I who devour the starry sky can refine all things

Chapter 224 Summoning order from Shister!

Chapter 224 Summoning order from Shister!
Chongguang Island.

Both the Human Race camp and the Machine Race camp have received messages for help. It is just a battle at the peak level of Fenghou, and it is also the top battle here.

People with average strength can't participate at all.

Even if the king-level powerhouse of Yanji Continent, the main continent, wanted to rush over, it would be too late.

At this time, the fastest Fenghou Fengfeng team on Chongguang Island had just arrived, and the battle was over.

"The poisonous snake team... is destroyed?"

"Is the battle over so soon?"

"It's only been ten minutes since we arrived, and the team led by Fenghou Dingfeng can't last for an hour? Could it be that there are strong kings on Chongguang Island?"


This is the cruelty of the foreign battlefield.

In times of real life-and-death crisis, it is unrealistic to rely on allies.

Unless you are really lucky, there are allies who happen to be nearby, or you may ask for help with benefits.

Just like Beifenghou happened to be relatively close, and Shi Te specially offered enough benefits to invite him here.

In fact, there was only a few minutes between Beifenghou's arrival on the battlefield and the end of the battle. Battles between immortals rarely lasted for a long time.

Once they find that there is no point in continuing to fight, most of them will give up.

If the delay really continues, there will be too many uncertainties when others arrive on the battlefield.

Shi Yan naturally detected the arrival of this human allied team, but he had already chased it far away.

"This guy from the mechanical clan is pretty smart. He runs away in a straight line all the way. Even if I am the king, I can't catch up at all." Shi Yan was sitting in the spaceship, talking with Ling Qingqing, he was very patient and not in a hurry .

However, Shi Yan has a lot of hole cards, so it is not difficult to chase him down.

"There is not even a dregs left in the corpse, we must accept the relics for our captain."

"Master, are you good or bad." Zero smiled badly.

Shiyan's spaceship and the machine clan's spaceship galloped on Chongguang Island one after the other.

It was as if two meteors, one small meteor and one large meteor, were chasing quickly along the same trajectory, one in front and the other behind.

Situ didn't dare to stop in the slightest.

He has two choices, one is to bet that the other party's detection equipment is not as sophisticated as his, and just hide it somewhere.

Or choose to run away in a straight line.

It's just flying at sub-light speed... Flying at this speed will cause strong pressure and tearing of the air waves, and even the space will ripple.

When it whizzes past, it will leave very clear traces in the air and space.

Through the air waves and space traces, it is easy to determine the exact direction of his rapid flight.

If the opponent's detection equipment is not smart enough, in fact, this will reveal his position.

But relatively speaking, the second option is still the safest approach.

After all, in an extraterritorial battlefield, one cannot place one's hopes on others.

Si Te was able to get to his current strength step by step, relying on being cautious, but also decisive.

If it was the Viper Squad, he wouldn't be afraid at all.

But this human genius can't guarantee that his detection equipment can surpass the opponent.

"Run, I don't believe it, you can keep chasing me." Shi Te has decided to leave Chongguang Island directly.

Fly all the way to the shuttle point and return directly to the machine clan camp, only then can safety be guaranteed.

There is no place on the battlefield outside the territory that is safe.

"As long as I keep flying at sub-light speed, you can't catch up with me." Wright muttered.

"Captain... But we need to turn around to go to the shuttle point..." Roztka whispered.


Situ was silent for a moment, and opened the star map.

"Come here! Plan the route together!"

"Good captain!"

On Chongguang Island, it will be affected by terrain factors, and some areas must be bypassed in advance, otherwise they will be slowed down when entering, and there is a risk of being caught up.

However, the Immortal Computing Power of the Machine Clan is extremely powerful, and it took only a moment to design an excellent route.

"It's still not safe enough, call your allies to join me as soon as possible." Shister will not place his hopes on the enemy, and must increase his bargaining chips.

Soon, he also contacted several allies of the Machine Race Alliance, none of whom were members of the Machine Race. On Chongguang Island, there are very few Immortal Machine Races whose strength is comparable to the peak of Fenghou, and the probability of encountering them is extremely low.

It is already very good to have three Fenghou seniors and five Fenghou juniors come to assist him.

The strength of this team is comparable to the existence of a peak Marquis.

Weight Sitter calculated the positions of the two sides, and quickly determined an optimal meeting point.

"Xin Luohou, you are moving towards this coordinate at sub-light speed, the coordinate is..."


"Master, they changed their route." Zero began to check the star map.

