I who devour the starry sky can refine all things

Chapter 209 Going to the Extraterritorial Battlefield

Chapter 209 Going to the Extraterritorial Battlefield
"I applied to enter the foreign battlefield, I don't know which way to go?" Shi Yan asked.

The man in the standard armor was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "The cosmic army all come in groups, and the lone walkers go to the concentration place along this passage."

He pointed to a wide channel made of transparent glass in the distance, "This channel is more than 3000 kilometers long. When you get to the end, it will be a concentrated place. You go directly there, and there will be someone to guide you."

"Thank you." Shi Yan nodded.

After Shi Yan left, the man in the standard armor couldn't help trying to figure out Shi Yan's identity.

A person whose strength is at least as high as that of the Immortal Army Lord has never been to a foreign battlefield.

There is a high probability that it is a genius who has just entered the world from a certain big family, especially if he is riding on a top-level spaceship.

F9-class spaceships, and top-notch materials, not many immortal army masters can afford them.


Shi Yan walked directly along this passage, each step was more than ten kilometers in a flash, and he came to the end after a while, which was a beautiful square.

The square is very large, with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, and tens of thousands of people are gathering here and there, scattered and scattered, making the whole square seem a bit empty.

In the distance, a seductive female receptionist with a fluffy tail is receiving a purple-haired ape-human world lord.

"When can I go to the battlefield outside the territory?" asked the owner of the purple-haired ape-man.

"You need to gather a certain number of people, otherwise the logistics operation cost will be too high." The female receptionist smiled and said, "Master, it's a coincidence that you came here. The earliest batch like you have been waiting here for 12 days. After all, the solitary travelers gather, unlike the armies of various cosmic countries. The armies of the cosmic countries are all mighty and mighty. But the solitary travelers have to wait slowly to gather a certain number of people."

The purple-haired ape-man world leader nodded helplessly.

Then he walked to the side, and there were many alloy benches in the square, and there were scattered space warriors who wanted to participate in the battle sitting around, and the ape-man also chose a seat at random.

Others were also discussing in twos and threes.

"Now the World Master has gathered 81 people." A lean werewolf World Master said in a low voice, "We're leaving soon."

"Every time I have to gather a hundred world masters to transport soldiers at once, it's really... I have waited for 13 years on the interstellar journey, and I still have to wait here. After so many years of not killing, my sword has long been hungry. "Beside him, a thick and mane werewolf world lord said angrily.

"No way, sending it every time, it consumes too much."

The two of them looked similar, drinking and chatting while holding glasses of wine.

"Hey, look, someone is coming again." The thick werewolf world master looked into the distance.

Shi Yan walked towards the center on his own, but the two werewolf world masters immediately stood up straight, and respectfully saluted Shi Yan who passed by: "I have seen the immortal gods."

"I have seen the immortal gods."

The people around also got up and saluted after hearing the words.

All the discussions stopped for a while, and everyone communicated through sound transmission.

"An immortal god came unexpectedly!"

"It's such a powerful breath, it doesn't seem to be an ordinary immortal god!"


Shi Yan nodded slightly, and saw that the receptionists around him were standing still, did not step forward, and were about to ask, when a man full of evil spirit flew over from a distance, like an immortal god made of metal.

Ordinary receptionists are not qualified to receive immortal gods, but they dare not offend immortals, so they can only stand in place and notify their superiors to come and receive them.

The immortal god leaped over a few steps, and appeared in front of Shi Yan like a phantom.

"Hello, I am the person in charge here, you can call me Shaffer." The immortal god smiled.

"Shaffer, hello." Shi Yan nodded politely.

"But it's your first time here?" Shaffer's face was gentle, which was completely different from his temperament.


"Please wait for a moment, I will arrange the soldiers here first." Shaffer received Shi Yan's approval, and turned to look at the tens of thousands of soldiers on the square.

"You are lucky. This time there is an immortal god joining, so there is no need to wait for 100 world masters."

All the soldiers in the square were naturally very happy to hear that there was no need to wait any longer.

"Great, don't wait!"

"This waiting is more torturous than going to the battlefield."

"It's lucky that I waited a full month for the last time I came."

Shaffer coughed twice, "Quiet, let me make arrangements."

There was a sudden silence in the square.

