I who devour the starry sky can refine all things

Chapter 219: The Machine Clan Confers Immortality!

Chapter 219: The Machine Clan Confers Immortality!
Chongguang Island.

In a valley surrounded by the seven layers of divine light.

As one of the few special places on Chongguang Island that contains the seven layers of divine light, the god squad here is also very rare.

Here, even if it is Fenghou Immortal, the viewing distance does not exceed 100 kilometers.

Below immortality, it is like a blind man.

A D9-class spaceship is moving forward slowly, more cautiously than before.

"On the mountainside of a mountain at a distance of 2.8 million kilometers, there is a team of alien races stationed. There are ten immortal gods and thousands of alien warriors, and three of them are immortal marquises!"

"This army is too strong for us to please."

After a while—

"There are four immortal gods over there."

"Too weak." Gould stood in the lounge and looked at the vast Chongguang Island. The seven-fold divine light in the distance became more dazzling, and he could vaguely see some undulating mountains, and there were still traces left on the huge mountain walls for hundreds of millions of years. Some sacrificial image carvings.

"Huh? There are only two immortal gods? Fenghou primary? Immortal army master high?" Gould looked at the information on the screen.

The detection instruments are displayed on the screen together with the 'star map', which can be seen by all members.

The information on this letter from Hou Elementary was quickly displayed aside.

"A junior Fenghou and a senior immortal army leader dare to go deep into this place?" Spike said hoarsely, "I'm afraid they have something to rely on."

"Looking at the race, it really is the machine race." 'Yu' said, at this time she lost her former coquettishness and became serious.

"The machine race...is a tough guy."'Sha' said looking at each message.

The strength of the machine clan itself does not represent its true combat effectiveness.

Every mechanical clansman has a mechanical legion, and whether the combat effectiveness is strong or not is largely determined by the mechanical legion.

And they are also a kind of race that can easily leapfrog challenges.

Although the mechanical clansman on the screen is only a junior Fenghou, it is possible to even have the combat power of a high-ranking Fenghou or even a peak Fenghou.

"Captain, although this hard bone is difficult to crack, it also represents great value!" Shan, who had never spoken, began to say at this time.

"Danger and opportunity coexist. The mechanical legion itself is a treasure trove. As long as we can eat it, we will be full!"

The machine race is considered the most valuable group of targets in the extraterritorial battlefield. Like other races, although they are also valuable, they are not as good as the machine race.

The value of most alien races lies in the treasures they carry, which can be more or less, it all depends on luck.

Immortals who are forced to self-destruct may only have a part of their property left, and in many cases, they cannot even make up for the losses in this battle.

The strongest ability of the mechanical clan lies in technology. Their technological strength far exceeds that of any other group, and their strength lies in their mechanical army.

Whether it is a mechanical puppet or a spaceship of the mechanical clan, the cost may not be high within the mechanical clan, but it is extremely popular among the human race and can be sold at a very high price.

Even mechanical puppets of the same level are several times, even ten times more expensive than those made by humans!
Fight against the machine clan, and earn money while fighting.

Regardless of whether the opponent fights you to the end or chooses to escape, as long as you don't die, you won't lose money!
"Come closer and detect their situation." Gould ordered.

The intelligence of the spaceship accelerated the speed slightly, and approached the spaceship where the mechanical clan was.


In one of the bays of a broken Mech spaceship.

The whole body of the two mechanical tribes seems to be made of metal, and their body shapes are somewhat similar to those of the human tribe. If it weren't for the obvious mechanical texture of the metal skin, they would be almost exactly the same as the copper tribe.

The whole body of the Bronze Human Race is also like metal, and it may be obvious that the skin is soft in a state, and can control the local activities of the whole body at will.

The appearance of these two mechanical clansmen is very similar. At first glance, they look like two metal men, sitting on two alloy chairs.

"Hahaha, as expected of Fenghou Immortal, the assets are really rich." One of the mechanical clansman grinned.

"It's only because you were seriously injured and restrained the alien Marquis Immortal, Captain, that I was able to take the opportunity to kill other Immortal Army Lords and Realm Master fighters... and then joined hands to kill that alien Immortal." Another mechanical clansman smiled obsequiously.

"The detection instruments of the alien immortals are too low-level, they can't detect my detection signal at all, and they are easily surrounded by my mechanical army."

The captain of the mechanical tribe, named 'Weights', has a layer of dark purple armor on his body, which is very exquisite, showing the unique sense of technology of the mechanical tribe.

"I have to say that Fenghou Immortal is too difficult to kill. Although he has just reached Fenghou's Immortal Race, he already has an immortal body. In order to kill him, my mechanical army was also severely injured, and his strength has already disappeared. One."

