Chapter 179 Alien Assassination ([-])

Wulong Star Territory.

All kinds of remains of corpses, weapons, technological weapons, etc. caused by ethnic wars are classified in detail and placed in the vast starry sky in an orderly manner.

Only the area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers that just experienced an immortal god-level life-and-death fight is a mess, and many areas have holes.

In the starry sky tens of thousands of kilometers away, where the original spherical monitoring instrument was located, a figure appeared out of thin air.

He is about ten meters tall, wearing a seemingly complicated and strange battle armor, the battle armor is purple-black, and there are faintly mysterious secret lines covering the entire battle armor, which makes this set of battle armor have the power to make the universe tremble. breath.

That pair of high-top combat boots is the most eye-catching... Looking at these combat boots, there is a sense of suffocation when looking at endless mountains.

Standing in the starry sky, he is the ruler!
These are probably heavy treasure-level combat boots!
He glanced at some fragments of spherical instruments by his side, then looked in the direction of Shi Yan, and muttered, "The immortal god of the flame system was killed by a domain master just like that."


Shi Yan, who was originally standing in the cosmic starry sky, was shocked to see the tall existence that suddenly appeared in front of him.

When he looked up... and saw the pair of dark red eyes under the strange helmet of the great being in front of him, his soul trembled, and he respectfully said, "Meet the Venerable Universe!"

He has seen many immortals, including those who are extremely powerful, but they have never given him such a sense of oppression. The person in front of him must be the Venerable Universe.

The aura of the real Universe Venerable is still too strong, no matter how strong Shi Yan's will is, he can't resist the soul killing of the Universe Venerable!

"Shi Yan." The rumbling voice echoed in the universe, and also echoed in Shi Yan's mind.

"As expected of the number one genius of the human race, I never thought that you could really slay immortal gods!" The sense of oppression on the Venerable Universe disappeared in an instant, and there was even a hint of joy in the dark red eyes.

"My lord, have you always been...?" Shi Yan asked in amazement.

The Venerable Universe laughed, "In the Wulong Starfield, if I think about it, I can easily lock you in. If you are in danger, it's too late to rely on my intelligence alone."

"It's just a pity that the Zerg's backhand has not been exposed. You... are still in danger."

Shi Yan nodded slightly, "I understand."

"I was just watching just in case. The possibility of foreign races doing something in the Wulong Star Field is not very high. As for what happened here, I have already recorded it, but your confidentiality level is very high. There is no need to tell those managers, I will issue a notice later." The Venerable Universe easily finished the matter.

"Thank you, Venerable." Shi Yan said respectfully.

In fact, Venerable Heichen was really ready to go dark under the lights. Everyone felt that it was impossible for foreign races to do anything in the Wulong Starfield, so he was just going to give it a try.

If he hadn't finally found a trace of the hidden venerable's breath, the venerable black moth would have already made a move.

No one would have thought of a coincidence.

"Later, I will report what happened here to the higher-ups. I can't decide how to modify the specific records, but it will definitely not be disadvantageous to you."

The matter here will go through high-level decision-making, and a 'reasonable explanation' will be given, and the matter will be exposed.

at this time……

There were slight ripples in the space in the distance, and in a moment, a spaceship appeared out of thin air.

Shi Yan raised his eyes and saw that it was King Longjue's spaceship.

The hatch opened, and the five managers including King Longjue brought Rogge and arrived in a stream of light in an instant.

"My lord." King Longjue saluted respectfully.

Roger also hurriedly saluted.

"I'll hand over the mess here to the five of you. Regarding what happened here, I have already submitted it to the higher-ups, and you can just wait for the notice." The Universe Venerable said indifferently, and then disappeared out of thin air, and disappeared in a teleportation. out of sight.

In the starry sky, five people including King Longjue and Rogge immediately surrounded Shiyan.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" Rogge asked repeatedly, with a trace of self-blame in his eyes.

"Rogge, I'm fine." Shi Yan shook his head.

King Longjue said: "It's not Rogge's fault, it's because of internal problems in our Wulong Star Region, which led to the intrusion of spies from other races, which almost caused a catastrophe."

Generally, when encountering the assassination of super geniuses among human beings, most of them will say that it was done by alien spies. In fact, sometimes some geniuses died due to some hatred and killing within the human race.

But as long as they are not found out, they will be pushed to alien spies.

"It's because our supervision is not in place."

"It's our fault..."


The five managers also expressed their apologies.

Rogge snorted coldly, did not speak, and stood silently behind Shi Yan.

King Longjue looked around helplessly, heaved a sigh of relief, and thought to himself: "We lost several million Hunyuan units. Fortunately, a few of us can handle it."

Strictly speaking, this matter is indeed due to the ineffective supervision of the Wulong Star Territory. If the loss is too large, Shi Yan must be fine, and they will be miserable.