Those who are able to come to the battlefield outside the territory must be prepared. Orders and prohibitions are a compulsory course, otherwise when they really come to the battlefield, the first one to cut at themselves may be their superiors!
The army is not a child's play, it must obey the command and dispatch.

"Cosmic level, all gather here."

"Domain masters, gather here."

"The master of the world, all come here."

The channel gate opened, and tens of thousands of lone soldiers were quickly classified. The domain master class had the largest number of people, while the world masters had only 81, gathered together.

The number of cosmic ranks here is less than that of domain masters. The main reason is that the strength of the cosmic ranks is weak. There are very few cosmic rank lone travelers who come here to participate in the battlefield outside the domain. The cost of the long-distance flight alone is probably too much for many cosmic rank fighters.

At the moment of assembly, two more world masters came, bringing the number of world masters to 83.

It caused the other world lords to discuss that the last two world lords who came were lucky enough...there is no need to wait here.

"Masters and warriors, you are about to go to the most glorious and cruel battlefield outside the territory." Shaffer's evil spirit was exposed, shocking everyone, and then he said solemnly, "But you must understand that the army has its rules, and it is impossible to fight like yours." Walking alone is as free as before!"

83 world masters were listening there.

"Before we go!"

"You need to perform a traditional authority granting ceremony." Shafer Lang said.

"Permission granting ceremony?"

"What do you mean?"


Many people in this group of world masters were talking quietly with each other through sound transmission. Obviously, most of these lone travelers knew nothing about the details of participating in the "external battlefield".

Shaffer obviously knew this, and continued: "The granting of authority is to determine your exact status in the army. The army is a place with distinct levels, and subordinates must obey their superiors...so you must clarify your status and authority in the army. And how to confirm it is through your strength."

"Should we compete with each other?"


A boundary lord shouted.

"Wrong." Shaffer shook his head, "Each of you masters must practice again and again in the virtual universe network, and the virtual universe network will have a rating for your strength based on your performance. This rating—yes Your status in the military is decisive."

"Ratings are divided into three levels, one is 'common world master fighter', the second is 'elite world master fighter', and the third is 'world master warrior'."

"Most of the world masters are ordinary world master fighters."

"Can be recognized by the law of origin, barely considered an elite world master fighter."

"On average, only one world master warrior can emerge from hundreds of elite world master fighters!" Shaffer said, "I believe that each of you has demonstrated your strongest strength in the virtual universe. If there is any one of you, I have never displayed the strongest strength in the virtual universe, and I am worried that the authority granting ceremony is unfair."

Shaffer glanced at the world master present again, with sharp eyes, and said coldly: "Then, immediately enter the virtual universe network to exert the strongest strength. After a while, the authorization will begin."


The immortal god was silent for ten seconds, and then said: "It should be all right, come over one by one and accept the authorization."

I saw 101 world masters walking towards the immortal god one by one, and a blue light shot out from the armguard screen of the immortal god, covering the world master who was walking towards.

"Ordinary World Master Warrior!"

"Elite World Master Warrior!"

"Elite World Master Warrior!"

"Ordinary World Master Warrior!"

"Elite World Master Warrior!"

The screen of the Immortal God's arm guard automatically emits a series of sounds, and at the same time, every world lord who accepts the authority grant also receives a message from the virtual universe system.The higher the authority... the status in the army is naturally different.

Among the 83 world masters, the number of elite world master fighters turned out to be the largest, with a total of 52, and there was even one world master warrior.

It stands to reason... among the world masters, the 'ordinary world master fighters' account for the majority.

It's just that those who dare to go alone to participate in foreign battlefields are confident in themselves, and the world masters who have not been recognized by the law of origin are just the most common.

After Shaffer completed the World Master-level authority granting ceremony, he walked towards Shi Yan.

There are too many people at the domain master level, and more than ten internal personnel are required to perform the authority granting ceremony at the same time, but it will take a while.

"Please come with me. As an immortal god, your process is different from theirs." Shaffer said to Shi Yan.

Shi Yan nodded.

Shaffer took Shi Yan to a passage on the edge of the square, chatting on the way.

"You can ask for a title for yourself. Generally, immortals who go to the battlefield outside the territory will give themselves one. If they can make a name for themselves in the future, this can be their own title."

