Chapter 174
The cosmic sea, the depths of the endless chaotic airflow, the core of the dangerous place 'Beihua Xueyuyu'.

Surrounded by endless air currents, a lonely palace exuding bursts of blue light is suspended, and there are faint figures of servants in the palace, and every servant is a universe lord.

This is the real residence of the "Zuoshanke", and the dangerous place of Beihua Xueyuyu also represents the "Zuoshanke".

There are nearly a hundred forces in the universe sea, but no one is going to provoke this mountain guest.

Everyone knows... Zuoshanke is not easy to mess with.

in the hall.

On the throne, a majestic old man with a height of more than 9 kilometers is sitting.

There is a strong human "snake" clan with a snake tail waiting under the hall.

He has a long snake-like body lying in a coiled position, but his upper body is a human body, with a purple beard hanging down, endless coercion pervades from his body.

And this snake-human strongman is named Puti, the first servant that Zuoshanke accepted countless epochs ago, and now he is the master of the universe.

Puti has followed Zuo ShanKe the longest, has been diligent and conscientious, and his strength is quite good, Zuo ShanKe remembered his old love and accepted him as his disciple.

The leader of the Yan God Clan is the second disciple of Zuoshanke.

The Yan God Clan is the first group that is good at mastering the body guided and cultivated by Zuo Shanke.

The primordial universe represents the origin of life and has infinite possibilities.As the reincarnation of the god king, Zuo Shanke's vision is naturally extremely high, even special life cannot enter his eyes, he chose to cultivate a brand new ethnic group by himself!

In his plan, the most talented person born in this group should have the hope of reaching the third level at the third level of the divine body, possessing an infinite divine body.

But Emperor Yan, the leader of the Yan God Clan, let him down. His understanding is not high, and his personality is paranoid, so he is doomed not to be able to really reach the summit of the universe.

As a result, Sitting Mountain Guest has changed his thinking. The body can make up for it, but it is difficult to change the state of mind and will.

That's how the Earth came into being.

"Teacher, there is something I have to report to you." Puti, a strong snake-human tribe, bowed.

The towering old man looked up at Puti below, "Say."

"In the lineage of the earth, there are two geniuses who are qualified to be candidates. But there is a big gap between the two of them. One is named Shi Yan, and the other is named Luo Feng."

After Puti finished speaking, the towering old man's sight seemed to pass through this vast palace, through the endless void, and reach the human territory.

With a slight movement of his thoughts, he understood the rise of Shi Yan and Luo Feng.

"It stands to reason that Shi Yan should be the best candidate." Puti continued, "But when I reversed time and space to explore his past, I got stuck at a time point!"

"According to the earth's time, when Shiyan was 18 years old, the reversal of time and space was stopped by an irresistible force." Puti still finds it inconceivable that this kind of situation has never happened before. guy.

For every genius who is qualified to be a candidate, he will reverse time and space to investigate to ensure that no accidents happen.

Everything about Luo Feng is normal, he can be regarded as a genius with good luck, by chance, he has come to the present step by step, and he also appreciates his disposition very much.

But compared with Shi Yan's talent, it's still a lot worse.

No matter in terms of understanding of the law and awareness of will, Shiyan is much stronger, and awareness of will is what Puti likes the most, and this is also the main condition for recognizing the master of Star Tower.

"Interesting, let me take a look." Thousands of stars instantly appeared in the deep eyes of the towering old man, time and space quietly reversed, and the stars began to retrograde.


He felt a strong will oppression coming!

At that time, the space-time reversal picture suddenly shattered, and at the last moment when the countless fragments were about to dissipate, he seemed to see black hole-like eyes!

"The original will of the original universe!" There was a ripple in the originally calm eyes of the towering old man.

He didn't know what happened to Shi Yan at that moment, and he couldn't even detect everything before that!

But he is also not sure whether it is what the original will of the original universe did, or what Shiyan did that attracted the attention of the original will of the universe!
Both of these situations will prevent anyone from probing.

But both of these two situations show the particularity of Shiyan!
How could the primordial universe suddenly intervene in a person's growth?
And what can a little guy who is just an apprentice do to attract the attention of the original will of the universe?

Although his reversal of time and space was blocked by the original universe.

But what kind of person is Sitting Mountain Guest? The reincarnation of the god king keeps the previous memory, the realm of law is extremely high, and the will is extremely strong.

If he wants to, he can forcibly spy on it, but the price is to be suppressed by the supreme rule!
Sitting mountain guest has been restricted by the highest rules since he came to the sea of ​​universe, and his original will is staring at him all the time, never relaxing for a moment.

