Chapter 54 The Butterfly Effect
The golden-horned behemoth looked up, and there were densely packed monsters of different strengths and weaknesses around it, as if it had entered an ant's nest.

"Have you seen all your food?"

At this time, the ancient memories contained in the blood gradually flooded into its mind, interrupting its thoughts.

A pair of dark golden pupils of the golden-horned behemoth suddenly lit up and turned into a dazzling golden color!The mysterious golden spots on its unicorn, neck, and back scales also light up slightly, showing a trace of gold visible to the naked eye!The surrounding water stagnates slightly for an instant, and the rocks on the seabed below where the mysterious monster is entrenched tremble slightly.

A stream of energy poured into its body.

But in just a moment, it stopped absorbing energy.


The golden-horned behemoth stood up a little annoyed, not sure if it was not full, or because it was dissatisfied with being watched.


It let out a low roar towards the surroundings.

Then there was a burst of sound from around, and it sensed the thoughts of these monsters through the force.

"Beast God?"


The giant golden horn roared and interrupted the sound of these monsters, and all the monsters were stunned. Its aura was stronger than the combined strength of the two great beast emperors!
Seeing that all the monsters didn't dare to resist, the wings of the golden-horned behemoth spread out violently, whoosh!It instantly turned into an afterimage, and several smaller king-level monsters were killed and swallowed in an instant!

"Woo~" After eating, the golden-horned giant squinted its eyes comfortably, not caring about the reactions of other monsters at all, and its speed and momentum made other monsters fear from the bottom of their bones!
Even the Thunder Dragon Emperor and the Eight-clawed Beast Emperor did not dare to act rashly.

The golden-horned behemoth kept digesting its own inherited memory, and after learning about the strength of the surrounding monsters, it regarded them as domestic animals it raised.

The Golden Horn Beast is bloodthirsty in its core, especially the monsters in front of it are totally out of its sight, they are only good for food, and only two beast emperors are barely enough to be his subordinates.

"Metal, I want metal!" The golden-horned behemoth suddenly issued an order.

Through communicating with the Beast Emperor, it knows that there are still threats on the earth, and its current strength is not enough to go out and kill randomly, and it doesn't bother to move, these domestic animals happen to be its tools!

After a while, the monsters scattered away, and there were continuous signal transmissions on the bottom of the sea, and the news spread all over the sea area.


Shi Yan was still waiting in place, but the sea was calm, as if nothing had happened.

"This is the worst news. The Golden Horn Beast didn't fight the Beast Emperor and the others, or the Golden Horn Beast has escaped."

"Or, all the monsters have surrendered!"

He waited for a day and a night until the beast tide started again!
"Report, there is a first-level beast tide..."

"Report, there is a catastrophic beast tide..."


One message after another came from various war bases, as if the monsters in the sea were about to perish together with humans!
Li Dawei, the commander of the Southeast Military Region, watched a laser beam hit the sea, but missed the king-level monster. The fast-moving king-level monster could not be aimed at all, so he could only rely on prediction!The probability of hitting is really small.

"Disaster... is coming..."

All councilors were quickly mobilized to participate in the defense of the beast horde.

"Report, in the Pacific Ocean, a breath of life far stronger than that of the Beast Emperor has been detected, and it is still growing!"


After several days of bloody battle, the beast horde finally receded.

All the councilors once again gathered in the Palace of War God.

This time, everyone seems to have confirmed their previous thoughts in their hearts. Indeed, there is a conspiracy, and it is about to fall on the heads of all mankind.

As the first speaker, Hong was the first to speak: "The monster that Shi Yan mentioned before may have already been born. These days we have been using life detection instruments to monitor the movement of the herd of beasts, and suddenly a life breath stronger than the beast emperor appeared. monster!"

"And the Beast Emperor has already torn up the previous agreement, and the king-level monsters have begun to attack the land."

"The strange thing is that killing people doesn't seem to be their goal, and neither is the invasion of land, but the war base!"

"In order to destroy the war base, some monsters even ignored the threat of laser cannons, constantly destroying the war base, resulting in slowing down and being locked and killed!"

"We have to find the reason why these monsters destroy the war base and snatch the wreckage regardless of their lives!"

Shi Yan yelled in his heart that it was not good, how did the golden-horned beast learn to be smart?Send the younger brother to help grab the metal, so you don't have to come forward?
Luo Feng also hurriedly called Babata: "Babata, the monster inside the egg that I honestly saw before came out, and it was stronger than the Beast Emperor from birth, what kind of monster can be so powerful?"

Babata shook his small hands, "You were born with a planetary level? Is it even higher than the sixth level of a planetary level?"

Babata quickly looked up all recent information on Earth.

"What could it be? Cosmic demon race? Zerg race? Starry sky behemoth? Special life?"

"Luo Feng, this is definitely not a race on Earth. Your bloodline can't reach the planetary level at birth, and the monster is the same, and it is born beyond the sixth level of the planetary level. Only the top races in the universe can do it. .”

"Moreover, these races are growing very fast, and it is estimated that they will reach the star level in a short time. Your only chance is the B6-level laser cannon. Can you kill it before it grows, otherwise, the earth will be over."

"Then what if it hides under the sea?"

"There is no way, your human beings go to the bottom of the sea to weaken their strength, and since it was born on the bottom of the sea, it has not even moved much after so long, which means that it is completely capable of fighting on the bottom of the sea. Humans cannot kill on the bottom of the sea without a star-level powerhouse. If you defeat it, you may even be killed by it!"

"Then the only way to draw it out is with a laser gun?"


Luo Feng rationalized the results of the discussion with Babata, and told everyone that the information naturally came from the No. 9 ancient civilization ruins.

In fact, the golden-horned behemoth did not exceed the sixth-level planetary level when it was born, but its strength grew very quickly after swallowing eggshells, and then devoured some king-level monsters, plus 10 times the genetic level, soon there will be a crushing Compared with the strength of the beast emperor, compared with the life breath of ordinary monsters, the golden horned monster is undoubtedly much stronger.

"If you have any other information, please release it, and don't let it go if it has any value."

Shi Yan put forward his own opinion: "Could it be that monster needs metal remains?"

After a little thought, everyone seemed to make sense.

"I agree with this point of view. The wreckage of fighter planes, even weapons and combat uniforms were taken away by monsters. They even killed people to get these."

Babata was thoughtful, "If you need metal, it's more like the iron-eating beasts, gold-eating snakes of the monster race, and the golden-horned beasts in the starry sky beasts..."

"There are so many possibilities?" Luo Feng thought in his mind.

"Unless I see what the monster looks like, I can't be sure."

Intense discussions also started in the Ares Palace.

"Then let me summarize the next strategic direction. While killing the monsters, we must protect the metal wreckage. The members of the council must go to the sea to kill the monsters, and lead the monsters to the sea to rely on laser cannons to continuously weaken the high-end combat power of the monsters!"

(End of this chapter)

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