Chapter 184 Shadow Monarch
"The Venerable Universe!"

"The foreign race actually sent the Universe Venerable!!!"

Shi Yan, Luo Ge, Si Fanqi, the Ninth Army Lord and others were completely unable to move, only their consciousness trembled wildly, and the foreign race even directly let the venerable-level powerhouse take action!

laugh! ! !
At the same time that Venerable Black Moth made his move, those thousands of immortal Zerg warriors burst out golden beams of light in an instant, converging into one, and the target was also the Candle Dragon!
"It's over!" Si Fanqi, as the most powerful person here, couldn't help but despair when he saw this situation.

"I hope that the human race will not take their anger out on the Golden Horn race..." He was thinking about the race until the end of his life.

"Damn the alien race, the human race will definitely avenge us!" The Ninth Army Lord and the alien race have been fighting all year round, and the hatred is so deep that it will never end.


The black air flow accompanied by the purple-red light is strange and ghostly in the starry sky, making people's soul unconsciously immersed in treachery.

Even Si Fanqi lost his resistance all of a sudden, and his eyes became confused.

"I, the Venerable Universe, exchanged my life with you, and you are worth it." The divine power of the Venerable Heichen burst out instantly, like a huge black hole exploding!

When it is necessary to control the soul, it is completely wasteful to simply kill and dispatch a universe lord!
Under the attack of the two sides, even Shi Yan has no way to break the situation, but he will not give up.

The only ability he can use at this moment is the heart of will!

The will of ordinary venerables, the source of souls comparable to immortality, want to resist the soul slavery of the venerable universe, after all, it is still a level behind.

Shi Yan felt that his defense was like a thin piece of paper, and was punctured in an instant!

Right now!

The space suddenly oscillated, and the frozen space seemed to shatter as if a piece of glass hit the ground!
A figure protruded from the depths of the space interlayer, and the space blocked by the Venerable Universe was easily opened, and a powerful coercion instantly suppressed Venerable Black Moth and thousands of immortal Zerg fighters. The golden beam of light was easily scattered by the figure.

It's just that the figure is like a faint phantom, like a flower in a mirror, and Shi Yan can't see it clearly at all.

But the powerful illusory divine power that was about to destroy Shi Yan's will consciousness dissipated in an instant.

"Shadow Monarch?!" Venerable Heimo horrified.

"Humans actually sent a cosmic overlord to guard a little guy at the domain master level?!"

Although Venerable Heichen was mentally prepared for the hidden power behind Shi Yan, he thought it was an exaggeration to be a Venerable Universe. Who would have thought that he would be the Overlord of the Universe!
Even if the person who comes is the Lord Ganwu, he can still speak when the soul of the Lord Ganwu is controlled.

After all, a universe venerable disregards himself, directly burns his divine body and chooses to control a little guy at the domain master level, even a more powerful universe lord can hardly stop him!
It's just that the universe overlord level powerhouse, even the top powerhouse among the universe overlords, it's very difficult for him to even make a move!

The Lord of Shadows is the head of the intelligence department of the virtual universe company and the head of the Hongmeng intelligence department.

As the head of the intelligence department, his detection methods are far beyond the imagination of the aliens. He has vaguely sensed the existence of the Venerable, hiding in the space interlayer.

It's just that if Venerable Heimo doesn't take action, no matter how clever the Shadow Monarch's methods are, he won't be able to directly catch the Venerable Universe hiding in the dark.

The Lord of Shadows is famous for being 'cold and scary', and he is proficient in the laws of light, space and time!

Although Venerable Heimo's teleportation did not cause space fluctuations at all, the Shadow Monarch felt it instantly.

Being able to become the head of the intelligence department of the Human Hongmeng, his sensitivity to alien races can be said to be the best among human races. With his keen sense of smell, he has already prepared in advance.

Although the methods of the different races are very hidden and extremely difficult to crack, in the hands of the Shadow Monarch, there are almost no spies who can withstand detection.

He used Shiyan as a bait to lay out the entire Ganwu universe to ensure that no doubts would be missed.

When he was in the Wulong Starfield, he sensed a trace of space fluctuations outside the starfield, but it disappeared too quickly, and the fluctuation was too weak, so it was difficult to trace back, allowing Venerable Black Moth to escape.

But this time, in order to catch Venerable Heimo, even if the immortal Zerg brood can kill Shi Yan, he will not make a move. It can only be regarded as a crisis, which cannot be avoided. There are many, and geniuses who take chances will not go far.

Fortunately, Shi Yan was well prepared, and the Candle Dragon was his confidence, and successfully resisted the attack of this wave of Zerg brood, which made Venerable Heimo have no choice but to take action.

