I who devour the starry sky can refine all things

Chapter 201 The Name of the Earth!Resound through the universe!

Chapter 201 The Name of the Earth!Resound through the universe!
The plane of the phantom sea.

Rumbling~~~ The black sea roared, setting off huge waves of tens of meters, hitting the cliff shore again and again.

Hong stood on the cliff, looking at the endless sea of ​​illusion.

After more than a hundred years of perception and precipitation in Chaos City, his state of mind seems to be broader.

He smiled lightly and faced everything in front of him.

A ray of light flashed across and disappeared above the waves.

Pass the first island instantly!

The second...the third...the fifth...the seventh!

Pass almost instantly!

In the deepest part of the Illusion Sea, on the edge of the 21st island, sitting cross-legged, is an old man with black scales wrapped in a golden robe. He is the manager of the entire Illusion Sea.

"Huh?" The old man with black scales on his face opened his old eyes, looked into the distance, and exclaimed in a low voice, "A little guy at the ninth level of the universe can break through the seventh seat of the Sea of ​​Illusion so easily!" Island? Many world lords may not necessarily pass through this island, but he passed it so easily."

"Look at his detailed information, um, Hong, a member of the secret realm of heaven and earth?"

"Are you kidding, this kind of genius is actually in the secret realm of heaven and earth?"

"Passing the eighth seat again? This speed is too fast, and his limit is far beyond that!"

next moment.

"Pass the ninth island?" A look of surprise flashed across the eyes of the black scaled old man, and he stood up straight away, "Did you really pass the ninth island?"

The 21 islands in the Mirage Sea are actually very similar to the 21st floor of the Tongtian Bridge.


Consciousness and will are very illusory and unfathomable.A little guy at the apprentice level is not necessarily inferior to a master-level powerhouse in terms of will alone!

Of course, the 'strength of consciousness' is definitely far inferior to the world master level, but pure will is not necessarily the case.

But Mirage Sea not only tests the will, but also tests the consciousness.

"His consciousness is not as strong as the peak of the World Lord." The eyes of the black scaled old man were full of shock, and he said in a low voice, "It is very disadvantageous in the illusion, but obviously his will makes up for the lack of 'consciousness'. "

"Strong will!"

"The will is unshakable! It is even stronger than many world lords at the peak!"

"The tenth island!" The eyes of the old man with black scales were a little nervous, "The tenth island is comparable to the will of the immortal level. The world master has not seen this level for millions of epochs. This Hong... a little guy at the ninth level of the universe... how could he pass, it's impossible."

No.11 seat, pass!

No.12 seat, pass!

The old man in black scales couldn't tell what it was like, he was almost numb from the shock!

"Let's report it." His mind has been shut down, and he has no other thoughts.


Swish!Swish!Swish!Swish!Swish! ...

Dozens of people suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the depths of the Mirage Sea!

They are all high-level executives of the virtual universe company, or are sent by high-level executives.

"Mythical King, long time no see." The purple-haired, armored man King Ziyi greeted with a smile.

"It's rare for so many people to gather together."

"I heard that a great genius came out..."

"The little guy of the ninth cosmic rank actually appeared on the No. 14 fantasy sea island?"

"Quickly, this is passed?"

"Modahou, you have only passed the No.15 floor not long ago, right?"

"I used to..." Before Mo Dahou could finish, Hong had already passed the No.15 floor.


"What did you do at the beginning? Did you escape from death and struggle for a long time before you passed?"

"To shut up!"

"But how is this possible? No matter how strong the will is, this consciousness is only the ninth-level consciousness of the universe level. It is impossible to withstand the impact of the consciousness of the Fenghou immortal level?"

"Even if the will and consciousness are as one, there is a gap in quality after all, and there must be secrets that we don't know."


primordial universe.

A void.

A mighty river of starry sky appeared out of thin air. The width of the river covered several light-years around, and the length was endless, as if leading to the end of the starry sky.

In this vague river, there are also various strange artifacts floating, each exuding terrifying coercion.

A majestic figure with a height of tens of thousands of kilometers controls the projection of the endless rivers around it, holding a huge stone stick and walking in the void.

This is exactly the avatar of the Chaos City Lord sitting in the Primordial Universe.


When a piece of news came, the Chaos City Lord also stopped.

The news of Hong Chuang's Illusory Sea was reported layer by layer, and reached the Primal Chaos City Lord.

This also shows how shocking this news is.

