I who devour the starry sky can refine all things

Chapter 216 Based on Chongguang Island

Chapter 216 Based on Chongguang Island

Chongguang Island.

In an unknown land.

Shi Yan and the others are constantly going deep into the ground...

They found that there were many traces of destruction in the depths of this piece of land. Obviously, it has been affected by many battles for hundreds of millions of years, and there are more than a dozen different passages underneath. Obviously, the previous team has also made sufficient preparations.

These passages are very useful whether you are escaping or blocking the enemy.

People who are familiar with this place can escape very quickly, while those who are not familiar with it may have to slow down continuously, or smash the stone wall, even if it is Fenghou Immortal, the speed will be greatly affected.

Shi Yan and his team went directly to the hinterland along one of the deep passages.

This is an empty cave with a diameter of about a kilometer.

"It's pretty big." Gould smiled and pointed to the ground.

The whole body was casted by the 'Chrome Yan Copper Mother' and the lounge cabin appeared out of thin air and landed on the ground of the cave.

"Open the door," Gould ordered.

The hatch of the lounge cabin opened automatically, and then a group of people entered it.


Deep in the land, in the cabin.

"Just arrived in the Broken Star Belt, everyone rest first." Gould smiled, "I will first contact our neighbors through the virtual universe network - comrades-in-arms and allies in the other three places within a billion kilometers. The power is dominant, maybe there will be some top powerhouses from other races coming in."

"We can't find the coordinates of alien enemies, and those who dare to kill them must be confident. Our team of gods alone may not be able to handle it. It's better to communicate with our comrades and allies." Then Gould closed his eyes. Eyes, consciousness connected to virtual universe network, went to contact neighbors. "

This is also what most people do. Unless they have absolute confidence in the strength of their own team, or are extremely confident in their own personal strength, grouping together is the most correct way.

The strength of the 'Viper' team can be regarded as the top in other islands.

However, the No. 02 island 'Chongguang Island' is second only to the main continent of Yanji Continent.

It is much safer to have allies who take care of each other.

The four human teams can be well taken care of within the range of 10 billion kilometers, which is a necessary condition for the old nest.

The others also relaxed and rested upon hearing this.

Everyone calm down.

Relaxation is also for better fighting.

"1000 billion military merit, 1000 billion military merit." Shi Yan was sitting on the sofa, thinking silently, "The task given to me by the army is 1000 billion military merit, as long as I complete 1000 billion military merit...then I will be free and can Choose 'retire', choose 'exchange treasure', choose 'continue fighting', choose 'fight alone'."


"I hope this 'Viper' team will not disappoint me. If the 1000 billion military merits are accumulated normally, it will take a lot of time, so it will not meet my expectations..." Shi Yan secretly said, "From the current point of view, everything in the team is normal , It’s just that veterans still give people a sense of alienation.”

This is not the feeling of Shi Yan alone, even Long Ze felt it, but he didn't go into it, and only thought that his strength was too weak.

Following the spirit team, Shi Yan's strength could not be fully utilized.

The more strength he exposes, the easier it is for others to discover his identity. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he will not easily reveal his strength during this period.

If the news leaks out...then he will be in big trouble.

Shi Yan is very clear.

The identity of being the first talent in the human race not only brings benefits to me, but also brings dangers - the frantic pursuit of aliens.

"Then I will act alone."

"I can break out and have a strong confrontation with a strong foreign race. Even if my identity is exposed, I can quickly change to another place."

"Even if there's nowhere to hide, it's a big deal to let the avatar come out and end."

Shi Yan looked in Gould's direction, thoughtful.

At this time, Gould opened his eyes, piercing his sharp gaze directly at Shi Yan, a powerful evil spirit erupted almost instantly, and then retracted instantly, with a kind smile on his face.

Immediately, Shi Yan's eyes seemed to be burnt, and he closed them suddenly. Fortunately, Gould retracted in time, and he recovered with a light blink.

The recovery ability of the immortal gods is still very strong, and Gould also said through voice transmission: "You Ming, I'm sorry, I have been on the battlefield outside the territory all year round, and I have been too vigilant."

Shi Yan smiled and shook his head. In fact, all this was just a disguise. If Fenghou Peak's immortal evil spirit could be ignored, Gould would be suspicious.

Gould erupted subconsciously, so that kind of evil spirit, even Fenghou Immortal would be stagnant.

No one else noticed anything abnormal, Gould retracted it in a timely manner, and the evil spirit disappeared before it spread.

Only 'Yu' who was watching Shiyan saw all this.

