I who devour the starry sky can refine all things

Chapter 152 Ice Body Training!Refining Eudemons!

Chapter 152 Ice Body Training!Refining Eudemons!
The cave inside the Ice Mountain.

The hundreds of millions of caves are like a huge honeycomb, the deeper the cave, the more passages connected to each cave.

"Huh?" Shi Yan stopped walking.

The cave he was in at this time was about twenty miles high and forty miles wide. There was a layer of pale ice on the surrounding rock walls, and occasionally some fine ice chips fell, making a sound.


A gust of wind whistled through many passages, like the whisper of a demon in the abyss of the region, that strange and piercing sound seemed to pour directly into Shiyan's soul of the sea of ​​consciousness, bewitching his soul.

Then a bone-piercing chill hit along with the wind, and the chill pierced the skin faintly after passing through the force suit.

"The ice mountain actually has a magic sound, but it is much weaker than the magic sound mountain, and it has no effect on me at all. But the chill is getting stronger and stronger, and it can already penetrate the original force battle suit and hurt me here."

Shi Yan inspected this place again. It is empty and open in all directions. If there is danger, it is more convenient to escape. "Let's meditate here for a while."

The temperature changes in various parts of the Ice Mountain, just like this cave is much colder than before, Shi Yan felt that no matter which passage he left, the temperature would be lower, that is to say, this place should be regarded as a small area the lowest temperature inside.

He punched the ground, and the snow-white ice layer shattered, and a force of origin gushed out, steaming the ground dry.

Then Shi Yan took off the Force suit and boots on his body, and a bone-piercing chill instantly covered his whole body.

The Force battle suit can resist a great deal of coldness. Now without this layer of protection against the cold, the cells on the surface of Shi Yan's skin are almost shattered, and hot blood instantly diffuses out, warming the dermis of the skin.

Shi Yan did not use the Force to resist the severe cold, but began to activate the secret method of "The Strongest Warrior", and at the same time, he used his refining talent to act on himself.

Stretches of crystal winding thin threads seem to slowly extend from the hidden place of the universe, and with the operation of the secret method, they begin to wrap around Shiyan's whole body!

These silk threads interweave into a net, and then gradually become crystal clear. The thin threads that are hard to see at first become more transparent and thinner, until they seem to disappear.

The whole world has become dark and dull, only the center of the world seems to have a little light.

The light seemed to come through time and space, forming a strange channel, which seemed to be able to connect the macrocosm and the microcosm.

Going deeper and deeper along that passage...

The strange channel began to flicker, and Shi Yan felt that the skin of his whole body began to be broken and repaired continuously, and the cycle went on and on.


He came to the end of the strange passage, and there seemed to be endless light in front of him.

The next moment, that endless light was swallowed by darkness again.

At this moment, half of his consciousness is on the surface of the body, and half is in the superposition state of the macroscopic and microcosmic worlds.

Consciousness is divided into thousands of threads at this moment, and countless threads of consciousness stand at the junction of light and darkness in countless strange passages.

Shi Yan's wide net of consciousness has covered every 'point' in the body, which is like a 'singularity' existence, so thick that even if all the power of the soul is concentrated at one point, it cannot be pried, that feeling ...like a mortal trying to pry a planet.

This feeling……

Like the spirit enlightenment technique blending into the heaven and the earth, Shi Yan seemed to blend into the endless dark night sky at this moment, and the flickering light was the twinkling stars in the night sky.

Although the stars are bright, they cannot illuminate the entire night sky.

The starlight all over the sky has infinite power like a star, but he can't combine these powers to truly burst out the power it should have.

"Is this the reason why you can't break through the first level of "The Strongest Warrior"?"

If someone came to this cave at this moment, they would find that Shi Yan's skin had returned to its original state.

Not only that, a strange misty light fainted from his body, almost illuminating the entire cave.

The power of the ice continuously seeped into every part of his body, combined with Shiyan's original force to transform the cells of the body, until it poured into the microscopic structure, that is, the strange channel.

Shi Yan's body cells seemed to gradually have a heartbeat, turning into beating points one by one, irregular, without fixed frequency, unpredictable, and even impossible to distinguish with the naked eye.

Gradually, his body became granulated, and then began to blur...

It seems that when it is blown by the wind, it will be scattered in the sky and earth like a plate of loose sand.

But there is a powerful force that brings them together, and that is Shi Yan's conscious will!
It turns out that each 'singularity' is divided and strengthened. This last step seems to be to perfectly combine these 'singularities'!