"Most of them use their own names. Of course, if you have amazing achievements, powerful secret techniques, unique weapons, etc., and people can remember you at once, then everyone may call you by that."

"For example, the King of Seven Swords is famous for carrying seven different styles of swords on his back."

"The king of black hair is famous for his heavy treasure black hair."

"Generally these immortals are extremely powerful, try not to provoke them."

Shi Yan nodded with a smile, and accepted Shaffer's kind reminder, "Just call me 'You Ming'."

He had been prepared for a long time, so it was naturally impossible to go to the foreign battlefield with his real name.

Shi Yan's name has long been known to every household, and if he came as Shi Yan, all other races might come out in full force.

After all, the Zerg dared to send the Venerable Universe to assassinate the human race when he was at the domain master level. When it comes to places with no restrictions like the outer battlefield, they will only be more unscrupulous!

Although Shiyan is not afraid of everyone on the battlefield outside the territory, but if the foreign race really knows the news about Shiyan, it is very likely that they will send out assassins who make Shiyan have no ability to resist at all.

The extraterritorial battlefield is no different than the human race's territory. It is impossible to send a cosmic overlord to guard it. Even if someone is waiting outside the extraterritorial battlefield, his life and death trials will be meaningless.

"Ghost?" Shaffer thought for a while, then nodded slowly.

He has heard of countless names, and he is no stranger to it, any name will be given by someone.


They quickly walked out of the passage and came to an empty hall.

Shaffer looked at Shi and said: "You Ming, there are so many fighters participating in this ethnic war, so there are eleven battlefields in total, all of which are outside our human territory, so they are called extraterritorial battlefields. Next, we will transfer a group of newcomers to the barracks base on one of the battlefields as assigned by the virtual universe system."

"However, you are an immortal god and have authority different from ordinary soldiers, and you are the only immortal god among your group of lone walker recruits. You have the right to decide which battlefield and barracks base to go to."

For the original universe, every immortal god is actually extremely precious. As long as they become immortal, they can choose a peak power to join.

In all respects, immortal gods will have some privileges.

This is also used as an implicit incentive, no one wants to become a master.

Just like when Shi Yan walked to the square, no matter what level the world master was, he had to respectfully salute, and there was no need to distribute it with other people.

"Do you know these eleven battlefields?" Shaffer asked. "If you do, you can decide for yourself. If you don't, I can give you a brief introduction."

Shi Yan nodded slightly, without hesitation, and said directly: "I hope to teleport me to the seventh battlefield, No. 026 barracks base."

The seventh battlefield is a cosmic secret realm with a maximum diameter of about 110 million light-years. Of course, after hundreds of millions of years of killing, the danger of this cosmic secret realm itself has been weakened to the extreme. The main threat is enemies from other races.

There are a total of one hundred barracks bases in the seventh battlefield, and each barracks base has a different combat area.

Before Shi Yan came, he had already done some research. His authority is very high, and it is very easy to find information on the battlefield outside the territory.

For Shi Yan, his first goal when he went to the battlefield outside the territory was the Yanji Continent.

It would be even better if you can find the virtual secret pattern, collect more virtual secret patterns or how to use the secret pattern, or even secret pattern weapons.

"The seventh battlefield, with an average death rate of 96.8%, ranks third among the eleven battlefields outside the territory. It is considered a good place for training and meets my goals. It should be the first choice." Shi Yan thought to himself.

Shaffer was surprised when he heard the words, "Are you going to the Yanji Continent?"

"That's right." Shi Yan said.

"Yanji Continent is the highest battle area within the control area of ​​No. 026 barracks base in the seventh battlefield. Humans and countless alien powerhouses who dare to enter Yanji Continent. If it is an elite team, there must be immortal gods in the team. If it is an army , There must be immortal gods leading the team." Shaffer solemnly said that he would emphasize more on every newcomer immortal gods, after all, immortal gods are already important talents.

"Each team has immortal gods, and the number of immortal gods at the Fenghou level is extremely large."

"Among the immortal gods, the 'Immortal Army Lord' accounts for about two thirds, the 'Marquis Rank' accounts for about one third, and there are only a handful of 'King Ranks'."

"Here, if there is no immortality, then the probability of survival will be very low."

(End of this chapter)

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