Famous scenes in comics: the opening inventory of the legend of Milong!

Chapter 157 Please, Captain Jiejian Hui, train the members of the Victory Team on their acting skill

Chapter 157 Please, Captain Zhongjianhui, train the members of the Victory Team on their acting skills!
While Dagu and the others were guarding Raeder.

"Did you say something?"

Lina suddenly asked Dagu.

"Ah? Did you say something?"

Dagu looked at Lina with a confused face, he didn't speak just now.

"What did you say just now?"

At this time, Xincheng also retreated to the side of the two of them and asked if they were talking about something.


Digging covered his helmet, he seemed to understand that the speaker was Raeder, so he walked to Zongfang's side and said with a surprised face.

Zong Fang also nodded in confirmation.

"I'm Raedel from the Stendel star. I came to Earth in order to find Abbas. On our Star Stadel, the daytime belongs to our day race, and the night belongs to the nocturnal race. Each has its own activity time!"

"Later, the nocturnal race of Abbas tried to control the time of day, which led to war! But they are nocturnal creatures, and they are afraid of light and cannot fight!"

"So they go to the universe to find soldiers who can fight day and night!"

At this moment, Raider's words were heard by Jun Jianhui in the command room of the victory team, and she listened to Raider's words with a serious expression.

"So it is."

At this time, Zong Fang understood that what the witness said was completely true.

"Although the universe is huge, there is no one better at fighting than the people on Earth!"

Zong Fang said with a serious expression.

"So they take away those who are strong in combat, brainwash them and make them soldiers."

"A problem solved."

Zong Fang said slowly.

"What about the next question?"

Xincheng asked at this time.

"of course!"

Digging stood up at this time.

"Of course to arrest Abbas!"

"Rescue the earthlings who were captured by them!"

Dig wells to find out where the problem is.

"But how?"

Lina asked with a confused face, because they didn't know where the captured earthlings were taken.

"I say you guys!"

"Are your heads only used to wear hard hats?"

The old woman suddenly stood up and taunted the Victory Team and the others.

At this point, the old woman slammed the well-digging helmet hard.

"Old lady, why did you hit me?"

Dijing covered his helmet with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Think about it with your brains, you will definitely find a way! Isn't it?"

The old woman's eyes scanned the victorious team.

"I have a solution!"

At this time, Dagu had a plan in mind.

"any solution?"

Digging looked at Dagu and asked suspiciously.

"I see!"

"They need some tough guys who can be soldiers!"

At this time, Xincheng also understood Dagu's so-called method.

"Let's put on a play!"

Lina raised her small fist in response to Xincheng's words.

"it is good!"

Everyone got excited instantly.

"The opponent is a nocturnal creature!"

Zong Fang said at this time.

"Looks like tonight is going to be a long night!"

Lina said thoughtfully.

"What? What? What?"

"Why don't I understand!"

Digging heard the words of the people, but he still didn't understand what they were talking about.

"Sir! If you don't dislike it!"

"Come with us for a cup of tea, okay?"

The old woman said with a slight distaste in her tone.
The heavens are all over the world.

Detective World Conan: "How can there be such a stupid guy, I really want to laugh to death! The brain circuit has not turned around until now!"

Tiga world digs a well: "You are slander! Be careful, I will sue you! I am also a scientist!"

Dragon Ball World Bulma: "I understand, but you still haven't! Are you really an inventor?"

Li Shimin from Datang World: "Oh, it took me a long time to realize it. How did this kind of person become the scientist you call? Are you not afraid of being beheaded?"

Demon Fox Little Matchmaker World Bai Yuechu: "Is it possible that what we are talking about is not the same thing at all!"
Victory team command room.

Junjianhui is holding a meeting for everyone in the victory team.

"Whether it's true or not."

Ju Jianhui asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Captain, I think it's worth a try!"

Dagu said at this time.

Ju Jianhui didn't make a statement when he heard Dagu's words.

"What do you think, Vice Captain?"

At this time, Ju Jianhui looked at Zong Fang who was beside her.

"I'm feeling it too."

Zong Fang crossed his hands in front of him, and said after thinking about it.

"Okay! I will take all the responsibilities."

"Start fighting!"

When Ju Jianhui heard Zong Fang's words, he directly confirmed the whole matter.


Following the order of Ju Jianhui, everyone in the Victory Team responded one after another.

"Report special news now!"

"In order to find the missing person! The victory team formulated a strategy based on reliable information!"

"The battle will be launched in a specific area tonight!"

"Ordinary people must not fight after dark!"

"Intense fitness exercises like wrestling! Please stop for now!"

In the room, digging a well and eating fruit.The old lady was drinking hot tea, while Abbas was covered with a small quilt, and the cooling girl was watching news reports on TV.

Night falls.

On an abandoned construction site, a group of people are playing around!
"Good fight! Good fight!"

This group of people is the trap set by the Victory Team and others, waiting for Raeder's arrival.

At this time, Lina was also standing aside and cheering constantly.

Dagu and Xincheng hugged each other.

"Oh! It doesn't seem to work!"

Xincheng whispered in Dagu's ear.

"Why isn't Abbas here?"

Xincheng is wondering.


At this time, Zong Fang swung a sledgehammer and directly threw it at Xincheng and Dagu.

Dagu and Xincheng quickly let go of each other when they heard Zongfang's words.


Xincheng hugged Zongfang directly, and Dagu hurriedly apologized to Zongfang.

Then punch after punch hit Zong Fang in the face.
Zongman of the Heavens - Tiga World.

Captain Jianhui glanced at the members of the Victory Team with a strange expression.

"I said, isn't your acting too fake?"

Ju Jianhui's words made everyone look around. After all, as a combatant, acting is really not very good at it.

"And where there is a fight, tell others to be careful!"

Although Ju Jianhui knew that Zong Fang's original intention was good, but in her opinion, this scene was just such a stupid alien that would appear.

"It's justifiable. After all, everyone is a combatant, not an actor."

Sawai defended everyone at this time.

Everyone in the victory team looked at Sawai gratefully.

"So, next, let Captain Jianhui train the members of the Victory Team on their acting skills!"

Zei said with a smile.


The captains of the Victory Team looked at Director Sawai in confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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