Shi Yan wanted to bring these points closer together and fuse them into one, but the strong repulsive force might not even be able to achieve immortality.

It is impossible to force fusion now, so is there any way to connect each point?

The original force and consciousness have already been fully used.

What is left?

Immediately, Shi Yan's spirit was lifted!
Yes, will!

"My will is beyond immortality!"

Try to communicate every 'singularity' with will!
Mind a move.

Shi Yan's powerful will instantly covered his whole body!
He once again sensed every strand of his consciousness from the junction of the strange passages.


In this superimposed state of the macroscopic and microcosmic worlds, he can't find a location at all, and every strand of consciousness can only see black and white worlds.

If the inextricable consciousness withdraws to the macroscopic world, it can be easily connected and merged, but changes in the macroscopic world cannot affect the microscopic structure.

If you go further, you will go deep into the microcosm, and your respective consciousness will be cut off. You must withdraw from the microcosm or the microcosm is destroyed before you can return to the subject consciousness.

Therefore, the connection must be made in a superposition state between these two.

The will also lacks a medium position in the microstructure!
But he didn't give up, and kept manipulating his will consciousness to try.

I don't know how long it has passed...

Shiyan's thousands of consciousnesses seem to see another color at the passageway between black and white—light blue!

"Is this... the color of the power of ice?"

The ice power carried by the invisible cold air from the outside flowed slowly, as if weaving a giant net around his body.

"Maybe we can use this power of ice as a positioning!" Shi Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he became a little excited.

The consciousness in the superposition state, the consciousness on the surface of the body, and the power of ice can be positioned at three points!
It's just that the power of ice here is not strong enough to really go deep into the microscopic world.

Shi Yan withdrew all his consciousness, opened his eyes suddenly, and a cold light shot out from his eyes. It seemed that even his eyes had been improved in this practice, and it seemed that he was no weaker than the first level of Yan Tong!

His eyes seem to be able to see even finer microstructures!
A figure rose from the huge cave, and the white force suit and boots automatically appeared on the body, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the depths of the cave.


As the words of the time continued to deepen, the power of the ice here was already able to destroy the body of a domain master-level powerhouse.

"Master, there is a monster about 28.5 meters high at 70 kilometers from the cave passage in front of you. It is similar in size and appearance to the pandas on the earth, but it is a silver-white monster. It is approaching." The sea sounded.

"Phantom beast?" Shi Yan's eyes lit up. When he came to Hanbingshan, he hadn't seen a phantom beast yet. He only met a few natives who didn't have long eyes.

Shi Yan actually didn't want to do anything, but he wasn't afraid of anything, but the natives sensed the red token, like toads seeing swan meat, and jumped on them one by one desperately.

He can only reluctantly take these tokens.

Shi Yan turned on 'Yan Tong' while flying and looked forward. In the distance, he saw a simple and honest silver-white panda. His whole body seemed to be carved from silver-white ice. He was walking slowly. A phantom beast formed by the condensed power of ice.

The phantom beast is a kind of strange life that is naturally generated in the magic mountain, and it is a threat alongside the magic sound and the power of ice.

They are formed by the gathering of the extremely cold ice power of the Magic Mountain, and they contain very simple consciousness.

In terms of intelligence, I am afraid it is not as good as the kittens and puppies on the earth in the past.

It can even be said...very stupid!

But because they are extremely stupid, the Eudemons only know one thing——

Anyone who finds life that is not a phantom beast, attack it!

"Judging from the intensity of its naturally dissipated energy, its strength should be comparable to the fifth level of the domain master." Zero said.

Shi Yan nodded slightly, kept vigilant and flew over slowly.

"Roar~~" The silver-white panda roared excitedly when he saw Shi Yan, and then galloped towards him.

The speed was extremely fast, and it was just a hazy afterimage, and it rushed to Shi Yan in front of him.

"Such a cute phantom beast." Shi Yan pulled out the Youshen sword, and in an instant, he passed the phantom beast, and at the same time, the Youshen sword directly cut the phantom beast's head.

The head was cut off directly, and the hard silver-white ice hit the rocky mountain wall next to it, making a crisp crashing sound.

But the headless phantom beast still didn't stop at all, continuing to roar and kill Shiyan.



Shi Yan's figure was as ethereal as the wind in an instant, and then a series of deep sword lights flickered on the phantom beast, and the phantom beast turned into ice chips in an instant, scattered all over the ground.

