Chapter 58 Time, fate

Jiangnan base city, in the base of the "Sea Covering Project".

"Shi Yan and the life breath of the golden-horned beast have been mixed together." Jia Yi watched as Shi Yan got into the body of the golden-horned beast and disappeared on the bottom of the sea.

"The speed of the golden-horned beast has slowed down!" The monitors kept reporting data.

"Why did such a strong breath burst out suddenly, what happened?"

"The speed has dropped sharply, as if it is constantly falling?"

At this moment, the entire Huaxia Kingdom, whether it was on the screen next to the street, on the TV at home, or in the various shelters...everyone saw it——

"The breath of life is weakening!"

"Suddenly weakened to [-]%!"

"Thirty percent!"


Shi Yan only made two sword strikes, and the golden-horned giant beast had already adjusted, and it was a powerful devouring force, trying to obliterate him!

But this power did not exceed Shi Yan's limit. Against this power that distorts space, I only feel that this power seems to contain a meaning similar to the Domain of Wind. There is a rudimentary form of the space field.

Ten fantasy swords!
Shi Yan didn't directly break the twisted space, relying on the domain of wind and swordsmanship to constantly resist the power of twisting and swallowing.

As the crystal nucleus continued to emit golden light, the devouring power became stronger, and Shi Yan's sword became faster and faster!
"Hurry up, block it, block it all!"

Within a few meters around Shi Yan, the distorted space gradually recovered, and then continued to expand!

And the illusory sword shadows keep increasing, ten swords, fifteen swords...

33 swords!

The perfect combination of the sky-filled sword shadows and the domain formed a prototype similar to the Xiaoqian Sword Formation.

"Break it for me!"

The distorted space is like the surface of a lake with raindrops, and the water is rippling.

The rain road is thin and lingering.Swinging the sword from the ground, the sword rain covered the eyes.


"Sword Rain Form 33, successful."

When the sword rain fell on the protocore, a giant claw also pierced Shi Yan at this moment. He was comprehending the sword formation with all his heart, but he never thought that the golden-horned monster would pierce its own scale armor and give him this hit!
The crystal nucleus emitting golden light also instantly dimmed, and the life breath of the golden-horned behemoth also fell to the bottom of the valley, losing all consciousness for a while and slowly falling.

The whole world seemed to be suffocated at this moment.

"The breath is weakening, [-]%, [-]%! There is only a weak breath of life left!"

"Who exactly won?"

"Should it be Councilor Shiyan?"

Hong glanced at Thunder God, "Let's go! The breath of life is very weak now, even if the golden-horned beast is alive, we should be able to kill it!"

Babata was also excited at this time, "Luo Feng, go!"

Luo Feng didn't think much about it, in case Shiyan failed, he gave Liuyin guards, at least he could keep his body, and he had to bring it back no matter what!
And what Babata thought was that with such a weak breath of life at this moment, even if the Golden Horn Beast is still alive, it might not be able to resist Luo Feng's Void Tower, and if there is a chance to take it, this is the Golden Horn Beast!

The escape route chosen by the golden-horned behemoth at that time turned out to be towards the land, probably because they wanted to limit human attacks on the land, and at this time their location was only tens of kilometers away from the land, and Luo Feng's speed Soon, the first one rushed to the battlefield!
Luo Feng saw a claw of the golden-horned monster penetrate its abdomen, but the head has not recovered so far, it is extremely strange!

He didn't have time to think about it, and got into his body.

"found it!"

He soon discovered that Shi Yanna's claws had penetrated his chest, and a surge of hot blood surged up, and he shouted, "Honestly!"

"He's not dead, neither is the golden-horned beast!" Babata said calmly.

At this time, the golden horned beast's sharp horns emitted faint golden light again, and it dived into the bottom of the sea at a speed of kilometers per second, breaking into the seabed. The next moment, the life breath of the golden horned beast and Shi Yan disappeared.

"It's gone, the life breath of the Golden Horn Beast and Councilor Shi Yan can't be detected!" A message came from the monitoring room.

