Chapter 15 Pass the Exam
"It's really unreasonable, and I don't give you a few more minutes. My actual physical fitness is far from this body, and I really can't adapt to it all at once."

In a large conference room, several people with unusual imposing manner gathered around a round table, and the screen was exactly the scene of Shi Yan trying out the tower.

"Tell me, this little guy can last for a few minutes?" A bald man said with a smile.

"At the beginning, the goal set by Lao Wang was to pass in 10 minutes." A coquettish woman smiled sweetly.

"I bet he won't last five minutes."

"He only has a basic strength of 4000 kilograms now, and I'm afraid he can't even adapt physically."


"C-level assessment, start!" The electronic voice resounded like thunder rumbling through the entire grassland world, and at the same time, a strong bull monster nearly three meters high appeared on the grassland a hundred meters ahead. Among the monsters, the one known for living together in groups - the reckless bull!That long hair, a pair of curving and sharp horns, and red eyes.

Two hundred reckless oxen faintly formed into ten small teams, and quickly rushed towards Shiyan under the gust of wind!


Fortunately, Shi Yan's mastery of the body far exceeds that of ordinary people through hundreds of exercises, and now he can barely exert [-]% of his combat power.

"First dodge with body skills, and slowly adapt to the rhythm of the body and the battle!"

The combat quality of these reckless bulls is far from that of G-level monsters. In addition, Shi Yan is not yet familiar with this body, and his movements are always not perfect.


The sharp horns scratched Shi Yan's combat uniform, and the intensive attack coupled with the slight error in judging the position made the first mistake!

Fortunately, it was only a minor injury, with a dull pain in the ribs!

"Injured! This is not a light blow."

"It's only 1 minute, it seems that I can't hold on for 5 minutes."

"You lose!"

"Just wait and see, he hasn't even started to exert his strength yet."

"Yeah, why don't he use twice as much force?"

Within a few breaths, Shi Yan was already submerged in the herd of wild bulls.

The 10 medium-level beast generals are like generals, coordinating their soldiers to launch organized attacks!

Due to the large size of Mang Niu, there are only a few that can really hurt Shi Yan, but through the organization of the generals, the attack rhythm is wave after wave, and the advance and retreat are orderly, leaving Shi Yan with almost no time to breathe.

When Shiyan jumped up, several bulls jumped and swooped, even if they hurt each other, they didn't have the slightest intention to stop!
He twisted his waist suddenly, blocked the attack with a sword and a shield, and took advantage of the situation to seriously injure a reckless bull!
The three reckless bulls on the ground raised their heads and adjusted the position of their horns, blocking his landing point!

Shi Yan slammed his shield on the bull's horns, and jumped onto the back of another bull with his strength, returning to heaven!
It's just that this strength is no longer as weak as before, and a bull's head is thrown into the air!
He finally got used to this body and began to show off his majesty!
"Is this a micro-level mastery?"

"The news is wrong. Didn't it say Xiao Cheng?"

"It's only been a few days, and his swordsmanship has already taken shape."

"It's been 5 minutes..."


"The killing has begun!"

The battle rhythm of the two hundred bulls was gradually mastered by Shi Yan, and only when he faced the mid-level beast-level bulls would he use his strength to hone his body skills even more proficiently!
Now he can come and go freely among the bulls, and the occasional crisis can be dealt with by dodging or killing!
"31, 32, 33."

Getting better!

"I didn't expect him to adapt to this body?"


"In history, there has never been a genius who passed the C-level assessment for the first time!"

"Witness history!"

The power of this reckless herd is very real, even if Shi Yan told himself that this is just a virtual space, he couldn't help but be affected, he really felt the threat of death!
This body has no physical limitations, but the mental pressure has been increasing!

"I'm tired, it's more tiring than killing 300 beast-level monsters!"

Finally, there are only fifty heads left, but the time is less than 10 minutes left!
Explode with all your strength, kill!

Shi Yan's legs also exploded at an even more terrifying speed by exerting force. He discarded the shield, like a dancer on the edge of a blade!
His body technique is exquisite, without a shield, those bulls can't touch him at all!

Going in and out of the mang cattle group again and again, combining the sword moves of "Chengtian Sword" with the body skills, Shi Yan created his own one-stroke sword technique, sword dance!

"It took 48 minutes and 27 seconds to kill all 200 reckless bulls. Passed the C-level assessment! Congratulations, Shiyan student." The electronic voice that seemed to be like a god echoed over the entire grassland.

Shi Yan stared blankly at the broken ground, "Is it over?"

"Student Shiyan, after five seconds, you will automatically leave the virtual space, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."

Elite training camp, the ninth floor of the Jiuzhong Building.

When Yang Hui and Shi Yan walked out of the trial room with a smile, in the empty hall on the ninth floor, these talented warriors from all over the world and with various skin colors looked over in surprise, one of the yellow-skinned youths was even more so. Lian asked, "Teacher, has he passed the test?"

"Passed." Yang Hui smiled. He was also very surprised. Didn't he say that he passed for 10 minutes? How did he break through?

"Welcome to training camp."

It's just that they still don't know that Shi Yan actually passed the C-stage trial on the first floor of the trial tower!

Shi Yan chose the student code - 560617.

The 176th name appeared on the black dragon carving leaderboard of the world's number one training camp that day—"no.176 Shiyan (560617)".

This news spread almost instantly to the five major powers in the world and all base cities.Some special departments of the government army, as well as the nine core families of the HR Alliance, dozens of important families quickly got the news, and on the same day, each of these institutions and organizations got a detailed information about Shi Yan!
Huaxia Kingdom, a building built underground in the base city of Kyoto.

Three floors underground.

In the elegantly decorated office, a lean man in a loose exercise uniform tapped on the table with one hand, while flipping through the information about Shiyan in his hand with the other.

"Send an order to the branch in Jiangnan base city, and send someone to secretly watch Shiyan's family 24 hours a day. First, make sure that Shiyan's family will never leave Jiangnan base city. Second, ensure the safety of Shiyan's family."

Zhou Zhengyong also got the news, "Haha, Shi Yan is indeed fine! I just don't know how long the assessment lasted, I hope you don't blame me for cheating him."


"Our organization needs such a talent, we must offer the best conditions to recruit him!"

"Understood, Director!"


"Our city's army has suffered heavy losses in response to the tide of sea beasts recently, and we urgently need such talents!"

"Yes, send someone to recruit immediately!"


(End of this chapter)

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