After a while, the countless ice fragments on the ground began to slowly move closer together, and the two fragments quickly fused when they touched each other.

"The power of the ice is really strange, and it seems to contain a hint of the origin of life. Even if this phantom beast has been torn apart, its simple consciousness still has not collapsed."

At the beginning, when Yan saw the "Phantom Beast Immortal" in the materials, he had a faint feeling that there was a secret in it.

Each basic law seems to be independent, but in fact there is the mystery of the origin of life behind it.

The law of perception cannot really get a glimpse of its mystery at the beginning, and the law of water is just the law of water, just like "looking at a mountain is a mountain";
After reaching a certain level, I began to understand the mystery behind it - the source of water and fire, the source of light and darkness, the source of time and space, etc., just like "seeing a mountain is not a mountain";
Until the mystery of all the laws is fully understood, and finally return to the basics and become the law of chaos, the laws have never changed, but people's perception has changed, reaching the state of "seeing the mountain or the mountain".

"The primordial universe represents the origin of life, and it is possible to derive any kind of life. In theory, every kind of life can be traced back to the origin of life!"

"As expected of the primordial universe, just a phantom beast can use the law of water so mysteriously."

Shi Yan had a flash of inspiration, "What will happen if you refine this phantom beast?"

Just do it, he released the force and began to refine the ice shards scattered on the ground!
The ice flakes seemed to have turned into water, and then slowly fused together. There was a strange light blue silk thread in it, exuding a very mysterious atmosphere. Surrounding this light blue thread, there were countless crystal clear secret lines of the law of water. .

The light blue silk thread and the secret pattern of the law of water look very similar, but they feel different in detail.

It's just that kind of feeling, which is extremely difficult to describe, and it's even hard to imagine. It's probably the feeling of 'deja vu'.

As Shiyan continued to refine, the volume of the liquid formed by the phantom beast became smaller and smaller, and finally it seemed to become a part of the world, like a trickle flowing into the vast ocean, and the power of ice in it Back to the most primitive state of law.

Shiyan couldn't find it anymore, he didn't even understand the law of water, and he couldn't do anything about the mystery behind it.

Perhaps one day, this phantom beast will be born again.

"After the body refinement is completed, you can stay here for a while, and then try to refine some phantom beasts."

This is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and he is not in a hurry to continue going deep into the hinterland of the Ice Mountain.


The demon wind howled, piercing Shi Yan's body through layers of caves, cutting continuously like a sharp flying knife.

He has been going deep into the cave for hundreds of thousands of kilometers. I am afraid that people at the peak of the domain master level will be frozen into ice sculptures in an instant, and will be scattered into ice foam when blown by the wind.

If it weren't for Shiyan's original source of treasure core to provide a steady stream of source power support, he would not be able to go deep here.

"The power of ice here should be enough."

Shi Yan looked around, and it was wider here, only smaller than the cave he stayed in before.

However, within [-] meters of the bottom here, there are mountains and rocks all over, and there are no cave passages. The weird and evil winds in the extremely deep place of the Ice Mountain cannot blow here, so it is a relatively safe place.

He sat cross-legged and took off his Force suit.

There was a sound like a crack in the ice that was about to shatter, and the powerful ice power instantly froze Shi Yan, but Shi Yan's surge of original force quickly resisted the bone-chilling chill, and his body made a slight movement. Bursts of noise.

One of the characteristics of the Ice Mountain is that the longer you stay in one place, the more the power of the ice will continue to gather. Of course, the initial power is different in different regions, and even he can't stay in the place Shiyan chose. The place has to be changed within a month.

Another feature is the strange icy wind that appears from time to time, which can appear everywhere in the ice mountain, even in the periphery, there may be an icy wind that can kill the domain master in an instant.

"I still can't freeze my soul, continue to train!" He slowly closed his eyes, and his consciousness began to penetrate into his body.

A strong and powerful heartbeat sounded, filling his whole body.

The heart of will has no form or form, but that force pulls these particles towards the center like gravity!
The powerful ice power continued to deepen, and his will also reached an extremely terrifying level under the full boost of the heart of will.

Shi Yan's body changed from being vague at the beginning to appearing and disappearing.

The body particles have gradually reached the same frequency resonance, which in the eyes of ordinary people, can no longer distinguish reality from reality. The faster the resonance frequency, the more solid the body will be.

"it works!"

Concentrated will can penetrate stubborn stones!

(End of this chapter)

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