"A little cosmic-level ninth-level guy passed No. 16 islands in the Illusion Sea, and is still going on?" With sixteen islands, the impact on people is even greater!

And the cosmic level passed the No. 16 floor, which shows that Hong's will and consciousness are even more innate than Yan's talent in law at the beginning!

A strong will is becoming more and more important for a genius. Such a genius is also malleable enough. In the future, he may be a late bloomer and accumulate a lot of talent.

"The secret realm of heaven and earth... Chaos City has been cultivated for more than a hundred years..." The owner of Chaos City read the information one by one.

"From...Earth! Ganwu Cosmic Kingdom, the Earth in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Field?!" The Chaos City Lord was really surprised.

Even when he saw the No. 16 islands passing through the Illusion Sea at the cosmic level, he was not so shocked.

"Shi Yan, Luo Feng, Hong..."

"What is the secret of the earth?"

In the endless river, the Lord of Chaos City shuttled through the endless void at a glance, and directly saw the whole picture of the earth.

"This is the transformation method of the virtual universe company." Every planet where the domain master is sent to live will undergo transformation, and the chaos city master naturally recognized this handwriting at a glance.

"Not because of this."

"The Zerg Mother Nest?"

"Secret Realm World?"


Although it is indeed unusual for these things to appear on Earth, he knows that Shi Yan's assets almost surpass most immortals, so these things are nothing.

With the strength of the Chaos City Lord, he quickly understood the structure of the earth. He had to admit that he didn't find any abnormalities!
"How could it be possible for an ordinary planet to have three peerless geniuses at the same time?"

You know, in the original talent competition, among the top 1000, only a few dozen cosmic countries occupied 2-3 places.

No universe country can have 4 geniuses of this level.

It is difficult for a cosmic country to have two peerless geniuses, let alone a star field.

And now, there are actually 3 peerless geniuses appearing on the same planet!
There are countless planets in a star field, and the chance is less than one in a trillion, and they actually appeared?
The Chaos City Lord would not believe in such a coincidence, he would rather believe that there was some secret that he could not discover.

When Shi Yan and Luo Feng appeared together, it had already attracted the attention of many people.

It's just that they were not enough to attract the attention of so many universe masters at that time, and the chaos city master would not leave the virtual universe company headquarters for this.

Today, the Lord of Chaos City came to Earth for this purpose, but he didn't discover any secrets.

"If I can't find out, either it's really a coincidence, or it's because even my realm is not enough to spy on such means."

The huge palm of the Chaos City Lord protruded from the nothingness and twisted slightly.

It seems that there are scenes in the illusion that are flowing backwards.

The master of the universe, who masters time and space, can reverse time and space with a flip of his hand.

Everything he saw just now reversed instantly.

The Lord of Chaos City has witnessed the growth of the earth step by step, and he can't help but sigh that Shi Yan has done everything for the earth, at such a high price, and established such a perfect system, even he has to admire Shi Yan's ideas.

In the small earth, the operation mode of the virtual universe company has almost been completed. With this courage and ability, he must be the pillar of the human race in the future!
Back in time and space, those scenes flashed at a speed that is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish with the naked eye.

In the end, the scene stopped on Shi Yan's body. It was a starry night, on a rooftop with a breeze.

Then the illusory picture quietly shattered.

"The will of the original universe?!"

"Descent to Earth?"

"It descended on Shi Yan."

"Is it because of this that the earth is also affected?"

The ability to reverse time and space is endowed by the original universe, and it is naturally impossible to use it to spy on the will of the original universe, so when the time and space go back to that moment, it will naturally stop.

Needless to say, the Lord of Chaos City, even Zuoshanke couldn't continue to investigate everything before that moment!

"It seems that we still have to let the giant ax come."

Although the Chaos City Lord has the highest prestige among the human race, his strength is still at the level of the Lord of the Universe. The real strongest person is the founder of the giant axe!
The only true god-level powerhouse in the human race!
The Chaos City Lord knew that Shiyan's secrets might be even more special than the earth's secrets, but as long as Shiyan's heart was devoted to the human race, he would not interfere too much.

It's like no one knows where his clone came from, nor does he know what talent the special life represented by this clone has.

Leaving aside the secret of Shiyan, let the creator of the giant ax confirm the secret of the earth.

The Chaos City Lord felt that the earth was unusual. Except for the transformation method of the virtual universe company, there seemed to be some strange feeling in the thousands of light years around.

