I who devour the starry sky can refine all things

Chapter 213 Astonishing amount of military merit!

Chapter 213 Astonishing amount of military merit!
On the table.

Shi Yan and other team members toasted together.

"Everyone knows each other. Next, I hope we can get along well and go to the No. 02 island of Yanji Continent." Captain Gould said, "Cheers!"

Everyone drank it up and began to enjoy the food.

Shi Yan looked at this group of seemingly harmonious people with a sneer in his heart, and some subtle movements showed that these old players were not compatible.

However, their newcomer guidance work is also considered to be in place, even if it is Shiyan, they can't find faults.

During the meeting, several old members also imparted some experience to the newcomers.

For example, some basic information about Yanji Continent.

"Yanji Continent is the highest battle area within the control range of No. 026 barracks base in the seventh battlefield..."

"Every team has immortal gods, and there are a lot of Fenghou-level immortal gods, but if you don't go to the main continent, it's still unlikely to encounter king-level immortals, so you don't have to worry too much..."


"What, allied forces?" Long Ze heard this information for the first time.

"Yes, the allies. The protagonists of this ethnic war are of course the four peak ethnic groups. However, the four peak ethnic groups have many allies from other ethnic groups. When we enter the battlefield, we will encounter many allies. Although they are aliens, But it is our comrade-in-arms. Don’t worry... the virtual universe system will remind you, if it is an ally, it has reminded you a long time ago. If there is no reminder...just kill it!"

"I see." Long Ze nodded slightly.

Shi Yan and 'Sha' sat on the side without speaking.

As the pinnacle of the immortal army leader, 'Sha' has been on the battlefield outside the territory for many years, and he only joined the team for the sake of Wind River. He knows all this information.

And Shiyan is because he has some knowledge of the original work, and some information has already been known in advance.

Human beings, as the pinnacle group, of course have many vassal groups, for example, the Golden Horn group is one!
Of course, those vassal groups also have to go to the battlefield, and their status is relatively low, especially weak soldiers, who will even be used as cannon fodder.

This is as it should be. Accepting the protection of human beings will naturally have to pay a price. There is no reason for human beings to protect a weak and small group of people for pleasure.


"The battlefield is so cruel, the death rate is so high, the death rate of immortal gods is over 70%?" Long Ze exclaimed. "The overall mortality rate is more than 95%?"

"Only a high death rate can make a strong man. Of the 20 new recruits, only one veteran will be left, but 20 ordinary world master fighters may be able to eliminate an 'elite world master fighter' or even an 'world master warrior'... This kind of terrible war with a high mortality rate, plus many treasures can be assisted, and some secret methods can be exchanged... This extraterritorial battlefield is known as the place where the entire human race has produced the most powerful people."

"And 70%of the mortality rate is high? Not high, as far as I know, the large -scale ethnic groups of the large -scale ethnic group every 1000 times are a decisive battle. It is a mighty duel to confront the countless strong men. The ethnic group can't afford this consumption, 99 epoch ... Come here, it is also within the end of the four peak ethnic groups. "

"Large-scale battle? Decisive battle? When is the next big decisive battle?"

"It's early."

"Oh." Long Ze still listened obediently.

Usually long-term and protracted foreign wars, the death rate exceeds 95%, which is used to raise Gu to create strong people.

It seems that the loss is large, but in fact it seems to create a "Zerg King", losing a lot of ordinary world masters and creating some powerful world masters.

The probability of these world masters breaking through to become immortal gods is much higher.

The immortal army master may even have an epiphany from a desperate situation and obtain an immortal body.

This is a qualitative change.

Generally speaking, for an ethnic group, such a war is in line with long-term development and in line with the interests of the ethnic group.


While pushing cups and changing cups, the banquet gradually came to an end.

Gould also started to get to the point, which is the place where the team is going, the No. 02 island of Yanji Continent.

"Actually, there are many humans and countless alien races like us who fought on the Yanji Continent. After countless years, we have already had some default titles. The main continent is naturally a continent, and these land fragments are called 'islands'."

"Island?" Long Ze was astonished. A land that is many times bigger than a star is called an island?

"Yes, except for the main continent, all other land fragments are islands. The No. 02 island we are going to is called 'Chongguang Island'." Gould laughed. "In the main continent, there are as many strong people as there are clouds. There are many immortal gods of the Marquis level, and there are even immortal gods of the king. So it is very dangerous."

"Those who think they are not strong enough...many of them wandered around the islands, and the Chongguang Island we are going to is the largest island among them. There are many strong alien races. Almost every team is led by Fenghou Senior Immortal, and some are led by Fenghou Dingfeng. Of course, there are also many immortal army masters."

"Like our team, it is the captain, the powerful Fenghou Fengfeng, who leads the team, invincible~" Fenghou Immortal 'Yu' of the fox people clan said charmingly.

Gould waved his hand, "Haha, Mr. Yu likes to talk nonsense."

"By the way, what is your military merit quota?"