"Who did this shot, did you find out?" Rogge said with a displeased expression.

"It's an internal member, Kesier. I don't know when he was enslaved by the soul." King Dalu shook his head and said, this is a person under his command, and he has always done his duty before.

"Then we need to find out when he was enslaved." Shi Yan suddenly said.

All five of them were taken aback.

I soon realized that it might not be as simple as enslaving a person if a foreign race makes a move!
If it is found out when Kesier was enslaved, it is very likely to find alien spies lurking in other Wulong star fields.

"We will definitely check carefully, even if we check the entire Wulong Starfield to the bottom, we will give His Royal Highness Shi Yan an explanation."

Shi Yan nodded, "Go back, I will continue to search for treasures."

Rogge immediately frowned and said, "Your's too dangerous!"

"Yes, Your Highness, just experienced an assassination, we can record the time of His Highness's Taobao, and make it up to a hundred years next time." King Longjue said in surprise.

"Your Highness, it is indeed not safe here for the time being." King Dalu also stopped him.

"Don't worry, the foreign race is not that stupid. How could it be possible to die again after being assassinated once. The next time is the safest." Shi Yan was not afraid at all.

The human race must have arrangements, and the Venerable of the Wulong Starfield may not be a force within the plan.

What's more, this assassination is something that will happen sooner or later. There are more reliable forces in the Wulong star field, and it will be safer. Shi Yan doesn't mind the aliens coming to assassinate at this time.

When the five major managers saw that they could not be persuaded, they had no choice but to give up.


Shi Yan boarded the Candle Dragon again, and continued to refine all things.

And this assassination incident was quickly explained, and the Wulong Starfield also began a thousand-year monitoring period.

In a thousand years, the lurking spies of alien races must be found out, and given an explanation to Shiyan and the high-level clan.

In the early stage of the thorough investigation, some gains were made quickly, and thousands of spies were captured, but they were all ordinary internal members.

It's like... an abandoned car from a foreign race, Baoshuai threw it out for the Wulong Star Territory crossover.

But this time, the higher-ups were not satisfied, and the monitoring period continued!

Even ten years later, the top management of the virtual universe company even sent a king and extreme power to personally supervise the matter.

At the same time, Shi Yan was studying countless wreckages in the Wulong star field with peace of mind.

In the beginning, it took half a year, four or five months for a region, but now it basically only takes one or two months for a region to complete the refining research.


Enter Wulong star field No.20 for three years.

Shi Yan found a wreck, which is a special life with 10 times the genetic level of life!

This is the weakest special life!

But this is also the boundary between ordinary life and special life!
Among the races that can reproduce, the highest level of innate life genes is 10 times.

And the lower limit of special life is also 10 times.

The change in this is a peculiar change similar to qualitative change but not quantitative change.

It is very inspiring to Shi Yan.

This also contains a trace of the mystery of reproduction!
The ability to reproduce from existence to non-existence is also a wonderful change.

Shi Yan, who was constantly moving and exploring, stopped at this moment and studied the wreck quietly.


Shiyan entered No.30 of Wulong Star Field for one year.

The latent forces in the Wulong Starfield have finally uncovered a key figure!
It turned out to be a Marquis Immortal who is proficient in the soul, and he was already enslaved by the soul when he was on the battlefield outside the territory.

The power in the Wulong Starfield is only second to the five managers. With this status, many internal members have been enslaved, and this intricate network of relationships has been pulled out, resulting in a latent organization with a complex structure!
In just one year, tens of millions of people were caught!
If it weren't for the fact that too many flaws were exposed in the intelligent system in order to investigate Shiyan's information and find out the exact location of Shiyan, it would be difficult for this organization to be thoroughly investigated.

After three years, a total of more than 1 million lurking organizations were uprooted, all information was extracted by soul searching, and all lurkers died.

It's just that the Zerg's work is also to prevent future troubles. So many people have not extracted an important piece of information, and the highest level is just an ordinary immortal level.

Immortality is hidden deeper, and it is difficult to gain anything in a short time.


No.40 two years.

In the endless starry sky full of wreckage, a white figure is maintaining a certain flying speed, constantly releasing the original force.

With Shi Yan at the core of the original treasure, this consumption of force can fully maintain balance, and there is no need to stop and recover for a period of time.

Shi Yan's original force once again covered an area in front of him, and it was refined in an instant, extracting all the information he needed.

Area N95 has been refined!
It's not like it takes a few months to start a region.

In this area now, he only needs a few days.

The main reason is that it needs to be refined. It is impossible for Shi Yan to keep flying at the speed of light all the time. He can only change the speed according to the degree of repetition of the wreckage in the area.

"Master, there is mail." Zero's voice rang in Shi Yan's mind.

"Email?" Shi Yan quickly connected to the virtual universe network with a trace of consciousness.


In the original area of ​​Yuxiang Mountain, in Shiyan's manor, in the study.