Then Gould got up and said:

"I have already contacted the allies in the attachment. They are also the three elite god teams led by Fenghou Immortal. One is the team led by the human Fenghou Higher, and the other two are the alien Fenghou Peak and the Fenghou Higher allies. led the team, but they only have ten Immortals in total.”

"Before I mention it, he actively formed an alliance with us."

Gould said with a smile, "We formed an offensive and defensive alliance. Assuming that a superpower from a different race comes, we can join forces, and the chances of survival will greatly increase. Everyone, take a day off, and we will start fighting tomorrow!"

"Yes! Captain."

I have to say that Shi Yan also looked forward to how thrilling and exciting the battle in the foreign battlefield would be.


Although the veterans are always vigilant, they are used to being on the battlefield all year round, and it will not affect their rest at all.

And when Shi Yanyi is bold, he is not panic at all.

Only Longze was a little anxious in the room, and could hardly calm down and rest.

His strength is far inferior to Shi Yan's. Although he is considered an excellent recruit, he is an immortal recruit after all, and his background and potential cannot be underestimated.

It's just that I haven't practiced for a long time, and I have been in the illusion of a greenhouse for a long time, so I have never experienced such a scene as a battlefield.

On Chongguang Island, his line of sight was affected, and evil spirits even invaded incessantly. A faint sense of crisis almost made him restless.

"Longze, you split a sliver of consciousness into the virtual universe network, play virtual games, and relax." Seeing this, Gould laughed.

"Yes, captain." Long Ze felt ashamed.

"Don't be shy, all of us here, when we first entered the foreign battlefield, the feeling that we might encounter a battle at any time... also drove everyone crazy. In our human territory, there is no such terrible place. This is almost always the case for newcomers who come here for the first time, so don’t worry about it.” Gould smiled.

Long Ze nodded, his consciousness was connected to the virtual universe network, and he went to relax.

Seeing that everyone wanted to rest, Gould also ordered Smart to switch the layout of the cabin.

Although the cabin is only 900 square meters in size, nine rooms can be divided at will, and a single room is nearly [-] square meters, more than enough for one person to live in.

Nine people were resting in their rooms.


the next day.

The layout of the cabin switched back to the original state, and everyone was already ready to go.

"Assemble!" Black Linhou Gould shouted.

Spikes, mountains, mountains, huge cliffs...all of them stood up quickly.

"This is our first operation on Chongguang Island, mainly to let the recruits adapt to the rhythm of the battlefield." Gould glanced at the eight people, and then fixed his eyes on Longze.

"Longze, if there is a junior immortal army leader in a certain team, you have to make a move. Remember to leave the main battlefield to avoid being affected."

If the two squads have Immortal Lords, they will generally avoid the battle of the Marquis Immortal. After all, if it is involved, it will be a loss for both sides. Unless there is no hope of escape, they will do this kind of behavior that hurts the enemy by eight hundred and hurts oneself by one thousand. .


Long Ze nodded.

"As for Nether, you can choose your own target when the time comes, even if you want to pick a Marquis Immortal, that's fine."

This is considered an extremely high evaluation, and it also gave Shi Yan a lot of freedom.

"Thank you Captain." Shi Yan said gently.

"Okay, let's go." Gould ordered with a smile.

Shi Yan and a group of people rushed out of the lair quickly, and Captain Gould naturally took over the F9 class cabin.

"D9 spaceship?" Long Ze flew out of the ground and stood on the ground, staring in astonishment at a spaceship floating in front of him.

"Yes, we set off on a D9-class spaceship." Gould nodded, "The weakness of this D9-class spaceship is that it takes a long time to accelerate, decelerates slowly, and dodges slowly...but once it accelerates, its flight speed is still the same. Very fast. It's easy to fly at sublight speed in Chongguang Island."

"The most important thing is... There are too many strong alien races in Chongguang Island, and they may be attacked at any time. Once attacked, the spaceship will be destroyed... We will stay here for a long time, and the spaceship will be destroyed every time. I can't bear to use expensive ones. This kind of D9-class spaceship is very cheap, even if thousands of ships are destroyed, I don't feel bad." Gould smiled.

Long Ze was dumbfounded.

D9 level is indeed very cheap. Even if thousands of ships are less than 1 Hunyuan unit, for Fenghou Immortal...it is indeed very, very cheap.

After all, a large number of children under the command of a slightly powerful family are riding on a C-class spaceship, but it is very easy for a family with immortal gods to buy a D-class spaceship.


Shi Yan said that they were flying in this very low-end D9-class spaceship in Chongguang Island at 0.8 times the speed of light. They did not fly at sub-light speed. impact, which is not conducive to responding to imminent dangers.