"According to this direction, master, they should want to go to the shuttle point F4, which is the closest shuttle point outside Chongguang Island."

"Huh?" Shi Yan also looked at the star map.

"This route... is also almost straight."

There was a distance between them at the moment, and although Wright changed direction, it was only by 17.32 degrees.

Their routes are like the three sides of a triangle, and Shi Yan wants to fly to the side corresponding to an obtuse angle, which is the longest one.

As long as Shi Te stopped turning, Shi Yan still couldn't catch up.

"Our distance is getting closer. It is estimated that before he arrives at the shuttle point, the distance between us will be shortened to 1000 million kilometers."

"This distance..."

"You can try it."

If Shi Yan uses the pseudo heavy treasure 'Zi Ling Sword', combined with the laws of time and space, he can instantly attack a target 1000 million kilometers away.

And it can guarantee almost the maximum power!
Generally, the attack of a strong person who has reached the immortal king level can penetrate tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant, and the farther the distance is, the less powerful it is.

In an ordinary king-level battle, the aftermath can only shatter a million kilometers. If the attack is concentrated at one point and explodes in an instant, it can hit tens of millions of kilometers.

However, those who have a deep understanding of the laws of space, especially those who have mastered the mysteries of teleportation, can attack targets in a wider range, and the power can be greater.

Shi Yan knew that he couldn't hide the power that had been exposed, but for the others, try to use them as soon as possible.

For example, the Immortal Demon Moss can be unfolded directly, and with the special accumulating secret pattern, it can cover billions of kilometers in an instant, which is completely capable of stopping the spaceship of the mechanical clan.

Another example is the use of space-time wings to induce the laws of time and space to achieve the effect of shrinking the ground into inches, similar to space shuttle, much faster than flying slowly.

Or it would be a breeze to instantly penetrate a spaceship tens of thousands of kilometers away by letting the avatar take action.

"If this mechanical race, Marquis Immortal, no longer struggles, then he will be taken in at the last moment."

Normally, if the mechanical clansman escapes, he will inevitably contact his allies in the clan to come to help. This is also one of the purposes of Shiyan. It would be best if he could harvest a few more peak princes from other races.

But Shiyan also knows that this is not realistic.

Even on Chongguang Island, it is rare to have an immortal god team at the peak of Fenghou.

It is considered lucky for Shi Te to be able to contact a Beifenghou. It is impossible to contact several Fenghou peaks so easily, but it is still possible if there is only one.


The two streamers continued to travel at sub-light speed, and soon they had flown tens of billions of kilometers.

"Master, there are aliens entering the detection range." Zero reminded.

"Oh?" Shi Yan's eyes lit up, "Zoom in."

Soon, the star map on the screen showed the location and information of those alien races.

"Three high-ranking Marquises and five junior Marquises, it can only be said that talk is better than nothing."

After flying for a few more minutes, Shi Yan saw two red dots in the starry sky map converging together.

As the existence of Fenghou Immortal, even at sub-light speed, they can easily converge without slowing down at all.

After the team grew stronger, Shister had some confidence.

His ultimate ultimate move can only be used once for the time being, and he must go back to the base to sell the loot, and then he can use it again after a wave of supplies.

In other words, Situ actually no longer has the peak combat power of the king.

He can only barely resist Feng Wangchu with his 34 pitch-black giants.

If the 36 pitch-black giants were intact, they would still be able to display the high-level combat power of the king under the combined force, but now it is not a perfect formation, and it cannot be compared to the real high-level king.

According to Shister's perception, the sword of a human genius is at least the strength of the King's Advanced Level, or even the top level of the King's Advanced Level, which cannot be matched by the 34 damaged pitch-black giants now.

Now, with the joining of the eight Marquis Immortals, it can be regarded as making up for this missing link, and the opponent should not fight this unnecessary battle.


"Stimulate him again." Shi Yan looked at the map of the starry sky, thought for a while and said.

"There are only a few of them, and I can't catch my eyes."

"Zero, change to a low-grade detection instrument."

"Understood, Master!"


About 2300 million kilometers away from Shi Yan's spaceship, there is a spherical spaceship flying at sub-light speed without stopping.

The spaceship control room.

There are ten people sitting around.

The highest seat among them was Sist, and next to him sat Roztka.

The other eight members belong to the subgroup of the machine clan, the Hinzi clan. There seems to be a layer of metal-like shell on the back that is comparable to F9 grade. There are two long whiskers on their heads. They can use the long whiskers to communicate with each other. Communication, you can also speak the common language of the machine family.

