level and had an extremely strong will, this mission would probably put him in a desperate situation, or even die directly!

Of course, extremely high risk also represents extremely amazing benefits!

Awakening talent is rare, and the quasi-mention method obtained can continuously improve the talent, which is almost comparable to the secret method of talent.

"You can get the inheritance, which adds countless possibilities to your future." The Mie Shen Temple Master showed a rare smile, "As long as you grow up, you will not be inferior to me. I am looking forward to that day."

Shi Yan didn't expect that the Mie Shen Palace Master would give him such a high evaluation, and he was flattered and said: "Thank you Palace Master for your kindness!"

The reason why the Lord of Extinguishing God was able to suppress Planet Visca was because he had extremely high attainments in will, and he belonged to the strongest echelon among the universe lords, that is, the level of the cosmic overlord. Even the top cosmic overlords can't match it.

"Take out the blood ax you got. It has been attacked by endless evil spirit all year round, and its spirituality has been polluted. With your current strength, it is easily affected. I will help you get rid of it."

Shi Yan was startled. The blood ax seemed to have spirituality. He wanted to follow him to leave Planet Visca. At this time, he was in a state of sleep, "Thank you for reminding me, Lord."

If the blood ax suddenly releases the evil spirit in an unknown corner, it is likely to put Shi Yan in crisis.

He turned his hand and took out the blood-colored giant axe. The broken blade of the axe was clearly visible, and the entire body of the axe was covered with lead.

"Although it used to be a treasure, it has been dilapidated and decayed for countless epochs, and even if the evil spirit in it is removed, it will not be able to regain its former elegance."

Shi Yan nodded slightly, and he felt it when he recognized the blood axe.

If it weren't for the large formation of Blood Axe Mountain, Blood Axe would almost be unable to suppress the evil spirit.

"The big formation in Bloodaxe Mountain was built by Virtual Universe Company?" Shi Yan asked tentatively.

The Mie Shen Temple Master smiled slightly, "You are smart."

Sure enough, I guessed right.

Blood Ax Mountain is in the mortal world, and it is simply not something that apprentice-level and planetary-level natives can control.

This is basically designed for the geniuses who come here to perform cultivation tasks in the universe. I am afraid that every world has special opportunities, but the difficulty is indeed extremely exaggerated.

Moreover, these special opportunities are more or less related to will, which may have little effect at the moment, but the more you practice, the greater the effect of will.

The Master of Mie Shen Temple lightly raised his hand, a gleam of light fainted from his body like ripples, one kilometer, ten kilometers...

Nearly [-] kilometers were covered in the blink of an eye.

Shi Yan's heart moved secretly: "Is this will?"

It is much stronger than Shiyan's ring of will.

Afterwards, the blood-colored giant ax was suspended in the air, and ripples rippled through it, forming a sea eye like a deep sea vortex.

A trace of evil spirit kept coming out from the eyes of the sea, and then it was purified instantly, just like the bloody smell of a huge marine creature in the deep sea after being hunted and killed, which was quickly diluted and dissipated by the turbulent sea water.

Is this the exercise of the will?

Shi Yan knew that the Mie Shen Temple Master had asked him to come, so it was impossible to just clear Chongbao's evil spirit for him, and he needed to comprehend the deeper meaning.

"Master Mishen Temple is indirectly teaching me the method of using will?" Shi Yan's eyes suddenly brightened, and he began to study seriously!
The will can be like the original force and the power of thought, but the difficulty is very different. Shi Yan was quickly attracted by the halo of will.

There was also a hint of admiration in the eyes of the master of Mie Shen Temple. As expected of the first genius, he reacted so quickly, and his comprehension was indeed amazing.


Like an extinguished flame.

The last reddish blood of the blood ax floated out, and the whole blood ax seemed to have regained a trace of the brilliance of a heavy treasure.

"This blood ax has been around for a long time, and the secret pattern on it is also seriously damaged, and the specific method of using it has long been lost, so its value has also been greatly reduced. You can't use it now, and you can sell it to the virtual universe company in exchange for points , Improve yourself." The Mie Shen Temple Master reminded.


Can I redeem points directly?

