Chapter 247 Joining the Hongmeng
Not long after Shi Yan left the virtual universe, Hongmeng came to his door.

The virtual universe, Yuxiang Mountain, the primitive area, and Shiyan's manor.

"Your Highness, those are the envoys from the Hongmeng." The butler said, pointing to the gate of the manor in the distance.


When Shi Yan walked outside the magnificent gate of the manor, there was a group of immortal gods standing there, with different appearances, some were human, some were from other races, and there were nine powerhouses in total.

"Everyone." When Shi Yan walked up, he could feel the invisible coercion of consciousness of these strong men in front of him, I am afraid that all of them are at the level of kings.

"His Royal Highness Shi Yan." The leader, a strong human woman wearing pink battle armor and long pink hair, whose whole body seemed to be translucent, smiled, and the smile even faintly affected Shi Yan, "We are members of Hongmeng. The team of special envoys came here to formally invite His Highness Shi Yan to join our Hongmeng."

"Maybe His Highness doesn't know, our Hongmeng has always used strength as the standard, His Highness can kill King Fengfeng, and he is eligible to join Hongmeng."

Shi Yan nodded.

The hard condition for joining the Hongmeng is the strength of the king, and killing the peak of the king has exceeded this standard by a lot.

The strength of the official members of the Hongmeng is always confirmed according to their record. The stronger the record, the higher the strength division. The division here is based on one star, two stars, three stars... until seven stars. It is a very simple division. There will be star marks on the arms or cuffs.

This can easily determine the opponent's strength division.

All the members who have just joined the Hongmeng are all stars. Afterwards, based on the actual record, the "Hongmeng City Subsystem" of the virtual universe system will automatically determine the record and strength, and then divide the ranks.

One star, this is the level for those who just entered the Hongmeng, and it is generally the most common level for the Immortal King.

The two stars are regarded as the strongest among the kings, that is, the high level of the king, the peak level of the king.

Samsung, the limit of the king.

Four stars, the initial level of the universe venerable, and the invincible strength of the king can be divided into this level.


Seven stars, the most initial level of the master of the universe, the master of the eclipse palace can also be divided into this level.

The beautiful female King Feng said politely: "Your Majesty the City Lord specially ordered me to wait for His Highness to leave the customs before inviting His Highness to join the Hongmeng. The Hongmeng is a very inclusive alliance formed by the human race and Alliances formed by a large number of other ethnic groups in the universe will never be forced to join, but once you join...then you will not be able to betray the alliance, I wonder if your highness would like to join?"


Shi Yan was stunned.

At that time, because of the teaching of Master Guangsuo, Shi Yan delayed meeting the Lord of Chaos City for 500 years, so he made them wait for 500 years?

Shi Yan felt ashamed immediately, "I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, please come in, I ordered someone to prepare a banquet, we will sit down and enjoy the food while talking."

"Of course we will not refuse His Highness's invitation."

Hongmeng's emissary team naturally knew Shi Yan's talent, and they could join the Hongmeng after only a few thousand years of cultivation. They naturally knew what it meant, and they could let the Lord of Chaos City come forward to make so many of them immortal Waiting for a world lord to leave...

It is enough to show that the Chaos City Lord attaches great importance to Shiyan, and even a world lord can't disturb him in retreat, which shows his amazing talent.

The emissary team sent by Hongmeng, led by Shi Yan, passed through the vast manor and arrived at the banquet hall.

In the banquet hall, Shi Yan had already ordered the servants to prepare a sumptuous banquet in advance.

"Everyone, please sit down." Shi Yan said with a smile.

The members of the Hongmeng all sat down, and at the same time they all watched this 'His Royal Highness Shiyan' with great interest.

Seeing is worse than hearing for a long time.

What is so unique about His Highness Shi Yan, who is known as the number one genius of the human race?

But no matter how they look at it, they can't find any special features, and they can't even perceive the soul breath, as if they are ordinary like a mortal.

This also meant that Shi Yan possessed enough treasures to prevent them from exploring.

Their strengths in all aspects have reached the level of monsters, and they are also very curious.

"I don't know everyone yet." Shi Yan finally sat down.

"Human, the King of Desire." The leader is a beautiful woman, wearing a pink battle armor that only covers important parts, and her naked body is translucent. Her every smile is touching.

"The Violent Clan, the King of Chasing Lightning."

"Wusha Clan, Dripping King."


The nine envoys all replied that there were two humans and seven aliens in total, and all of them were kings.

Shi Yan smiled and praised, "It's rare for me to see so many kings at once, and there are also many kings of different races."

