I who devour the starry sky can refine all things

Chapter 222 Confer King's Strength!

Chapter 222 Confer King's Strength!

The vast purgatory space exudes a palpitating atmosphere.

The large number of special weapons fired by the six behemoths hidden in the 'heavy light' are currently suspended in different directions in the purgatory space.

I saw these special weapons, or a mechanical puppet that was only half a meter high, or a giant 100-meter-long sword, or a 0.8-meter-long special-shaped mechanical battle ax...

Weird shape!

Scattered in the corners of the purgatory space, they quickly began to gather, and amazing changes took place under the powerful energy supplement of the purgatory space.

Millions of special weapons instantly turned into 36 fully armed giants!

36 giants, standing in every corner of the purgatory space, surrounded the poisonous snake team tightly.

These giants have different shapes, the short ones are about 10 meters, and the tall ones are about 100 meters.

"This is..." Gould was suspended in the air, his dark green eyes were observing carefully, and his heart was extremely shocked, "Looking at the countless special weapons that were quickly assembled just now, they seem to be using the best grade F9 metals. The mechanical puppets made by F9-level 'Heihongshimother' are much more expensive!"

There are many types of F9 grade metals, although they are both F9 grade, the value is also very different.

"These 36 giants alone... the F9 grade metal used is at least several times more expensive than the 'Heihong Stone Mother', and the total price may be hundreds of millions of yuan units!"

There are only grade G metals that are higher than these materials.

If you use G-grade metal, it will be expensive, even if it is the cheapest G-grade metal, these will cost billions of mixed yuan units.

Thirty-six giants stood leisurely in various directions in the purgatory space, and the breath they emitted made everyone in the poisonous snake team dare not act rashly.

"This...why have I never seen him use it?" 'Spiked' voice transmission.

"Hmph, after killing so many immortal gods, I'm afraid at least one or two of them have some adventures. Their worth far exceeds their strength, and they may even be richer than us." Out.

"What Si Te ate was real meat, we just drank some soup!" 'King of Fighters' Ju Ya slammed his fists and said angrily.

"It's too late to say this now, think of a way, this Si Te's strength has greatly increased... and the Bei Fenghou he said is the peak marquis of the Machine Race Alliance! The situation is not good."'Shan There was a hint of evil spirit between the brows, and he became a little irritable.

"I'm afraid he wants to cheat today!"

"Now, I'm afraid there is only one way, let Nether attract the firepower, Captain, you put us all into the world ring and escape!" 'Yu' said darkly.

"It seems that Situ has also discovered the special features of this Nether, and has gathered most of the mechanical puppets to deal with him just now."

"If you do this, I'm afraid the military system will find out, right?" 'Shan' snorted coldly, obviously, he still didn't dare to violate the military order head-on.

"That depends on the strength of the captain. Once the battle starts, anything can happen." 'Yu' sneered.

"Just find a chance to separate from the Nether..."

She didn't go on, but everyone else had already understood.

During the battle, it is normal for the battlefield to be separated. Once they escape, they will naturally go their separate ways.

"Marquis Molin."

At this time, a loud voice suddenly came out from the mouth of the tallest pitch-black giant, speaking the common language of the machine race.

Gould's figure moved slightly, standing in mid-air, at eye level with the pitch-black giant, and said gloomyly:
"What do you want?"

"You took about 26 mechanical puppets from me, and you return those mechanical puppets to me, and I am willing to let you go alone." The pitch-black giant remained motionless, looking at everyone in the poisonous snake team, "You should know, my detection Yi is far more advanced than you, if I want you to find me, you must not be able to find me, but I can easily find you."

"Despicable!" 'Yu' said through gritted teeth, no longer the same style as before.

"Captain, don't be fooled by him!" Feng He also trembled in his heart.

If Gould left at this time, they would really be all over.

"Captain!" 'Spiked' also shouted.

Gould was silent, his dark green eyes icy staring at the pitch-black giant.

His face became ugly, because his detector really couldn't detect the position of Shister.

This is something that has never happened before!

They had fought against each other several times before, and even though Si Te's strength slightly overwhelmed him, they never escaped his detector!
I don't know when it started, but Sitter has been invincible.

"My 36 dark giants... are the ultimate ultimate move of my 'Six Prisons of Light'." The dark giant continued, "In the 'Infernal Purgatory'... each of them has a battle that is close to the peak of Fenghou. Strength, this is still fighting alone, if once I use my ultimate ultimate move, even if you are the peak of Fenghou, with an immortal body, you will be seriously injured, and if you lose part of your immortal body, it may take millions or tens of millions of years to recover. "

"Go on."

"Not worth it."

