Famous scenes in comics: the opening inventory of the legend of Milong!

Chapter 107 If we can get out alive, Wan Shuishan, would you like to watch it with me?

Chapter 107 If we can get out alive, Wanshuiqianshan, would you like to accompany me to see it?

Guobao's special attack on the world Lu Xiaoguo: "Damn it, wouldn't this royal power and wealth really want such a heartless sword to be beheaded by this little spider?"

Jianwang Three Worlds Shen Jianxin: "It's hard to say."

Detective World Conan: "This guy is already so miserable, won't he listen to his father?"

Cowboy Bebop World Spike: "Why do I feel that the royal and rich father is right?"

"An outsider who deceived his own child with just a few words, and he is still a monster. Monsters and humans are hostile to each other. Who do you want to spread the word to see?"

Star Stealing World Liu Xing: "It's over, I remember the title is, [If we can get out alive], isn't this just raising a flag?"

Kuiba is very lucky in the world: "This big brother is so pitiful."
"Master, Senior Brother!"

Feng Tingyun had an unbelievable expression, and a look of shock appeared on her face.

In the room, the Wang Quan sword was shining with a cold light, and it was inserted straight into the ground. At this time, Wang Quan Fugui had already hugged Qingtong's body in his arms.

"I'm sorry, father."

Wang Quanfugui hugged Qingtong, and turned away resolutely. His expression was very resolute, without any hesitation or fear.

His back looks majestic and tall, Qingtong is lying in his arms, her body is petite and weak, like a fragile feather.

Wang Quanfugui seemed to lend her his strength, he turned and left, his steps were steady, without any panic or uneasiness.

The room was full of solemnity and uneasiness.

Wang Quan Baye looked at the figure of Wang Quan Fugui, and watched the figure of his son leaving without making a sound.

"if we."

"If you can get out alive."

"Thousands of rivers and mountains."

"Would you like to go see it with me?"

Following the resolute steps of Wang Quanfugui, he walked out of the door slowly.

There were countless angry voices outside the door.

"kill him!!"

"Can't let him out!"

"How dare you betray the royal family and kill him!!"

"Fornicating with evildoers, humiliating my royal family, if you don't kill him, it's hard to convince the public!!"

The members of the Wangquan family gathered in front of Wangquan Fugui, shouting constantly, wanting to kill the guy in front of him who betrayed the family's ancestral precepts!
Wang Quanfugui walked forward step by step, the voice in front of him seemed to have nothing to do with him.

At this time, two men suddenly jumped out of the crowd and attacked the royal power and wealth.

At that moment, the royal power and wealth were like lightning, and his feet flew through the air.

He kicked the first man in the head with precision and power, sending him rolling backwards.

Then, he turned around and kicked another man, but he couldn't escape his attack, and was kicked hard to the ground.

Everyone in the royal family saw this scene and used their spells one after another.


There were a few hecks.

Countless magic weapons flew into the air, and countless fairy swords aimed directly at the royal power and wealth in the air.

The royal power and wealth seem to turn a blind eye to this.

He turned to look at Qingtong in his arms.

Although his face was still stern, he was gazing at Qingtong's face very tenderly at this moment.


Along with the murderous roars, the sound of the blade passing through the flesh continued to be heard.

"Man is good at wisdom but not good at strength."

"To fight powerful monsters, you need to use natural spirits."

"In other words."

"Without a magic weapon, no matter how powerful the mana is, it's just a human being with a weak body."


Inside the hall, Wang Quan Baye lowered his head and said slowly.

For a while, he didn't know what he was thinking right now.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Feng Tingyun broke her heart.

She stood there, witnessing the royal power and wealth being brutally pierced with a sword, and she stared at this evil deed in disbelief.

At this time, Feng Tingyun's eyes were full of despair and sadness, tears kept welling up in his eyes, but could not flow out.

"How could it be possible for you who abandoned the King Quan sword?"

"Can you get out?"

Accompanied by King Quan's words, Feng Tingyun finally couldn't stop his tears.

She gritted her teeth, showing a powerless and restrained expression on her face.

She knew she could not stop this brutal scene and save her loved one immediately.

This sense of helplessness hit his face like poison, making him almost breathless.

Countless sword blades are pierced around the royal power and wealth, but he is still on the way forward with blood dripping on his body.

Everyone in the royal family looked at the scene in disbelief.

There is fear in the eyes.

"You bastard!"

Feng Tingyun's crying voice was full of painful concern.

Her heart was beating violently, as if it was about to tear her chest apart.

Every moment a sword was inserted into Wang Quanfugui's body, it pricked his soul and caused her an indescribable pain.

In the end, King Quan knelt down powerlessly on the ground, with more than a dozen long swords pierced through his body from head to legs, and even a long sword penetrated his head.

But even so, his whole body still hugged Qingtong tightly.

"Snow Mountain."



"Xiu Shui."

"I can't follow you."

At this time, King Quan Fugui, who was kneeling on the ground, muttered to himself.
"It should be already dead, right?"

"Alas! Go and separate them, he cannot die with the monster!"

"it is good!"

After one person agreed, that person walked directly to Wang Quanfugui who was kneeling on the ground holding Qingtong.


"Spread out! Our lineage of royal power has lost its reputation in Yiqi Daomeng!"
Zongman of the Heavens - The World of the Demon Fox and Little Matchmaker.

Qingtong's eyes were wide open, staring blankly at what she saw before her, the expression on her face was frozen.

She couldn't believe her eyes, the scene in front of her was like a nightmare, which made her mind shattered.

At this time, she couldn't understand what happened in front of her eyes, and her heart was deeply hit.

Her mind fell into chaos for a while, unable to accept the cruel reality on the screen.

Tears continued to flow from her eye sockets, and hot teardrops ran across her cheeks, condensing into gullies.

These tears carried the pain and despair in her heart, and flowed straight on her face, uncontrollable.

Her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and she could not make a sound, only silence and choking.

At that time, she was already in a coma and she had no idea what happened in the royal family when Wang Quan Fugui carried her away.

And now, she knew, but this scene made her heartbroken even more! ——
The Heavens - The World of the Fox Fairy and Little Matchmaker.

Seeing the picture on the inventory, Wang Fugui looked around in a little bewilderment.


He cursed in a low voice.

He just sat on the chair and watched the inventory on the screen, his expression was indifferent, and his expression was somewhat similar to the king's power and wealth. No one knew what he was thinking at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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