"The weakest in the Hongmeng is the strength of the king, which is not worthy of praise." The smile of King Yuxin is enough to make the immortal gods fascinated, "I wonder what your highness is thinking?"

They didn't mention it again along the way, they just wanted to give Shi Yan time to think.

Of course, they didn't think anyone would refuse.

The other envoys also looked at Shi Yan.

"Of course." Shi Yan nodded.


All the superpowers of human beings are among them, whoever dares not to join, the Chaos City Lord has already spoken, and there is no choice if he does not want to join.

And by joining it, you can also get to know almost all immortal kings in the human race.

This is the core place to truly expand your influence and make friends.

When he came to this world, Shi Yan never underestimated anyone.

Back then on Earth, the first team leader he met, 'Fenghe', had a keen sense of combat that impressed Shiyan, and since then he will not underestimate anyone.

Adhering to a cautious attitude, Shi Yan has made every step steadily to get to where he is today.

"Ding!" As soon as the words came out of Shi's mouth, a dazzling star suddenly condensed in the midair of the living room.

The stars are bright.

Then it gradually shrunk and turned into a stream of light, which flew directly on the armguard of Shiyan's battle armor, revealing a small star.


At the same time, a misty human light and shadow floated in the air. Under the invisible coercion, including the nine king envoys and Shi Yan, although they could vaguely see the light and shadow, they couldn't look up at all under the coercion.It was as if the ants were in front of the gods, with no ability to resist.

Human light and shadow lowered their heads slightly, looking down at Shiyan.

"Humanity speaks!" The light and shadow made a voice, the voice was indistinguishable from male to female, and it penetrated the soul.

"Welcome to Hongmeng, from now on, you are an official member of Hongmeng!"

"The crisis of the universe is lurking. If the group needs to survive, it needs the strong people of the group to fight, fight for the Hongmeng, and fight for mankind. This is the mission of every strong human being, and it is also your mission." The light and shadow gradually dissipated, but the voice It was constantly echoing in Shi Yan's consciousness, and the whole living room was silent for a long time.


"Fight for Hongmeng, fight for mankind..." Shi Yan murmured.

"Everyone." Shi Yan came to his senses and looked at the other nine envoys, "Who is that human light and shadow just now?"

Although the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Youhou kept restraining their coercion in front of them, they occasionally showed a breath and compared it with the coercion of human light and shadow just now... The coercion of human light and shadow just now surpassed these two masters of the universe.

In other words, this is likely to be a true god-level figure.

"This kind of breath doesn't feel like a giant axe, it's probably the original ancestor!" Shi Yan guessed based on his own understanding.

"Of course, it's not the real ancestor, but an image of the original ancestor created by the intelligent core of the virtual universe. It possesses part of the aura and pressure of the original ancestor. The intelligent core is the master of the universe of the mechanical race enslaved by the original ancestor. , with incredible abilities in the virtual universe, coupled with the creation of the original ancestor's secret method, it is not surprising to have such power." Shi Yan thought to himself.

"This is the mystery of the Hongmeng." The 'Chaser King', who looks exactly like a Zerg warrior, laughed. Whoever is said to be the incarnation of a certain hall master in the Hongmeng Hall, or an intelligent system of the virtual universe, it is naturally possible that the virtual universe system can simulate any kind of coercion it wants."

"A certain palace master of the Hongmeng Palace?"

"For example, the respected Chaos City Lord is one of the Lords of the Hongmeng Palace. They are all existences beyond the Seven Stars." King Chaser said.

"Beyond the existence of Seven Stars?"

Shi Yan looked down at a star imprint on the armguard, "Am I one star?"


King Chaser nodded, "Anyone who has just joined Hongmeng is one star! One star is considered the lowest status of official member of Hongmeng. Everyone has survived from one star. Your Highness Shi Yan doesn't need to think about it."

Shi Yan nodded with a smile, although with his strength, it is enough to have three stars, but this rule also protects him.

Just joining the Hongmeng has the strength of three stars, and he is still a world lord, which is indeed too shocking.

Shi Yan could clearly see their strength. Among the nine people, only two had three-star strength, and the others were all one-star or two-star. In other words, they were probably not Shi Yan's opponents.

"It's all one star when I first joined, so I won't be discouraged." Shi Yan said with a smile, "Everyone, I have already joined the Hongmeng, and the business is over. Let's have a banquet together."

"Haha, how can we refuse the banquet His Royal Highness Shi Yan set up?"

"A rare opportunity."