Everyone looked at Shi Yan and Long Ze.

Every soldier on the battlefield outside the upper domain has a military merit quota requirement. He must have accumulated enough military merit to obtain a "free body". For example, the military merit quota requirement for a world lord recruit is 100 million. The recruit had no military merit when he first arrived, and his military merit continued to accumulate as he killed on the battlefield.

When the number reaches 100 million, soldiers can choose to 'retire', 'exchange for treasures', 'continue to fight', or even fight alone, etc...

Have free choice.

Before completing the military merit quota, one must obey the military order honestly.

Long Ze was a little uncomfortable being stared at by the scorching gaze, and said directly: "20 billion."

"20 billion? Not too bad, not too low." Ju Ya nodded slightly.

"The little guy is pretty good. Many immortal recruits are only 10 billion."

"Does this amount of military merit have any other meanings? According to you, it seems that the higher the better, the better?" Long Ze asked with some doubts.

"You don't know that the so-called able man works harder. The stronger he is, the higher his military merit quota will be. When a recruit joins an extraterritorial battlefield...the military merit quota assigned actually accurately shows a person's strength." Shuangdaohou 'Spiked' explained to him.

"And the so-called granting of authority is only the most rough judgment of strength. For example, you are a low-level immortal military master, Nether is a high-level immortal military master, and 'Sha' is also a high-level immortal military master."

"But the same authority does not represent the same strength. If 'Sha' is also a newcomer, even though he is a high-ranking immortal army leader, his military achievements will be much higher."

Long Ze nodded, "There is still such cryptic information."

"Brother Youming, what is your military merit?" Long Ze asked curiously.

'Sha' is a veteran, and maybe he has completed his military merit quota, and no one wanted to ask about it just now, so Long Ze could only look for Shi Yan as his target.

"Me? 1000 billion." Shi Yan said flatly, there is nothing to hide, even if they know it.

"1000 billion?!" Long Ze asked in surprise. Could it be that there is a big gap between the Immortal Army Master's high level and elementary level?

"Fuck? 1000 billion?" 'Sha' looked away from Feng He for a moment and exclaimed.

'Shan', who didn't speak from the beginning to the end, was also shocked at this time, and looked at Shi Yan intently, "Are you sure you're not joking?"

Shiyan just smiled and shook his head.

Immediately, the members of the team began to discuss, apparently this was the first time they had seen such an exaggerated amount of military merit.

Long Ze asked suspiciously, "Is this amount of military merit an exaggeration?"

"If You Ming didn't talk nonsense, it would be an exaggeration." Shuangdaohou 'Spiked' nodded and continued, "Like a world master warrior, the minimum amount of military merit is 100 million, and the maximum is 10 billion."

"As for the immortal gods... the low-level military merit of the immortal army master is between 10 billion and 100 billion. If the military merit of the world master warrior reaches 10 billion, it means...he has the strength not weaker than ordinary immortal gods!"

"The Immortal Army Lord is between 100 billion and 1000 billion high-level, the Marquis Junior is 1000 billion to 1 trillion, and Nether's military merits have reached the upper limit of 1000 billion, so it means... the virtual universe system judges that his strength is comparable to Fenghou Immortal God!"


"The judgment of the virtual universe system can't be wrong. Nether has the combat power to directly rival Fenghou Immortal God."'Shan' also added.

"What? The rank of the Immortal Army Master is comparable to that of the Marquis Immortal God?" Long Ze almost dropped his jaw in shock. He thought his talent was pretty good, but when he compared it, the gap was quite big!

His military merit is only twice the base amount, but Nether is ten times as much!
"This is too strong..."

'Yu' even looked directly at Gould, and the old members of the team also communicated with each other through sound transmission, but on the surface they were still communicating with the three newcomers.

"This kid, I'm afraid he has a lot of background."

"What should I do? Do you want to find an excuse to drive out of the team?"

"A recruit can directly compare to Fenghou Immortal? It's unheard of, and the power behind it may be very powerful, maybe there is a king or even a venerable!"

"Boss, what do you think?"

Gould did not speak, and he has not communicated with other people through voice transmission. The strength of Shi Yan has indeed exceeded his expectations.

It is far more exaggerated that an immortal army lord can be compared to Fenghou immortality than a world lord can be compared to ordinary immortality.

You know, Fenghou Immortal has an immortal body.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Fenghou Immortal will definitely crush the Immortal Army Lord, even if it is the peak of the Immortal Army Lord, in front of Fenghou Immortal, he can only run away.

How strong is the ability to bridge the gap between immortality?

Does it mean that the strength of this Nether is even comparable to that of Feng Hou Gao?Just because there is no immortal body, is it only comparable to Fenghou primary school?

The comprehension of the law has not been achieved, but the strength is so exaggerated, either he created a powerful secret method, or... there is a treasure!

For example... the seventh-tier magic weapon, even the best seventh-tier magic weapon!