'Weights' sighed slightly, but thinking of the large amount of military achievements and trophies, he chuckled again: "The trophies have been counted, and we have gained a lot this time. Going back for a wave of supplies will make our mechanical army even stronger , it won’t be so hard to deal with such a Fenghou junior next time.”

"The captain is wise!" the ordinary mechanical clansman flattered with a smile.


It is 1.34 million kilometers away from the spaceship of the mechanical family.

A D9-level ordinary spaceship is flying through the 'heavy light'.

inside the cabin.

Gould's detection instrument forms a three-dimensional projection on the stereo screen, and is playing the conversation scene of the two mechanical clansmen.

This conversation of the mechanical tribe was actually received by the detection equipment of the 'Viper' team!

"Although we didn't monitor the previous conversation, this part of the information is very critical!" Ju Ya, the 'King of Fighters', slammed his fists together, made a 'bang', and laughed.

"Captain, it's obvious that this mechanical clansman can only display the strength of Fenghou Chu, and he has just experienced a big battle, so there is no one in ten strengths. This is a good opportunity to make a move."

"The mechanical clan of Fenghou Immortal level, even if there is only [-]% of the mechanical army, is worth more than the general Fenghou Immortal alien race." 'Yu' squinted his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled into a sinister arc.

"However, I may not be able to help you too much against the machine race."

As an illusionist, Yu can play a very good auxiliary role in the battle with alien races with souls. Even energy-like life forms such as the succulent race who are afraid of soul attacks will be disturbed, but it will not work for the machine race. up.

Gould nodded, "We keep approaching, and they seem to be still counting the spoils. They probably didn't find us, and we only have the fighting power of the junior Marquis, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Judging from the detection situation, they did go through a tough battle, and the F-class spaceship with good quality was destroyed like this.

And among those trophies, there were obviously traces of Zerg, and there were also Zerg wreckage and countless mechanical wreckage floating in the air.

It should be a fierce battle with the Zerg.

He glanced at everyone, "What's your opinion?"

"I agree to take the shot."

"I agree."

"I agree."

Veterans of the 'Viper' team agreed one after another, 'Sha' hesitated for a moment, but was compromised by a look from Feng He.

"I agree."

Long Ze's divine body has recovered to 40% at the moment, and from the surface it looks basically the same as usual, but once he fights, he can find his spiritual body flaws.

"Captain, can I participate in the battle?" Long Ze experienced a heavy loss in the last battle, and it sounds like the immortal machine clan is full of treasures and can get a piece of the pie. Perhaps the treasures that restore the divine body consumed this time can also make up for it. on.

Gould glanced at Long Ze and nodded slowly.

"Then I also agree." Although Long Ze participated in the battle, if he couldn't hold on halfway, he could choose to enter other people's world rings. As long as he participated in the battle, he would be able to share a guaranteed portion of the spoils.

Finally, all eyes were on Shiyan.

"You Ming, what about you?"

"Captain, you all agree, is my opinion still important?" Shi Yan smiled, unable to see his true thoughts.

Gould laughed, "Naturally, everyone's opinion must be respected. If you don't want to join the war, I won't force you."

"You can choose to enter my world ring or leave first, and we can also gather in our lair." Gould didn't say anything dead.

As soon as these words come out, if Shi Yan quits, he will definitely be looked down upon by others. If he is really a newcomer, he may be attracted by this excitement.

"Naturally, I want to advance and retreat with everyone." Shi Yan smiled lightly, as if he didn't hear any implication.

"Okay, since everyone agrees, let's eat them."

Gould said coldly: "Our team has a Fenghou peak and a Fenghou senior. Except for Long Ze, everyone else can be regarded as the immortal combat power of the Fenghou. There is no reason why we can't win a mere Fenghou junior."

"Even if he still has some hole cards, he can't be our opponent when his vitality is seriously injured."

"Then, get ready to do it!"

The eyes of Shuangdaohou 'Sharp' flickered: "If we succeed in taking them down, our gains from this battle may be worth several epochs!"

As soon as this remark came out, even 'Sha' couldn't help but get excited.

That's right, as long as he wins a Fenghou-level mechanical clan Immortal, he can easily gather the recovery materials for his divine body.

Generally, the worth of the Marquis Immortal is more than 1000 million Hunyuan units, but the spoils of killing ordinary races are often greatly reduced. Only the mechanical race has almost all their assets in technological products, and they are good at lower than the average price of the universe. Manufacturing technology products at a low price, the value of the spoils can often exceed tens of millions of mixed yuan units!