The Shadow Lord's whole body was instantly plunged into darkness, as if the law of light was pulled away from this piece of time and space!
Venerable Heilong unexpectedly lost his position in Shiyan in an instant!
The time-space fluctuations and the law of light disappeared in an instant, and Venerable Heimo didn't even have a chance to desperately control it.


A powerful aura of law that even Venerable Black Moth could not resist exploded instantly!
The range of tens of light years around was instantly controlled by the Lord of Shadows, and the laws of light, time, and space were perfectly combined by him. In this time and space, His Holiness was like a headless fly, completely without a sense of direction.

He couldn't even sense where the Shadow Lord was, and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

"The Infernal Prison is really powerful." Venerable Heimo's gaze was like a torch, always staring at the place where the Candle Dragon disappeared.

Although he is trapped in this endless prison, it is impossible to escape by escaping indiscriminately.

There are only two ways to break the Infernal Hell, break this domain with powerful divine power, or find the law loopholes in the domain where the laws are intertwined. This requires a higher understanding of the laws of light, time, and space than the Shadow Monarch.

This is also the reason why the Shadow Monarch is chosen to protect Shiyan. This move can effectively block the Venerable Universe and prevent Shiyan from being enslaved by the soul!
"In a short period of time, it is impossible for me to crack it, and the Shadow Lord will not give me this time, it is too late..."

Venerable Heimo didn't panic, and in an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.


In the Infernal Prison, the Shadow Lord's attack secret method came quietly, and Venerable Black Moth's body was consumed by 2% in the blink of an eye under the superimposed power of the domain and the secret method.

96%... 94%... Divine bodies are constantly being annihilated!

"The annihilation of the divine body is too fast, it seems that there is only this last way."

All he had left was the last move, which was to exchange his life for his life.

He was about to pay the price of a doppelgänger, how could it be possible for Shi Yan to escape intact.

"Lord Shadow, I'm only tens of thousands of kilometers away from that human genius. Even if I can't control him, I have to kill him once! A genius who can be so heaven-defying at the domain master level must have a shocking opportunity, and I'm afraid he won't die even once. I will definitely be able to return to the perverted state I am now, and even the price of resurrection will not be small, I will consider it worth it, hahahaha!" His eyes were filled with scarlet blood, and the divine power on his body began to surge like a riot. move!
"Blow up!"

The figure of the shadow monarch loomed in the Infernal Prison, looking at the mad-looking Venerable Heilong, he sneered and said, "It's so naive."

"Burn it, the endless hell!"

The world that was originally so dark that even space fluctuations disappeared suddenly burst into blood-red flames!

Another special light blue wave rippled, and it seemed as if ripples appeared in the water in this fiery red Infernal Prison, and then the two gradually merged into one!

The divine power that was about to erupt in Venerable Heimo was actually 'pacified', turning into flowing water and wandering around Venerable Heimo.

"What?!" Venerable Heilong's crazy expression suddenly collapsed, and the face under the mask was full of horror!

"How is it possible..." Venerable Heimo murmured in horror, "I can't even blew myself up..."

Although the foreign races hate the shadow monarch, none of the foreign races knows the methods of the shadow monarch!

But anyone who saw him make a move had already died in his Infernal Prison.

Therefore, even the Zerg among the peak races did not get much information. They only knew that he had the strength of the overlord of the universe and possessed the terrifying "Infernal Hell".

But they don't know that there is a powerful suppressing treasure in the hands of the shadow monarch!
The Infernal Hell combined with the treasures of the suppression category is the real capital for the Shadow Monarch to remain invincible.

Why do the aliens still not know the method of the Shadow Lord? That is the powerful suppression ability born from the combination of the two. Unless they are the top powerhouses among the high lords of the universe, they can't even self-destruct.

And at the same moment when these two forces were dispatched, a wave of imaginary divine power instantly flooded into Venerable Heilong's mind. This powerful imaginary divine power was like a terrible meat grinder, instantly disturbing Venerable Heilong's consciousness. broken.

At this time, Venerable Heimo couldn't even send a message through his consciousness, and there was only one thought left in his shattered consciousness—no wonder no one knew about the Shadow Lord's other methods.

The Shadow Lord has no reservations, burns divine power, and instantly strengthens the 'Infernal Prison'. The invincible virtual divine power easily breaks through the soul defense of Venerable Black Moth, and cooperates with the suppressing treasure to kill Venerable Black Moth's soul !

"If you dare to come to the territory of the human race to assassinate a genius of the race, you must be prepared to dig your own grave." The shadow monarch said with a faint smile, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

This is not the first time he has done such a thing, and this time, I am afraid it will not be the last time.

The divine body of Venerable Black Ceremony is still stagnant in the void, but it has lost its breath of life, the imprint of the soul has been erased, and the clone of Venerable Black Cerberus far away in the Zerg territory also died together!
With a wave of his hand, the Shadow Lord took Venerable Heilong's divine body away.