He wouldn't put himself in it for the sake of a disciple, so he simply gave up and continued to investigate.

"Puti, he is an unstable factor." Zuoshanke said slowly, he sensed that the original will of the original universe was staring more closely at this time, and his behavior just now seemed to have touched a trace of the supreme rule.

Puti naturally didn't know what happened in this instant, if she knew, her jaw would drop in shock, "Unstable factors?"

He didn't understand, but didn't ask much.

"Besides, he actually doesn't need the "Secret Code of the Nine Tribulations."" Zuo Shanke spit out this sentence slowly, and he saw everything that Shi Yan experienced after leaving the earth——

Shiyan possesses the innate secret method to improve the genetic level of life!
Zuoshanke couldn't be sure if it was bestowed by the original universe. After all, the "Secret Code of the Nine Tribulations" was restricted by the highest rules because it was too against the sky. In this original universe, except for the sky soul crystal, other methods cannot be passed on.

Since the supreme rule can erase the "Secret Code of Nine Tribulations", it can naturally create similar secrets.

Just like the primordial universe can create special life with thousands of times the genetic level of life, this is not difficult for the primordial universe.

But with such a secret method, Zuoshanke has never seen a special life bestowed by the primordial universe.

Could it be that Shi Yan understood it himself?But how could an apprentice level do it?
Zuoshanke couldn't figure it out, could it be that the original universe felt the threat of the earth's lineage?

But when Emperor Yan was conceived, although the primordial universe was watching more closely, it didn't make any moves. This time...

He didn't think about it anymore, it had become a fact, he was not afraid of the original universe, and he had never been caught and suppressed in so many years.

But at this time, it is true that he is very talented. Apart from these secret techniques, he also has many opportunities——

Enlightenment!Heart of will!

Inheritance of the strongest warrior!
The original treasure core!

Create your own avatar secret!

Even he is a little curious, if he is allowed to develop on his own, what kind of terrifying genius will appear?

As for who to choose as the leader of the earth lineage?

Both Shi Yan and Luo Feng are fine!

He actually has no preference for the third disciple, anyone is fine, only the will and character are required!
The issue of aptitude is not important, as long as there is a clone and the secret code of the Nine Tribulations, sooner or later he will reach the perfect genetic level and have a very high level of comprehension!
Shi Yan's will is naturally excellent, but Luo Feng's will is also constantly changing, and there are also opportunities.

As for character, he could find nothing wrong with it.

But he didn't dare to have any bad thoughts about the target of the original universe, but he could try it out, and he had done countless times like this.

Sitting Mountain Guest showed a slight smile, looked towards the distant primordial universe, and threw out a broken Sky Soul Crystal casually.


Shi Yan searched for the "Secret Code of the Nine Tribulations" to no avail, so he didn't waste any more time and chose to set off for the Wulong Starfield.

He also wants to see what this garbage mountain looks like, and is there any luck to get some surprises?
In addition, there may be an assassination arranged by the Zerg here!

Shi Yan will also have more confidence in prepared battles.

Wulong star field, as one of the nine garbage star fields, is located in a very remote area of ​​the entire human territory.

The endless starry sky of the nine garbage star fields is dedicated to storing countless wrecked bodies, various warship wreckage, puppet wreckage, giant weapon wreckage, planet wreckage, etc. transferred from the battlefield outside the domain.

Don't look at the nine star domains that are called garbage star domains by the immortal gods in the entire human territory, but in fact, they are more expensive than the nine universe countries in terms of value!
Because on the extraterritorial battlefield, the war has been going on.

There are endless and various battle wreckages that were directly transferred to the starry sky, transferred here!
Many of those wreckages are the weapons and aircraft of the world masters, as well as countless treasures that flew out after the world in the world masters collapsed.

There are also many weapons made by the immortal gods at a high cost, etc., as well as some huge technological weapons, mechanical puppets...

Although they are all wreckage, once the quantity accumulates, the value is still unbelievably high.


Starting from the earth in the Milky Way of the Ganwu universe, even if it travels at 80 times the speed of light in the dark universe, it will take about nine months to reach the Wulong star field.

The moment Shi Yan left the earth on the Candle Dragon spacecraft, a black metal plate quietly appeared and was buried in the shallow surface of Yangzhou City.

The Candle Dragon was extremely fast, disappeared in the blink of an eye, shuttled into the dark universe, and then flew almost silently at 80 times the speed of light.