"Xin Luohou, thank you for coming to support me, otherwise I don't know if I would have escaped the pursuit of that human race." Si Te picked up the wine glass and invited everyone to have a drink.

This fruit wine is worth a lot, especially in reality, even if you enjoy the extremely high discounted price as a weight master, you still need to spend 200 million Yulan units.

Yulan unit is the highest currency unit of the machine family.

If converted into human currency, 2 Yulan units are approximately equal to 1 Hunyuan unit.

Of course, because they are hostile groups, money does not circulate among each other. At most, some strong people barter in private, using the value of their own treasures to convert.

This conversion ratio is not fixed, but will fluctuate due to the value of the treasure, but it can be converted roughly like this.

In other words, this bottle of fruit wine is worth about 100 million mixed yuan units.

If the Xianzi people were to buy it by themselves, it would cost almost 200 million Hunyuan units.

Most of the assets of Fenghouchu among them are only worth more than 1000 million mixed yuan units, how can they afford this kind of fruit wine!

"We are able to drink such good wine only because of the honor of the adults!" Xian Luohou also felt very honored in front of other clansmen.

While drinking and drinking, a message suddenly came through the intelligence.

"A high-level human being, an immortal army lord, appeared behind the route, chasing him at sublight speed..."

Situ was startled, and the wine glass in his hand shook slightly, "It's that human being!"

"Damn it, you're still chasing me!"

"My lord, it's just an immortal army leader, we can take him down without your help!" Xian Luohou laughed.

"You don't know, this human being can display the strength of a king." Shi Te didn't hide it.

"Immortal Army Master can display the king-level combat power?!" Xian Luohou said in surprise.

Even his clansmen were shocked. They have been on the battlefield outside the territory for so many years, but they have never heard of an immortal army leader who can match the immortal king.

It is not surprising to them that Fenghou Dingfeng was able to leapfrog the level and fight Fengwang [-]-[-].

But this turned out to be an immortal army lord.

The master nodded.

"You also think of a way to see if you can find some more allies. As long as we get together, he will definitely retreat."

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, why did this human suddenly expose himself?
Sidster can basically be sure that the human genius at least has a very advanced small detection instrument, which can shield his detection signal.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to detect this distance. His detection equipment has a range of 5 million kilometers, so how could a person suddenly appear within a range of 2000 million kilometers.

A terrible idea suddenly popped up in his heart, and he suppressed it quickly, shaking his head and saying:

"Contact your allies quickly! I'm serious, and I can pay the price."

Si Te's tone this time is very solemn.

The eight members of the Xianzi tribe looked at each other in blank dismay, and then their long beards touched each other slightly. After a while, they seemed to have reached an agreement.

"My lord, we will contact you immediately."

Shi Te has his own circle, and the Xianzi tribe will naturally have one too. Apart from the system of the Machine Race Alliance, they also have other ways to contact friends.

Just like humans can contact their teachers, brothers, relatives and friends through the virtual universe.

You can also ask your friends to help you find out who might be nearby. As long as you promise a certain benefit, someone will definitely make a move.

Soon, the Machina Alliance received a reward from Shister.

His asking price is already considered high in Fenghou Immortal, except for some particularly powerful ones, basically no one is not tempted.

"My lord, I have contacted a team led by Fenghou Dingfeng."

"I also got in touch with a first-class Fenghou. I wonder if my lord would like it?"

"All of them!" Si Te didn't refuse anyone who came.

Through layers of relationships, the message of asking for help mobilized many people at once. After all, Siddell's request is first come, first served.

Then, those who are close to the water tower first get the moon, and those who are close to his coordinates will naturally rush over.

For those who are a little far away, try to find a way to rush to the vicinity of the F4 shuttle point.

If this order is completed, it will be worth the income of a first-class Fenghou who has spent several epochs.

And the requirements are not high, as long as there are as many people as possible, as long as enough people gather, even if it is a king, they will not dare to act rashly.

However, such benefits are not yet able to attract Feng Wang, especially Feng Wang still needs to come from the main continent of Yanji Continent, and no one is willing.

So the highest one who came here was only the peak of Fenghou.

Shi Te has harvested the spoils of two Fenghou peaks, especially these two Fenghou peaks are veteran fighters, and their family backgrounds are considered very rich.

Although he is greedy, he will not die for money, especially at this moment he has a very ominous premonition that he must pay a price to let enough people share the risk.

As for whether others will die because of it...

He won't care so much.

As long as he can survive this crisis, it is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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