"Of course, at the level of heavy treasures, whether it is Hunyuan units or points, its value cannot be measured. Naturally, Virtual Universe Company will not be stingy about it. As long as you are willing to sell it, how difficult is it to exchange for points?"

Yes, after all, it is a heavy treasure. Immortals can use Hunyuan units to exchange points. Heavy treasures are equivalent to the level of venerables. No one will exchange heavy treasures for money. Therefore, as long as you want to exchange, you can easily get a lot of points.

However, Shi Yan has a talent for refining, and this is also the first treasure he has obtained, so let him study it first before making other plans.

"I see."

"However, there are restrictions. For geniuses who are still in the training period, these points will be delayed until the world master will give you, which should not be a problem for you. In addition, don't take out such treasures at will, even if they are people of our same clan. It will also be greedy."

Shi Yan naturally understands how exaggerated the value of a heavy treasure is. The fake heavy treasures presented by King Wanchen are already priceless, not to mention the real heavy treasures, even if they are damaged, they are still at the level of heavy treasures.

In the future, his refining level will improve, so it might be impossible to repair it.

The soft voice of Mie Shen Temple Master echoed in Shi Yan's mind again, "It's over here, let's go back."

"Thank you, Lord, for your guidance!"


The first floor of the Temple of Destruction.

In an F-class spaceship, Shi Yan was sitting quietly in the lounge, concentrating on comprehending the method of volition exerted by the Mie Shen Temple Master.

Will is inherently more illusory and ethereal than original force and thought power.

If it weren't for Shiyan to have a heart of will, it would be difficult to even comprehend.


Shi Yan's spaceship flew away from the Mie Temple at an astonishing initial speed, and then gradually accelerated into the dark universe.


Primordial secret realm, Wuchen time and space.

136 Wuchen planets revolve around the edge of this time and space, and at the core of this time and space is an extremely dazzling continent!

On this suspended continent, there are exquisite palaces.

A shuttle-shaped F-class spaceship slowly landed on an open space, and this million-kilometer radius is Shiyan's territory.

"General, there is a spaceship!"

"A spaceship is coming."

Not far from the open space, there were many guards patrolling. When they saw a luxurious spaceship appear, they were surprised and immediately notified the leader of the guards, Rogge.

A figure flew out from a dark golden palace in the distance, it was Rogge wearing a blue brocade robe.

He looked up and saw that it was a shuttle-shaped spaceship. When he saw it, Rogge's face changed suddenly: "The symbol of the Temple of Destroyer? It turned out to be an F-class spaceship, come with me!"

Rogge and dozens of guards turned into streaks of light and flew over quickly.

In the distance, the shuttle-shaped spaceship landed slowly and landed on a patch of weeds and wildflowers.


The hatch opens.

Shi Yan's figure appeared at the cabin door, dressed in white, with a smile on his face, his eyes seemed to contain endless deep starry sky.

"Thank you Immortal for sending me off!" He bowed slightly towards the burly man in the cabin.

"You're welcome." The burly man turned around and walked in, and the hatch of the spaceship was slowly closed.

"Meet Your Highness."

Roger and a group of guards spoke up when they saw it, and quickly saluted respectfully.

"Yeah." Shi Yan came over, and said with a smile: "Thank you, let's go, let's go back first."

Rogge flew side by side with Shi Yan, "Your Highness, you seem to be different."

"Oh? Is there?" Shi Yan still had a faint smile on his face, and there seemed to be a warm white brilliance all over his body, which made Rogge feel peaceful.

"It seems... more gentle. If it used to be like a gust of wind, trying to break through all obstacles, now it's more like a gentle wind and light rain, gentle and restrained." Rogge laughed: "I can't see through His Highness either."

Shi Yan's willpower was stronger than that of Rogge, and with the subtle influence of the heart of will, Rogge suddenly had a feeling of looking up from a high mountain, which made him a little unbelievable.

The two chatted while flying, and soon arrived at the center of the building complex, where Shi Yan's palace was located.


"Submit the task first."

Shiyan connection entered the virtual universe network.

Original area, Manor No. 114.

A white figure appeared in the study.

Shi Yan opened the virtual screen, clicked lightly, opened the "Background Management" file, selected the "Cultivation" option, entered the training task page, and selected "Apply to confirm the completion of the training task".