If the nine people are divided according to their contributions, 'Sha' thinks he can get [-]%, at least there are millions of Hunyuan units!
You know, since he entered the battlefield, his net harvest has not reached a million yuan units!
When encountering a foreign race in an extraterritorial battlefield, unless the opponent is too strong, or there is no benefit to be gained, they will choose to retreat directly.

Among the immortal gods who dare to come to this kind of battlefield, there is no one who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

In particular, they are all Immortal Marquis, and they can become a giant if they go to any cosmic country, which is much easier than living such a precarious life in an extraterritorial battlefield.

Their goal is naturally to exchange for the greatest benefit in the shortest time!

The status of Fenghou Immortal is high, but the status of Fengwang Immortal is even higher. Only with sufficient resources can a new breakthrough opportunity be obtained.

The spoils are their goal, and the battle itself is their pursuit.

If they want to become strong, they are naturally eager to fight with the strong, and it is easier to break through between life and death!
Gould walked slowly to the side of the cabin and ordered: "Stop when approaching [-] kilometers."

This D9-class spaceship accelerated and approached the position of the strong machine clan.


The two mechanical clansmen began to take out various tools to repair the launch ship.

"Captain, the detection equipment has not found any alien enemies. After repairing the spaceship, I can set off."

Their detection instruments are also constantly monitoring. As long as there are no enemies within the range, it is naturally safer for them to repair the spaceship before setting off.

Of course, this is an illusion!
They seem to be chatting on the surface, but the real information is actually communicating in the virtual universe constructed by themselves.

"This team is here again, hahaha." Si Te laughed.

"Captain, this 'Viper' team has come here for the second time in this era, is there something wrong?" Another mechanical clansman asked worriedly.

Especially this time the 'Viper' team came to their lair again after only a few thousand years.

It was at least a few epochs apart before.

"Roztka, don't worry too much, as long as you have a good sense of proportion, they won't break the skin with me." Shit said to himself, "Maybe it's because I'm short of money recently, haha."

His self-confidence is naturally based on strength.

Now, his strength is not afraid of the 'Viper' team at all.

The 'Viper' team had a lot to gain, but the real winner was Stoker.

He is the one who really makes a lot of money.

As for the origin between the two of them, it will involve hundreds of thousands of years ago.

That was the first time the 'Viper' team came here and strayed into their lair.

At that time, Situ's strength was no more than that of the first-time Fenghou, and the strength of the mechanical army could barely kill the first-time Fenghou.

However, killing Fenghou Immortal also means that the real explosive power of the mechanical legion can reach the level of barely becoming a king!
With his army of machines, he trapped the 'Viper' squad.

Squad 'Viper' quickly lost most of its low-ranking members in an ambush.

Gould had to burn his divine power to lead the team to escape, but it was his first time facing such a powerful mechanical army. With no experience, it was difficult for him to really take everyone away.

This entire space is affected by the mechanical legion, and it is impossible to collect them through the world ring, only by breaking the blockade.

On the way to escape, members fell one by one. In order to prevent the items of his teammates from falling into the hands of the enemy, Gould tried his best to take back the items that exploded, but he still left a lot.

But you can't lose sight of the other, escape is the most important thing.

In the end, he only took away the strongest 'Spike' in the team at that time, and the other four members with very good strength and potential.

This is also the core member of their team so far.

Although the loss in that battle was heavy, for Gould, his harvest was no less than a battle with alien races!

The other team members more or less consumed the immortal body, and Gould also distributed the relics from the dead teammates to several others.

This also planted a seed in his heart.

Later, the 'Poisonous Snake' team also entered the main continent of the Yanji Continent.

After several epochs, the 'Viper' team, which suffered repeated setbacks and suffered heavy losses, left the main continent and entered the 'Chongguang Island' again.

Once again at the same place, I met Shister.

after that……

Although Gould did not have any communication with Shister, a tacit understanding was formed in this way.

But both sides have ambitions, and sooner or later, they will make the other party spit out everything they eat!

If Situ is strong enough, it will be difficult for the 'Viper' team to escape. Once he has the ability to eat the entire team, it will be time for both sides to tear their faces apart.

Gould also held the same idea. Once his magical weapon was refined, he would be sure to break through the 'Six Prisons of Light'.

As long as he breaks through the restriction of the mechanical army, he is sure to kill a Fenghou Elementary Immortal in a short time.

Especially the Immortal Machine Race, whose own strength will be weaker than that of ordinary alien races.

Their main strength is concentrated on the mechanical legion.

(End of this chapter)

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