It's just that he can't really investigate clearly. If there is a real possibility of man-made, the Chaos City Lord knows-then the strength of this operator is far superior to him!

"Hong actually passed all the islands in the Mirage Sea!"

"A total of 21 islands, pass them all!"

The Lord of Chaos City didn't know how many years no one had given him such a surprise, but in this short day, it seemed that a big secret hidden by the entire human race was unveiled.

"How can a cosmic level pass through the illusion that only the Venerable Universe can pass through?"

The Lord of Chaos City swept across the thousands of light-years, faintly feeling that the earth was the core.

"Perhaps, the secret lies here."


Mirage Sea No.20 is on the edge of an island.

A young man in white robe flew out calmly, and saw the stunned old man in black scales in front of him, and thousands of figures around him, all of them were at least immortal!

There are quite a few Universe Venerables!
Hong had never seen so many strong men in his life.

"This is..." Hong looked at the scene in front of him with some doubts. Isn't this posture a little too big?
And those tens of thousands of figures looked at Hong as if they were monsters!
In the past, even an island that passed through the Illusion Sea No. 20 would cause high-level shock.

But in history, there has never been a pass below Immortal!
Hong, made history!

The consciousness of the founder of the giant ax descended in an instant, and Hong disappeared, as if above this sea of ​​illusions, there was a world of another dimension that was invisible to everyone.

Ji Qing's incident, the pressure from the Earth's lineage, the subterranean cultivation of Chaos City... There are various reasons.

As a result, Hong Zai's mental state on an island No. 20 in the Mirage Sea has changed, and he has finally taken another step on the road of being inclusive of everything in his heart!
It was also this step that successfully allowed him to cross this last hurdle.

In the original book, Hong only passed the 20th island and struggled to the extreme before reaching the 21st island with great difficulty.

This time, after going through all kinds of things, he finally saw a glimmer of light in the abyss, broke through the shackles of the state of mind, and touched the meaning of the third level of perfection in the state of mind!
The consummation of the state of mind is an extremely mysterious thing, even Hong himself can't explain it clearly, but just touching the meaning of consummation, his ability to resist illusions and the pressure of consciousness has been greatly improved, forcibly breaking through the last barrier!

The founder of the giant ax has unimaginable abilities, and the moment his consciousness came to the virtual universe, he had already explored the earth.

He has determined that the earth was transformed by a powerful alien billions of years ago!

Ordinary living planets only have the function of allowing human beings to survive.

But the earth is very special, as long as the life born in the earth, especially the embryonic gestation process, will be affected by the invisible influence of the whole earth, and a certain aspect of the soul will undergo special evolution.

One aspect of the evolution of human souls born on the earth, the effect is that in terms of mood...it is easier to perceive and improve.

Judging from the traces of the transformation of the earth, the founder of the giant axe... the identity of the alien powerhouse should be the mountain guest!
But of course he wouldn't tell Hong.

I just sighed for a while... That powerful man of the alien race once created an ethnic group, and what he created was an ethnic group that evolved physically and had extremely sturdy and powerful physical strength.

The only flaw is that it is relatively poor in mood, and it is called the Yan God Clan.

But no matter what the reason is, Hong's talent in this aspect is unquestionable. The founder of the giant axe accepted Hong as a registered disciple, and asked the master of gold to teach Hong first.

Only on the day when Hong becomes a king-level immortal god can he be qualified to become the direct disciple of the founder of the giant axe.

The founder of the giant axe also directly ordered to block the news, and those universe lords and immortal gods who learned about Hong's performance against the sky in the sea of ​​illusions also fell silent.

After all, he is the real pillar of the human race, the only strongest person in the universe, and no one dares to disobey his orders.

Everyone once thought that Hong would surpass Shiyan and become the most talented genius of this era.


Not long after Hong cleared the Illusion Sea, Thor also cleared the No. 14 island of the Illusion Sea!

Also from Earth!

a few days later.

Another unknown genius, domain master passed the sixth floor of Tongtian Bridge!

From Earth!Join Virtual Universe Inc. World of Secrets!

A cosmic genius passed the third floor of the Tongtian Bridge!

From Earth!Join the Greataxe Arena!


The domain master passed the eighth island of the Mirage Sea!


Cosmic level passed the fifth island of the Mirage Sea!


Stellar pass through the third island of the Mirage Sea!


For a time, it seemed that countless geniuses suddenly appeared!

And these geniuses, without exception, all come from Earth!
The name Earth also resounds throughout the universe on this day!

(End of this chapter)

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