"The detection equipment I carry with me is worth more than 3000 billion military merits, and it can detect life fluctuations within a radius of 3 million kilometers." Gould sat in the cabin and said with a smile, "Although we can know the coordinates of close-range comrades and allies, but It is impossible to know the coordinates of alien enemies, so we can only rely on detection equipment, this thing... must not be stingy, good detection equipment is very important."

The peak 'Sha', the immortal leader, also nodded. His original team was suppressed by the enemy because of the detection equipment, which eventually caused the team to be fragmented, and the few people who escaped by chance separated.

It was also because of this that Feng River easily invited him.

"More than 3000 billion military merits?!" Long Ze blurted out, he just understood the concept of military merits not long ago, and Shiyan's 1000 billion military merits are already amazing, but he didn't expect that one of the captain's detectors was worth more than 3000 billion military merits.

After completing the amount of military merit and obtaining freedom, you have the right to 'exchange treasure', which can also be directly exchanged into money. Every 10 military merit is 1 mixed yuan unit.

If you are a member of the virtual universe company, every 10 military merits can also be exchanged for 1 point, which can be exchanged for treasures in the army system, or exchanged for points in the virtual universe treasure house.

Other human race forces also have corresponding exchange methods.

In other words, the value of more than 3000 billion military merits is about 300 million units of Hunyuan, and the Immortal Lord can hardly afford it, and many Fenghou Immortals are also reluctant to buy such expensive detection equipment.

The assets of ordinary Fenghou Immortal are only about 1000 million, but there are many hard assets among them, and the working capital may be only a few million. This detector may cost most of the working capital.

If the captain hadn't been the pinnacle of Fenghou, he wouldn't have bought such an expensive detection instrument.

"It's nothing. Detecting instruments are the most important strategic weapon in the extraterritorial battlefield. Even if the equipment can be saved, the detecting instruments can't." Gould laughed.

"If your detection equipment is more advanced than that of alien enemies, you will be able to take the lead, deploy control in advance, do mental calculations without intention, and it is easy to sneak attack."

"Even if you can't fight, you can escape early, or ask for help to besiege the alien race together!"

Everyone also nodded.

"Relying on the captain's detection equipment, we have escaped countless crises." 'Yu' said with a smile.

Of course, Shi Yan also understood the importance of detection equipment. In addition to preparing weapons, spaceships, battle armor, plant life, etc., he also bought top-quality detection equipment.

With Shiyan's privileges and low discounts, it also cost a full 60 billion points.Of course, this is nothing to Shiyan, who had more than 1 trillion points in the beginning. This instrument will be used no matter in the battlefield outside the territory or in the secret space of the universe in the future.

60 billion points after discount.

Assuming that it is auctioned in some auction houses, at least tens of billions of Hunyuan units, many immortal gods of the king are not worth so much. This kind of expensive detection equipment... is normally equipped with the ultimate immortal gods of the king.

One of the large-scale detection instruments spent 20 billion points and can detect a radius of 3 million kilometers!It can detect spaceships at a long distance, and it is easier to layout.

Another ultra-small detection instrument spent a full 40 billion points, but the detection range is only 20 kilometers in radius!

Although it only detects a range of 20 kilometers, the price has to be doubled!
Because the detection range is small, the detection precision is comparable to those large detectors with hundreds of billions of integrals, that is to say... With this ultra-small detector, as long as there are some super powerful people to detect, even if the large detectors cannot detect... Small detectors will know in advance.

This kind of powerhouse with a large detector that can afford hundreds of billions of points hardly exists in the foreign battlefield, and there are only a few invincible kings.

Even if it is Feng Wang Wudi, it is estimated that there are not many who can avoid this ultra-small detection instrument.

Shi Yan didn't have to worry about someone sneaking up on him at all, but he wasn't going to tell the 'Viper' team just yet, and he'd have to wait until he had performed a few missions.

Molin Hou Gould's detection equipment is completely sufficient on 'Chongguang Island', even if he went to the main continent of Yanji Continent, it is still in the middle and upper reaches, after all, there are still a few kings.

"On the extraterritorial battlefield, while you are detecting, alien races are also detecting." Gould said, "With my detection equipment, except for encountering mechanical races who are good at technology, there is almost no disadvantage in every battle. They can all take the lead.”

"However, there are still some strong aliens who have ultra-small detectors with extremely high detection precision, which can shield large-scale detectors with poor precision. And the detectors I bought are not one, but two, one big and one small, That's why it's worth more than 3000 billion military merits."

"In this way, even if the large-scale detection equipment is inferior to the aliens, there are still small-scale detection equipment as a guarantee. So far, I have not encountered a team that can avoid my small-scale detection equipment." Gould said to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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