The nine kings of the emissary team also wanted to make friends, saying that this was what they fought for, and it was the first day they made friends with the human race, there is absolutely no harm!
Therefore, even if they waited 500 years, they didn't have any complaints, and even told Shi Yan frankly that they wanted to win some of his goodwill.

They have lived for so many years, and they are all very shrewd. If they don't tell, how will Shi Yan know what they have done? He must tell him to express his kindness and hope to gain friendship.

And their goal has also been achieved. Isn't Shiyan entertaining them to express goodwill?
"His Royal Highness Shi Yan, there are many friends of ours on the battlefield outside the territory. If you need it, feel free to come to us."

"Yes, we will come forward and help you invite a dozen or so kings. There is absolutely no problem."

"If you need it, just mention it."

"So, thank you all." Shi Yan also responded politely.

After a lively banquet, the host and guest enjoyed themselves and left separately.


in the library.

Sitting at the desk, Shi Yan quickly began to look up the detailed information of Hongmeng.

"Tsk tsk, there are so many." Shi Yan looked at the screen and couldn't help but praise. Before joining, he couldn't get detailed information, but now it's really enjoyable.

You know, Shi Yan's authority is already comparable to His Holiness, but because of his lack of strength, he can't check the information about Hongmeng.

This is the world where strength means everything.

No matter how high your talent and authority are, if you don't have comparable strength, you will be inferior to the real strong after all.

The Hongmeng is the true core of mankind, and it is here that the top group of human beings gather.

Shiyan is accomplishing his goal step by step.

He examined it carefully——

Pictures, videos, text materials, everything that one expects to find.

Judging from the pictures and videos...

Hongmeng's base camp is in a plane space specially opened up in the virtual universe. There are countless stars in that plane space. Surrounded by the stars, there is a huge floating ancient city. This ancient city suspended in the stars the 'Hongmeng City' inhabited by countless strong men.

Hongmeng City is an alliance gathering place for humans and a large number of alien races, and the strong are like clouds.

It's peaceful here—it's a virtual universe after all, so it's naturally peaceful.

There is a strict hierarchy here - the status is determined according to the level of strength and contribution, and those with higher status will naturally enjoy more power.

For example, Shiyan is still one star, and his status is considered the lowest, but everyone knows that he is the master of the world, so naturally he will not really be treated as a one star, at least two or three levels must be raised.

Of course, Shi Yan will not easily appear in the Hongmeng as the deity, so as to avoid causing unnecessary troubles.

Soon, he also sensed that someone had contacted his other identity, that is, Nether King.

Judging from the importance attached to the two of them, Shi Yan ranks ahead of Nether King.

That's why the messenger team gave priority to inviting Shiyan to join Hongmeng.

"What a big city."

"Hongmeng City is divided into Outer City, Inner City, and Hongmeng Palace." Shi Yan watched the video and exclaimed, "The number of strong human beings is astonishing, and there are about 10 immortal kings, but those large numbers of foreign races add up to more than 300 [-] million crowned kings are immortal."

In the vast universe, there are hundreds of millions of ethnic groups. The peak ethnic group is strong, and other ethnic groups are weak.

Even so... the entire Hongmeng is dominated by humans.

After all, in terms of peak force, the human race has an absolute advantage.

The master of the universe is the foundation of a group.

The Lord of the Universe possesses the ability to reverse time and space to revive other strong men. For countless years, the strong men have been accumulating continuously to have such a huge scale.

Only a group with a master of the universe can be called a powerful group.

Without the master of the universe, they can only be regarded as ordinary ethnic groups.

After a war, the foundation of the ethnic group may be shattered.

It can be attached to the human race, but there is still a chance to be resurrected and keep the fire of the race.

on the video.

An ancient city suspended in the starry sky and surrounded by a large number of stars, there are a large number of strong people in the outer city... Over 300 million immortal kings of various races gather here, and those whose strength is divided into one star to three stars live outside city.

In the inner city, there are almost no people on the video.

The strength is divided into four-star-six-star, living in the inner city, and almost all of them are universe lords in the inner city.

At the core of the entire Hongmeng City——

It is a bright and mysterious palace with a height of one million kilometers, like a giant sword that wants to pierce the starry sky. This is the 'Hongmeng Palace'.

There are 'Seven Stars' living in the Hongmeng Palace, and the existence of the Seven least they are the masters of the Celestial Eclipse Palace and Herodo, the overlords of the universe.

The masters of the Hongmeng Hall... are existences beyond the 'Seven Stars'.

All of them are peerless overlords who can shake hundreds of millions of races in the universe with every movement.

(End of this chapter)

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