"What? Are we going to die together?"

"Both the Golden Horned Beast and Councilor Shiyan are dead?"

For a time, people all over the world began to talk about it.

Hong and Thunder God arrived at the place where the breath of life disappeared half a minute later, but they didn't see the body of the golden horned beast, nor did they find Shi Yan's body!
"All congressmen and speakers from all over the world come here immediately to look for the Golden Horn Beast and Shi Yan, they must be found!" Hong ordered.

The councilors set off immediately without hesitation, but an idea inevitably popped up in their minds—the golden-horned giant beast and Shi Yan might both be dead, the sea area is so big, and there are so many monsters, the body of the golden-horned giant beast might be taken away by the monsters. Where did you go.

Thinking of this, everyone also relaxed. There was no life breath for so long, the crisis should be resolved.


Luo Feng was still in the body of the golden-horned beast, he checked carefully, and found that Shi Yan's heart was not completely broken, and his strong body still maintained his vitality, it just needed time to recover!

Luo Feng was relieved for the time being, the next step was to deal with the golden horned beast, but soon he felt something was wrong, the golden horned beast was still moving? !
"Luo Feng, your chance has come, use the Void Tower to break through its soul defense and take it away!" Babata's voice was like a devil's raving.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"I blocked your signal. No one knew you came here since you set off. At this moment, the soul of the golden-horned beast is extremely weak. This is your chance to change your destiny."

"I think the human body is quite good, even if the talent is not as good as the golden-horned beast, I am not willing to give up." Luo Feng shook his head and refused.

"Try first, whether your attack can destroy this crystal nucleus." Babata mocked slightly.

Luo Feng is only at the fourth-level planetary level at this time, even if he attacks with all his strength, he can't shake the protocore at all, but this attack also made the golden-horned beast sense the movement in its body, and there are still humans alive!

A distorted power condensed again, but the strength was too weak, but it was also getting stronger.

"Luo Feng, now the golden-horned monster is going to devour it again, and you will soon be unable to resist the devouring force. Whether to kill or seize, make a decision quickly!"

Luo Feng didn't hesitate any longer, Tower of the Void!You should just kill the Golden Horn Beast directly!

A "Tower of the Void" invisible to the naked eye slowly appeared, spinning like a sharp cone and stabbing at the crystal nucleus!
"Not good, what a strong soul defense!" Luo Feng's face changed drastically.

At this moment, even if the soul of the golden-horned monster is weak enough to be less than [-]% of its original strength, it is still too strong for Luo Feng at this moment!
The Liuyin guards wrapped Luo Feng and Shi Yan's bodies to protect them, but the devouring power became stronger.

"Luo Feng, you still can't break its soul defense?! No way!" Babata thought he could pick up the leak, but he didn't expect to put Luo Feng in a life-and-death crisis. Luo Feng's soul secret method is stronger!
He attacked wildly again and again, but the effect was poor, but his devouring power became stronger and stronger, and the Liuyin guards were about to be swallowed!

Luo Feng suddenly had a ferocious expression, and he gritted his teeth: "You made Babata miserable! Fight!"

Four miniature planets visible to the naked eye flew directly out of Luo Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, "Boom—" Luo Feng's sea of ​​consciousness broke away from its foundation, and instantly began to collapse!

He could no longer hear what Babata was saying, and his only belief was to break it!He couldn't kill Shi Yan because of Babata's selfishness, even if he died, he would die with the golden horn beast!

Luo Feng's soul completely merged into the Void Tower!
The Tower of the Void is like a sharp cone, piercing the crystal nucleus crazily, and the four miniature planets in the Tower of the Void are constantly burning and consuming, and the volume is getting smaller and smaller until they are about to be annihilated...

Inherit the soul seal!

At the last moment, the inheritance soul seal made by Huyanbo released an extremely powerful spiritual force and broke through the soul of the golden horned giant beast in one fell swoop!
And Luo Feng's sea of ​​consciousness has collapsed, he can only listen to Babata's suggestion and use Seize the House!

Time and life.

(End of this chapter)

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