The Infernal Hell also disappeared at this moment.

It's just that those immortal Zerg fighters, including the Zerg brood that is more than ten kilometers high, have also been wiped out, and even the corpses have been annihilated without leaving a trace.


In the virtual world erected within the Zerg.

In the endless clouds, on a beautiful floating island.

In a palace carved from trees in the middle of that island.

On the wooden throne with extraordinary charm, a Zerg empress shrouded in mist suddenly opened her eyes.

"The black moth is actually dead." The beautiful figure whispered, "The Lord of Shadows..."

The moment Venerable Black Moth discovered the Shadow Lord, he had already sent a message to the Lord of the Universe.

It's just that more information later can't be conveyed.

"Another venerable died at the hands of the Shadow Lord!" This beautiful figure unexpectedly erupted with an astonishing killing intent completely different from her temperament.

"It turns out that even the strength of the shadow monarch cannot be detected."

After Venerable Black Moth told her about the appearance of the Shadow Lord, she asked Venerable Black Moth to blew himself up and sent back some news as much as possible-what unknown means did the Shadow Lord have.

It's just that since then, there has been no news.

"Soul killing, the human race is really a good method! They really used this time as a bait, and even sent a cosmic overlord like the shadow monarch." The Zerg's universe master naturally hated the human race, but Whatever plans the Terrans have, they have to give it a try.

Within the range they can bear, if they pay a certain price to assassinate, success is naturally the best, and failure is understandable.

This is a very difficult thing, let alone in the territory of the human race.

It's just that the sooner a genius is killed, the easier it will be. When such a genius grows into a realm master, and his understanding of the law is improving rapidly, it will be even more difficult to assassinate.

If the human race bestows a soul treasure, I am afraid there will be no chance of soul slavery, and it will be a great threat!

This is likely to be another shadow monarch level genius.

With Shi Yan's talent, as long as he is not enslaved by the soul, the human race will definitely revive him.

Moreover, the difficulty of resurrecting this kind of genius who has not grown up is much lower than that of resurrecting the immortal king.

But even if it is impossible to enslave the soul, the foreign race must find a way to assassinate.

In the universe, there are countless opportunities, and this kind of genius is likely to have unknown encounters.

It is possible that after one resurrection, without the key opportunity, the potential will not be so terrible.

"Give up the assassination of the No. 1 domain master, and look for another chance when he goes to the extraterritorial battlefield or the secret place of the universe." The beautiful figure shrouded in the hazy colorful mist finally gave the order, and then disappeared on the wooden throne.

The Zerg race has a deep understanding of the human race. Since they were able to send out such an existence as the Shadow Lord this time, they may only have a chance to send out the Cosmic Overlord next time.

Can a universe overlord be sacrificed for a domain master level?
No peak race can afford such a loss. If Shiyan has shown the potential of the master of the universe, it is possible for the major alien races to unite and pay this price to assassinate.

Now, time words are not enough.


Ganwu Universe Kingdom, Mengyou Empire.

A ray of light shot out from the eyes of the shadow monarch looming in the vast starry sky, which was tens of thousands of times stronger than the light of a star!
Everyone in the Candle Dragon suddenly woke up, followed by a burst of fear.

The timing of the appearance of the Shadow Lord was very precise. In fact, no one was harmed, and the trace of the strangeness of the soul was completely eliminated by him. After a period of recovery, it will be fine.

Shi Yan relied on his own strong will to resist the first soul shock. Although he still didn't see the battle in the 'Infernal Prison' clearly, it seemed that in the blink of an eye, the Lord of Shadows returned to the side of the Candle Dragon.

The battle was over in an instant.

Shi Yan and the others quickly flew out of the Candle Dragon, and came to the Shadow Lord respectfully.

"I have seen your lord!"

Little is known about the true face of the Shadow Lord, so even Si Fanqi, who has mastered teleportation, is not sure who the Master of the Universe is.

Except for Shi Yan, they had never seen that moment of complete darkness.

"Thank you for your protection, Your Majesty." Shi Yan said gratefully.

To be able to keep himself in the hands of a venerable, such a venerable must already be a high-level human race, and may even be the realm of the cosmic overlord.

Such an existence would be willing to protect itself, even if it is a task assigned by the top of the human race, it is considered a great favor.

The Shadow Lord's figure and face still haven't appeared, but everyone can perceive his smile, "It's nothing more than a little effort, the genius of the human race will only die in the experience, if he dies in the territory of the human race, it is my incompetence."

Then, a ray of light illuminated the starry sky again, and the figure of the shadow monarch disappeared from everyone's eyes like the night that was dispersed by the dawn.

The means of the overlord of the universe are naturally not something that Shi Yan and others can understand now, as if the shadow lord has disappeared in just a trance.

(End of this chapter)

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