Shi Yan was sitting in front of the desk, with Zero in the image of an elf maid on his shoulder, and both of them were staring at the virtual screen in front of them.

There is a lot in the mail.

It can be summed up very simply, there is only one thing.

"The virtual universe company has issued a task, and the points are quite high. According to the completion of the task, the points will be rewarded, and the maximum can be 20 points." Zero said thoughtfully.

"So it's this mission." Shi Yan carefully read the content of the email.

Luo Feng delayed his return, and this task fell on him.

As a special envoy of supervision, one is to be responsible for the job of the special envoy of supervision, and you will be rewarded with 100 million points on the day you leave office.

Of course, the members of the original secret realm are at the domain master level, and many of them will stay for tens of thousands of years.

It is completely unreasonable to only get 100 million points for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, when I was appointed as the Special Envoy for Supervision, I made it clear that I will arrange some special tasks to be done, and each special task will be rewarded with corresponding points.

Cosmic level, you can choose some training tasks independently.

Domain master level, but can only silently wait for the work task issued by the virtual universe company.

When counting, it has been almost 50 years.

"It's too difficult to achieve 100% completion of this job task. Among the targets that need to be killed, the highest one even has a Marquis-level immortal god." Ling couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Don't worry, keep reading, I'm not here to kill." Shi Yan said with a smile.

The cause of the incident: After a detailed investigation by the virtual universe company, it was confirmed that the two immortal gods, the patriarch of the Yaohai family of the Mengyou Empire of the Qianwu Universe, and his apprentice "Jeffries", were both controlled by the Zerg powerhouse. , the two immortal gods, Yaohai and Jeffries, have become the minions of the Zerg.

The entire Yaohai family has been used by the Zerg for 322 million years and has been infiltrated quietly. On the battlefield outside the territory, because the Yaohai family is an 'internal traitor', human beings have suffered great losses.

Task overview: Kill all the suspects of the Yaohai family, the elite members of the 18 organizations under his command who secretly manipulated 1.2 million people, and the immortal gods 'Yaohai' and 'Jeffries'!

Target strength in detail:

1. Yaohai and Jeffreys are ordinary immortal gods in Ganwu Universe Kingdom. In fact, after obtaining the secret code of the Zerg's soul, the strength of the two has greatly improved. Yaohai has the strength of "Marquis level immortal god" , Jeffries also has the strength of a superior immortal army master.

2. There are 1.2 million ordinary members, a total of 39 world masters, 812 domain masters, 91256 universe-level members, and the rest are planetary-level and star-level indeterminate.

Task details:

1. Killing Yaohai (the immortal god of Fenghou level), the completion rate of the task will increase by 20%, and the completion rate will be deducted by 20% if the task fails.

2. Killing Jeffreys (Superior Immortal Lord), the completion of the task will increase by 10%, and the completion of the task will be deducted by 10%.

3. If 1.2 million people are killed, the mission completion rate will increase by 15%. If one person is not killed, it will be regarded as a failure, and there will be no punishment for mission failure.

4. If you personally kill the target Luo Li (the eighth level of the world master), the completion of the task will increase by 10%, and there will be no penalty for the failure of the task.

If you personally kill the target Ai Ge (the eighth level of the world master), the completion of the task will increase by 10%, and there will be no penalty for the failure of the task.

If you personally kill the target Raymond (the ninth rank of the world master), the completion rate of the task will increase by 15%, and there will be no penalty for the failure of the task.

If you personally kill the target Bilek (the ninth-level peak of the world lord), the completion rate of the task will increase by 20%, and there will be no penalty for the failure of the task.

Available resources:
1. Ganwu Universe Ninth Army (group army);
2. The "Tawen Department" action team of the Golden Horn ethnic group;

3. Information system of Virtual Universe Company.

Task period: 2 years (sub-tasks that are not completed after the expiration date will be deemed as failures);
Task reward: the total completion degree is multiplied by 20, which is the final reward point;
Task recipient: Shi Yan.

"This task is not difficult. The Golden Horn tribe's 'Tawen Department' action team is very strong, and it will not be a problem to crush Yaohai." Shi Yan secretly recalled the plot in his heart.

As for the World Lord targets that he personally killed, it was even less of a problem for Shi Yan.

If it wasn't for the fact that the virtual universe company had set the upper limit of the assessment to be the world master level, those senior executives who were in charge of special tasks during the dispatch of master-level geniuses from all major domains wanted to throw Yao Hai to Shi Yan for a try.

"Master, according to the probability inference, the repetition rate of the following area has exceeded 50%, exceeding the upper limit set by the master." Zero said in the smart space.

"In this case, it can be over." Shi Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and it was finally over.

42 years is much shorter than Shi Yan originally envisaged, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the goal ahead of schedule.

"Also, the virtual universe company has issued a task, so we can't waste too much time here, let's go now."

(End of this chapter)

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