"As long as you return all the mechanical puppets to me, I will let you leave the Infernal Purgatory and let you leave safely." The pitch-black giant said.

After the poisonous snake team listened, they looked at the 36 giants with ashen faces.

Can each one rival Fenghou Peak?
Each one can entangle them tightly and suppress them!

Once multiple alliances... Fenghou primary class is likely to fall!
Even Feng Hou Gao's 'spikes' couldn't last long at all.

What's more...there is the so-called 'Ultimate Ultimate Move', that Bei Fenghou who doesn't know the truth.

"Whether to go or not depends on your own choice." said the pitch-black giant.


Situ, the Marquis Immortal who controls the battle in the distance, showed a smirk: "Stupid guy, wait for Marquis Molin to give me the mechanical puppet, and then I will ravage you all. Marquis Beifeng restricts Marquis Molin, you alone Can't even run away."

Ever since he opened the Infernal Purgatory, he had no intention of actually letting anyone in the Viper Squad go.

What he wants to do is to kill people!
Steer, who is firmly in control of the surrounding 5 million kilometers, is not at all worried that someone will come to sabotage his plan.

Even the first Bei Fenghou who entered his detection range would take a few minutes to arrive, and it was impossible for others to come so quickly.

He wants to make the Viper team suspicious of each other and delay for a few minutes.

In this way, a large wave of energy can be saved, and the war will start after Bei Fenghou arrives.

If the poisonous snake team counterattacked directly, he would spend a lot of unnecessary energy to trap them. For Shister, it would take at least a million Hunyuan units in a few minutes, which is not a small amount!

How long can it be delayed?


The members of the poisonous snake team have already begun to calculate the value of these mechanical puppets. Will the captain be willing to hand them over?
The 26 mechanical puppets are all top-quality puppets, and I am afraid they will cost at least a few million Hunyuan units, but for Fenghou Fengfeng, the money is not enough to make him desperate...

"team leader!"

"team leader!"

They all thought that Si Te wanted to take down the Viper Squad without any effort, and that there would be one more Fenghou Peak, too many variables, and too much energy would be consumed.

Gould said with a gloomy expression: "Don't worry, if he really has the so-called ultimate ultimate move and Fenghou Fengfeng, even I can't run away. These mechanical puppets are not very valuable to him."

"These pitch-black giants in front of us are truly precious treasures!"

"I'm afraid he has a conspiracy...why don't he do it?"

'Shan' who hadn't spoken all this time calmly said, "He's stalling for time!"

"Delay time...?"

"It takes a lot of energy to besiege us. His goal is to make us fight among ourselves in a few words. I'm afraid he may have already prepared his so-called ultimate move."

The 'Shan' guess is almost inseparable, and Si Te's ultimate ultimate move is being prepared, and Bei Fenghou is about to arrive!
"Do it!" Gould made a decisive decision, and he could no longer hesitate at this time.


"Your answer makes me very dissatisfied." Shit snorted coldly, these humans are really not stupid.

"So... please enjoy the endless purgatory."

"You are the first to let me use the Infernal Purgatory, you should feel honored."

Just finished speaking, these 36 pitch-black giants burst out with palpitating energy, each of them turned into a streamer, and surrounded and killed the poisonous snake team from all directions.





The entire Infernal Purgatory began to tremble, and the universe was disrupted. At this time, even if Gould wanted to include other people into the world ring, it would be difficult for him to do so.

The pitch-black giant can shatter a piece of space with a single blow, and the turbulent flow of countless spaces is disturbed, bombarding the poisonous snake team like an earth-shattering bombardment.

With the attack of the pitch-black giants, countless black silk threads also burst out, entangled with everyone in the poisonous snake team.

In an instant, except for Gould, everyone else seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and the resistance became extremely great.

Ju Ya punched out a shocking knife that blocked the pitch-black giant. His right hand was almost instantly shattered, and his forearm was torn apart, and then recovered instantly.

"Fortunately, this giant's attack can't hurt my essence yet!"

Before he finished speaking, a stream of light shot out from a strange angle, piercing his head instantly.

Afterwards, attacks came one after another, Ju Ya couldn't react at all, and this was only the siege of Gould affecting him.

One can imagine how much pressure other people must have.

The cooperation of the 36 pitch-black giants became more and more tacit, and even began to gather together to attack. The power of a combined attack is not as simple as 1+1=2, and the improvement in quality may cause substantial damage to Fenghou Elementary School!
Even if Gould is a strong man at the peak of Fenghou, it is difficult for him to take care of others with the cooperation of 36 strong men who are close to the peak of Fenghou.

His divine power is only focused on one person, and that is Shi Yan.