"Hello, Your Highness Shi Yan." A soft voice came from the screen, "Are you applying to confirm the completion of your task?"

"Yes." Shi Yan nodded.

"Excuse me, how many of the two missions on Visca have you completed, Your Highness Shi Yan?" the soft voice continued to ask.

"Both have been completed." Shi Yan said.

"Your Highness, please wait for a while. A spaceship will soon arrive at the territory where His Highness lives for verification in reality. If the verification is passed, Your Highness will be rewarded with points." Said in a soft voice.

The virtual universe company's efficiency is indeed high, about 5 hours later, Shi Yan received the notification.

A gray sword-shaped spaceship only [-] meters long stopped at Shi Yan's territory.

"Hello, Your Highness Shi Yan." Three men and women in black uniforms walked out of the cabin door, and the leading man in black said, "Please enter the spaceship."

Shi Yan nodded lightly and walked into the spaceship.

"follow me."

Then he followed the staff to a cabin door.

"This is the testing cabin. After His Highness Shi Yan enters, just follow the smart prompts."

"En." Shi Yan stepped into the testing cabin, and the door slowly closed.

In the cabin.

The electronic voice sounded: "Then start testing talent."

Then a blue light scattered out, covering Shi Yan's whole body.

"Please use your talent."

When Shi Yan released the heart of will, the state of the whole person immediately became different, and the blue light could not even invade his ring of will.

"The detection limit is exceeded, and the task is completed."

"The first task: Accept the spirit enlightenment technique, successfully obtain the talent, complete it, and get a reward of 1 points."

Limit exceeded?
Shi Yan was taken aback when he heard it, could it be that the level of the heart of will is too high?

What cannot be detected must be the successful awakening of talent, otherwise the detection cabin will be meaningless.

But the task is done.

"Please show the inheritance order of the Ascension Temple."

The wooden dark red wooden talisman slowly condensed in the cabin, and it was the Torch Dragon Token manifested by Shi Yan's will.


"Shi Yan, congratulations on completing the second mission, obtaining the Inheritance Order of the Temple of Ascension, and rewarding you with 10 points." The electronic voice said.

There was also a hint of joy on Shi Yan's face.

"Shi Yan." A cold male voice sounded suddenly, "The next message I will share with you through the virtual universe network system will involve the secrets of my virtual universe company, please do not spread it outside."

Shi Yan was taken aback, does Planet Visca still have secrets?


"Planet Visca has a mysterious origin. The so-called Temple of Ascension is also named by the virtual universe company, and some indigenous people have been inherited."

The voice paused for a short while, "And once there was an extremely talented person, when the virtual universe company was about to take him away, he teleported away and escaped under the space blockade."

"You may not understand the horror of this at this time, but what I want to tell you is that the talent you have acquired may be far more powerful than you imagined."

"This is a truly rare encounter in the universe."

"In addition, you must not make a public about the fact that you have obtained the inheritance order of the Ascension Temple. What I said today must also be kept secret."

"Understood!" Shi Yan nodded solemnly, this is indeed related to his own life.

He is already on the alien race's must-kill list, and if he has acquired a talent with amazing potential, it is not surprising that the alien race will do anything!
Immediately, the electronic voice sounded in the testing cabin: "Shi Yan, the testing is over, you can leave now."

Simultaneously, the hatch opens automatically.


Shi Yan returned to his study and entered the virtual universe again.

"Zero, check my points."


A virtual screen appeared in front of Shi Yan's eyes.

Personal points balance: 111200.

"It seems that it is imminent to obtain the authority to exchange points for Hunyuan units."

After more than 20 years of practice, Shi Yan has almost completed the first level of body training in "The Strongest Warrior", and buying the second book of secret methods requires 1000 million points, and it is not enough to rely on training tasks.

"Cosmic-level primitive Tongtian Mountain."

Shi Yan naturally thought of Tongtian Mountain, which would not only allow him to obtain the authority to redeem points, but also complete the assessment of Master Youhou to obtain the core material of the original treasure.

"Go to Tongtian Bridge first and test it out. The strength has improved over the years!"

 New January, I hope you will support me a lot~
(End of this chapter)

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