The virtual universe, Ganwu Continent.

In the first-floor lobby of a towering catering restaurant, a man with dark red skin, a bloody mouth, short dark green hair, and a very formal and luxurious robe walked into the vast first-floor lobby. An invisible coercion enveloped the entire lobby.

At the same time, behind him was a row of handsome men and a row of noble women.

Beside him is a silver-clothed servant with green skin and a grin.

"Go to the top floor!" The dark red-skinned leader walked directly to the ladder, his followers, and dozens of handsome men and beauties stood outside the ladder, as if preventing anyone else from entering the ladder.

The ladder goes up.

"Everyone, the other guests of this ladder are..." A person in charge of this luxury hotel came over and wanted to speak.


The tens of handsome men and beauties released coercion at the same time, and the coercion of pure consciousness instantly collapsed the consciousness of the person in charge and fell to the ground. No one in the vast lobby on the first floor dared to speak out.

Everyone was shocked and horrified to find out...these dozens of handsome men and beauties are all...immortal gods!
Soon, the ladder reached the top floor—the 9822nd floor.

On the entire top floor, there is only one dining table, a young man in white armor sits on one side of the table, and a handsome man with blue eyes stands beside the young man in white armor.

"King Longjue." Shi Yan stood up and shouted with a smile on his face.

"Haha..." The dark red-skinned leader laughed and walked directly in front of Shi Yan, "As expected of being the number one genius of the human race, this attitude is really extraordinary, let's sit down and chat!"

After speaking, King Longjue sat opposite Shi Yan, and the silver-robed entourage also stood respectfully behind him.

There are a total of five people in the top management of Wulong Starfield, from the five major human forces of the Virtual Universe Company, the Giant Axe Arena, the First Bank of the Universe, the Galaxy Bank of the Universe, and the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance.

And King Longjue is a member of the top management of Wulong Starfield, with a high status. After all, many immortal kings need his help.

"King Longjue has won the prize. This time I mainly want to buy some Zerg corpses, but the quantity is relatively large, and I need the help of King Longjue." Shi Yan smiled.

King Longjue smiled boldly: "No problem, how much do you need?"

"1 world lord peak Zerg corpse units!" Because to maintain the increasing demand of the earth, buying less may not be enough, and the excess Zerg fighters can be used to train Zerg kings.


It is worthy of being the first genius of the human race, this handwriting.

King Longjue knew that these universe-level and domain master-level geniuses would be restricted by the Virtual Universe Company, which meant that the money was not a reward from the Virtual Universe Company, but Shi Yan himself.

After learning that it was such a big deal, King Longjue also became serious. This is not a small amount, even Fenghou Immortal can't get it out, so he can completely treat Shiyan as a king.

King Longjue also knew something about Shiyan, but he didn't expect that his handwriting was far beyond his imagination!
"I may not be able to make the decision. It needs the joint approval of the five high-level officials. Of course, I will do my best to help His Highness." King Longjue will naturally not let go of the opportunity to make friends, let alone this is a big deal!

"Okay, I will buy it through the treasure house later, and I will trouble you, King Longjue, for the next thing."

It is inconvenient to say more in the virtual universe network, and the two did not discuss the details. King Longjue has dealt with these matters for so many years, so he naturally knows what to do, and Shi Yan is not worried at all.


Sitting at the desk in the original area of ​​Yuxiang Mountain in the virtual universe, Shi Yan lightly tapped the laptop screen.

Shiyan's authority is very high, and it will be much cheaper to use the points to exchange for points in the virtual universe company's treasury through the Hunyuan unit.

Except for some precious items that cannot be discounted, such as the top cheats and secret methods, others can be purchased at the lowest discount, that is, [-]% off!
Generally, members of the virtual universe company have [-]% off privileges in the world secret realm, [-]% off in the primordial secret realm, [-]% off in the original secret realm, [-]% off for the general king of immortality, and [-]% off for Shiyan at the highest level.

"Buy 1 Zerg Corpse Units at the Peak of the Realm Lord."


"After 5000% off, it's [-] million points."

"The points have been deducted."


"His Royal Highness Shi Yan, you just bought 1 Zerg corpse units at the peak of the realm master, where to send them?" A pleasant voice came from the screen.

"I will go directly to Wulong Starfield to buy." Shi Yan said.

Immediately cut off communication.

King Longjue of this order also received a reminder at the same time, and it was an urgent red order!

The meaning of this is self-evident, and he immediately summoned the other four high-level officials to discuss the matter together.

(End of this chapter)

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