"This Nether... has such a quick reaction!"

The more he observed, the more surprised Gould became——

This Nether's movement is extremely ghostly, quietly broke free from the shackles of the black silk thread, and avoided several attacks with extremely small body changes. Even if he was accidentally hit by immortal divine power, he was blocked by his white clam shell and immortal plant life , even the divine body has never been broken!
"Damn it, I'm afraid I won't be able to kill this Nether this time." Facing the siege of 36 pitch-black giants, Gould still had some strength left, but even if he guided the attack to spread to the time, it would be difficult to cause effective damage .

"Follow me and prepare to escape from this place." Gould said viciously.

Immortal-level plant life plus white scorpion armor, I am afraid that it is difficult to break through Shiyan's defense even if it is not Fengwang Immortal. He has even withdrawn his divine power and is ready to escape with all his strength.

It's just that Gould has never seen a complete fairy moss or a restrained fairy moss. He can only feel this immortal plant life, at least it is also a feudal plant life with an immortal body.

If he knew that this was a king-level fairy moss, he might regret it.


While Shi Yan was walking randomly, his attention was still on the detector.

A Fenghou Peak Immortal is approaching, 9000 million kilometers... 8000 million kilometers...

Getting closer and closer.

"It's time." Shi Yan said softly.

The old members of the Viper Squad intentionally or unintentionally separated from Shi Yan, allowing Shi Yan to attract firepower.

Shi Yan is indeed a major goal of Shister. Judging from his actual combat performance against the dark giant, I am afraid that he not only has a strong combat power, but also has a strong plant life!
"This kind of genius can also cultivate immortal plant life, so he must have amazing assets!"

"The generosity of the human race to geniuses is one of the best in the entire universe. The wealth of this kind of genius may not be inferior to mine!"

"Siege him! Scatter them!"

Weight Master ordered.

Shi Yan dodged, dodging the joint attack of 10 pitch-black giants, and then a series of divine power shocks hit like a storm, instantly pulling him away from the poisonous snake team by tens of thousands of kilometers.

He sneered, and laughed secretly in his heart: "A bunch of idiots."

The poisonous snake team was about to abandon Shiyan, and Shiyan was also going to let them go to die. Only by letting them suffer the consequences would they be worthy of the soldiers who were killed by them.

Another few exquisite space shuttles, Shi Yan broke free from the black silk thread, and at the same time used the scabbard in his hand to resist the attack of the pitch-black giant.

Now his position has deviated hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

And the position of the poisonous snake team is exactly the direction Bei Fenghou came from!
He used his body position to adjust the poisonous snake team to a position that bears the brunt.

Shi Yan's distance from Bei Fenghou remained almost constant, but the distance between the poisonous snake team and him was getting closer and closer!

1000 million kilometers... 800 million kilometers...

In the depths of the purgatory space covered by countless black silk threads, in the hidden area that everyone in the Viper Squad did not perceive, a tall fiery red figure quietly appeared.

Around that figure, black silk threads flowed quietly like running water, and could even push him forward.

A powerful flame was burning above his head, and crimson flames were also burning on his back and calves.

The 100-meter-high pitch-black giant appeared in front of him, almost like a dwarf.

Bei Fenghou was 800 meters tall, and the flames burning on his body covered a range of tens of meters. He looked down at the pitch-black giant.

"Steel, do it."

"Hahaha, Beifenghou, I've been ready a long time ago, and I'm just waiting for you." Shi Te laughed loudly.

He looked at Gould and the others in the battlefield who had almost fled to the edge of the purgatory space, and then at Shi Yan, who should be killed first?

At this moment, an extremely bright sword light flashed across!
Even the space is directly cut.

The two pitch-black giants along the way were instantly cut in half, and the machinery inside was instantly shattered by the powerful force.

The black silk thread like water was also cut off easily.

The barrier on one side of the entire purgatory space was instantly smashed!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

The seven layers of divine light tore through the pitch-black purgatory and re-shone light into the world.

Even the poisonous snake team, which is nearly [-] million kilometers away, looked at the sky-opening sword light at the end of the world in amazement!
"That... what kind of magical weapon..." The 'Spike' froze for an instant, and then the divine body was chopped into pieces by the pitch-black giant with an axe!
The next moment he recovered, he couldn't help shaking his head, the traces of the sword light imprinted in the space seemed to have not disappeared.

"It's unbelievable!"

"It's amazing..."

"No wonder...he never uses a sword, there's no need for it."

"Is this the true strength of Nether?"

"Conferred...conferred king rank?"

"Immortal Army Lord...can display the strength of the king?!"

"how can that be?!"

The members of the poisonous snake team were so shocked that they even forgot to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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