Thinking of this, Gould narrowed his eyes slightly, and said via voice transmission: "Do it! This is an extraterritorial battlefield, and anything can happen. We don't want to attack our own people, so what are we afraid of?"

"Sacrifice in war is unavoidable. Even the descendants of the king of the universe have died in countless battlefields outside the territory. Could they still be implicated in the team members?"

"It's a big deal to retreat in the barracks base. After a few epochs or dozens of epochs, it will be fine."

"With such strength, there may be many treasures on him..."

The other members were also moved when they heard the words.

"Boss, there are still risks, why don't you change someone." 'Shan' said calmly.

"Brother Shan~ What are you afraid of? With the boss here, there has never been any problem. Besides, we will stop soon, aren't we?" The melodious voice of 'Yu' rang out in the minds of other members, with a sense of charm.

"Hmph, don't interfere with my consciousness casually." 'Shan' was shocked, and erased the secret method in 'Yu''s voice.

"Hehehe, I'm used to it, sorry~" 'Yu' said casually.

"This kid is wearing white clam armor, and the divine sword on his back... I feel extraordinary just from the scabbard and hilt! On the battlefield outside the territory, killing people and seizing treasures is everywhere. He was really killed by a foreign race, and his strength is not enough. I can't blame others." Wind River's melodious voice sounded.

"That's right, even the lord of the universe cannot enter the battlefield outside the territory. Without evidence, it is impossible to take us down."

Indeed, according to the normal logic, as long as the teammate was not deliberately harmed, even if the disciple of the master of the universe died, he could not vent his anger on his teammate.

Behaviors such as escaping, standing by and watching, or even accidental death are difficult to judge.

For example, in the original book, Luo Feng killed Nuo Lanshan in a pit.

He is not worried about being monitored by the virtual universe system at all, as long as it is not obvious, it will be difficult to be discovered.

Even if someone of some status wants to picket, he can only be convicted of a misdemeanor of neglecting his teammates.

It's not that they haven't experienced these things before. This time, they hesitated only because Shi Yan's background seemed to be bigger.

However, greed soon took over their consciousness.


"No wonder you just entered the extraterritorial battlefield and wanted to go to a high-level area like the Yanji Continent. If you go to a low-level area, it will be difficult to find immortal gods and alien races. To complete this military merit quota, I don't know how many epochs it will take."

"Killing the Immortal Army Master Elementary alone will be worth 1 million military merits."

"Killing the Immortal Lord Gao alone alone will be worth 10 billion military merits."

"Killing Fenghou primary class alone is 100 billion military merits."

"By analogy, Fenghou Gao has 1000 billion military merits, Fenghou Fengfeng has 10000 trillion military merits... Fengwang Peak has 1000 trillion military merits!"

"The highest is only 1000 trillion."

Shuangdaohou 'Spiked' finished speaking in one breath. Obviously, he has spent many years on the battlefield outside the territory and knows many immortal gods, so he naturally found out this information.

Both Long Ze and Shi Yan nodded.

"Don't worry, we will help you complete the military merit quota." Gould laughed.

"Thank you Captain!" Long Ze happily responded.

Shi Yan sighed secretly in his heart, these 1000 billion military achievements are nothing at all, but they have already surprised the Fenghou Immortal God Squad so much.

If he knew his real military merit... wouldn't he have to run away on the spot.

This 1000 billion military merit quota belongs to a military merit quota issued by the army through the virtual universe system.

This has been 'formulated', each immortal army leader is between 100 billion and 1000 billion high, and Shiyan is strong enough, so he was directly issued a quota of 1000 billion.

However, the life-and-death test of the world leader of the 'Virtual Universe Company' also has requirements for Shi Yan.

As the first genius of the human race, he has even surpassed all geniuses in history, and his military merits are also the highest in history!
The requirement is - 1000 trillion military merit quota!

Only by completing 1000 trillion military merits can one leave the battlefield outside the territory. This is Shi Yan's 'life and death test'!
It is equivalent to Shi Yan needing to kill a peak king with the realm of the world master!Or 10 kings and higher ranks!
In fact, it is difficult to judge the difficulty of these two, which is more difficult.

If you choose to kill the less difficult Feng Wang Elementary, it will be very difficult to kill a hundred of them.

Once you have gained fame by killing a few Feng Wang, it will not be so easy to find Feng Wang primary school easily.

Alien races are not fools, there are countless means that can be devised, and when they are countered, they may suffer serious consequences if they are not careful.

The more people need to kill, the higher the risk will be.

In addition, Shi Yan didn't even bother to find Feng Wangchu to kill them one by one, it was too cheap!
If you can easily find a nest of Feng Wang juniors, that's all. There is no need to find them one by one.

Moreover, this will also reduce the evaluation of Shi Yan by the top executives of the virtual universe company, and it is not the mentality of a true genius.

He didn't even think about killing 10 King Gao in the past.

What he has to do must be to kill Feng Wangfeng to complete the task!
(End of this chapter)

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